  • Diet in bronchial asthma

    Read the article:
    • Features of the diet for asthma
    • Diet for asthma: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition
    • Results, feedbacks and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition for asthma

    Diet for bronchial asthma: reviews and patient results

    Diet for bronchial asthmaIs an additional measure prescribed by a doctor to maintain the state of remission and improve the patient's well-being.

    Features of the diet for bronchial asthma ^

    Bronchymal asthma is a disease of the respiratory tract, which has a chronic character. Most often the disease is accompanied by shortness of breath, muscle spasms, coughing or attacks of suffocation after contact with the allergen, which can be both in the external environment and in food.

    There are many causes of the onset of the disease, and seizures, in turn, are provoked by the following factors:

    • Drugs, products, dust;
    • Viruses, bacteria;
    • Chemical and mechanical effects: smoke, alkali, vapors of acids.
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    Asthma often appears due to a hereditary predisposition, but in all cases, the question of whether a diet is necessary for bronchial asthma, many doctors answer in the affirmative. If you do not follow certain rules developed for this disease, then there may be an unfavorable outcome: emphysema, pulmonary or heart failure, pneumofibrosis, etc.

    What products are used in a medical diet for bronchial asthma:

    • Sea kale, chicory, sorrel, nettle;
    • Dried fruits, fruits and berries;
    • Vegetables;
    • Cereals;
    • Lean meat and fish;
    • Sour-milk products.

    What is forbidden to eat during a diet for patients with bronchial asthma:

    • Caviar, seafood;
    • Peaches and melons;
    • Citrus fruits;
    • Strawberries and raspberries;
    • Legumes;
    • Nuts and eggs;
    • Tomatoes;
    • Honey and chocolate;
    • Canned food.

    Rules for therapeutic nutrition for asthma:

    • The carbohydrates( 300 g) should predominate in the menu, but the amount of proteins and fats should be limited to 100 and 70 g respectively;
    • As in other techniques, it is necessary to take food in small portions, but often;
    • It is essential to avoid contact with allergens, ie. If a product can cause an attack, it must be removed from the menu.
    We also recommend that you read the article Bronchial asthma: treatment with folk remedies.

    Diet for bronchial asthma: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^

    Diet for bronchial asthma: therapeutic menu

    Diet table number 9 with bronchial asthma: menu

    This diet is developed for patients whose disease is allergic, not hereditary. It allows the use of whole grain or bran bread, soups with a weak meat broth, low-fat beef or chicken meat, boiled fish, vegetables, cottage cheese, unsweetened berries, tea and broth of rose hips.

    Sample menu:

    • Lunch 100 grams of cottage cheese and buckwheat porridge;
    • For lunch we eat pudding from apples;
    • We have lunch with meat pancakes, borsch and vegetable stew;
    • For a snack we eat fruit jelly;
    • We have dinner with meatballs, boiled cauliflower, we drink compote.

    Diet for bronchial asthma in children

    In the presence of the disease, the child should include in the menu parabrabotannye vegetables, beef, rabbit, porridge, sour-milk products, compotes and butter.

    Approximate menu:

    • We have breakfast buckwheat porridge on milk, drink compote or tea;
    • We have a snack with a berry cocktail;
    • For lunch we eat a portion of steamed vegetables and a piece of beef;
    • Lunch tea and a sandwich with butter;
    • We have dinner with oatmeal and a glass of yogurt.

    Hypoallergenic diet for bronchial asthma

    This menu is designed for those who have an allergy to pollen. It prohibits the use of cereals, sunflower seeds and nuts, and everything else can be eaten in moderation.

    Sample menu:

    • We have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese, a cup of tea and a sandwich;
    • We ate berries for lunch;
    • We have lunch with vegetable soup on low-fat broth, stewed vegetables and compote;
    • For a mid-morning snack we eat yoghurt;
    • We dine with boiled meat, vegetable stew and kefir.

    Diet for aspirin bronchial asthma

    If there is an allergy to aspirin, it is necessary to remove apples, gooseberries, apricots and raspberries, canned goods, tomatoes, ketchup, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, halva, honey, peanuts and any lemonades from the diet.these products contain acetylsalicylic acid.

    Approximate menu:

    • We have breakfast oat porridge, drink kefir or tea;
    • For lunch we use low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese;
    • We dine low-fat soup and a slice of chicken breast, we eat boiled vegetables;
    • We snack any sour-milk product;
    • We have dinner with baked vegetables and meat.

    Diet in Atopic Asthma Asthma

    The atopic variety of asthma is allergenic,is often accompanied by attacks of suffocation in contact with food allergens. It must be excluded, and adhere to this example of anti-inflammatory menu:

    • In the morning we drink tea, eat a piece of curd casserole;
    • Snack with allowed fruit or salad from them;
    • We have dinner with soup or borshch, we drink it with broth of wild rose;
    • We eat cottage cheese or yogurt for a mid-morning snack;
    • We are having dinner with pilaf and vegetables.

    Diet for the prevention of bronchial asthma

    For those who want to reduce the likelihood of developing this disease, it is recommended to use more vegetables, berries, fruits and natural dairy products in their menu, as well as meat:

    • In the morning we eat curd with berries, drink tea;
    • We take a bite of boiled oatmeal( 100 g);
    • Lunch any non-fat first course, meat with vegetable garnish;
    • We snack with juice or compote;
    • We dine with a salad of fresh vegetables, low-fat chicken breast.

    Diet for bronchial asthma: recipes

    Recipe for decoction from flax seeds to mitigate asthma attacks

    • 1 tsp.pounded seeds pour 250 ml of water;
    • Cook for 15 minutes;
    • Filter, divide into 4 portions, drink during the day.

    Recipe for vegetable salad with meat

    • Cut cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes into cubes, shred greens;
    • Grind the boiled chicken breast;
    • Mix, add salt, fill with olive oil;
    • Top with spices if they are allowed.

    Recipe of vegetable soup

    • Cook the chicken breast, the remaining broth is not poured;
    • We cut potatoes, carrots, onions, peppers and greens;
    • Put vegetables in broth;
    • Pickle, cook until done.
    We also recommend that you read the article Diet for GERD.

    The results, reviews and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition in bronchial asthma ^

    The main prevention of bronchial asthma is the absence around the person of allergens( animals, dust, carpets), as well as timely treatment of viral diseases.

    As a result of a diet with bronchial asthma, the number of attacks decreases, the period of remission increases, but the disease is not completely eliminated.it is considered incurable and can only be maintained, and quite successfully.

    Tips for avoiding asthma:

    • Do not keep pets;
    • Keep a clean room and personal hygiene;
    • Consult a doctor when cold symptoms occur;
    • Maintain proper nutrition.

    Reviews of doctors about a diet for bronchial asthma

    Alina, age 33, therapist:

    "Unfortunately, asthma is incurable, and it can only be maintained with a special diet and no contact with allergens. In most cases, food allergy causes acidic fruits and berries, so they must be treated with extreme caution. "

    Oksana, 35, therapist:

    " The diet certainly does not guarantee the absence of seizures, but it improves immunity as well as resistanceorganism to sources of allergy »

    Tamara, 39, therapist:

    " With the help of a diet, you can remove asthma symptoms and reduce the number of attacks, so everyone who suffers from this disease needs to follow an individual menu, approved by the doctor inachom after passing all tests »