
Lishay in humans: photos, symptoms and treatment. How to treat lichen in humans

  • Lishay in humans: photos, symptoms and treatment. How to treat lichen in humans

    Lishay is not only a disease transmitted to humans from animals.

    This word refers to a group of different causes and manifestations of diseases( not all of them are infectious in nature or inflammatory in nature).

    A total of seven varieties of lichen are distinguished, which have common features:

    1. 1) Looks like lighter or darker spots on the skin;
    2. 2) Accompanied by desquamation, itching or hair loss on their place;
    3. 3) Seldom accompanied by a violation of the general condition.
    Below are the main types of lichen in a person with detailed photo , as well as a description of how to treat this ailment.

    • pink lichen;
    • Ringworm;
    • is red lichen planus;
    • herpes zoster;
    • tropical white and black;
    • pityriasis lichen;
    • color deprivation;
    • lichen scrotalous;
    • multicolored lichen.
    Let's consider the main views in more detail. See also how to choose ointment from lichen. Overview of funds.

    Human shingles - symptoms and treatment

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    The cause of the disease is the same virus that causes varicella.

    There is a disease in the person who had previously had chickenpox. The varicella-zoster virus, after subsiding signs of smallpox, "hides" in the nerve endings, along them reaches the nerve nodes, where it persists for a long time.

    Activates the virus a significant decrease in immunity with:

    • prolonged or severe illness;
    • of HIV infection;
    • for chemotherapy or radiation treatment;
    • performed organ transplant;
    • blood diseases;
    • strong supercooling;
    • systemic diseases requiring the admission of hormones-glucocorticoids or cytostatics;
    • considerable stress.
    At the moment when a person develops a rash, it becomes contagious: people who are not "familiar" with the virus develop chicken pox.

    Symptoms of

    The disease begins with general symptoms: the temperature rises to small figures, which is accompanied by chills;The head starts to hurt or be ill; be sick, there can be a nausea.

    After a while, the temperature rises to higher figures, and pain and itching appear in some part of the face, trunk, less often - of the limbs. Later in this place will be localized vesicles - actually deprive a person.(see photo).

    Rashes appear necessarily in the projection of nerve endings that communicate with the nerve node in which the virus is in a latent( "dormant") state. The most common intercostal spaces.

    The rash elements look like this:

    • have transparent content;
    • is localized in one place, there is no symmetry;
    • arise on a red background;
    • itching and pain with the appearance of elements of the rash slightly decrease;
    • after a few days, the bubbles burst, after which a crust is formed.
    Obstinate herpes zoster can damage the eyes, when their internal structure suffers, because of what you can lose your eyesight.

    How to treat lichen?

    The diagnosis is made on the basis of an infectionist and dermatologist. In rare cases, it becomes necessary to perform microscopy and immunofluorescence.

    To treat shingles at home use such drugs:

    1. 1) Antiviral: Acyclovir( Zovirax, Virolex), Valavir, Famciclovir. This is the most necessary group of medicines, which will act directly on this virus from the herpesvirus group, reducing the manifestations of the disease and preventing the development of its complications.
    2. 2) Immunotherapy. In some cases, the introduction of immunoglobulins is necessary: ​​either normal human, or specific anti-wrinkle( "Zostevir").
    3. 3) Anti-inflammatory( they are anesthetizing) drugs: Ibuprofen, Nimesil, Paracetamol.
    4. 4) The rash bubbles are treated with alcohol solutions of antiseptics( brilliant green, fukortsin).
    5. 5) With pronounced itching, antihistamines are used: "Loratadine", "Suprastin", "Fenistil".

    Pink lichen in humans - symptoms and treatment

    This disease, manifested by the appearance on the skin of scaly areas of pink, occurs more often in young people 15-40 years( less often - at an earlier age).The disease develops more often in spring and autumn. Its manifestations are noticed usually after a cold.

    The exact cause of this pathology is still unclear, but the "culprit" is the virus of the herpetic group that has fallen into a person with susceptibilities to allergies. The disease is not considered contagious.

    Symptoms of

    Specific elements of the rash - the main symptom of Zhiber's deprivation in man( see photo).The rise in temperature and the general phenomenon( nausea, joint pain, weakness, changes in the pulse) develop after the appearance of the first spots, but a person can not pay attention to them. With a copious rash, all of the accompanying symptoms usually disappear.

    In the beginning, large( 3-5 cm in diameter) pink plaques appear with clear boundaries in the amount of 1-3 pieces;they are called maternal. After about a week, new elements( "children") appear.

    They are already smaller in diameter and have such characteristics:

    • pink;
    • is flaky;
    • are located on the abdomen, back, neck, hips, shoulders, legs and hands, in the folds of the skin;
    • they "lie" on the lines of Langer( conditional lines, the stretching of the skin along which will be maximum, they all have the same direction);
    • may be accompanied by itching.
    After a while, the daughter spots grow to 2-2.5 cm, their center turns yellow and begins to flake off. After 2.5-3 weeks, the spots turn pale and disappear. After them, white areas remain.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Diagnosis is made by a dermatologist on the basis of examination and dermatoscopy. If in doubt, a skin biopsy is performed, sowing on nutrient media from the surface of the spots, research on syphilis.

    How to treat a family condition? A person is recommended to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, do not take a bath( only a shower), do not use soap-irritating soap, wear only clothes made from natural fibers.

    There are no specific drugs for the treatment of Zhiber depriving; symptomatic therapy is performed:

    • if the elements are heavily itchy, Zodak, Erius, and Cetrin are prescribed.
    • at the beginning of the disease, antibacterial agents may be effective.
    • the skin can be lubricated either with ointments( gels) based on glucocorticoids, or with water-alcohol( or oil) powders.

    Odruzed lichen in humans - symptoms and treatment

    This is a disease of the upper layer of the skin, which has a chronic course, in which multicolored peeling spots appear on the skin. Most often people of young age are ill.

    Malassemia yeast and Pityrosporum yeast cause the disease, which can be transmitted from one person to another only under certain conditions:

    • changing the pH of a healthy person's skin;
    • increased sweating;
    • decreased local skin immunity or general immunity;
    • endocrine diseases;
    • when the patient's skin contacts the injured skin of a healthy person.

    Symptoms of

    No increase in temperature, no signs of intoxication with this disease. The first symptom is the appearance of spots on the skin of the trunk and neck( see photo), which meet these characteristics:

    • rounded;
    • of different shapes;
    • do not protrude above the skin;
    • on the tanned skin spots appear white, in the winter they appear darker;
    • with prolonged existence on the skin simultaneously occur spots of pink, yellow, brown and brown;
    • there is no redness or swelling around or under them;
    • painless;
    • does not itch;
    • gradually merging, turn into areas with a clear boundary and a "torn" edge.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Diagnosis is made by a dermatologist after examination and dermatoscopy. In some cases, it is necessary to conduct microscopy, luminescence diagnostics and a Balzer test.

    Multi-colored lichen is treated with the use of local anti-inflammatory and antifungal agents( sulfuric, salicylic ointment, "Lamizil", "Terbinafine" gels).

    Antifungal drugs in the form of tablets are also used: "Ketoconazole", "Itraconazole".

    Red flat lichen in humans - symptoms and treatment

    This is a chronic lesion of the skin, nails and superficial layer of non-inflammatory mucous membranes.

    Women are more often sick. Although the exact cause is unclear, it is believed that the disease develops as a result of disorders of the immune and metabolic processes in the body.

    Symptoms of

    A rash appears on the skin with the following characteristics:

    • red, crimson or reddish-violet;(see photo);
    • irregular shape;
    • with a shiny surface;
    • itchy;
    • rarely have a tendency to peeling;
    • most often protrude above the skin, forming nodules, but can be in the form of rings, tubercles, erosions and even ulcers;
    • on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals appear pale pink nodules;
    • like to be in groups, then merge;
    • rash does not appear momentarily;new elements appear near the old ones;
    • after the disappearance of the rash in these areas remains hyperpigmentation.
    On the nails at the same time, "scallops", grooves are formed. The nail roller is destroyed.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Red flat lichen looks so specific that the diagnosis by a dermatologist is not difficult.

    Only occasionally a biopsy is required with the examination of the skin area under the microscope.

    Treatment is performed using:

    • PUVA therapy;
    • selective phototherapy;
    • topical ointments with glucocorticoids: "Celestoderm", "Advantan";
    • antihistamines;
    • B-group vitamins.


    This is a general term for two fungal diseases, which are highly contagious pathologies, microsporia and trichophytosis.

    Infected by them from a sick person or animal in such cases, if:

    1. 1) Sleep in one bed;
    2. 2) Use one comb, one headgear, clothes.
    Predisposing factors for infection are:

    • with decreased local skin immunity;
    • for wounds on the skin;
    • for non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.
    Children are especially sick.

    Symptoms of

    Both diseases cause such symptoms:

    • on the skin first appear pink spots with a center of white scales and clear boundaries;
    • spots itch;
    • spots appear where there has been contact of the fungus with damaged skin;
    • when they occur on their head, hair breaks off: with microsporia - at a height of 5-8 mm, with trichophytosis - at a height of 1-3 mm;
    • with a deep lesion 2 months after infection, a white-yellow coating appears on the hair, abscesses with pus appear on the skin.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Inspection of the dermatologist, illumination of the affected areas in the Wood lamp, examination of the scrap from the rash under the microscope is performed.

    The patient is isolated at home, if this is an adult, he is given a sick leave sheet. It is forbidden to contact the animal that infected it;if this is not possible, the animal must be treated.

    Therapy includes the administration of local antifungal agents( "Lamisil", "Ketoconazole", "Triderm"), as well as sulfuric or sulfur-tar ointments. With lesions of the scalp, antifungal drugs are used in the form of tablets.

    Tubular lichen in humans

    This is the name for the fungal disease caused by a fungus called Malassassia. Such a fungus lives for a long time in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, without causing any painful symptoms.

    However, with a decrease in immunity or increased sweating, the microbe "raises its head".

    Symptoms of

    Small solid spots with uneven edges appear on the body, which peel off. Soon they merge and a large spot appears that can have pink, yellow or brown color, does not itch.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Diagnosis is made according to the examination by a dermatologist, under a microscope or fluorescent lighting.

    Treatment of pathology with the use of local( in the form of ointments and shampoos) and systemic( in the form of tablets and injections) antifungal agents. The patient is recommended to lead such a way of life in order to prevent the "arrival" of the fungus from the ducts of the sebaceous glands in the future.

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