
Nutrition after kidney resection, basic rules and approved foods

  • Nutrition after kidney resection, basic rules and approved foods

    Resection of the kidney often leads to disruption of the human body. To help in restoring and adapting the kidney to new conditions, it is important to properly organize nutrition after resection of the kidney.

    To relieve pain in the area of ​​operation, you should take special kidney tea, decoctions of field horsetail, cranberry and cowberry morsels. It is recommended to drink tea regularly at the root of a dandelion or bearberry. But the main advice on the use of these or other means should be given by the attending physician to eliminate the risk of complications.

    After a kidney resection, it is required to observe a special diet, as well as a specific mode of rest and work and sleep, it is important to avoid hypothermia, contacts with people infected with infectious pathologies. It is very useful to make walks, dousing with cold water, perform exercises of physiotherapy exercises. Sometimes the skin cover partially takes on the function of secretion through the sweat and sebaceous glands. In this regard, it is recommended to visit the bath, but only after permission of the doctor. It is important to conduct timely treatment of any inflammatory processes in the body.

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    Assistance after operation

    After carrying out removal of the kidney during the following year, and sometimes even longer, it is important to remember the increase in the load on the organ. Adaptation to new conditions is quite fast, if postoperative rehabilitation has been performed correctly.

    Immediately after the operation, the patient's body receives a heavy load. Therefore, do not overload it with large volumes of fluid, physical exercises.

    You need only take medications prescribed by your doctor, because self-treatment is very dangerous. Health needs to be maintained, not aggravated. It is important to prevent infection with colds.

    Gradually the kidneys will restore their functions, their ability to filter harmful substances will be restored and it will again be able to maintain a stable composition of the internal environment.

    Principles of nutrition after operation

    The basic principles by which a diet is organized after a kidney resection are as follows:

    1. Food that is easily digested by the body should be preferred.
    2. It is necessary to limit the use of liquid - do not overload the kidney with excess water volume, but too much restriction of the liquid will not be useful. For a day it is required to drink about one liter of water, including various soups, vegetables, fruits and other drinks.
    3. Restriction of food with high protein content - meat, legumes, fish.
    4. Limiting the use of salt.

    The amount of carbohydrates and proteins contained in the diet should meet the basic physiological needs of the body. It is better to eat in small fractions in five to six meals. At the same time, high-calorie foods and a high content of vitamins should be preferred.

    I'd better cook in a double boiler, bake without fat, stew or boil. Bread should be without adding salt to it, wheat-cut bread or protein-free bread, unsalted cookies, special loaves are perfectly suited. A day is allowed to eat up to 400 grams of baked goods.

    After resection of the kidney it is useful to consume cereal and vegetable soups with the addition of pasta. In the process of cooking, soup does not need to be salted, it's done strictly before meals on the basis that a day is allowed not more than 5 grams of salt. Dishes are seasoned with kefir, vegetable or butter.

    Dietary food after a kidney resection continues until the body fully adapts, and then the diet gradually turns on other dishes.

    Prohibited products

    After carrying out a resection of the kidney, it is prohibited to eat foods that promote kidney overload. These include: sweet pastries, white bread, rye bread.

    Salted foods hold water in the body and overload the kidney, so you should stop using them.

    Do not consume meat, fish or mushroom broth. It is necessary to exclude from the diet fatty varieties of fish and meat, a variety of smoked products, salted cheeses and salted fish.

    It is prohibited to consume canned foods, various canned foods in the form of meat, fish or pates.

    You also need to give up parsley, radish, spinach and celery, you can not eat mushrooms, sorrel, onions, garlic and legumes.

    You can not drink very strong tea, coffee, cocoa and hot chocolate. It is necessary to completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages. It is forbidden to drink mineral water with a high concentration of salts and sodium.

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