Bread diet
Bread diet helps to lose weight comfortably, increases serotonin level and improves mood
Bread diet, according to its author, Israeli dietician Olga Raz, put an end to the long struggle of mankind with carbohydrates as the main enemies of a well-proportioned figure.
Many people who want to lose weight can not decide to try the effect of this or that diet because of fear of constantly feeling hungry.
After all, almost any diet aimed at losing weight, excludes or severely limits the consumption of bread, without which many do not eat up, even using a large portion of food.
Essence and basic principles of weight loss on bread ^
The author of the bread diet is a nutritionist, led a large scientific experiment that was conducted in one of the clinics in Tel Aviv. The purpose of the experiment was to compile a list of products that improve mood.
As you know, the blood of any person contains serotonin, which is trivially called the hormone of happiness and on the level of which our mood depends entirely. As a result of the studies, a sharp decrease in the level of serotonin was observed with the use of protein-rich foods and an increase in the level of the hormone of happiness in a high-carbohydrate diet.
That's why many people so love the sweet and can not "sit out" on any diet program. However, in all sweets, too many calories, but the bread and serotonin is enough, and is a decent low-calorie representative.
The basic principles of the bread diet following :
- No hunger! The entire daily set of products should be divided into parts and evenly eat them during the day with a difference between meals 3-4 hours.
- Daily consumption of low-calorie bread( ideally - no more than 45 kcal per 100 g of product).It is believed that one bread meal should be 3-4 pieces. Women are allowed to eat from 8 to 12 pieces, men - from 12 to 16 pieces per day.
- You can use diet breads, rye bread, wheat, made from wholemeal flour. It is recommended to carefully read labels for flour products and when eating bread with a higher calorie content, eat less of the product.
- Without adjustments for calories, it is necessary to completely eliminate muffins and loaves because they have a high glycemic index, i.e., increase the level of sugar in the blood.
- Bread should be greased with a thin layer of any dressing: vegetable caviar, avocado paste, curd cheese with garlic or herbs, mustard, low-fat mayonnaise, ketchup. You can put a thin piece of fish or meat on the bread. The main thing here: the favorite taste and psychological awareness that it is not forbidden.
- Once a day you need to eat a serving of fruit.
- Drink plenty of fluids. Doctors do not tire of repeating that a day should drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of liquid: water, green and / or black tea, vegetable juices, 1 cup of coffee is allowed. If you can not live without fruit juices, you can drink 1/3 cup if you refuse to "put" a portion of fruit.
- You need to eat a lot of boiled, steamed, baked, fresh, stewed vegetables.
- Daily it is necessary to use 200 g of some sour-milk product( skim yoghurt, kefir, ryazhenka).
- Three times a week it is allowed to replace one bread meal with a portion of low-fat meat or fish.
- Three times a week( preferably not on "meat" days) you need to eat one chicken egg.
- Be sure to exclude alcohol from the diet, fatty sauces and varieties of meat, butter, sugar and sweets, smoked products, chips.
The main advantages of the bread method are:
- rich in cellular, macro and microelements nutrition - in the bread there is a lot of magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, B vitamins, etc.;
- a good mood for lack of hunger and sufficient production of serotonin;
- availability of products;
- the ability to stick to it for as long as necessary to achieve the desired result.
Bread diet: stages and sample menu ^
The approximate menu of the first stage of the bread diet lasts a week or two and looks something like this:
Note: it is allowed to add a little olive oil to salads and when extinguishing vegetables.
The second stage lasts at the discretion of a particular person who can correct the menu and gradually replace the "bread snack" per day with:
- a portion of pasta, rice or buckwheat;
- medium potatoes;
- a glass of legumes;
- 1 corn cob;
- 2 tbsp.l.muesli or 4 tbsp.l.oatmeal.
Diet on black bread and water
It should be noted that the program of Olga Raz has nothing to do with the popular diet on black bread and water, except for the main ingredient - bread:
- The "bread and water" diet gives less result - no more than 4 kg.
- This program can be adhered to no more than 8 days.
The meager menu assumes to eat:
- In the morning, a portion of oatmeal on the water, a piece of cheese.
- At lunch you are allowed to eat as much bread as you like and a serving of fish or chicken breast.
- For dinner - 200 grams of bread and 0.5 liters of kefir.
Bakery - kefir diet
A well-known diet on bread and yogurt is an even tougher option. The menu is memorized simply: 2 liters of water + 1 liter of kefir + 1/4 of bread. This technique is designed for a week of application and guarantees disposal of 500 g of unnecessary weight per day. Unfortunately, not everyone can "sit" on such a meager diet.
In addition, a large number of drunk kefir implies the presence of a toilet nearby, which means that this diet program is contraindicated for people working in places where privacy can be a problem.
Diet for Bread Units
A diet program based on baking units is also far from the technique of Olga Raz, since a diet based on the calculation of "bread units" is inherently a low-carb diet program recommended by a diabetic patient. Similarity can be in a fairly diverse diet( daily - vegetables, sour-milk products, fruits, thrice a week - meat or fish) and the possibility of its continued continuation.
However, the diet of diabetics is more limited. In a day you can eat no more than 10 bread units, each of which is equal to 12 grams of carbohydrates. And if, on the recommendation of an Israeli nutritionist, only bread can be eaten on average with an average of 10 pieces, then in this case the croup, vegetables and fruits are consumed daily equivalent to carbohydrates in 10 pieces of a loaf.
Results, reviews of weight loss and doctors ^
The results of the bread diet are very impressive: at the first stage you can lose up to 5 kg, on the second - up to 7 kg weekly. However, it must be taken into account that with all its undoubted merits, the bread menu has a number of significant contraindications:
- pregnancy,
- lactation period,
- for children and adolescents,
- presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Numerous reviews of those who have lost weight on the bread diet confirm the absence of hunger when observing such a diet and a good even mood. In addition, among the additional benefits noted ease of cooking and a fairly low percentage of those to whom the weight returned after the end of the diet program.
Such good reviews and the results achieved prompted us to start applying these recommendations to ourselves literally tomorrow. Let melt the pounds without hunger and bad mood!
We also recommend you to watch a video on video with useful advice of dieticians about the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: