Chrono: we lose weight by the clock
Chronodiet: reviews and results for weight loss
Chronodieta is a unique diet developed by the French dietician Alain Delabos. It allows you to lose weight in a few weeks, without denying yourself the use of high-calorie food.
Chrono-diet( diet by the hour): essence, pluses, minuses ^
Chrono-diet is an unusual way of losing weight, with the help of which you can lose weight and normalize your metabolism without risk to health.
The essence of the chronodiet is that throughout its entire length it is necessary to eat strictly by the hour. According to the author of the nutrition system, this approach contributes to weight loss without significant restrictions, since the human body is configured to take food strictly at a certain time.
How should the food look on the "internal clock" of the body:
- Breakfast from 6 to 8 am: it is allowed to eat any fatty foods. Sweets are forbidden;
- Lunch from 11 to 15: the food should be dense, the advantage is better given to the squirrels: fish and meat. Portions are calculated as follows: if the growth is 170 cm, then 100 is added to them, and 280 g of any dish are obtained;
- Snack from 16 to 17. This time is best for sweets: you can drink juices, eat chocolate, nuts, etc.;
- Dinner from 6 to 8 pm: the dishes should be light. It is allowed to eat salads, white meat. In this case, the figure "40" is subtracted from the growth to calculate the portion.
Advantages and disadvantages of chrono-diets
Undoubtedly, for all those who want to lose weight without starvation it is important to know all the advantages and features of the chrono-diet:
- It is impossible to change the places of meals, i.e.if breakfast is allowed for fat, then at other times such dishes are prohibited;
- As mentioned above, you do not really have to starve, therefore, the risks of diseases of the digestive tract and other systems are completely excluded;
- The method is suitable for people even with severe diseases, as well as pregnant and lactating women, which makes it distinctive from others.
There is one drawback: with the help of such nutrition it is impossible to quickly reduce weight, because a sharp weight loss is achieved only by significantly reducing calories.
Many people are interested in how much can be reset on the chronodity, and here it should be explained that the final result depends only on the individual characteristics of the body of a slimming person and compliance with all the rules of nutrition by the hour. If they are not adhered to, then the effect will not be achieved.
On average, for 3 weeks, diet for weight loss by biological clock turns out to throw off 5 kilograms.
The calorie content of the chrono-diet is also individual, but in any case, one can "eat" no more than 1800 Kcal due to four meals a day in small portions, and a very light dinner.
Chrono-diet for losing weight: menu, rules, popular recipes ^
Chronodieta: examples of menus, recipes for weight loss
Rules for losing weight on the chronodite
- It is necessary to eat strictly on the clock, and after dinner only 1-2 fruits are allowed;
- Drinking lots of water is not necessary, but it is recommended to drink 200 g of mineral water without gas 20 minutes before a meal.
Chrono-diet for weight loss: an approximate menu for the week
You can build your own diet using an example of this menu:
- We have a sandwich breakfast with butter and cheese, boiled egg, unsweetened coffee or tea;
- We have lunch with vegetable soup, salad and boiled meat or fish;
- We snack nuts or dried fruit;
- We dine with oat porridge or cottage cheese.
Chrono of Alain Delabos
The sample menu looks like this:
- We have breakfast with a steam omelette with ham, wash down unsweetened tea with a sandwich;
- Lunch baked fish with vegetable garnish;
- Lunch with chocolate or ice cream;
- We have dinner with stewed vegetables and baked fish.
Chrono from Patrick Leconte
The nutrition system developed by Patrick Lecomte almost does not differ from the diet of Alain Delabos:
- You can not eat sweets in the morning. You can drink unsweetened tea, eat sandwiches, fried meat;
- There is no flour for lunch. It is allowed to eat vegetable or meat first dishes, any salads, baked or boiled meat;
- During a snack, you can enjoy jam, chocolate, seeds, nuts;
- For dinner - only vegetables in raw, stewed or boiled form, as well as meat or fish of low-fat varieties.
Chrono for men
Men are allowed to slightly increase their caloric value:
- In the morning we eat omelets with vegetables, drink tea and eat carrot casserole;
- We dine with meat borsch and salad from vegetables;
- We snack with juice, chocolate or sweets;We dine with steamed fish and vegetables.
Recipes for chronodieta
Recipe for borsch with meat:
- Boil pieces of beef;
- We cut straw beets, we throw it into broth and salt;
- Grind the potatoes into cubes, place them in a saucepan;
- Cut the onions, grate the carrots, fry on low heat for 10 minutes, then add the chopped Bulgarian pepper, fry for another 5 minutes;
- Add the frying pan to the pan, also spread out the cabbage in advance;
- cook, 10 minutes before cooking sprinkle with herbs.
Carrot casserole recipe:
- Divide cauliflower into inflorescences, peel the pepper and remove the seeds from it;
- Rub the carrot, shinkem onions;
- We spread the onion on a greased frying pan, then add the remaining vegetables, sprinkle with spices and stew for 15 minutes;
- Lubricate the form with butter, spread the vegetables into it;
- Whisk the egg with sour cream and milk, mix with spices and chopped herbs;
- We fill the sauce with vegetables, on top of them we place circles of tomatoes, bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
Recipe for fruit smoothies:
- Surviving juice from several oranges and grapefruit;
- We clean the banana, cut the flesh;
- Whisk everything in the blender, add a few ice cubes.
Diets for weight loss by biorhythms: testimonials, results of losing weight ^
Doctors consider this technique absolutely harmless, therefore it can be used for several months, and all life. Moreover, feeding on the biological clock helps to minimize the burden on the body, and this has the most positive effect on health.
As a rule, a special way out of the chrono-diet is not required, but if you need to return to the usual diet - you can do it right away.
As a result of the diet for weight loss by biorhythms, it is possible to improve the performance of all body systems, eliminate insomnia, normalize the digestive tract, and most importantly - weight loss.
Reviews of the diet for losing weight by the hours of our regular readers are also very positive:
Raisa, 38 years old:
"I have been working hourly for about a year, and for this time I lost almost 30 kilograms. I note that this plumb line is considered safe and does not lead to hormonal disturbances, unlike many other methods. "
Alina, 33 years old:
" I have been feeding on biorhythms for only 3 months, but for this time I have already dropped 15 kilograms. Such a diet suits me best, because it completely excludes all kinds of disruptions, which means that the weight lost will not return. "
Valentina, 27 years old:
"I really like the diet system of Dr. Delabos, because thanks to her I managed to lose 11 kilograms without starving and practically not denying myself anything"