
Treatment of kidney kidney disease: organization of therapy and effective methods

  • Treatment of kidney kidney disease: organization of therapy and effective methods

    Urolithiasis of kidneys is a pathology of impaired metabolism, provoked by a variety of causes, which are often hereditary in nature. The disease is characterized by the formation of stones in the urinary system.

    Stones form at any level of the urinary organs - from the parenchyma of the kidney, ureters, bladder and up to the canal of urination. Treatment of kidney kidney disease is based on conservative or surgical removal of stones.

    Etiological factors of the disease

    There are three main groups of etiological factors of urolithiasis that increase the risk of its development. External aetiological factors.

    The risk of developing the disease increases on condition. That a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, which provokes a disruption in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the body. The development of urolithiasis can be caused by malnutrition - excess protein, the abuse of acute and acidic food, increasing the acidity of urine, water with a high concentration of calcium salts, a deficiency in the body of vitamin A and B vitamins, poor working conditions, taking certain medications, for example,sulfonamides or ascorbic acid. Internal local aetiological factors.

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    Urolithiasis of kidneys often develops in the presence of pathologies of the formation of the organs of the urinary system, such as a single kidney, narrowing of the urinary canals, a horseshoe kidney, the presence of pathologies of an inflammatory nature.

    Internal common etiological factors.

    The risk of formation of stones increases in the presence of chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, prolonged immobility due to trauma, dehydration in infections or poisonings, metabolic disorders due to a deficiency of certain enzymes in the body.

    This is important!

    Men are several times more likely to suffer from urolithiasis, but the female body develops more severe forms, accompanied by the appearance of coral stones occupying the entire cavity of the kidney.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Clinical symptoms of pathology, first of all, correlate with the localization of the calculus and the presence or absence of urinary diversion and infection of the urinary tract.

    At the onset of the development of pathology in the presence of kidney stones that do not disturb the passage of urine, the disease proceeds without any symptoms. And the size of the stone is not considered the determining factor in the clinical picture of the disease. If the large coral stone is inactive, then for a long time it does not cause any complaints.

    Characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease is considered to be pain, the appearance of blood in the urine, the passage of stones, dysuria, pyuria and rarely anuria.

    This is important!

    Renal colic manifests itself in 80% of cases. And its causes are unexpected violations of urinary retention due to blockage of the stones of the upper part of the urinary canals. The pain is sudden, it is acute with moments of aggravation and relief. The pain begins in the kidney or in the direction of the ureter and irradiates into the iliac or inguinal zone. Thus the patient behaves very restlessly, does not find itself a place.

    With a sharp increase in pressure within the renal pelvis, there may be pyelovenous reflux, which manifests itself in chills, total hematuria after cramping in the kidney.

    Dysuria develops when stones get into the ureter. At the same time during colic in kidneys there is an acute retention of urine leakage.

    The removal of stones is always supplemented by renal colic, but sometimes it does not have pain. The possibility of independent urinary diversion depends on the size and location of the stone and on the anatomical and functional state of the upper urinary tract. With prolonged finding of the calculus in the ureter, the functioning of the kidneys and urinary tracts deteriorates noticeably.

    Detection of leukocytes in urine with the development of urolithiasis is considered an important sign of infection.

    Treatment of disease

    In the organization of treatment of urolithiasis, both conservative and surgical methods of treatment are used. The tactics of therapy depend on the age group of the patient, on the location of the stone, on its size, on the clinical signs of the disease, on the presence of physiological and anatomical abnormalities, and on the stage of development of kidney failure.

    This is important!

    Usually for the removal of stones in the development of urolithiasis requires the organization of surgical intervention. Exception is the stones formed by derivatives of uric acid. Such stones can be dissolved by conservative treatment for two to three months. Stones with a different composition are not amenable to dissolution and independent excretion.

    The removal of stones or their surgical removal of their bladder or kidney does not preclude re-formation, so prevention is required to prevent the re-formation of stones.

    Patients with urolithic pathology require complex regulation of metabolic disorders, which includes the maintenance of water balance, herbal therapy, diet therapy, drug therapy, physiotherapy exercises and sanatorium treatment.

    When choosing the tactics of treating coral stones, the doctor is guided by the degree of impaired kidney function. When the kidney function is kept at 80%, then conservative treatment is realized, and if the kidney function is reduced by 20-50%, then remote lithotripsy is required.

    With further deterioration of the kidneys, kidney surgery is recommended to remove stones.

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