  • The best diet for weight loss

    Read the article:
    • What diet to lose weight at home
    • How to choose the best diet: menus, rules, recipes
    • The best diets for fast and safe weight loss: reviews, results, the correct way out

    The best diet for weight loss: reviews and results of slimming

    For sure, every woman wants to find a diet that quickly gets rid of extra pounds and does not cause harm to health. Similar methods of weight loss are many, but they have many differences among themselves.

    On what diet is best to lose weight at home ^

    Speaking about which diet is better for the volume, several factors should be considered:

    • Its duration;
    • Rigidity of the ration: the harder it is, the faster the weight decreases, but it's not safe;
    • Products used in the menu: they must be accessible and natural;
    • What is preferred: carbohydrates or proteins?

    According to some nutritionists, the best diet without harm to health, based on protein foods - meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, yogurt - strengthens muscles well, improves metabolism and promotes the formation of a beautiful body relief, which is why it is often used by athletes.

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    The best diet for safe weight loss on carbohydrates - berries, fruits and vegetables - removes excess fluid, stimulates metabolism, and the fiber, contained in most such products, effectively cleanses the intestines.

    Choosing the best balanced diet, it is necessary to take into account the optimal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates in it, since these substances are very important for the body. As for fats, they are limited to almost all methods of weight correction.

    What are the advantages of the best effective diets:

    • They contribute to the improvement of metabolism;
    • Burn fat cells without harm to health;
    • Do not assume debilitating starvation.

    Despite all the advantages, before using any of the diets, in the presence of chronic diseases it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    Which foods are used in the menu of the best healthy diets:

    • Vegetables and fruits;
    • Cereals;
    • Green;
    • Sour-milk products;
    • Low-fat fish;
    • Meat: chicken, rabbit meat, beef, turkey;
    • Berries;
    • Legumes;
    • Nuts.

    The rules of healthy nutrition prohibit all smoked, fried, salted, sweet, floury and fatty foods. To successfully lose weight, you need to drink 1.5 liters of water daily, and eat your food in small portions, but every 3 hours.

    How to choose the best diet: menus, rules, recipes ^

    The best diet for weight loss: recipes and menus

    The best diet for fast weight loss

    Hollywood weight loss technique allows you to get rid of 7-8 kilograms in 2 weeks, while consuming protein foods,as well as vegetables and fruits.

    Sample menu:

    • For breakfast we eat low-fat cottage cheese( 100 g), we drink tea;
    • Lunch tomatoes, boiled eggs( 2 pcs.), Drink tea or coffee;
    • We dine with cabbage salad, half a grapefruit and a slice of boiled veal.

    Best weight loss diet for 10 kg

    Quickly helps to reduce the weight of the menu based on cabbage. So you need to eat no more than two weeks:

    • Have a cup of green tea;
    • We dine with salad from fresh cabbage and carrots, we eat a piece of fish;
    • We dine with cabbage, boiled eggs and any fruit;
    • 1 hour before sleep drink a glass of yogurt.

    The best diet for weight loss abdomen

    In order to remove fat folds in the abdomen and sides, you need to use this sample menu for a week:

    • Lunch 100 grams of chicken breast, a glass of milk;
    • We have a snack with yoghurt;
    • For dinner we prepare a salad-brush and eat chicken meat;
    • We snack any citrus and fat-free cottage cheese;
    • For dinner - a salad of cucumbers and 70 grams of boiled fish.

    The best diet to reduce the volume of

    To reduce the volume of the whole body, it is recommended to eat predominantly protein foods for 1-2 weeks, following an approximate menu:

    • We have breakfast with unsweetened yogurt and orange;
    • After 2 hours we eat a boiled egg, drink fruit juice;
    • We have lunch with a vegetable salad, we eat 200 g of boiled chicken;
    • We snack cottage cheese( 70 g);
    • We dine with meat steak and orange;
    • At night we drink a glass of kefir.

    The best protein diet for weight loss

    The protein diet for weight loss can be applied for two weeks, and is considered the most useful diet for athletes:

    • We have breakfast with cottage cheese and tea;
    • At lunch we eat yogurt;
    • We have lunch with vegetable soup with chicken meat, eat salad with a piece of fish, drink protein cocktail;
    • We dine only with seafood salad.

    The best diet for men

    To reduce the stomach volume, men are recommended to use this example of diet for 2-3 weeks:

    • We have a salad of tomato, boiled eggs and grated cheese. We drink yoghurt;
    • Snacking muesli with pieces of fruit;
    • Lunch steamed meat and potatoes, also eat vegetable salad;
    • For a snack we eat salad with mushrooms;
    • We have lunch with a steam omelet, tomatoes and a slice of meat.

    The best diet for body drying

    This method is allowed to use 3 weeks, and give preference to protein products.

    Sample menu:

    • We have breakfast with cottage cheese( 200 g) and bread;
    • After 2 hours we eat grapefruit or orange;
    • Lunch 100 grams of buckwheat porridge and boiled beef( 200 g);
    • We drink ryazhenku for a mid-morning snack;
    • We have dinner with green vegetables and baked fish.

    The best detox diet

    For purification for a week you need to follow this menu:

    • First day - drink tea, juice, water;
    • The second day - we introduce fruits containing fiber: mangoes, plums, peaches, apricots;
    • Third day - add fresh vegetables to previous products;
    • Fourth day - we introduce rice porridge;
    • The fifth day - let us also eat a handful of nuts;
    • The sixth day - we add cereal cereals and low-fat yogurts;
    • The seventh day - in the end we introduce fish.

    The best diet for the month

    With prolonged calorie restriction, it is important that the optimal balance of carbohydrates and proteins is observed. To do this, you can use the following example of the menu, and in just 4 weeks throw off up to 10 kilograms:

    • Have a glass of warm milk with 1 tsp.honey;
    • At lunch we drink unsweetened tea with bread;
    • Dinner soup with a small amount of potatoes, 100 g of boiled beef meat and fruit salad;
    • We snack kefir and nuts;
    • We dine 200 g of kefir, with two slices of black bread.

    The best vitamin diet is

    This technique is used by the singer Madonna, and in order to lose 7 kilos in 2 weeks, you will have to adhere to the following menu:

    • Lunch with toast, fried in egg whites( 2 pcs.), And boiled egg and ripe peach;
    • Lunch boiled chicken breast and slice of whole grain bread;
    • We dine with boiled vegetables, a piece of fish and a small portion of pasta.

    Best fat burning diet

    For weight loss of 6-7 kilograms for 2 weeks it is recommended to use this sample menu option:

    • Lunch 100 grams of sea kale, eat yogurt, drink pineapple juice;
    • Lunch boiled rice with shrimps, as well as fruit salad;
    • For an afternoon snack we eat an apple;We dine with grapefruit and boiled fish.

    The best lean diet

    This 7-day diet is dominated by cereals, fruits and vegetables, but from meat, fish and fermented milk products should be discarded:

    • We have breakfast with vegetable salad, we drink coffee;
    • Lunch with lean cabbage soup and vegetable salad;
    • We ate a salad of sauerkraut for a mid-morning snack;
    • We are having supper with candied fruits and boiled or baked pumpkin.
    We also recommend that you read the article Diet minus 5 kg.

    The best diet for fast and safe weight loss: feedback, results, correct output ^

    The most positive characteristics of the best diets are from dietitians: they believe that a properly balanced diet can not do much harm to the body, so use any of the above methodsweight loss is allowed 3-4 times a year.

    How to get out of the diet after losing weight:

    • To monitor the increase in the caloric content of the daily ration - it is allowed to add not more than 200 Kcal per day;
    • First 2 weeks do not eat any fatty foods;
    • In order not to gain weight again, it is recommended to adhere to a healthy diet.

    The results of the best diets for losing weight at home are wonderful:

    • Effective weight loss;
    • Strengthening of muscles;
    • Reducing the volume of the abdomen and the whole body( hands, hips, legs).

    Reviews about the best diets for fast weight loss for our regular readers are also very positive:

    Anna, 23 years old:

    "I liked the fat burning technique: I did not really want to eat, but for the week I still dropped 4 kilograms, as planned"

    Jeanne, 30 years:

    "I was helped by the protein diet: firstly, the muscles became really stronger, and I noticed it in the gym room, well, and secondly - I threw off 5 kilograms on it in just a week"

    Larissa, 38years:

    "For me, there has been an effective lean diet. Of course, I really missed the meat, but in order to reduce the weight by 7 kilos in 2 weeks - as I did it - it was worthwhile "