Diet for heartburn
Diet for heartburn stabilizes the production of gastric juice
The heartburn diet is based on a healthy diet,which normalizes the work of the intestine and prevents the penetration of acid into the esophagus.
For a short period of time, this technique provides effective and quick help when a "fire" occurs in the chest area.
Features of diarrhea for heartburn ^
Heartburn is an uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest and neck caused by the release of gastric juice into the esophagus. The most frequent factors in the appearance of painful symptoms of heartburn are:
- Incorrect food, including acidic drinks and foods, fatty fried foods, dry snacks;
- Pregnancy;
- Frequent nerve stress and stress;
- Overweight;
- Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol;
- Diabetes, asthma, gastritis, diaphragmatic hernia and so on;
- Medication administration.
If you ignore the attacks of heartburn and do not take timely measures to treat it, it can lead to the development of a stomach ulcer. The principle of a diet for heartburn consists in strict observance of a food ration, made in view of inclusion in the menu of not causing chest-burning products.
The rules for recommended dietary nutrition for heartburn include:
- Fractional six meals a small amount of food;
- You need to chew food slowly and thoroughly. Accurate observance of this rule will help to facilitate the work of the digestive organs and normalize the release of gastric juice;
- After a meal for 30 minutes, do not take a recumbent position.
The "useful" products, allowed by diet and not provoking heartburn, include:
- Sweet fresh and dried fruit - apples, bananas, pears, peaches, apricots, dried apricots, dates, prunes;
- Sweet varieties of berries - strawberries, strawberries, raspberries;
- Fresh, boiled or stewed vegetables - cabbage( colored, broccoli), potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkin, green peas,
- Sweet melons - melon;
- Dairy products - cheese( feta, soy, goat), skimmed milk. Yoghurt with cottage cheese in limited quantities;
- Food of animal origin - chicken fillet, lean beef, fish, eggs;
- Cereals - rice( brown, white), oatmeal, buckwheat;
- Dry biscuit, whole grain, wheat or corn bread;
- Drinks - weak black tea with cream, apple juice, water.
Diet for heartburn recommends to completely exclude the following "dangerous" products:
- Citrus, tomatoes, sour berries;
- Vinegar, spicy seasonings, ketchup;
- Alcohol and coffee drinks;
- Spaghetti, pasta;
- Meat products - chicken wings, pork, minced meat;
- Oils and Fats;Sweet products and desserts.
The advantages of a heartburn diet are:
- A low calorie balanced diet will help not only to get rid of heartburn, but also to lose a couple of extra pounds, to improve the appearance and well-being;
- Stabilization of gastric juice and its release into the esophagus;
- The working function of the digestive system is normalized.
There are no drawbacks and drawbacks to the therapeutic diet from heartburn.
Diet for heartburn: menu and food features ^
Diet for heartburn and acidity
A diet with heartburn with high acidity of the stomach provides for a strict ban on the following foods:
- Sour berries and fruit drinks from them;
- Sour and citrus fruits;
- Vegetables - radish, tomatoes, sorrel, white cabbage;
- Spicy cheeses, condiments;
- Mushroom, meat soups, broths and okroshka.
The recommended approximate diet menu, normalizing acidity and relieving heartburn, is as follows:
- Breakfast: boiled fish, apple compote;
- Lunch: carrot and apple salad;
- Lunch: steam broccoli mixed with mashed potatoes, a slice of bread with plastic cheese, carrot drink;
- Snack: melon;
- Dinner: stewed vegetables with buckwheat porridge, apple juice;
- Late supper: banana pudding, apple drink.
Diet for heartburn and gastritis
Gastritis is an inflammatory process that covers the gastric mucosa. The dietary technique, first of all, is aimed at treating the underlying disease, after which heartburn will disappear.
Mushroom, fish, meat broths and soups, cucumbers, cabbage, sour fruits, sharp, fatty meals are excluded from the diet.
Recommended exemplary diet menu for heartburn and gastritis:
- Morning: boiled rice porridge, apple;
- Lunch: a couple of pieces of melon;
- Lunch: pearl barley soup with potatoes and carrots, sweet pudding;
- Snack: beetroot - carrot boiled salad with raisins;
- Evening: gruel porridge, milk, soy tofu;
- Late evening: a couple of bananas.
Diet for heartburn and bloating
The basis of dietary nutrition, which reduces flatulence and chest burning, includes:
- Lean meat, fish;
- Boiled eggs;
- Steam, boiled, stewed, baked vegetables.
- Fresh cucumbers, cabbage should not be used, because they contain fiber.
Bloating causes the use of grapes, rye bread, legumes, muffins and yeast dough.
An approximate diet menu for heartburn with flatulence is as follows:
- Breakfast: buckwheat boiled, banana and apple juice cocktail;
- Lunch: an egg, a carrot drink;
- Lunch: pumpkin porridge with dried apricots, carrot puree, compote;
- Snack: a couple of sweet apricots;
- Dinner: buckwheat vegetable soup, baked apples, green tea.
Diet for heartburn and belching
The diet for heartburn and belching is based on the same diet as in gastritis. In addition to a certain menu, you can use several recommendations:
- You need to chew food very carefully:
- Try not to overeat;
- Exclude from the diet any carbonated drinks;
- With high acidity, honey can be consumed with herbal remedies.
Diet for heartburn during pregnancy
Changing the hormonal background during pregnancy causes quite a special phenomenon - chest burning with a concomitant unpleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity. Dietary nutrition for heartburn for expectant mothers is based on the following:
- Feeds should be given in divided, small portions;
- Do not overeat and diligently chew food;
- You need to consume liquid between meals;
- Exclude from the diet sour cabbage, fish, meat, any aerated juices, smoked and pickled products, fried foods, sour products, butter and yeast dough.
Results, testimonials and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition for heartburn ^
The results of a heartburn diet show that breast burning decreases after 2-3 days of adherence to a diet. To adhere to the treatment technique is desirable a week or two, depending on the disappearance of depressing symptoms. Also during this period, partially or completely restored the state of the digestive system and stabilizes the release of gastric juice.
Approving reviews of a diet for heartburn show that dietary nutrition really helps to get rid of this ailment quite quickly. Doctors advise not only to adhere to a special diet, but also to address the problem to specialists.
Here are some tips from nutritionists to avoid the appearance of heartburn, which will help not to meet its symptoms:
- Refuse or restrict harmful habits: smoking, alcohol;
- During the meal, it is recommended to drink clean, warm water, not tea or other beverages;
- Make up your daily menu with only "useful" products;
- Eliminate fatty foods, abundant and nocturnal meals;
- If you have excess weight, try to reduce it.
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