  • Independence of children

    Your child must learn to make decisions. And also to compromise. How to work in a team. How to make deals and negotiate. In my opinion, it is most convenient for all of this to teach a teenager, involving him in the decision-making process of decision-making. Especially if the decision somehow concerns the child, then you must necessarily ask his opinion.

    Of course, the voice of a teenager does not necessarily have to be decisive. Children should be aware: the last word always remains for those who own the house and family means. But situations are different, and exceptions can also be from this principle. Obviously, children should not force you to attach to the house an outhouse with three bedrooms, on the grounds that each of them wants to have a separate bedroom and a separate "cabinet".But you can and should consult with them on how best to organize the available space, so that it is as convenient as possible for them.

    Growing up, children should get used to making decisions, giving advice and interacting with surrounding adults on an equal footing. Why not allow the child to paint the walls in the bedroom in this color, especially since he will do it himself? I remember one of my offspring, as a teenager, self-sealing a small hole in the wall of his bedroom: by the time the work was finished, this part of the wall was a six-inch-thick hump. But I did not correct anything. I saved the wall in such a way as a memory of his first decorating experiments. The son lives in his own house for a long time, and his lump on the wall remains. Now he became a real master in painting and other finishing works, and the wall in his former bedroom reminds me that children need a starting point for further achievements.

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    Another important area: family trips, if they still have a place in your family. Planning a budget is your task, but everyone should take part in determining the place of rest. In extreme cases, you can use the right of veto, but any other member of the family - too.

    Of course, no matter how important it is to learn to make independent decisions, I'm not just talking about it now. I want to say that children should feel involved in all family affairs, be able to influence decisions that affect everyone. Including, perhaps, and the establishment of rules. Take an example from the team - the champion of England in rugby, in which all the principles and fundamentals of the strategy of games and training are established by the common decision of all members;The rules adopted in this way are then strictly observed by everyone, as all participated in their drafting.