Diet for poisoning
Diet after poisoning quickly reduces intoxication and restores digestion
Dietat a poisoning - dietary and medical system of a food, allowing to lower a level of an intoxication in an organism. The main goal of this technique is the fastest restoration of the irritated walls of the intestine, stomach and larynx.
Features of the diet after food poisoning ^
Food poisoning - a fairly common and unpleasant phenomenon, which causes a serious condition in the digestive system.
The causes of this ailment are usually:
- Unwashed hands before eating;
- Unwashed or chemically treated vegetables, berries, fruits;
- End of shelf life or improper storage of products;
- Low-quality alcoholic beverages;
- Poorly fried or boiled fish, meat and raw eggs, dairy and lactic acid products sour.
Food poisoning is most often accompanied by the following unpleasant symptoms:
- Increased temperature, chills;
- Malady, severe weakness and headaches;
- Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting;
- Discomfort and acute pain in the stomach.
The essence of the diet for food poisoning lies in the right - developed diet and nutrition, the basic rules of which are:
- Mandatory compliance with regular drinking regimen. Since intoxication is accompanied by the strongest dehydration of the body, it is necessary to use the maximum amount of liquid;
- The diet should be easy and well digestible food;
- Norms of dishes should not exceed 250 grams.
Very often poisoning can provoke a lack of appetite in the early days. Therefore, it is undesirable to force the body to absorb food, it is enough to limit oneself to the drinking regime. During the dietary method, it is necessary to switch to four meals a day, while excluding overeating.
The advantages of the therapeutic diet program include:
- Removal of toxins and poisons from the body that cause poisoning;
- Rapid reduction in painful symptoms;
- Improvement of well-being;
- Restoration of normal bowel function.
Diet diet for food poisoning consists of strictly defined products and dishes:
- Boiled and reduced to puree vegetables;
- Baked fruit;
- Boiled or steamed chicken fillet;
- Meat weak broth;
- Buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal and rice porridge;
- Low-fat fish.
To the authorized beverages of the treatment method for poisoning are:
- Broths with dill, dog rose, chamomile or raisins, rice broth;
- Fruit natural jelly and compotes;
- Black, green teas, without sugar;
- Dining mineral water, preferably non-carbonated.
For a long period of time, the following are excluded from the diet:
- Semi-prepared foods, canned food, smoked sausages, fatty varieties of fish and meat products;
- Ketchup, sauces, condiments, spices and mayonnaise;
- Spicy, pickled and salted dishes;
- Baking, confectionery and sweet products;
- Raw fruits, vegetables;
- Fermented milk products;
- Carbonated drinks.
Since this diet is a curative and restorative food system, it is not recommended for weight loss, as the diet is not balanced enough and is limited by many nutrients.
Diet for poisoning with food, alcohol, nitrates: menu and food features ^
Diet for stomach poisoning
For gastric poisoning, it is advisable to observe the following dietary menu for a week:
- Breakfast: kissel, liquid semolina;
- Lunch: weak chicken broth, mashed potatoes, chamomile broth;
- Snack: kissel;
- Dinner: rice liquid porridge, jelly.
Diet for intestinal poisoning
Diet for intestinal poisoning lasts four weeks. Every seven days they consist of a certain diet.
The first week of
- Day 1-2: every 3 hours to consume up to 100 grams.crackers and stewed fruit from apples dried, prunes or dried apricots;
- Day 3-4: rice or oat porridge and steam chicken meatballs are added;
- Day 5-7: it is allowed to include low-fat boiled milk, but in limited quantities.
The second week of
- Day 1-7: vegetable light soups are gradually included( without cabbage and beans);
- Porridges are prepared on low-fat milk with the addition of honey.
Third week
- The diet includes steam vegetables and baked fruit.
- The menu allows boiled low-fat fish, chicken fillet and moderately sweet products.
Diet for poisoning in adults
The diet for poisoning in adults is based on liquid, mashed and puree dishes. The main purpose of the dietary method is to quickly and easily digest food and reduce excessive stress on the digestive system.
Approximate dietary menu for adults is recommended as follows:
- Breakfast: decoction of rice, liquid semolina porridge;
- Second breakfast( when you feel hungry): apple puree( bake and grind apples);
- Lunch: mashed potatoes with chicken broth, chicken;
- Snack: carrot boiled salad;
- Dinner: compote of apples, lean scrubbed boiled meat, slightly dense rice garnish.
Diet for poisoning in children
The diet for children is not much different from the therapeutic diet for adults. However, some features of baby food are still available:
- Abundant drink - chamomile, black teas and compotes;
- With diarrhea, it is desirable to prepare a well-cooked rice porridge for the child;
- After a couple of dietary days, it is allowed to give the baby a bio-yogurt for breakfast.
Diet for poisoning in pregnant women
The pregnancy diet does not provide for any restrictions in the norms of meals. However, future mothers will have to adhere to a certain diet until full recovery.
Approximate menu of health-improving nutrition during pregnancy:
- Breakfast: jelly, potato-carrot boiled puree;
- Lunch: soup - vegetable puree with croutons, black tea;
- Snack: sweet baked apple;
- Supper: porridge liquid, a little crackers, chicken faint broth.
Diet for alcohol poisoning
Alcohol poisoning can take place in a severe and mild form, depending on the degree of intoxication. However, in both forms it is advisable to observe a certain food ration for a couple of days, which include:
- Drinking drink - compotes, natural juices, teas, decoctions, fruit drinks and milk drinks;
- Chicken broth;
- Liquid vegetable or fruit purees.
Diet for poisoning with nitrates
Nitrate poisoning often provokes the use of chemically treated unripe fruits, berries and vegetables.
The main symptoms of nitrate intoxication are diarrhea and vomiting. This diet program provides for the use in the first two days of sour apples, pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, green and black tea with lemon.
The results, feedback and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition after poisoning ^
The results of the diet after poisoning are very positive, because when using it:
- The level of intoxication is rapidly decreasing;
- Digestion gradually improves;
- Symptoms are painful.
Depending on the degree of poisoning, the diet can last from 3 days to 4 weeks. Positive feedback about the poisoning diet is confirmed by the fact that therapeutic nutrition, as an addition to medical treatment, much faster and more efficiently allows you to bring the body into working condition.
Doctors strongly recommend remembering tips on how to eat properly to avoid food poisoning:
- Pay close attention to the shelf life of the products you buy;
- Do not forget about the hygiene of the hands;
- Thermally treat vegetables, berries, fruits.
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