Muesli Diet
Diet on muesli helps to lose weight effectively and cleanse the body
Muesli diet is one of the most effective and useful nutrition systems, helping to get rid of excess kilos in a two-week period of time and to perfectly clean the body of toxins, toxins, poisons and other harmful substances.
Advantages of losing weight and cleansing with muesli diets ^
Muesli is a mixture of flakes of rye, barley, oats and wheat grains, treated with infrared rays. This universal product contributes to weight loss and effective body cleansing through the following useful ingredients:
- Fiber - removes the body from toxins, radionuclides and toxins, improves bowel function;
- Complex carbohydrates - help the food to slowly digest and be digested for a long time.
In addition, muesli is rich in microelements, vitamins, amino acids and vegetable proteins, which are vital for the stable functioning of the whole organism. However, one should know that not all flakes contribute to weight loss. When choosing a dietary grain product, the following important points should be considered:
- The natural product should not contain dyes, synthetic additives and sugar;
- Presence of dried berry or fruit pieces;
- For slimming, only those flakes that have not been roasted are used.
The advantages of the diet are:
- Weight loss for two weeks of the diet reaches 8 kg;
- Improves well-being, the condition of nails, facial skin and hair;
- Perfectly normal digestion.
This diet has only one contraindication - the occurrence of allergies and intestinal disturbance to gluten and lactose contained in the flakes.
The diet for muesli is based on the observance of several simple dietary rules:
- It should reduce the intake of salt and sugar to a minimum;
- It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet fatty, sweet, floury and fried;
- Only green tea, water and juices are allowed from the liquid;
- Dinner is recommended no later than 20.00;
- The diet of the diet should consist of bran, vegetables, fruits, sour-milk and dairy products, low-fat fish and chicken meat.
Diet with muesli: menu for 14 days ^
The diet with muesli is designed for 14 days. Depending on the individual characteristics of the physiology of slimming, this technique can save weight from an average of 4 to 8 kg.
The approximate diet menu from a mixture of cereal slimming is proposed as follows:
Day one and the fourth
- Breakfast: muesli, low-fat yogurt( 3 tablespoons per 100 ml), boiled egg;
- Lunch: fresh carrots;
- Lunch: stewed cabbage, fish steam;
- Snack: carrot juice with flakes;
- Dinner: flakes, kefir.
Day 2 and 5
- Breakfast: muesli and fresh fruit( 3 tablespoons of flakes, pour 100 ml of low-fat yogurt and let them swell, then add pieces of kiwi, green apple, orange, banana);
- Lunch: peach;
- Lunch: pumpkin porridge, cheese;
- Snack: apple juice, a mixture of flakes;
- Dinner: cottage cheese honey muesli with nuts - small portion.
Day three and the sixth
- Breakfast: a cup of cereal with kefir, a slice of cheese;
- Lunch: green apple;
- Lunch: oatmeal, tea;
- Snack: muesli, raspberries, milk;
- Dinner: curdled milk, dried apricots, muesli. Day 7 and 10
- Breakfast: apple puree with muesli;
- Lunch: plums;
- Lunch: steamed fish, stewed vegetables;
- Snack: peach - banana cocktail;
- Dinner: pumpkin porridge, cereal.
Day eighth and eleventh
- Breakfast: muesli( 2 tbsp.), Fat-free cottage cheese( 150 g);
- Lunch: the apple is baked;
- Lunch: a piece of boiled chicken, one potato;
- Snack: snowball, dried apricots, flakes;
- Dinner: chicken vegetable soup.
Day Ninth and Twelfth
- Breakfast: banana cocktail - apple with muesli;
- Lunch: Mandarins;
- Lunch: salad from a couple of eggs, a little crackers and an average fresh grated carrot. As a sauce - low-fat sour cream;
- Snack: pomegranate drink;
- Dinner: skimmed yogurt, cereal.
Day thirteenth and fourteenth
- Breakfast: muesli( 4 tbsp.), Fresh berries( 50 g.), Cottage cheese( 150 g.);
- Lunch: egg, carrot juice;
- Lunch: omelet with tomatoes;
- Snack: yoghurt drink without additives, flakes;
- Dinner: pepper, tomato, potato, carrot and chicken meat stew.
Useful recipes from muesli ^
For a greater variety of dietary diets, we recommend preparing the following dishes based on cereal flakes.
Curd honey muesli with nuts
- Mix one teaspoon of honey, raisins, hazelnuts, dried apricots, with tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream 15% and a mixture of flakes.
Muesli with berries and yoghurt
- Mix a glass of flakes of oatmeal and apple juice, clean for an hour in the fridge.
- Wash the red apple, combine it with 4 tbsp.l.yoghurt and honey and add to the mixture of juice with cereal.
- Next, the prepared dish is placed in cups and decorated with berries.
Diet on muesli bars
Muesli bars are popular as "snacks" and perfectly replace various high-calorie chocolate products. However, they will be useful only if they are cooked at home, and not bought at the store.
The recipe for the preparation of useful dietary bars is as follows:
- Clean a couple of bananas, cut and recycle them in a blender to a gruel.
- Apple( better sour green) to grind, processed in a blender along with banana gruel.
- Then flakes with dried fruits mix with the resulting banana - apple porridge.
- Next in the form on the baking paper put the resulting mixture, align and bake in the oven for 40 minutes.
- If desired, bananas can be replaced with other fruits.
Muesli bars prepared independently will be an excellent option for both a diet "snack" and breakfast. In addition, with natural bars you can successfully replace not only the morning meal, but also an afternoon snack.
We also recommend that you read the article Diet 5 tablespoons.Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors about diet at muesli ^
The results of diet with muesli - smooth, but effective weight reduction of up to 8 kg in 10-14 days. This type of diet is tolerated quite easily, since the food ration is made in such a way that the body can receive virtually all the necessary nutrients and did not experience an acute sensation of hunger.
To avoid the return of excess weight, it is recommended not to exclude flakes from the breakfast in the first two or three weeks after the diet and to refrain from high-calorie food.
Reviews of the diet with muesli, according to a survey of many women, are extremely approving. Many managed to lose weight by 4 kg, some by 8 kg, and only a few have lost only 2 kg. Such a different result of a diet depends, first of all, on the features of the constitution of the organism and the presence or absence of physical exertion.
Nutritionists, although they consider muesli to be a useful food, saturate the body with fiber and slow carbohydrates, allow the use of cereal flakes as the main ingredient of a diet for weight loss only on condition of a balanced diet.
We also recommend you to watch a video with useful tips from nutritionists about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: