Coal diet
Coal diet: reviews and results of thinon activated carbon
Coal diet is a popular way to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, which also contributes to weight loss and improvement of well-being.
Activated Carbon Diet Diet: Essence, Benefits and Features ^
Activated Carbon is a drug commonly used in medicine for cleaning the intestines from pathogenic bacteria and other harmful substances.
Himself does not burn fat cells, but actively promotes the acceleration of this process, so without proper nutrition, it will not work if the original goal is to reduce weight.
The feature of the coal diet for weight loss is that it is useful only for short-term carrying out, otherwise not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria will disappear from the body.
During the diet on activated carbon it is allowed to eat all foods except sweets, smoked products, fried and flour products, and also to drink carbonated drinks. Such a diet is not contraindicated, but it is especially useful for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Advantages of the coal diet over other methods of weight loss are as follows:
- Low cost of tablets;
- Effective body cleansing and weight loss;
- Several options for power mode.
Speaking about how many kilograms goes on a coal diet, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of a person, but on average 10 days can lose about 5-7 kg.
Coal diet: eating rules, menus, recipes ^
Coal diet: menu, popular slimming options on activated carbon
Activated charcoal diet: rules and intake scheme
It is important to follow several rules for successful slimming with activated charcoal:
- Do not drinkmore tablets than indicated in the recipe;
- Give up harmful food;
- Do an easy exercise.
There are two schemes for the preparation of activated carbon:
- Scheme one. Gradually increase the dosage from ΒΌ tablets to one whole for every 10 kg of weight. Accepted in the morning on an empty stomach;
- Scheme two. We drink 3.5 tablets of coal before each meal. In the morning - on an empty stomach, and the rest of the time - 1 hour before meals.
Diet on activated carbon and kefir
This mode lasts no more than 7 days, during which the weight gradually decreases by 3-5 kilograms. It is worth considering that for a diet suitable kefir with a fat content of not more than 2%.
Menu for 7 days
First day:
- Lunch a sandwich with black bread and cheese, drink tea;
- We have dinner with buckwheat porridge, which was infused with kefir;
- We snack cornflakes and 30 g of kefir;
- For dinner - a salad of fruits.
Second day:
- For breakfast, we drink tea with a slice of bread;
- We have lunch with vegetable stew;
- For a mid-morning snack, 70 grams of boiled oatmeal mixed with kefir;
- We have supper with chicken fillet( 100 g) and boiled egg, we drink pineapple juice.
The third day:
- We repeat the menu of previous breakfasts;
- Lunch a piece of rye bread, 30 grams of fat, a glass of kefir and two bananas;
- We snack 100 grams of yogurt;
- For dinner - puree from 3 potatoes, and 2 glasses of tomato juice.
Fourth Day:
- Breakfast leave the same, then drink 8 tablets of coal;
- Dinner buckwheat porridge on kefir;
- For a snack we eat porridge porridge and 30 g yogurt, we drink 8 more pills 20 minutes after eating;
- Supper with a salad of oranges, washed down with pineapple juice( 2 cups).
Fifth day:
- Breakfast is similar to the previous;
- Lunch rice porridge, drink a glass of kefir;
- We snack raisins( 50 g);
- At dinner we eat boiled eggs( 2 pcs.), Drink fruit juice.
Sixth day:
- Breakfast - tea and a sandwich with cheese;
- Lunch a pack of cottage cheese, drink green tea;
- We drink kefir for a mid-morning snack and eat 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
- For dinner, we make a puree from one apple and fresh carrots( rub these 2 ingredients).
The seventh day:
- In the morning we drink tea, we eat a sandwich;
- We prepare vegetable stew for dinner;
- We have a snack with oat flakes and a glass of kefir;
- For dinner, eat bananas( 3 pcs.), Drink 100 g of apple juice.
Diet on activated carbon and apples
To discharge the body and lose weight by 1-1,5 kg, this diet is best suited, but it can be applied no more often than 1 time in 3 months.
Menu for the whole day:
- For breakfast we eat 1 tablet of coal and apple, we drink 100 g of pure water;
- After 2 hours we do the same;
- Dinner with apple, water and a coal tablet;
- After 2 hours repeat;
- For dinner, we drink activated charcoal( 1 pc.), Eat an apple and drink a glass of water;
- Before going to bed, repeat.
When you feel hungry between meals, you can drink water.
Valeriya coal diet
This technique, developed by singer Valerie, allows you to lose 5-7 kilograms per week, but is quite stiff.
Sample menu for 7 days:
- We eat cereals from any cereals boiled on water without salt and sugar;
- After 2 hours we have a snack with fruit;
- We dine with seafood salad, lean meat or fish;
- We eat vegetables for a snack;
- We are having dinner with vegetable stew.
Activated charcoal is taken by either of the two schemes.
Diet on activated carbon Alla Pugacheva
For weight loss of 3-4 kilograms for 5 days, the Diva has created its own diet, which includes the reception of activated carbon.
Sample menu of the singer:
- On an empty stomach we drink 4 tablets;
- Lunch a sandwich with black bread and cheese, drink a cup of green unsweetened tea;
- Before dinner we drink 3 more tablets of coal;
- We have dinner with buckwheat porridge and a glass of kefir;
- Shortly before supper we drink 3 tablets of the drug;
- Supper with a salad of fruits, washed down with apple juice;
- Before going to bed, we drink low-calorie kefir.
Coal diet for weight loss: reviews, results, real stories of losing weight ^
Most nutritionists are extremely wary of a diet on activated carbon and advised to use it at most 1-2 times a year and not more than 10 days. With all the rules, you can get not only a safe weight loss, but a complete cleansing of the entire body from harmful substances that lead to a number of diseases.
For a correct exit from a coal diet it is necessary to increase gradually quantity of the used calories, but as a whole such process does not cause difficulties. In order to continue to retain the effect, you can not eat those foods that are prohibited by the rules of the diet on coal.
The results of the coal diet are reflected in health and appearance in the following positive way:
- Weight decreases;
- Cleanses the intestines;
- Improves well-being and metabolism.
Reviews of the coal diet for losing weight of our regular readers are also very positive:
Oksana, 30 years old:
"I was fed on the Pugacheva system and really threw off 3.5 kilograms! Everything was very easy, because I already used to sit on different diets, but this one turned out to be the most effective for me. "
Margarita, 35 years old:
" I thought that I would not survive during the Valerian coal diet - it was so difficult for me. But the result still justified all the suffering, and I finally got rid of the extra 7 kilos. "
Olga, 27 years old:
" I'm very glad that I came across a diet with apples and charcoal, becauseI urgently needed to lose a few pounds before the wedding. Let it not be too easy, but I still achieved my "