Diet on fat-burning soups for weight loss
Weight loss soups - minus 7 - 8kg per week
A diet based on the use of "magic" fat burning soups for weight loss is a great way to not only quickly and effectively lose weight, but also to tidy the whole body - to cleanse of toxins and liver and liver and gastrointestinal tract,ormalizovat bowels, restore microflora and to develop useful food habits.
What is the use of fat-burning soups ^
The secret of vegetable fat-burning soup for weight loss is very simple and consists in the fact that they are products with a negative calorie content.
That is, in vegetable soups contains so few calories that they are clearly not enough to fully digest food. For example, in the dish of the popular "weight loss" Bonn soup - the main product of the Bonn diet, contains only about 27 - 35 kcal, and in fat-burning celery and onions, and even less - about 20 - 22 kcal.
Because of such a low energy value of food, the body has to find and mobilize internal energy resources, that is, to put it simply, to use its own fat reserves to gain additional energy. Therefore, it is not surprising that the nutrition of fat-burning vegetable soups is guaranteed to lead to the loss of excess weight and gaining the desired ease and harmony.
In addition, the nutrition of vegetable soups containing a large amount of fiber, dietary fibers and pectins, is very beneficial for the digestive tract - it stimulates digestion, restores fluid balance, normalizes intestinal motility and maintains a useful microflora in it.
The diet on soups is transferred quite easily, because you can eat them as much as you want and as often as you want, with the first feeling of hunger. But, as a rule, despite the unlimited diet, you probably will not be able to overeat - due to its consistency and volume, a low-calorie soup is a very nutritious dish and quickly gives a comfortable sense of satiety.
Diet for losing weight on soups: description ^
There are a lot of soup diets for weight loss, for any taste preferences - therefore, those wishing to lose weight with health benefits have plenty to choose from. In this case, do not necessarily strictly adhere to the recipe for cooking, or you can replace and combine the ingredients at your own discretion.
For convenience, we present a small list of fat-burning products recommended for the preparation of "weight loss" soups, the record among which is a celery( deservedly 4 times more calories than it contains).
Products with negative caloric content for cooking fat-burning menus:
- celery;
- asparagus;
- leaf lettuce;
- greens;
- onion, garlic;
- cabbage( white, color, Beijing);
- pepper;
- radish;
- ginger;
- seaweed;
- mushrooms;
- eggplant, zucchini, zucchini.
The diet menu for losing weight on soups is safer than with hard mono diets, as it is more varied, balanced in composition and includes many valuable vitamins and microelements contained in vegetables. However, despite this, it is not necessary to follow the soup diet for longer than 1 to 2 weeks and repeat more often than every 2 to 3 months, so as not to harm your health and not break metabolism.
Diet with fat-burning soups: recipes and way of cooking ^
In fact, a few days you can noticeably lose weight in any vegetable low-calorie soup, consisting of products with negative nutritional value. But the most popular among fat-burning soups deservedly won celery, onion, pumpkin and Bonn.
Celery Slimming Soup
- 200 g celery root,
- small head of cabbage,
- 6 pieces of medium carrots,
- 2 green bell peppers;
- 6 large bulbs;
- 6 tomatoes;
- 400 g of green beans;
- 1.5 liters of tomato juice;
- greens.
- Fold in a pan finely chopped celery root and chopped vegetables, pour in tomato juice to completely cover with liquid( top up if necessary).Put on a stove, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes over high heat. Then reduce the heat and simmer for another 10 minutes. Add the greens a few minutes before the end of cooking.
Recipe for onion fat-burning soup
- 6 large onions;
- ?kg.cabbage;
- 2 sweet Bulgarian peppers;
- 3 medium tomatoes;
- 1 bunch of celery greens.
- Cut the vegetables finely, add them to a saucepan and add 1.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil on high heat, then, reducing the fire, cook until the full availability of vegetables. At the end, add spices, seasonings, greens and let it brew under the lid for another 30 to 40 minutes.
Pumpkin soup for weight loss
- 100 g. Pumpkin;
- 100 grams of courgettes;
- 2 tomatoes;
- 1 carrot;
- 2 Bulgarian peppers;
- 2 medium bulbs;
- 1 tbsp.l.vegetable oil;
- greens and salt to taste.
- Cut the pumpkin, zucchini, 1 egg, 1 pepper and carrots into cubes. Fold the vegetables in a saucepan, pour water( 1.5 liters) and cook on low heat until half cooked. Then add the diced tomatoes. In a frying pan do roast - fry in vegetable oil until golden in color 1 onion and 1 pepper and add it to the finished dish at the end of the preparation together with salt and finely chopped greens.
Mushroom Slimming Soup with Beans
- 250g bean;
- 250 g of champignons;
- 1 salted cucumber;
- 1 onion;
- 2 garlic cloves;
- spices and salt to taste.
- Finely chop mushrooms, onions and cucumber and lightly fry them in vegetable oil. Then add the pre-cooked beans to the pan, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
- Boil 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan, place the brawny vegetables there, add the spices and cook for about 15 to 20 minutes until ready.
Bonn soup for burning fat
- celery root;
- a small fork of cabbage;
- 4 - 6 medium tomatoes;
- 6 medium bulbs;
- 3 Bulgarian peppers;
- salt and spices to taste.
- Finely chop the vegetables, pour water or low-fat broth( so that the liquid was one third more than vegetables) and cook until ready. Instead of salt, you can add garlic, cumin, coriander, black or red pepper or soy sauce.
Japanese soup for weight loss
- 300 g of lean sea fish;
- 150 g of sea kale;
- 70g of rice;
- 1 egg;
- soy sauce.
How to prepare:
- Marinade the finely chopped onions in a soy sauce with spices.
- Rinse rice until half cooked in 2 liters of water.
- Add the fish to the soup and cook until ready. Then add the pickled onions and chopped sea kale.
- Whisk the egg and pour it in a thin trickle into a boiling dish. Stir and immediately remove from the plate.
Diet fat burning soups: a rough menu for 7 days ^
Since endure 7 days on some pretty heavy soups, you can try less strict, but effective menu option on the week with the addition of fruits, vegetables and a small amount of rice and boiled meat.
main requirements - must be completely removed from all the fat meat, categorically exclude soft drinks, alcohol, fried and flour dishes. During the day, drink plenty of water and green tea without sugar, and when you feel hungry, immediately eat soups.
Menu for the week
- First day - soup and any fruit( except bananas);
- The second day - soup and vegetables;
- The third day - soup, fruits and vegetables;
- Fourth day - soup, vegetables, fruits and a little milk( 1 glass a day);
- Fifth day - soup, beef( 400 - 500 g) and tomatoes( 1/2 kg);
- Sixth day - soup, boiled beef and vegetables;
- seventh day - soup, a cup of cooked brown rice, vegetables and unsweetened fruit juice.
If you for some reason -That interrupted or disrupted diet, do not get discouraged and start it again, from the very first day.
See informative video clip from a popular telepeprogrammy "doctors" about the benefits of soup for health and longevity: