Diet in renal failure
Diet in renal failure: reviews and patient results
When diagnosing renal failurethe doctor necessarily appoints a special diet in addition to the main treatment, since without it it may not be effective.
Features of nutrition in renal failure ^
Renal failure is a decrease in the amount of urine released due to impaired renal function.
Accordingly, the first symptom of the disease is the absence or decrease in urination( 400-500 ml per day), as well as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, inhibition or, conversely, an excited state.
The causes of renal failure are often congenital diseases, intoxication, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders and diabetes mellitus, and in the absence of treatment this disease threatens damage to kidney tissues and the death of all body systems.
Do you need a diet for kidney failure
With the help of proper nutrition and prescribed medicines, you can cure the disease in just a few weeks if it is not in a chronic stage. Very often, patients are interested in what diet is needed for kidney failure: first of all, it should have a minimum of protein, and the main advantage is given to carbohydrates and fats.
The therapeutic diet for kidney failure is developed individually by a doctor according to the example of some menus depending on the stage of the disease - acute or chronic.
What should be the food for human renal insufficiency:
- Proteins should be limited to 70 g per day;
- If there is no edema, it is allowed to leave the consumption of salt in the same amount, and if they are available, it is recommended to eat unsalted food;
- It is advisable to expose all products to heat treatment, except for berries and fruits.
What you can eat during a diet for patients with kidney failure:
- Vegetarian soups;
- Breadless bread;
- Low-fat varieties of fish and meat( limited);
- Milk and sour-milk products;
- Eggs;
- Fruits;
- Berries;
- Creamy, melted or vegetable oil.
Which foods prohibit therapeutic nutrition in renal failure:
- Sorrel;
- Mushrooms;
- Cocoa and chocolate;
- Alcohol;Spicy spices, horseradish, radish and garlic.
Diet in renal failure: the menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diet in renal failure: therapeutic menu, dietary prescriptions
Nutritional guidelines for renal failure:
- Every day, drink 1 liter of filtered water, and eat in small portions;
- During an exacerbation one should not force a patient to eat by force, and in some cases fasting is recommended.
Therapeutic diet table number 7 with renal insufficiency
For a chronic form of the disease, you can use such an exemplary menu:
- Lunch crumbly buckwheat porridge, boiled egg and tea;
- We are eating a baked pumpkin for lunch;
- We have lunch with milk soup, chicken casserole, we drink a cocktail of berries;
- We snack an orange;
- We dine with vinaigrettes, boiled shrimps and a glass of curdled milk.
Diet for chronic renal failure
To improve the condition and prevent exacerbation, it is recommended to use this diet:
- In the morning we eat oatmeal, drink fruit juice;
- We have a cup of tea for lunch;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, salad and juice;
- We snack the grapefruit;
- We dine with steamed vegetables, boiled meat and tea.
Diet for acute renal failure
If the disease worsens, the amount of protein should be reduced to 20 g per day:
- In the morning we eat fruit, drink tea with a slice of whole grain bread;
- At lunch we eat yogurt;
- We dine with knels, salad from vegetables and jelly;
- We snack a berry mix;
- We dine with steam cutlets and boiled vegetables.
Diet in renal failure and diabetes
In case of kidney damage caused by diabetes, this menu option is used:
- In the morning we eat a portion of rice porridge, we drink unsweetened tea;
- We have a snack with a salad from unsweetened fruits;
- We dine with vegetarian borsch, drink with compote;
- We have lunch with vegetable juice;
- Supper with a salad of vegetables with chicken, drink a cup of tea.
Diet for renal failure of 2 degrees
To reduce the severity of symptoms and to normalize the outflow of urine, it is worth using the following diet:
- We have breakfast with fat-free cottage cheese, we drink all the tea;
- Have a snack with carrot casserole;
- We have dinner with boiled potatoes, goulash from beef and compote;
- We snack with apples;
- We have dinner with pumpkin pudding, stewed carrots and tea.
Diet for renal failure 3 degrees
In this case, an increase in the amount of carbohydrates used:
- We have breakfast oat flakes and eggs baked with eggs;
- For lunch we eat fruit jelly;
- We dine with steam cutlets, vegetable salad and orange juice;
- We snack a vegetable casserole;
- We dine with corn porridge and fruit fresh.
Diet for glomerulonephritis and renal failure
In such diseases, the following ration is usually prescribed:
- We have breakfast with vegetarian cutlets and porridge, we drink tea;
- We ate fruit for lunch;
- We have dinner with boiled potatoes, meat and soup from vegetables;
- We snack with a wheat broth;
- We dine with a salad of vegetables, fruits and green tea.
A salt-free diet for renal failure
If there are swelling, it is enough to remove salt from the diet, using this sample menu:
- Lunching buckwheat porridge and tea;
- At lunch we eat two baked apples;
- We have lunch with fried potatoes and borsch without meat;
- We have a lot of decoction of the rose hips;
- We dine with cottage cheese casserole, apple and carrot salad, drink down all the tea.
Diet for pregnant women with renal insufficiency
To give the baby the protein they need, you can increase the amount to 70 g per day:
- Have lunch with rice porridge with prunes, drink a cup of tea;
- We bite cottage cheese with fruit;
- We have lunch with two boiled eggs, vermicelli soup and carrot juice;
- We snack with vegetable salad with sour cream dressing;
- We have dinner with casserole from cottage cheese and apples, we drink tea.
Recipes for diet with renal failure
Stewed beetroot recipe:
- Cook beets, cut into slices;
- We clean the apples from the peel and core, grind them;
- Mix, add sour cream sauce and simmer for 15 minutes in a saucepan.
Recipe for vitamin salad:
- Grate the grated carrots, cut apples;
- Add sugar, season with sour cream.
Potato soup recipe:
- We clean and cut potatoes, onions, carrots and greens;
- Throw the potatoes into boiling water, cook for 15 minutes, then add the rest of the vegetables;
- Sprinkle with herbs, after 5 minutes turn off the stove.
Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition in case of kidney failure ^
As a result of a diet with renal failure, it is possible to achieve a normal outflow of urine, and also to prevent possible complications. This effect becomes noticeable on the third day, and after a few weeks, complete recovery is possible, if the disease is not in the advanced stage and no kidney transplant is required.
Tips for avoiding exacerbations in renal failure:
- Increase your immunity, try not to "pick up" infectious diseases;
- Remove allergens from the environment;
- Do not abuse salty foods;
- Adhere to proper nutrition;
- Regularly take urine tests.
Similar prevention of renal failure allows to prolong the stage of remission, but complete cure of the chronic form is impossible.
Reviews of doctors about a diet for kidney failure:
Valentine, 39 years, nephrologist:
"Very often, the cause of kidney failure is getting injuries or infectious diseases, so timely treatment plays a big role. If you do not pay attention to symptoms in time, it can lead to serious consequences. "
Anna, 33, nephrologist:
" If a person has already been diagnosed with kidney failure, he should, first of all, follow a diet and rest regime, and also take prescribed medicationsand if necessary, undergoes procedures - this will help reduce the risk of possible complications. "
Galina, 39, nephrologist:
" Renal failure is a very insidious disease, and first of all the patient needs to monitor his nutrition, becauseWithout this, treatment will be ineffective "