Diet 2468
Diet 2468 helps to lose 10 kg in 12 days
Diet 2468 - excellentexpress - the method of rapid weight loss, actively and successfully used by European models and mannequins for rapid weight loss before important displays.
Secrets of weight loss models on the diet 2468 ^
Thanks to the use of a low-calorie and rigid diet program of 2-4-6-8 for a total of 12 days, it is easy to achieve weight loss of up to 10 kilograms or more.
The basis of the model diet 2468 is a daily and clear calculation of the calories of meals consumed. The dietary technique 2468 does not provide for a strict restriction in products. You can eat foods that contain fats, carbohydrates or proteins, but you must strictly adhere to the allowable calorie intake.
Principle of dietary food system 2468:
- Day one - 200 kcal, consisting mainly of citrus fruits, fruit drinks, cabbage, vegetable mixes, mushrooms, tomato juice and fermented milk drinks;Day two - 400 kcal. In addition to vegetables, you can include in the menu boiled meat, cottage cheese, eggs;Day three - 600 kcal. The food ration is supplemented with pasta, nuts and cereals;
- Day four - 800 kcal, consists of any dishes: vegetable, meat, fish and others.
However, it should be noted that in any of the days of the technique is strictly prohibited to include in the diet of fatty and excessively sweet food.
Thus, daily allowed to eat foods that do not exceed the total amount of calories allowed. To do this, it is desirable to use the calorie table of foods and ready meals.
Diet 2468 allows the following products to be included in the food ration:
- Vegetables, vegetable mixes, different cabbage varieties, mushrooms, greens;
- Fruit, dried fruits, nuts and berries;
- Chicken, veal, beef;
- Pasta, cereals and cereal bread;
- Marmalade, cookies;
- Kefir, yogurt, low-fat sour cream, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, cheese;
- Unreliable drinks - green tea, compotes, juices, fruit drinks and decoctions;Sauces, olive oil.
The main advantages of the dietary express method are:
- Low calorie diet will instantly get rid of excess weight;
- Despite small portions of dishes, the technique is fairly well tolerated;
- There is no strict restriction in products;
- There is an opportunity to select the desired products in the menu, adhering to a certain calorie content.
The drawbacks of this diet program include a sharp restriction of caloric intake at the beginning of its use and a shortage of nutrients and vitamins. Diet 2468 is contraindicated in chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver and intestines, with disturbed metabolism, under the age of 18, during pregnancy and lactation.
Diet 2-4-6-8: approximate menu ^
Before starting weight loss, it is recommended to perform unloading "hungry" day, consisting of mineral still water with lemon.
Approximate menu for 4 days:
Day one( 200 calories).
- Breakfast: chopped white cabbage - 100 g., Mashed potatoes, kefirchik low-fat - for 50 g.,
- Lunch: salad from 50 g. Fresh carrots and 50 grams of apple;
- Snack: mandarin - 50 g;
- Dinner: boiled champignons - 100 grams, with garnish of stewed eggplant - 100 grams, and 10 grams of sour cream 10%, 100 ml.tomato drink. Day two( 400 calories).
- Breakfast: salad from boiled egg and 100 gr.fresh carrots, green( black not strong) tea;
- Lunch: 300 grams of sea cabbage, cottage cheese, fat-free 80 g;
- Snack: 20 grams of dried apricots;
- Dinner: 50 grams of chicken fillet, salad of cabbage 100 g.
The third day( 600 calories)
- Breakfast: oatmeal porridge on the water 100 gr.with 20 gr.prunes, 100 ml.apricot juice;
- Lunch: vinaigrette, steam pike - 100 gr.;
- Snack: blueberry 100 g;
- Dinner: boiled potatoes with 10% sour cream - 100 gr., Sea cabbage 130 gr., Drink grapefruit.
Day four( 800 calories)
- Breakfast: rice porridge with chicken steak - 100 gr., Egg;
- Lunch: 20 gr.marmalade.;
- Lunch: salad from 50 gr.boiled squid, 20 gr. Russian cheese and green salad, seasoned with soy sauce, cherry juice;
- Snack: 100 gr.beet salad with blueberries;
- Dinner: cabbage soup with fresh 100 gr.or 50 grams.stewed vegetables with fish.
With the end of the fourth day, you must return to the first and repeat all over again. The food ration can be very diverse and consist of the desired dishes. The main condition - do not exceed the total amount of calories.
We also recommend you read the article Diet on dried fruits.Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about the diet 2468 ^
Results of the diet 2468 - reducing excess body weight within 5-10 kg for 12 days. However, with such a rapid jump in excess weight, the risk of its equally rapid return increases. Therefore, to consolidate the final result, it is desirable to carefully and smoothly exit the dietary express method.
Recommendations for the correct exit from the diet 2468:
- Every 2 days add 200 kcal to the food ration, until the daily caloric content of the dishes reaches 2000.
- Maximum limit the intake of fatty and fried foods;
- As during dietary nutrition, and after it, try to consume at least a couple of liters of clean water;
- More to be outdoors and exercise: running, walking, morning exercises, gyms and more.
Due to the strict limitation of meals in caloric content and to avoid serious physical and psychological undesirable consequences, it is advisable to repeat the dietary technique 2468 only after three months.
Reviews about the diet 2468 are divided into positive and negative. Some of those who lost weight successfully dumped the accumulated kilograms, noting the improvement of digestion and metabolism. Others believe that the stress caused in the body during the program of 2468 adversely affected their condition. First of all, there was fatigue, malaise and the constant presence of hunger. In addition, many losing weight noted that after the end of the diet 2468 lost pounds began to return swiftly.
The opinion of nutritionists regarding hard low-calorie food systems has always been disapproving and the model methodology of the 2468 was no exception. They believe that a diet with a phased increase in the calorie content of foods can lead to a slowdown in metabolism, a deterioration in appearance and a decrease in bowel function. In addition, the process of losing weight will largely depend on reducing muscle mass and removing excess fluid, and not at the expense of reducing fat deposits.
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