
Causes of inflammation of the kidneys and inflammatory processes in the organs of urination

  • Causes of inflammation of the kidneys and inflammatory processes in the organs of urination

    To date, in urological practice, you can find a number of diseases that can be characterized as inflammatory processes in the kidneys of a different nature.

    In this article we will consider a number of renal pathologies, which are called nephritis, as well as the causes of inflammation of the kidneys.

    This is important! It should be noted that inflammatory processes differ in different variants of the course, may be of limited or local nature depending on which bacterial agent has affected the urinary tract or the kidneys themselves.

    What is a jade?

    Nephrite is a group of inflammatory processes affecting the kidneys. These processes are characterized by the following variants of the course:

    • acute diffuse inflammatory process of the kidneys;
    • is a chronic course of inflammation;
    • focal lesions of the kidneys.

    Next we will focus on the types of jade.

    In clinical practice, it is common to distinguish the following common conditions:

    • acute and chronic pyelonephritis;
    • instagram viewer
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • pionephrosis( purulent foci in renal tissue);
    • kidney tuberculosis.

    Information on the pathogenesis of

    This pathological condition is rather insidious, as it develops quite rapidly and depends on the nature of the infectious agent in the urinary organs. The infection develops in the renal tubules, the pelvic-locomotor system, renal glomeruli and the circulatory system.

    This is important! Nephrites are either an independent pathological process or a consequence of complications of some diseases, for example: acute renal failure, inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, STI, renal colic and urolithiasis.

    In most cases, the inflammatory process in the kidneys occurs against the background of the following reasons:

    • Stagnant processes;
    • Alcohol abuse, smoking;
    • Low immunity;
    • Reduced mobility;
    • Subcooling;
    • Excessive physical activity;
    • Incorrect power mode;
    • Long-term antibiotic therapy;
    • Presence of diabetes mellitus;
    • Other systemic diseases.

    How is the disease diagnosed?

    One of the main clinical manifestations of this pathology is a violation of the urinary function.

    In some cases, the infectious agent enters the kidneys from a number of located organs, for example, from the ureters and the bladder.

    This is important! Diagnostic measures are based on the history of life, the main complaints of the patient and laboratory data.

    Let's look at them in more detail. Assignment of a common blood test-this study can detect the following inflammatory indices-an increase in ESR and leukocytes in blood plasma).

    • general analysis of urine - the occurrence of erythrocyturia, leukocyturia and cylinduria;
    • culture of urine on a nutrient medium;
    • definition of sensitivity to antibiotics;
    • The appointment of ultrasound of ultrasound can visually examine the state of the kidneys, inflammation marked by an increase in the size of the kidneys, calculous formations, compaction of cup and lochnohochnyh walls;
    • Biochemical blood test;
    • Zimnitsky's assay is necessary for establishing the water-discharge and concentration ability of the kidneys.

    Usually, additional excretory

    is used. What is the prognosis of nephritis?

    In most cases, the prognosis in the treatment of nephritis is favorable, the patients completely recover within 30-60 days from the moment of clinical manifestations.

    The process of recovery is delayed in the presence of a chronic process, there is an increase in blood pressure, hematuria and edema persist.

    This is important! According to statistical observations, about 120% of cases of nephritis tend to develop into a chronic process.

    All this can be avoided with early diagnosis and timely initiated and adequate treatment, which will improve the prognosis of this pathology of the kidneys.

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