
What do men like about women: sociological research data

  • What do men like about women: sociological research data

    Everyone has known for a long time that representatives of our strong half love only with their eyes. And what do men like more specifically? Let's try to find out.

    Absolutely all men, first of all, like to consider the body of women. And they can see it everywhere: on posters, in magazines, and on beaches. They evaluate it, assess it and admire it.

    By the way, according to research, scientists found that most men prefer women with an ideal figure only when they satisfy their sexual desires. But for a more serious relationship, an ideal figure will not be enough.

    Also, women should pay attention to their voice. After all, he must be gentle, affectionate, without a shadow of a threat. Only such a voice can attract a man's attention. Also any woman should be able to present herself.

    What else attracts men? Men, of course, like active partners, so women who are able to surprise and give pleasure, can not worry about the betrayal of her husband or boyfriend.

    Also, men like women who have such qualities as confidence, intelligence, firmness and beauty. After all, a confident and intelligent woman is a woman who always knows what she wants. Besides, it is such a woman who can fully satisfy her man.

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    It should be noted that men really like the female natural smell. Therefore, it is not necessary for a woman to pour a bottle of perfume on herself, quite a few drops will suffice. As for outfits, most men consider a woman attractive and sexy if she is dressed in black, red or white clothes.

    Men really like toys. It does not matter what they will be. Observe with what pleasure dads buy toys for their children. Many of them admit that they themselves would be happy to play with them. And, of course, men are crazy about computer games, and those that are accompanied by various animations, skirmishes and obstacles.

    Men are very fond of when they are praised. For everything, whatever happened. And for the dinner he prepared himself, and for his actions, and for his beauty, and for his courage. Yes for anything! The main thing is to find in a man the quality for which you can praise him.

    And here are the interesting data of a sociological survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion. As shown by a special survey, the ideal of a woman "for every taste" for men does not exist. It turned out that the requirements of men of different ages are different.

    • Young people( up to 25 years) most appreciate the mind in a woman( !) - such men were 55% of the respondents, on the second place - sexuality - 44%( and many young girls believe that sexuality for men comes first...) and only on the third - beauty - 42%.
    • Men older( from 25 to 40 years) in the first place also put the female mind( !!) - 47% of respondents, the second - caring - 41%( apparently, with age, men become more selfish) and third place -38%.
    • And those who are over 45 years old seem to become even more selfish, and women's beauty does not interest them at all. The first place among attractive female features in their rating is care( apparently, care is taken for their precious person) - 65%( !!!), and second place - mind - 40%.

    From the results of this survey, we can make a definite positive conclusion: a woman should be clever enough for a man to believe that she is intelligent. And the everyday mind of the fair sex is higher than that of the so-called strong!

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