Diet with thrush
Diet for thrush creates an unfavorable environment for the development of fungus
Diet for thrush is neededfor more rapid treatment of this disease, since proper nutrition together with medicines can help the body to cope with the disease more quickly.
Causes, Symptoms and Features of Nutrition for Thrush ^
Thrush, or Candidiasis, is an infection caused by Candida fungus. Yeast-like fungus lives quietly in the intestine, genital organs, mouth area and on the skin and starts to progress in the presence of the following factors: pathogens:
- Increased acidity in the body;
- Long-term stress, depression and weakened immunity;
- Prolonged use of antibiotics;
- Dysbacteriosis;
- Presence of infectious diseases in chronic form;
- Hormonal imbalance;
- Pregnancy.
Candidiasis exists in three forms: latent, that is, without apparent manifestations, acute and chronic with more severe symptoms. The thrush is most often affected by women, but it can also occur in children and men. In women and men, candida is more often manifested in the genital area and is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Regular itching, burning;
- White highlighting;
- Painful urination.
Children's candidiasis affects the oral cavity of the child and manifests itself in the form of white spots in the sky, tongue and gums, which subsequently cause painful sensations. Dietary nutrition plays a very important function in the complex treatment of thrush and has undoubted advantages:
- Decreased favorable environment for the habitat of the fungus;
- Strengthening immunity;
- Normalization of the intestinal microflora.
From the diet menu are completely excluded:
- Sugar and sweet, flour, yeast: cakes, buns, candy, jam, honey, etc.;
- Alcoholic beverages, caffeine;
- Sweet dairy products: snowball, yogurt;
- Spicy, spicy, soy dishes;
- Semi-finished products, fast food;Sweet fruits, juices, berries.
The dietary regimen for thrush should be formulated with a list of approved foods, which includes the following:
- Fish, lean meat: beef, turkey, chicken, crab, shrimp,
- squid, cod, mackerel;
- Eggs, garlic, red pepper, cinnamon, cloves;
- Water, unsweetened compotes, fruit drinks, herbal teas( chamomile, plantain, dog rose, oregano);
- Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, bran and beans;
- Vegetables( frozen, fresh, steamed, boiled);
- Fruits: lemons, plums, grapefruits, pomelo, kiwi, apple green;
- Berries: sea-buckthorn, cranberries, cranberries, blueberries.
In addition to diet during the disease should regularly use multivitamin complexes.
Diet from thrush: an approximate menu and features ^
Diet for thrush in women
Proper dietary intake for women's candidiasis will avoid relapse and help get rid of this disease. To adhere to the next approximate diet of the dietary system is necessary until the symptoms of candidiasis disappear completely.
- Breakfast: unsweetened yogurt, cereal from any cereal, salad from fresh or boiled vegetables;
- Lunch: carrot drink;
- Lunch: soup on any meat broth, egg, a piece of meat, beet - garlic salad, herbal tea;
- Snack: berries or fruit( no more than 2);
- Dinner: fish or liver salad, seasoned with oil( olive, linseed), vegetable ragout, cracker, sour-milk drink.
Recommended norms: drinks - 150 ml., Ready meals - 200 gr., Fish, meat - 100 gr., Fresh berries - half a glass.
Diet for thrush in men
Candidiasis worries men much less often than women. However, when a thrush occurs, men also need to switch to the right diet, excluding alcohol, fatty and harmful food. An approximate menu of dietary nutrition for men should consist of more meat and vegetables.
- Morning: meat soup, vegetable salad, cracker, a couple of eggs, a sour-milk drink;
- Lunch: spaghetti or rice, fish, herbal tea, liver salad;
- Snack: juice( carrot, tomato);
- Dinner: ragout, a piece of meat, vegetable salad with garlic, berry juice.
Diet for thrush in the mouth
For the treatment of oral candidiasis, it is necessary that dietary nutrition meet the following mandatory requirements:
- Ready meals( porridges, ragout, meat, fish) should be consumed only in a grated or softened form, so as not to injure the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
- Salads - finely chopped or grated;
- To give more preference to cranberries, cranberry drinks, pineapple and citrus juices.
Diet for thrush in pregnant women
In pregnancy, this disease occurs quite often. And since the treatment of medicines during this period is reduced to a minimum, the correct diet is an indispensable part in the elimination of candidiasis. An exemplary menu designed for pregnant women can be followed even after the disappearance of the disease:
- Morning: sour-milk product, egg, any porridge, carrot juice;
- Lunch: a pair of green apples or a glass of any berries;
- Lunch: pasta with ragout of vegetable or meat soup, egg, herbal broth, any vegetable salad;
- Snack: berry juice or fruit juice;
- Dinner: rice or buckwheat with fish or meat garnish, any salad( fish, vegetable, fruit and vegetable), fermented milk product or berry juice.
Ready meals can be replaced with others, but consisting of strictly recommended products.
Results, recommendations and feedback from doctors about dietary nutrition for thrush ^
The results of the diet with thrush are very positive:
- A more rapid elimination of the symptom of the disease;
- Creation of environment unfavorable for fungus development.
In addition, this dietary technique will help those suffering excess weight throw off a few extra pounds. Nutritional dietary diet should be observed not only until the symptoms of thrush disappear completely, but also within a couple of weeks after, in order to avoid relapse. When candidiasis of the oral cavity diet should adhere to about fourteen days.
Positive feedback from doctors about the diet with thrush emphasize that you should not neglect the proper nutrition when the disease occurs. In addition, together with additional measures of hygiene and medicines to defeat the thrush will be much more effective.
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