Diet Charmer
Diet Cheerleader: testimonials and resultsweight loss
Diet The enchantress is a special diet for those who want to lose weight, but do not want to eat monotonous and tasteless food every day.
Diet The charmer: essence, benefit or harm, features ^
The first time this technique was mentioned in one of the Belarusian newspapers, and then talked about it in many forums.
Girls were interested in the question: do the volumes go away on the Charmer diet? Of course, go, so in the process of reducing weight from the body displays excess fluid and splits fat cells.
The essence of the diet The enchantress consists of alternating days. For example, on Monday it is allowed to eat products only in white, on Tuesday - sweet fruits and vegetables, on Wednesday - hearty dishes, on Thursday - soups, on Friday - porridge, on Saturday - to use any liquids, and on Sunday to eat salads.
Thus, the effect of the diet enchantress is achieved by alternating mono-diet, and in the menu of each day there are only low-calorie foods, even if the dish itself is nourishing.
Pros and cons of a diet Enchantress
To obvious advantages of such a power system is:
- The possibility not to exhaust yourself with long hunger strikes;
- High efficiency;
- No strict requirements.
From the shortcomings can be identified that this technique is not suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as people who have any chronic diseases.
How many can be dropped on a diet Enchantress
For one cycle( 7 days) the weight is reduced by about 5-7 kg, but here one should take into account an important feature: the more extra pounds, the easier it is to get rid of them. If you want to throw as much again - it is allowed to repeat the diet again.
Caloric content of the diet The enchantress depends on a certain day, but in general for a day you can eat no more than 1300 calories.
Diet for weight loss Enchantress: menus, recipes, diet rules ^
Diet Charmer: menu for every day, weight loss recipes
Diet rules Enchantress:
- Do not use any, even low-calorie foods if they are not on the list of allowed on a specific day;
- Every day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of purified still water;
- Since the number of allowed meals per day was not specified initially, then you can eat as much as you want, but the total amount of food per day should not exceed 3 kg or 3 liters.
Diet Charmer: detailed menu for the week by day
White Monday:
- We are eating dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, milk, yogurt;
- You can not add fruit or berries to them.
Sweet Tuesday:
- We eat any sweet vegetables and fruits, berries, honey, sugar-free fruit jelly, jam( 70 g), we allow ourselves 50 g of bitter chocolate.
Nutrient medium:
- Cook chicken meat, fish;
- It is allowed to flavor everything with lemon juice.
Soup Thursday:
- We eat only soups on vegetable or chicken broth;
- Despite the fact that there are no restrictions in the number of dishes, nutritionists do not recommend eating more than 5-6 servings.
Cook Friday:
- We eat any porridges boiled on the water;
- Only the manga is forbidden.
Liquid Saturday :
- We drink any liquids: compotes, natural juices, kefir, ayran, milk;
- We try not to load ourselves physically.
Light Sunday:
- We eat only with salads;
- For preparation we use low-fat cheese, best of all - tof, and fill with lemon juice or olive oil.
Recipes for a diet Enchantress
Soup recipe for the third day
- Clean the onion and carrots, place in a multivark, pour 2 liters of water;
- We put 300 g of meat to vegetables, choose the broth program, cook for 45 minutes to one and a half hours;
- Cut the potatoes;
- Grate the grated carrots, chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan;
- We take out the meat from the ready broth, we throw out the vegetables;
- We spread potatoes into the broth, cook for 20 minutes on the "multipovar" mode;
- After 20 minutes, add the roast, previously washed buckwheat;
- Salt, pepper, sprinkle with garlic powder;
- After the signal from the multivarka add the meat cut into cubes, cook for another 10 minutes.
Recipe porridge for Friday
- A glass of buckwheat groats pour 400 g of boiling water;
- We infuse for 8 hours, or we dilute 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes.
Recipe for salad on Sunday
- Cut finely radish( 10 pcs.), Two cucumbers, dill and parsley;
- Mix everything, fill the matzoni or with olive oil, salt.
How fast to lose weight on a diet Enchantress: testimonials, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Doctors treat this method of weight loss positively, but still do not recommend using it more than three times a year. This is due to the fact that with frequent restriction in nutrition, the body will lack the necessary substances, which, in turn, can lead to negative consequences.
In order not to gain weight in the future, it is enough to do unloading days and to limit the consumption of fatty high-calorie food. The output after the enchantment diet should be carried out smoothly, that is, gradually increase the calorie content of the daily ration by 150 Kcal per day, and also the first two weeks not to eat heavy food for the stomach.
The enchantress of the diet: the results of our readers
As a rule, after a week of nutrition by the day, the body weight decreases by at least 6 kilograms, and this is confirmed by the reviews about the diet of the Enchantress for losing weight, left by our readers:
Maria, 30 years old:
"I was sitting onthis diet for a week, and I want to say that I managed to throw off 7 kilograms that hinder me! Now I look much better, and this despite the fact that I did not have to starve at all, except on the first day, but then much easier. "
Margarita, 28 years old:
" I owe this lack of excess weight to this diet - with her help I dropped 6kg per week. Of course, the first day was difficult, because I was used to nutritious food, but then the body rebuilt and I no longer felt hungry. "
Taisiya, 39 years old:
" I lost 8 kilograms on the Enchantress diet, but also performed physical exercisesExercise at home. I did not feel any particular hunger, tk.drank more than two liters of water and constantly distracted myself from thinking about eating different things ยป