  • How to lose weight after giving birth

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    A special role in the motivation for losing weight is reserved for a man. No matter how focused a woman is on caring for a child, she still wants to remain desirable and attractive for him. Otherwise, self-esteem falls, mood spoils and problems begin in the family.
    To dramatically lose weight, there are radical surgical methods. But they can cause significant damage to the body, which has not yet recovered from stress after delivery. In order to harmoniously and smoothly regain harmony and get rid of other problems of the postnatal period( hair loss, stretch marks, digestive disturbances, mood swings, etc.), it is better to use natural natural remedies. Recipes of traditional medicine will help you to strengthen health and preserve beauty, restore harmony and self-confidence.
    The main way to lose weight is to properly adjust for weight loss. The brain forces the body to do what it is sure of, so before you decide on a diet or exercise until the seventh sweat, perform a few simple but necessary actions. You need it mentally or on paper:

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    • clearly articulate your main goal - why you lose weight;
    • select an example to follow, supporting you when the goal is achieved;
    • Determine how you will control your new habits until they become a new style of your life.
    A person takes only those actions, leads only that way of life, which he considers consciously necessary. There is no conscious necessity - there is no conscious action. Without stating the main goal of trying to "throw off a kilogram-another" can be done forever. If there is no goal, then why renounce what brings a fleeting pleasure, even if it settles later on the sides with extra pounds? This is how your subconscious disposes, when you have eaten porridge from the morning, and at lunch time the hand reaches out for a piece of cake. Thought, expressed with all certainty and maximum seriousness, the thought to which you expressed your secret and clear desire, becomes will.
    The goal may not necessarily be weight loss itself, although this is not excluded. But losing weight for a more important goal is a powerful motivating factor. It may be possible to wear things of the 42nd size, go to the beach in an open swimsuit, wear jeans in which you flaunted 5 years ago, get a compliment from your husband, see the "treasured" figure on the scales. .. It does not matter what for someone,then your goal may seem nonsense, no one will know about it. It is important that for you it remains always desired.
    When you understand why you limit yourself to eating, you do not have to break yourself and make supernatural efforts to give up an extra piece of cake. Almost unconsciously, out of the whole stream of cases and possible pleasures, you will select useful for the figures and refuse harmful ones. Over time, when these actions will become a daily habit, you will cease to notice your efforts to improve and preserve the figure.
    To the process of losing weight was more effective, it is very useful to have before your eyes the example you are striving for. Ironically, but the photos of models pasted to the refrigerator are indeed very effective means of closing it. If you have a girlfriend who has already lost weight after giving birth, you can hang her picture - what is closer can be more effective. There is also a way "from the opposite": hang on the wall an image of an American "hamburger man".Contemplation of 150 kg of fat and cellulite is very sobering.
    Switching to a new style of eating and physical activity is very useful to fix in writing. In this way, you discipline yourself, because you will need to write down your achievements and the changes that are happening with your body every day. Constant willful repetition of certain actions: count and cut calories, eat according to the regime, go for walks and do gymnastics - all these habits must replace many and uncontrolled habits, lie at the TV after eating, refuse to walk and gymnastics for the sake of rest,then chew and snack. Visible on paper, the process of weight reduction will support you in enthusiasm. The only thing that can be relied upon in this difficult period of the formation of new habits is self-control, which is why a diary is needed.
    The greatest danger in losing weight is represented by "failures": you adhered to the principles of reasonable nutrition, performed exercises, and suddenly, under the influence of bad mood, boredom or stress, one product breakdown dashed their achievements. Thus, you not only loosen your self-confidence, but also violate the metabolism, which is already unstable after pregnancy. All these stories of friends: "I lost weight, and then the pounds returned and brought with them another heel" - have an explanation. Being in a state of stress, the body( and the restriction of eating stress for him), having suddenly got an extra portion of calories, begins to store them in case of unforeseen hunger. And worst of all, you will be ashamed of yourself and feel guilty. Therefore, agree with yourself that you are reducing your weight consciously, you understand what it is for, and realize that a sharp change in your eating behavior will only harm your body. When you want to eat poltortika, a dozen sandwiches with sausage or something else "beautiful", get a list of things that switch you( dance, walk, wash floors, compile an alphabetical catalog of books or music albums, etc.), andtake care of some business. Wait a bit, and the keen desire to "devour" will soon recede, and you will save weight, metabolism and self-esteem.

    If the pregnancy was without complications and you did not spend nine months in bed, but worked moderately, doing household chores and doing gymnastics. The muscles and skin of the abdomen must be maintained in tone, as with the development of the fetus, the increasing uterus, which is hardening day by day, adds a load to the spine, and, in addition, overstretched muscles reduce the ability to contract, and the infringement of normal amounts of nutrients and energy in them leads totheir dystrophy.
    There are very few women who immediately after the authorization from childbirth remain as slender as they were before pregnancy. And even if there are such, it will be more a sign of ill health. Normally a woman should gain up to 10 kg of extra weight. After birth, it loses about 3.6 kg( weight of the baby) and about 0.5 kg( weight of the placenta).But many get better by 15 and 20 kg.
    During the period of breastfeeding, it is not necessary to switch to a low-calorie diet or fasting - the baby needs useful, nutritious breast milk, through it a small organism gets everything necessary for growth and development. But also there is for three, so that the child gets all the best, is also not recommended. In nutrition, rationality and moderation are important. During pregnancy, your hormonal background has changed, metabolism has slowed down, and it may take several months for your body to normalize these important processes. Therefore, if you eat "for two," do not be surprised that your weight will also double.
    In most cases, the cause of excess weight is banal overeating, that is, consuming more food( and, correspondingly, calories) than being able to spend. The sedentary lifestyle and the lack of physical exertion aggravate the situation, which often occurs during pregnancy. But if during pregnancy and lactation excess weight can be explained by caring for the offspring, then after you took the baby from the breast, nothing prevents you from doing your weight.
    Obesity is the basis for the development of many diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, lipid( fat) metabolism disorders. The complex of changes that occurs in the body of a person suffering from excess weight, leads to the development of hypertension, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
    However, obesity can be a symptom of diseases( for example, endocrine or central nervous system diseases), so if you eat no more than normal, do not get carried away by carbohydrate products, and you still gain weight, you need to see a doctor-endocrinologist.

    Carbohydrates exist in two forms - simple and complex. More than half absorbed by human carbohydrates is supplied to the body in the form of simple sugars, that is simple purified carbohydrates( sugar, pasta, baked goods).They are the reason for a significant increase in weight. Having eaten a portion of foods rich in simple carbohydrates, you will soon feel a rush of strength, an increase in mood, but this effect will not last long, and you will feel tired again. This is due to the fact that when processing carbohydrates, a large amount of sugar enters the blood, which gives a temporary stimulating effect. Such sugar-containing substances as honey, refined white and fruit sugar, are absorbed very quickly, not providing the body with a long-term energy supply.
    But when the sugar, obtained as a result of decomposition of simple carbohydrates, begins to be removed from the circulatory system, the blood content of insulin sharply increases in the blood, which counteracts the increase in the amount of sugar and ensures a faster release from it. As a result, the level of sugar content decreases, the amount of which falls even below the norm.
    The resulting feeling of discomfort the body seeks to compensate for a new portion of carbohydrates, which removes an acute sense of hunger. And so there is a vicious circle of carbohydrate dependence, to break out of which is quite difficult. The result of carbohydrate nutrition is overweight, metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    Complex carbohydrates, contained in whole grains and vegetables, are easier to digest, give more energy, and after their disintegration there is less waste. When digested, complex carbohydrates are decomposed by the body into glucose for further processing into energy, carbon dioxide leaving breathing, and water. Thus, after assimilation of complex carbohydrates, no combustion products or slags remain.
    Therefore, if you want to get rid of excess weight, make appropriate changes to your diet.
    Carbohydrates give the body energy, and proteins help build new and renew old muscle cells and tissues. Only when carbohydrates is delivered is clearly insufficient( for example, in case of fasting), the body begins to break down the proteins to produce energy.
    Proteins are natural high-molecular organic compounds, consisting of amino acids and forming the structure of almost all living organisms. To maintain the life of the body, 22 amino acids, known as basic amino acids, are needed, 8 of which can be obtained only from food. The rest of the amino acids the body produces independently from various substances. Irreplaceable amino acids are acids that are not synthesized by human cells and enter the body as part of food proteins. Absence or lack of essential amino acids leads to a halt in growth, weight loss, metabolic disorders and can lead to the death of the body.
    In the life processes of all organisms, proteins perform structural, regulatory, catalytic, protective, transport, energy and other functions. They are necessary to maintain the growth and recovery processes in the body.
    In the process of digestion, the body breaks down the proteins, obtaining the necessary amino acids. They collect in the liver together with those that the body synthesizes within itself to create the proteins necessary for the body to restore the old and create new cells and tissues, for its growth and maintenance of metabolic processes.
    Most of the proteins must come from whole grains, beans, vegetables, seeds, nuts, fish and fruits. Such sources of protein as red meat, poultry, milk, contain substances that promote the development of heart diseases and the violation of other functions of the body, so they should not be more than a quarter of the total protein food in the diet.
    Fats are also an integral part of our body. From the chemical point of view, these are organic compounds that are esters of glycerol and higher fatty acids, mainly palmitic, stearic( saturated acids) and oleic( unsaturated acid).They are lighter than water and practically insoluble in water. Fats are part of the cells, participate in ensuring their normal functioning, are the main chemical substances of adipose tissue. They promote the absorption of proteins and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E. Stimulate the separation of bile, the pancreas. Protect internal organs from hypothermia and mechanical damage. Distinguish the reserve fat, which is deposited in special fat cells and used by the body as an energy material, and protoplasmic fat, structurally related to carbohydrates and proteins of cell membranes.
    Thin people become fuller slower than fat people become very fat. It's all about the lipase enzyme involved in the breakdown of fats in cells. When a fat man eats fatty foods, lipase shows less activity, which leads to even more fat deposition. And more and more rounded the hips, stomach, ribbed area.
    Food fats are used by the body as an energy source. The energy value of fats among the other components of food is the highest. When 1 g of fat is cleaved, 9 kilocalories are released. However, fat oxidation in the human body is much more difficult than, say, carbohydrates. Nutritional value of fat depends on the characteristics of its absorption in the intestine, the melting point, the content of fatty acids, vitamins and other components. Some mineral substances, such as calcium and magnesium, "refuse" to be absorbed in the digestive tract, until their "saponification" reaction with fatty acids occurs. Fat is the source of water in the body: when it is oxidized, more than twice as much water is formed as when oxidizing other nutrients. Interestingly, this property of fat is used in the treatment of obese patients. Restriction in the use of liquid promotes the disintegration of adipose tissue with the release of water and carbon dioxide.
    Every day a person needs not more than 60 - 100 grams of fat. This is 30 - 35% of the total energy value of the daily diet. The biological value of saturated fatty acids is considered to be low. But food fats containing unsaturated fatty acids( linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic) are irreplaceable for humans, since they are not synthesized in the body. These fatty acids are needed for normal growth and development. They provide elasticity of blood vessels, participate in the exchange of cholesterol, promote the assimilation of proteins and vitamins.
    With a lack of fat in the body, resistance to infections, cold decreases, avitaminosis develops due to poor assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins, growth and general development are delayed. Excess fat intake increases the load on the liver, pancreas and intestines, promotes the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes, leads to disruption of digestion, metabolism and the process of protein breakdown. Excess fat is deposited mainly in the subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen, thighs, etc.
    Fats are of animal and vegetable origin. Animal fats are found in meat, fat, butter, sour cream and cream. Vegetable fats - in sunflower, olive, corn, cottonseed oil. A lot of vegetable fats in nuts. In nature, it is difficult to find fats that fully meet the needs of the body in fatty acids and vitamins.
    In addition to the above, each body vitally important vitamins, macro and microelements.
    Vitamins are biologically active substances, which together with enzymes are the catalysts of all vital processes of the body. Currently, more than 20 vitamins are known. Vitamins are divided into fat-soluble vitamins( vitamins A, D, E, K), water-soluble( vitamins В1 В2, В3, В6, В9 В12, С, Р, РР, Н) and vitamin-like substances( vitamins В13, В15, inositol, lipoic acid,choline, bioflavonoids).The biological role of water-soluble vitamins is associated with their participation in the work of enzymes. The role of fat-soluble vitamins is largely due to their participation in the maintenance of the normal functional state of cell membranes. Vitamin-like compounds perform a variety of functions in the body, participating in the regulation of various biological processes. Vitamins are not a source of energy, but mainly perform the function of regulators of biochemical reactions.
    In the human body, vitamins are either not synthesized at all( for example, vitamin C), or synthesized in insufficient quantities. Small intake of vitamins with food or poor digestion leads to vitamin deficiency: deficiency( hypovitaminosis) or complete absence( beriberi).It should be remembered that hypovitaminoses of fat-soluble vitamins are observed when there is a lack of fats and meat( fish) in food. Deficiency of water-soluble vitamins is noted with a small consumption of greens, vegetables, fruits, bread. The physiological need of healthy people in vitamins should be taken into account when compiling food rations.
    Mineral substances are contained in human tissues in very small quantities. Mineral substances are divided into macroelements and microelements. The main macroelements in the body are chlorides, phosphates and carbonates of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, as well as sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine.
    Potassium increases excretion from the body of sodium and is involved in the metabolic processes of the nervous tissue. It supports the tone of the heart muscle, the function of the adrenal glands. Potassium is found in meat, fish, milk.
    Calcium normalizes the excitability of the nervous tissue, activates the processes of blood coagulation, regulates the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. The main sources of calcium are milk, cottage cheese, cheese.
    Magnesium participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, enhances the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, and has a vasodilating action. Salts of magnesium are contained in buckwheat and oatmeal, legumes, walnuts.
    Sodium is found mainly in extracellular fluids. Sodium chloride is an integral part of blood plasma.
    Phosphorus is involved in the metabolism. It is important for the process of energy transfer, building cells, enzymes and other compounds. A lot of phosphorus is found in sea fish, cheese, butter, tomatoes.
    Chlorine is involved in the formation of hydrochloric acid, regulation of osmotic pressure and water metabolism. Chlorine enters the body mainly with table salt.
    The microelements necessary for normal human activity include iron, copper, zinc, iodine, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, bromine, selenium, chromium, tin, silicon, fluorine, vanadium. Mineral substances are a part of tissues, tissue fluids, blood, bones, enzymes and human hormones. More than 60 microelements were found in our body. Their biological role in the human body is different, and the main sources are food products and drinking water. A lot of iron contains beef liver, hematogen. Iodine is rich in seafood. Cobalt is found in vegetables and fruits. Copper is present in wheat, rye, oats, beet, raspberries. Fluoride enters the body with water. A large amount of zinc is found in yeast, bran, cheese, mushrooms, eggs, legumes.
    When preparing a diet to reduce weight, focus on reducing the number of calories from meals during the day. The daily diet should contain a sufficient number of essential amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes in the body.
    The mandatory protein norm is 100-130 g, of which 70% of animal origin( skimmed curd, kefir, cheese, skim milk, egg white, lean meats and fish).Proteins help improve metabolism, participate in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes and perform a plastic role. The low protein diet promotes the development of fatty liver infiltration.
    Fats last longer in the stomach and create a feeling of satiety. So it's too sharp not to reduce their consumption. On average, it is allowed to get 80 - 90 grams of fats a day, and 50% of them are of vegetable origin( sunflower, corn, olive and other oils).The norms of the need for fats for men from 18 to 59 years, "working head" fluctuate from 70 to 80 grams per day, for men of the same age, but engaged in heavy physical labor, are from 113 to 128 grams per day. The composition of vegetable oil contains 30 - 35% of fats, dairy products - 30-35%, fish, meat, cereals - 30-35%.Exclude from the diet fats of animal origin, having allowed yourself a little bit of butter.
    Drastically reduce the carbohydrate content( up to 150 - 200 g), mainly due to digestible( sugar, honey, jam, flour products, semolina and rice).Limit consumption of vegetables, fruits, berries, containing a lot of sugar( grapes, watermelon, melon, raisins, dried apricots, pumpkin, potatoes, beets, carrots, bananas).Recommended unsweetened fruit, berries and vegetables that contain fiber, which creates a feeling of saturation with low caloric content of food, and improve digestion.

    Principles of rational nutrition - there is a need to diversify, fully, regularly, the diet should be enough fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and not very many carbohydrates. But for women who regain their weight after pregnancy, it should be clarified that you need to eat moderately. To do this, enter a restriction portion for each meal( 200 g at a time) and exclude from the diet products that artificially stimulate the appetite. Ketchup, sauces, mayonnaise, spicy condiments, marinades, smoked meats - all this makes you eat much more than you need.
    The basic rule of the young mother, contributing to weight loss, is very simple: do not overeat the baby! Unnoticed for yourself, eaten( well, do not throw away the same? Porridge for breakfast, soup for lunch and pasta for dinner will not contribute to the harmony of your figure. Remember: your body is not a garbage, you eat as much as your body is enough, and no more. Most often a simple restriction of the portion and exclusion of "snacks" during the day help to reduce weight.
    The most acceptable is the four-time diet, with more or less uniform, small meals.
    Food should be full, that is, your diet should contain the necessary amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and salts. The biological value of nutrition depends mainly on the content of vitamins, enzymes, trace elements in the food, as well as on the balance of the irreplaceable components of all nutrients, especially proteins and fats.
    Food should affect the digestive system in a tonic and stimulating manner. In products, it is necessary to preserve biologically active substances as much as possible( vitamins, phytoncides, trace elements, etc.), for which it is recommended to refuse from roasting and quenching.
    The motor function of digestion is stimulated by cellulose and pectins from vegetables and fruits, as well as by sour-milk products( kefir, yoghurt, yoghurt).Increased biological activity of food is facilitated by eating bread from wheat flour of coarse wheat varieties. It contains a full complex of B vitamins.
    The best sugar substitute is honey. If there is no honey, then you can use dried fruits, but in dried fruits sold in shops( industrially processed), contains sulfur, which has a harmful effect on the body. Therefore, dried fruits before consumption should be steamed in a colander for a couple. In addition, sugar is in the fruit - it is called fructose. Fresh fruits are an excellent substitute for sugar.
    With a balanced diet, the weight goes away slowly, but as your eating habits gradually change, you do not gain weight again. Fasting on water or juices is not suitable for the body of a woman who has survived the stress of childbearing not so long ago. In addition, fasting helps to reduce muscle mass( and not fat) and weaken the body. Diets prescribe tight food restrictions, which deprives the body of nutrients, much needed after delivery. It should be feared and, if possible, avoiding diets that compensate for nutritional deficiencies with food substitutes, liquid proteins and energy bars, or recommend adding dietary supplements, pills and other drugs to your diet that promise to burn fat.
    Consequences of an ill-considered desire to lose weight will be dehydration, which weakens the body, accelerates the aging of cells;indigestion: constantly low blood pressure, hormonal disorders;avitaminosis;violations of the liver, intoxication, in extreme cases - cirrhosis, threatening to starve lovers.

    1. There is always need to take your time. The feeling of satiety is always late for 10 to 15 minutes after you swallow the last piece. Even if your child sleeps only 15 minutes and you need to eat during this time, wash the floors, wash and sleep, take your time and chew.
    2. You need to feel easy satiety. Fall off the table in the state of "right now" is harmful even once a year, not to mention the daily overeating.
    3. You need quality products, but do not necessarily eat delicacies every day. In the diet should be a variety.
    4. There is little need, but often. It is best if the daily meal is divided into four to five parts.
    5. Do not "seize" the stress. It will not solve the problems, but only add new ones.
    6. Food should be cooked, and not pre-heated semi-finished products. For cooking three new dishes for each meal, you probably do not have time, but one or two recipe that does not take long is in the arsenal of each housewife.
    7. There is need for the regime, deviation from the time of breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner should not exceed 20 minutes. This and the child from a young age accustoms to the routine of the day, and your body always knows when it will be fed and in the intervals ceases to require "snacks".
    8. Do not drink industrially produced lemonades and juices, they contain a lot of sugar, which will immediately go to your hips.
    9. Do not eat for the company, if it does not fit into your daily routine. If the husband came home from work at 10 pm, feed him, but do not eat yourself any more.
    10. Do not go to the store hungry. Products must be purchased only on a pre-compiled list.
    11. Get an accurate scale and weigh yourself every morning until breakfast.
    12. Do not eat too late, the last meal should be no later than 2 hours before going to bed.13. Drive after eating.

    In order to slightly push the body to lose excess fat mass, you can use unloading days. Since this is a short version of the diet, nutritional deficiencies are not formed, but it allows you to eat less and lose more calories. Do not avoid physical exertion during the fasting days. On the contrary, it helps to reduce your weight.
    It is recommended to spend unloading days not more often 1 - 2 times a week.

    Any fruit can be used for the unloading diet: you can spend, for example, banana discharge day, orange, watermelon or unloading day on grapefruit - they all have a great effect on the internal processes of the body.

    For a day, you should eat 1.5 kg of apples in fresh or baked form. Sugar is not added, for taste, apples can be sprinkled with cinnamon. Do not forget to drink a lot, at least 1.5 - 2 liters of fluid per day.

    Juices, of course, should be freshly squeezed, the recommended rate is 2 liters per day.
    Cabbage juice contains easily digestible carbohydrates( glucose, fructose, sucrose), amino acids, and also salts of calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron. Its greatest value lies in a special vitamin set( ascorbic, nicotinic, pantothenic and folic acids, thiamine, riboflavin, biotin, vitamin K, P-active substances).Cabbage juice contains antiulcer vitamin U, in connection with heme it is used in a warm form as a remedy for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. In addition, it helps to normalize the metabolism and has a beneficial effect on atherosclerosis. Cabbage juice has the ability to inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, so it is necessary for people with excess weight.

    Boil 150 grams of unpolished rice without salt, divided into 3 portions. For breakfast, you can add a pinch of cinnamon to the rice. For lunch, grate a small apple. For dinner, add a small pepper pod or a carrot.

    The daily dose of dry compote - 250 grams, water - up to 1 liter. Drink 200 ml of compote 5 times a day.

    It is recommended 5 - 6 times during the day to have a salad of fresh apples, carrots, cabbages without salt. You can fill 1 tbsp.spoon of low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil. In total, you need to eat up to 1.5 kg of salad. You can drink water. Such unloading has a general strengthening effect, contributes to the activation of the body's defenses.

    These days are well tolerated, because they allow you to vary the diet. Cottage cheese can be eaten either in raw form, or in various ways of its culinary processing. The most effective low-fat cottage cheese, to which you can add a small amount of sour cream for taste. Cottage cheese is taken in 4 divided doses of 100 g( with growth of 165 cm) and 150 grams( with growth above 165 cm) with 15 g of sour cream for each reception.
    For the sake of taste variety, you can use cottage cheese for the preparation of cheese cakes, cottage cheese, pudding, and grated mass. Cheesemakers need to eat in five receptions( two cheese cakes with sour cream).
    In addition to cottage cheese on this day, you are allowed to drink 2 cups of coffee with milk without sugar( saccharin is allowed) and 1 - 2 cups of wild rose broth.

    Potassium, contained in dried apricots, is necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system, in addition, dried apricots have a cleansing effect on the intestines.
    During the day, you need to eat 500 grams of slightly soaked dried apricots, divided into 5 receptions. You can drink water.

    Such a day off except for weight loss and normalization of the intestine improves the complexion.
    Before the evening, soak a few spoons of oatmeal in boiled cold water. In the morning, fill the oatmeal with 1 teaspoon of honey and eat, drinking a glass of kefir with bifidoflora. In about three hours, drink a glass of rosehip.
    At lunch you can eat an apple and drink a glass of yogurt. In the afternoon snack - another glass of kefir.
    For dinner, you can drink herbal tea with lemon and honey and with two rusks. Before going to bed - a glass of bifid-kefir.

    For this unloading day, select any sour-milk product not exceeding 1.5% fat for your taste( kefir, yogurt or yogurt).Drink it in small sips throughout the day. In total you can drink 1.5 liters. In addition to the main product, you should drink water in an amount of at least 1 - 1.5 liters per day.

    Five times a day you need to eat 300 g of ripe watermelon, nothing else to eat or drink. This unloading day helps to cleanse the body of toxins, improve the blood circulation of all organs.

    This is the heaviest, but also the effective version of a fast diet. In fact, this is the day of fasting. Thus water or tea it is necessary to drink constantly throughout all day, having drunk not less than 2 liters.

    Milk tea is a mixture of tea and milk, it is better to use green tea. Effective also will be unloading days on milk. Like kefir, unloading milk day means the use of two liters of milk. The fat content of milk remains at your discretion, but the recommended rate is 1.5%.

    It is recommended to switch to diets only after the end of breastfeeding.
    There are both multicomponent( meat-vegetable) and monocomponent diets in which it is recommended to eat foods from only one group( vegetable, fruit, meat and even carbohydrate diets).
    Pay special attention to the contraindications for your chosen diet. In some cases, they can be dangerous to the health of even an ordinary person, and even more so for the patient. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, you should beware of diets that involve a lot of stress for the body. Such loads can lead to exacerbation of diseases and cause even heart attacks.
    One should be careful with diets in diseases of the blood system, especially in the presence of anemia. For example, strict vegetarian diets for a long time can lead to a lack of vitamin B12 and cause severe B12-deficiency anemia. The same is connected with the lack of iron, copper.
    The digestive system experiences the greatest load when changing the diet. Therefore, people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, do not recommend diets with a high content of indigestible fiber( for example, raw food), diets that involve loading the enzyme system( strict separate food).Caution should be observed in violation of acidity of gastric juice( peptic ulcer, gastritis).Diets with a lot of fruit juices can lead to aggravation of stomach diseases, milk diets with low acidity can cause its dysfunction. Diseases of the intestines are rather contraindications for diets( of course, except for special medical ones).

    Weight reduction with this diet will be quite smooth. Duration - 2 weeks.
    The diet is based on the use of relatively inexpensive products - cabbage, apples and oranges. It is recommended to minimize the consumption of salt to a minimum( instead of using herbal seasonings), do not fry, just stew. Tea during the day without restrictions( preferably green), coffee - no more than two cups a day. Mineral water without restrictions.
    Recommended products: low-fat chicken or fish;cheese;low-fat yogurt;eggs;vegetables and fruits;cereal or rye bread;herbal spices, garlic and onions;vegetable oil.
    Sample menu for one day:
    Breakfast - tea or coffee with a hot sandwich. To make a piece of grain or rye bread or bread, spread a thin layer of butter on it, put a slice of apple, or orange, or cabbage on it, put a thin slice of low-fat cheese( or sprinkle with grated cheese), put in the oven or roaster until cheesewill melt. Do not fry! Eat warm, but not hot.
    Lunch - it is recommended to choose one of the variants of the offered dishes.

    1. Cabbage and apple salad, dressed with low-calorie mayonnaise or vegetable oil.
    2. Salad from cabbage, oranges, bananas and apples without refueling.
    3. Melkared cut cabbage salad with Korean carrots or beets instead of seasoning at the rate of 50 g of Korean carrots / beets and 250 grams of cabbage.
    4. Medium-sliced ​​cabbage with mayonnaise, garlic and soy sauce.

    First course:
    1. Borscht lean - you can add vegetable oil( 1 teaspoon per 0.5 liters).
    2. Shchi are lean. Vegetable soup with melted cheese.

    Second course:
    1. Bird( without skin) - 150 g.
    2. Boiled or braised fish - 150 g.
    3. Cottage cheese casserole or cheese cake( 200 g).
    4. Baked potatoes with sour cream and greens.

    Dessert - compote of apples, oranges, pears without sugar.

    Dinner - choose one of the following options:
    1. Cabbage stewed with onions.
    2. Omelet of two eggs with finely chopped cabbage.
    3. Two large or three small bananas.
    4. Fruit salad with honey and / or raisins, you can fill with yoghurt.
    At night - a glass of yogurt, yogurt or a large apple, or pear, or orange.

    Promotes rapid weight loss. Duration - 8 days.
    The main product of the diet is kefir. His and other foods recommended for every day should be eaten during the day( break into 3 to 4 meals).You can drink water in any quantity. Add other products, especially salt and sugar, not.
    Recommended products: kefir;potatoes;dried fruits( dried apricots, raisins);cottage cheese;sour cream;a hen;fresh fruits;mineral water.
    Diet for the week:
    Day 1: 3 - 4 pcs.boiled potatoes, 0.5 liters of kefir.
    Day 2: 0.5 kg of dried fruits, 0.5 liters of kefir.
    Day 3: 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 0.5 liters of kefir.
    Day 4: 0.5 kg of sour cream, 0.5 liters of kefir.
    Day 5: 300 g boiled chicken, 0.5 liters of kefir.
    Day 6: 2 kg of fruit, 0.5 liters of kefir.
    7th day: 2 - 3 liters of kefir.
    Day 8: Mineral water in unlimited quantities.

    This diet contributes to significant weight loss and normalization of metabolism. The total duration of the diet is 5 weeks.
    Every day at any time when there is a feeling of hunger, you can eat raw vegetables in unlimited quantities with cheese or yogurt in any combination. Once a day you can eat a boiled egg, and during the day it is permissible to eat three green apples. Tea, coffee( without sugar) and water to drink in any quantities, but not less than 2 liters per day. After three weeks, boiled or roasted lean meat, poultry or fish( 300 g per day) are added to vegetables and dairy products. The amount of cheese and yogurt needs to be slightly reduced.
    At the end of the dietary course, rejection of flour and confectionery products, sweets, heavy fatty foods is developed.
    Prohibited products:
    • fatty meat and fish, offal, meat and fish canned food, smoked products;
    • any cereals and pasta;
    • fruit( excluding green apples);
    • bread and any other flour products;
    • sauces, spices, salt;
    • sugar in any form.
    Recommended products:
    • raw vegetables in unlimited quantities;
    • low-fat cheese and yogurt;
    • lean meat and chicken, low-fat fish;
    • green apples;
    • boiled egg.

    With this diet, you can reduce weight by 2 to 3 kg in 2 days.
    Duration: 1 day with food exclusively with pineapple, 2 - 3 days with mixed nutrition.
    There is an opinion that pineapples contribute to the breakdown of fats and a sharp decrease in weight. Indeed, pineapples contain enzymes that break down fats, but their effect is exaggerated. At the same time, the pineapple diet can be recommended as a discharge( one day a week to eat only pineapples - up to 2 kg, which need to be divided into 4 divided doses) or short-term for rapid weight loss( in combination with diet products).
    Attention! Prolonged daily intake of pineapple can cause unpredictable allergic reactions and digestive disorders.
    Recommended products with mixed diet:
    • fresh pineapple;
    • lean meat, chicken or fish;
    • low-fat curd, dairy products, cheese;
    • bread from wholemeal or cereal flour;
    • tea;
    • fruit( citrus fruits, apples).

    Sample menu for one day for a mixed pineapple diet:
    Breakfast - a circle of pineapple and low-fat cottage cheese( 100 g), tea with lemon( 1 glass).
    Lunch - half a pineapple and boiled chicken( 100 g), tea with lemon and sugar( 1 glass).
    Dinner - a slice of pineapple and a slice of rye bread with low-fat cheese, tea with lemon and sugar( 1 glass).
    At night - low-fat yogurt or tea with lemon.

    Within two weeks, you will be able to achieve significant weight loss with a diet based on the complete exclusion of carbohydrates from nutrition, focusing on protein foods.
    Recommended products:
    • lean meat and fish;
    • eggs;
    • vegetables and fruits;
    • tea or coffee.

    Sample menu for the week:
    1 - 2 days
    Three times a day, one hard boiled egg, a cup of coffee and one apple.
    Day 3
    Breakfast - 2 eggs. Dinner - a piece of boiled beef, spinach.
    Dinner - 1 egg, spinach.
    Day 4
    Breakfast - 1 egg. Lunch - boiled fish, tomato.
    Dinner - 2 eggs, a cup of coffee.
    Day 5
    Breakfast - 1 egg, a cup of coffee.
    Lunch - 2 eggs, tomato.
    Dinner - fried without fat fish, vegetables with vinegar. Breakfast
    Day 6
    Breakfast - 1 egg, a cup of coffee. Dinner - a piece of beef, cucumber. Dinner - veal, fried without fat, tomato, coffee. Breakfast - 1 egg, a cup of coffee.
    Lunch - half a chicken fried without fat, vegetables.
    Dinner - the second half of the chicken, apple, coffee.
    The second week menu repeats the menu first.

    When using this diet, a smooth weight loss occurs. Using the principles of diet as the basis for further nutrition, you can maintain a normal weight and maintain a vitamin balance. Contains the necessary set of vitamins and minerals. Duration: 1 - 2 weeks.
    Recommended products:
    • lean meat, fish, chicken or turkey, liver;
    • any vegetables and fruits;
    • grain bread or wholemeal flour;
    • milk and dairy products with low fat content;
    • sugar substitutes or honey;
    • mineral water, tea( preferably green), coffee.

    Sample menu for one day:
    1st breakfast - cottage cheese( 125 g), vegetable salad, 1 - 2 slices of bread, tea or coffee.
    2nd breakfast - 1 - 2 fruits and green vegetables( bell peppers, cucumbers).
    Lunch - soup without fat( okroshka, vegetable, beetroot), red turkey or lean beef. Once in 2 weeks you can eat a liver fried in a skillet without fat. Garnish - 3 tbsp.spoons of green peas( for iron replenishment, as hemoglobin drops for all diets) and vegetable salad.
    Snack - 1 - 2 fruits, dietary yogurt.
    Dinner - 1 - 2 pieces of bread, vegetables with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, cottage cheese.
    During the day, you need to drink 10 to 12 glasses of water.

    After a happy resolution of the burden, no matter how busy you are, you should find some time for yourself. Exercises for the press will help the abdominal wall return to prenatal( or close to it) state much faster, the muscles of the hands will be prepared for the weight of the child you begin to wear on your hands, and the muscles of your back support a much heavier chest. In addition, regular physical exercises for the side and back of the thigh, waist, back and buttocks combined with a reasonable diet will allow you to gradually reduce your weight without causing damage to your health and without depriving your baby of breast-feeding.

    Exercise 1
    Lie on the floor, on your side. Place your head on the palm of your hand, both legs slightly bend at the knee and hip joints. Raise that leg, which was on top of 10 - 15 cm, for the entire period of inspiration( 5 - 7 seconds).To increase the effect, you can press a little on the thigh with the palm of your hand. Do 5 to 8 repetitions for each leg.

    Exercise 2
    Runs from the same position as the previous one. A slightly raised leg, which is located on top, unfold on inhalation so that the heel moves forward, that is, in the same direction as your eyes are facing. The maximum muscle tension is reached at the inspiration height. Perform 8 to 12 repetitions for each leg.

    Exercise 3
    Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward and at the same time lift your arms and legs. Exercise is performed for a full breathing cycle - inhalation and exhalation( 8 - 15 seconds).Watch for breathing, and if it gets knocked, skip an additional 1 - 2 breathing cycles until it recovers. Perform 8 to 10 repetitions.

    Exercise 4
    Lying on your stomach, remove from behind with the palms of your ankles and grab them. Straining the muscles of the arms and hips, bend back as far as possible, on inhalation, for 4 - 8 seconds. The difficulty of the exercise is that you do not leave the initial position, that is, all this time you hold your feet with your hands. This creates difficulties in regulating the load and maintaining even breathing. Do 4 to 6 repetitions.

    Exercise 5
    This exercise not only perfectly strengthens the back muscles, but also improves the condition of the breast capsule, which gives the breast a more correct shape, so it is advisable to perform it without a bra. In addition, it eliminates defects in posture and stoop.
    Press on the floor on arms outstretched, this will be the starting position. On inhalation, bend the head as far back as possible and bring the back of the scapula to the 2 - 3 cycle of respiration( 12 to 20 seconds).Do 8 to 12 repetitions.

    Exercise 6
    Lying on your back, bend your legs as much as possible, leaving your feet on the floor. Tear your shoulders off the floor and place your palms together between your knees. Pushing the palms of your hands with your knees, simultaneously at the inspiration, pull yourself to them with your hands and press. Hold this posture for the entire period of inspiration( 5 - 7 seconds), squeezing the muscles that lead the muscles of the palm of your hand. Perform 6 to 7 repetitions.

    Exercise 7
    Lying on your back, put straight arms behind your head, place your palms on top of each other, bend your knees, leaving your feet on the floor. Leaning feet in the floor, as much as possible, raise the pelvis on the inspiration, leaning on the shoulders and mostly on the hands. Keep the strain on the entire inspiration time. Do 5 to 8 repetitions.

    Exercise 8
    Stand on all fours, on inhale, lift one of the legs and pull up the toe with the maximum possible force. If such a load seems to be inadequate, you can capture the exhalation and the next cycle of breathing. Exercise is performed with pauses in 1 - 2 respiratory cycles alternately on each leg, only 6 - 12 repetitions.

    Exercise 9
    Sit on the floor, folded with heels to each other, bring the foot as close as possible to the buttocks. Holding the thin part of the lower leg with your hands, place your elbows on your knees. On inhaling, squeeze your elbows with your knees, offering mutual resistance. On exhalation, relax your hips and make soft stretching movements with your hands. The duration of the voltage is 4 - 7 seconds, relaxation and stretching 10 - 12 seconds. Do 5 to 6 repetitions.

    Exercise 10
    Lying on your back, bend your legs slightly in the knee joints. Bring your hands behind your head and lift the body approximately 25 ° from the floor surface. Hold in this position for the entire period of inspiration( 5 - 7 seconds), on exhalation return to the starting position, rest during one breathing cycle. Perform 7 to 12 repetitions.

    Exercise 11
    Stand on all fours. On inhalation, pull the belly into yourself and upward for 7 to 10 seconds. On exhalation, stick it out a little. Perform 12 to 14 repetitions. In difficult cases, you need to do less repetition, but the muscle tension lasts longer: 2 - 3 respiratory cycles. Useful for restoring the power of oblique and transverse abdominal muscles.

    Sit in a semi-sitting position, elbow your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the work surface( floor, bed, sofa).
    The usual respiratory cycle consists of two phases: inspiration and expiration. Sometimes some people spontaneously restrain the air after exhalation;it's not scary. It is much worse if you hold the air after inhaling, at the moment when your lungs are filled with air. This should be avoided in every possible way and monitored to ensure that such delays are not systematic. Breathing is an automatic function. As soon as air enters the lungs, the brain looks forward to oxygen. The delay of breathing slows down its distribution and can provoke dizziness and even half-bouts.
    Rule 1: never hold back air after inhalation.

    Stage 1
    Once you have ascertained that your breath is flowing smoothly, put your hands on your abdomen at the bottom of it, in an area just above the pubic area. Now you need to learn how to inflate your belly with each breath and blow it off with each exhalation.
    Inhale! As naturally as possible and without straining slightly inflate your stomach. Avoid strong chest lifts and low back bends. Then exhale slowly, helping the belly with a slight pressure of hands to be drawn in and released from the air. In no case do not strain! Remember constantly that breathing is a natural function, which you should not think about during exercise. This habit of not thinking about breathing will come by itself. Do not panic if you can not do everything at once. Break your breath and try to control the body. Repeat the combination of inhalation-exhalation with the work of the abdomen and hands several times in a row. Until this is assimilated. Once you can do this naturally and effortlessly, consider that you are ready to start working.

    Stage 2
    Do not change anything in the inspiratory phase. But during the exhalation try to cut the muscles of the rectum( anus) and the vagina. These are the muscles that reduce, among others, the sphincters of the anus and bladder, keeping feces and urine. To reduce the sphincters seems sometimes difficult, so the advice: imagine that you want to keep the gases. Squeeze the buttocks on exhalation. In this case, you should feel that the muscles of the anus and the vagina are contracting and as if drawn inward, they go up;in fact they work synchronously. This reduction should be mastered before you begin to work the actual abdomen. The contraction of the muscles of the anus and the vagina is simply necessary. Any exercise creates an increased pressure in the abdominal cavity. So the contraction of the muscles of the anus and abdomen protects against pushing( falling out) of the internal organs: the intestine, the bladder and the uterus. The risk of falling out of the internal organs with repeated repetitions of exercises is especially great for the uterus, the ligaments of which are stretched after pregnancy. Therefore, just drawing in the stomach before doing the exercise is not enough. Moreover, retraction of the abdomen in itself generates a force that can provoke with time the prolapse of the uterus and rectum of the terminal part of the rectum. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to reduce the sphincters before you are about to draw in your stomach.
    Rule 2: never take any action at the abdomen level until you have contracted the muscles of the anus and vagina.

    Stage 3
    Again, do not change anything in the breath. But on exhalation try to reduce the muscles of the anus and vagina first, and then, all the same, during exhalation, to draw in your belly with the maximum effort. Imagine that you squeeze toothpaste out of the tube;do this with the air in your belly, driving it from below and going up. Hold the lower contraction of the muscles( anus and vagina) and cut the transverse abdominal muscle with maximum force throughout the entire exhalation. But as soon as the exhalation is over, relax all muscles in the reverse order: first the stomach, then the sphincters. In fact, there is almost no time difference between relaxation of abdominal muscles and sphincters. It occurs quickly and almost simultaneously. Once you have relaxed, again, without interrupting the duty cycle, try to breathe in by inflating the stomach. Then again, try to exhale by drawing the belly from the bottom upwards with maximum force. And so several times. Use of hands is necessary at the initial stage. When you press lightly with your hands on the bottom of the abdomen, the brain receives additional information, and then it will be easier to perform the retraction starting from the lower abdomen. This is what is called kinesthetic information. Try to adapt as much as possible to the general movement.
    Restoration of strength, or peretonification, of any muscle must always be carried out when using its maximum length. You will never be able to strengthen the biceps, bypassing only the short flexion-extension of the elbow joint. Bodybuilders in order to pump biceps hold a dumbbell in his hand and perform flexion-extension of the elbow in full. In this case, as experts say, the muscle works along its entire length. For the accumulation of force, this is a necessary condition. Your "biceps" in the rehabilitation of the abdomen is his transverse muscle. Its main movement is compression. So draw in the belly with maximum force, but do it progressively, so that the maximum effort comes at the end of the exhalation phase.
    Rule 3: draw in the belly with maximum force every time.

    Exercise 1
    Sitting on a chair, place the shin and foot of one foot on the other's thigh. Take hold of the shin of this leg, on inhaling, press your foot towards you, providing mutual resistance. On exhalation, relax your hips and make soft stretching movements with your hands. Exercise is done with a small load, so you can do 7 - 9 repetitions on each leg.

    Exercise 2
    Sitting on a chair, rest your palms on the outer surfaces of the knee joint area. While inhaling, dilute your knees while resisting them with your hands for 5-7 seconds. Perform 6 to 10 repetitions. Helps to get rid of riding breeches.

    Exercise 1
    Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart, arms raised, fingers linked, palms facing up. Produce alternately to each side the slopes of the maximum possible amplitude, achieving the stretching of the muscles on the side opposite to the slope. Duration - 1 respiratory cycle, rest on the next respiratory cycle, all takes 7 - 10 seconds. Do 3 to 5 repetitions in each direction.

    Exercise 2
    Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands in front of the chest, palms folded and abut each other. On inhalation, one hand pushes the other, as if providing a turn of the body, after this movement, the body itself turns. Movement and a 3 - 6-second pause for muscle tension occupies the entire inspiratory cycle and part of the exhalation. On the remainder of the exhalation return to the starting position and at the next inspiration hold it in the opposite direction. Only 4 - 7 repetitions. Monitor the heart rate every 3 to 4 exercises.

    Exercise 3
    Stand upright, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread apart to the horizontal level. Without changing the position of the hands, lean forward, placing the body horizontally, parallel to the floor. From this position on inhalation, turn left and right to the maximum muscle tension, for each respiratory cycle( 4 to 6 seconds).Perform 4 to 6 repetitions.

    Exercise 4
    Stand upright, legs slightly wider than shoulders, one arm raised up, the other lowered. From this position, bend back, trying to reach the heel of the hand from the same side. The degree of load is regulated by the upper hand: the more you pull it back, the greater the strain the abdominal muscles experience. Exercise is done on 1 respiratory cycle on each side( for 4 - 8 seconds).Perform 4 to 6 repetitions.

    Exercise 5
    Stand upright, feet shoulder width apart, hands with woven fingers at the top. On inhalation, one leg, slightly bent at the knee, is pulled back to a considerable muscle strain for 3 to 7 seconds, the body is slightly deflected forward, but the arms should be raised as high as possible, on exhalation, relaxing and returning to the starting position. Only 7 - 9 repetitions with alternating legs.

    Exercise 7
    Stand upright, hands along the trunk. Raise the hip forward and to the side, the knee is bent at an angle of 90%, the shin as far as possible tends to a horizontal position. The palm of the hand on the same side is on the shins. Movement is made on inhalation and is accompanied by pressing the palm of the shin( 4 - 8 seconds).The exercise is performed alternately on each side 4-7 times. Effective for strengthening the outer thigh and eliminating the breeches.

    The phrase "block down" means that you must be able to cut first the sphincters, then the stomach. This is the basic exercise and exercise number one in this course, it is the foundation in rehabilitation of the abdomen.
    Required minimum inventory: rubber band, gym mat, big ball, small ball.
    The order of the movements is the most important in the rehabilitation of abdominal muscles.
    The number of repetitions should always vary depending on your fatigue.

    Exercise # 1. Simple reduction of
    . Initial position: reclining, knees bent, stops in rest on the work surface.
    "Block the bottom".To do this, calmly inhale, slightly inflating the stomach and not bending in the back, then at the beginning of exhalation tighten the sphincters, then draw in the belly with the maximum build-up force. At the end of the exhalation, relax the muscles at first the abdomen, then the sphincters. On a new inspiration, start the work cycle again.
    Repeat: 10 times.
    Do not rush everything at the same time. The retraction of the abdomen follows the compression of the sphincter muscles. Do not try to combine them even with a short exhalation. If the retraction of the abdomen is initially weak, it still follows the contraction of the sphincters, and not vice versa. Later, when this movement is already worked out, you will not even think about it.

    Exercise # 2. Retained reduction
    Starting position: same as for Exercise 1.
    Do the same as in Exercise 1, following the order of the movement, but after you have sucked in the belly with maximum force, try to keep it retracted 10seconds, while continuing to breathe in and out. Then relax all the muscles at first the abdomen, then the sphincters.
    Repetition: 10 times
    Remember that you should not hold your breath. Despite the static( without movement) work of the muscles of your torso, breathing should remain as natural as possible. It is clear that at the moment of delay of the drawn abdomen, it is impossible to inflate the stomach with the subsequent inhalation. Do not think about it, breathe normally: the chest will open and the air will still penetrate inside of you.

    Exercise # 3. Retained cut with raised hands
    Starting position: same, hands along the body.
    Inhale, raise your hands up behind your head. At the beginning of the exhalation, "block the bottom" and draw in the belly with the maximum build-up force over the entire height. Hold the contractions for 10 seconds, keep breathing naturally. At the end of the tenth second, first lower your arms to the starting position, then relax the abdominal muscles and sphincters.
    Repeat: 10 times.
    This exercise is already more complicated than the previous one, because you must perform it in the stretched position of the abdominal muscles( by raising hands).This requires more strength when pulling the belly. During the first sessions, your muscle contractions may be weak. Do not despair and continue to work methodically!
    Take a short break after each exercise to restore breathing and allow your muscles to relax.
    This exercise is very useful for the diaphragm, which stretches during each exhalation, accompanied by retraction of the abdomen.

    Exercise # 4. A ball sandwiched between the knees
    . Starting position: reclining, knees bent, stops in rest on the working surface, between the knees a soft ball, hands along the trunk.
    After you "blocked the bottom", reaching the maximum retraction of the abdomen, squeeze the ball between the knees and hold the contraction of the sphincters, the retracted abdomen and squeezing the ball for 10 seconds, while continuing to breathe without delay. Relax first the squeezing of the ball, then the stomach, then the sphincters.
    Repeat: 10 times.
    The new exercise requires even more coordination of movements. Do not rush to do everything at once. Try to exhale through half-closed lips as long as possible. This way you will win the necessary time to complete all the elements of the exercise. If you are practicing regularly, the first two basic exercises should be already mastered and performed without "stress" at this stage. If this is not the case, and you continue to get confused in the order of muscle contractions and especially can not adjust your breathing, do not go any further until you have completed the first two exercises. Otherwise, it will be impossible for you to perform the task in accordance with all the recommendations to it.
    Some people learn the "material" more slowly than others. Again, do not despair if this is your case, and do not go any further, while the first exercises represent for you at least some difficulty!

    Exercise # 5. Compressed ball and bent hips
    . Starting position: same as in Exercise 4.
    After you "blocked the bottom", hold the ball between the knees and pull the knees to the stomach, holding them at a right angle toto him. This movement in terms of biomechanics is called hip flexion. In this case: the feet are detached from the working surface, the legs are in the air. Hold the position for 10 seconds, then return the stops down, release the knees, relax the abdomen, then the sphincters.
    Repeat: 10 - 15 times.
    To return the feet to the work surface, do not cause pain in the back and excessive flexion, before lowering your legs, bring your heels as close as possible to the buttocks: this will reduce the return lever.
    Maintain the order of movements.
    This exercise involves direct muscles of the abdomen.

    Exercise # 6. Compressed ball, bent hips, knees swinging to the sides
    . Starting position: same as for Exercise 4.
    . The beginning of the exercise is the same as in Exercise 4. But as soon as you brought your knees up to your stomach,without loosening them and not loosening the muscles of the abdomen and sphincters, "laying" your knees to the right and left on the work surface on which you lie, 5 times on each side. After completing the exercise, go back to the starting position, as in Exercise 5.
    Repeat: 10 times.
    Watch your breath. Do not provoke its delay. Well, squeeze the ball between the knees while wiggling.
    This exercise also includes the oblique abdominal muscles.

    Exercise number 7. Walking in the prone position
    Starting position: reclining, knees bent, feet on the working surface.
    After you "blocked the bottom", hold the contraction of the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen and tear off the feet one by one from the work surface, simulating walking. Do 10 steps, then relax at first the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters.
    Repeat: 10 - 15 times.
    This exercise will prepare you for standing work.
    Try to breathe as naturally as possible throughout the exercise.
    Exercise can not be considered worked out if you relax your abdominal muscles or sphincter muscles while walking.

    Exercise No. 12. Endurance work on the bicycle ergometer
    . Starting position: sitting on a veloergometer.
    Set the bike to a resistance of 20 to 30 watts. After the first minute of warm-up in all subsequent your rhythm of work will be the next. Every 10 seconds you will "block the bottom" and hold the contraction of the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen, every subsequent 10 seconds to relax the muscles and so on. At the same time, you do not stop pedaling.
    Repeat.10 minutes: 1 minute of warm-up and 9 minutes of work.
    This work is aimed at developing the endurance of the muscles that you are trying to strengthen, is for the muscles of your entire torso a real test. It is possible that after the first minutes of torsion of the pedals, the contraction of muscles will weaken and 10 seconds of retention and will seem to you long. Do not get discouraged and keep working. You can not do this right away, without preparation, to run for an hour. The same thing happens with muscles that have weakened at the level of the abdomen and sphincters. Gradually you will get used to working time. Do not forget that to contract muscles and to draw in the stomach is necessary with maximum force all the time of work.
    If you do not have a home bicycle, replace it with a bicycle exercise in the supine position, using the same rhythm of work: 10 work, 10 seconds rest, during which the legs also rest. The rest time can be increased to 20 seconds after 10 minutes of torsion.
    Exercise in the supine position is contraindicated in hypertensive patients.
    It is possible and even recommended to perform this exercise in the pool.

    Exercise No. 13. Muscle contraction in conjunction with the tension of the rubber band
    . Starting position: same as for Exercise 1.
    Sit down. Fasten the rubber band to the headboard. Raise your hands behind your head, take the edge of the tape. The field of how you "blocked the bottom", pull the rubber and keep stretched simultaneously with the contracted muscles of the sphincter and abdomen for 10 seconds. After this, relieve tension, then relax the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen.
    Repeat: 10 times.
    In this exercise, you started working against rubber resistance. Do not pull it very hard. The tension should be stable, without jerking. When pulling, you should feel that not only the hands but also the muscles of the entire shoulder girdle are working.
    Do not rest your feet on the work surface or floor. There is an obligatory basic principle for any physical work: when you load the muscles of the upper level, the muscles of the lower level need to try to relax, and vice versa.
    To work in the office, you can fix your rubber band on the Swedish wall or to a cage with weights. When working at home, you can easily sit on the rubber to hold it with your weight. In doing so, be sure to lean your back on something to avoid tilting forward.
    If you do not have the opportunity to buy a rubber band, the exercise can be performed with a rope or even with an ordinary long towel or a strong cloth fastened behind the head. With this option there will be no effect of the resistance of the material, but, pulling the towel, you will still feel the tension of the muscles of the back, abdomen and upper-arm belt.

    Exercise # 14. Knee bending versus rubber resistance
    Starting position: lying or lying down, the knee of one leg is bent, the foot is resting on the work surface, the other leg is stretched along, the rubber band bends the plantar part of the foot, the rubber ends in the patient's hands.
    After you "blocked the bottom", bend the hip of the elongated leg with the help of hands and rubber, pull the knee to the stomach, bend it. Then straighten the knee into the air using the resistance of the stretched rubber, and bend the knee again. Do 10 repetitions, keeping abdominal and sphincter muscles short, then return the leg to its original position, relax the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen.
    Repeat: 5 - 10 series for each leg.
    Adjust the tension of the rubber according to your physical capabilities and depending on fatigue. The tape is shorter and stiffer, the stronger its resistance.
    Breathe without interruption. The alternation of the legs after each series will make it possible to work more efficiently.
    If you are doing this exercise while lying down, put a small pillow under your head to avoid dizziness. If you have a hip prosthesis, avoid strong flexion of the hip.

    Exercise No. 15. Retracting the leg with hold against the resistance of the tape
    . Starting position: also for exercise 14. The rubber band also grips the outsole of the elongated leg.
    After you "blocked the bottom," with your hands and ribbon, take the straight leg in the vise parallel to the body line( not up, not down) and hold it in this position for 10 seconds, creating a resistance to the tension of the rubber in the opposite direction from the side. Keep the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen short. Return the leg to its original position, relax the muscles.
    Repeat: 5 - 10 series for each leg.
    The further you pull the leg, the harder it will be to hold and the stronger the resistance of the rubber.
    Exercise is strictly prohibited in the presence of the hip prosthesis.
    Other tips for exercise 14.

    Exercise No. 8. Changing the lying-sitting position
    Starting position: same as in Exercise 1.
    After you have "locked the bottom", try to change the position of the reclining by sitting on the edge of the table( sofa).At the same time, hold the contraction of the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen. In the sitting position, relax the muscles.
    Repeat: 10 times.
    Before that, you worked in static mode, that is without moving. The change of position is dynamic and requires special attention to breathing: it is at this stage of work that it is most often noticeable whether you have mastered the previous tasks.
    Do not try to do everything at one time. Block muscles, breathe, change position, relax.
    Do not hold your breath when changing positions. Like any exercise before, it is performed during exhalation. If you do not have time to sit down, and you should breathe in, do this as in Exercise 2.
    Do not become enslaved when changing positions, use all parts of your body, and not just the muscles of the trunk. Use your hands to rest on the table to sit down. Movement should be as natural as you do every morning, getting out of bed.
    If the exercise is too easy to perform, start it from a prone position, not a reclining position.

    Exercise # 9. Change of sitting-lying position
    Starting position: sitting on the edge of the bed / sofa, feet on the floor.
    On the same principle as in Exercise 8, go back to the prone position: "block the bottom" in its original position, then, while holding the contraction of the muscles, return to the bed, and then relax the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen.
    Repeat: 5 - 10 times.
    Tips are the same as for Exercise 8.

    Exercise No. 10. Changing the standing-standing position
    Starting position: same as for Exercise 8. Use the same work principles as in the previous exercises: hold the contraction of the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen intime of change of position, get out of bed / sofa and only then relax your muscles.
    Repeat: 5 - 10 times.
    Breathe right! Do not be like a robot: your knees and elbows are bent, do not forget this so that your movement remains as natural as possible. Do not pinch your face, relax your fingers and neck.

    Exercise No. 11. Changing the standing-lying position
    Starting position: standing in front of the bed( sofa).Using the same principles of work and in the same order, return from standing to lying position. Relax your muscles when you are already lying.
    Repeat: 5-10 times.
    The Same Tips for Exercise 10.

    Exercise # 21. Muscle contraction while walking
    Starting position: standing on the treadmill.
    Climb the track, start it at a speed of no more than 0.8 km / h. With each new step, before you raise the knee, try to "lock the bottom", then raise the knee, hold it in the air for about three seconds, do not stretch the step, then lower the foot onto the path, relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters. The next step will require the same actions: before lifting the knee, shorten the sphincter muscles, then pull the abdomen, hold the contraction while your knee is in the air, and relax the muscles after the foot has returned to the treadmill.
    Duration: 10 minutes.
    The work cycle of contraction-retention-relaxation with this exercise is reduced. This requires from you even greater coordination of movement than when working on a veloergometer. In addition, your balance here is compromised by the standing position and moving cover. Therefore, you can quite hold on to the handrails or insure yourself with a rubber band passed into the apparatus.
    At home, you may well be trained to reduce the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen with normal walking. Start with a slow rhythm and hold the contraction in the "heron" position, i.e. When the knee of the walking leg is in the air. Gradually increase the rhythm. Do not consider this exercise a series of "super complicated".It simply requires regular execution and concentration at the beginning. The only condition of the initial period is to avoid the combination of walking and contraction of muscles with the transfer of weights. If you go from the store overloaded, then this is not the best time to start training. But later, when you bring the exercise to perfection, it will be useful for you when working with weights.
    The work time is 10 minutes, but you can always shorten it according to your state of health.
    Do not stretch the steps on the treadmill. Raise the knee, wait until your center of gravity is off the path a bit back, and lower the foot. Otherwise, it will be hard for you to maintain rhythm and balance.

    Exercise # 22. Separation of the buttocks on the inflatable cushion
    . Starting position: lying on the gym mat, feet in rest, knees bent.
    Place two inflatable cushions for rehabilitation under the feet. After you "blocked the bottom", gently tear the pelvis off the floor and "hover" for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position and relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters.
    Repeat: 10 times for 10 seconds.
    The work is complicated by the unstable surface of the coating. The goal of the exercise is to teach you to "block the bottom" in risky situations, for example, if you lose balance, fall if you slip to prevent excessive pressure in the abdominal cavity on the internal organs and spine. Keep an eye on the breath all the time!
    At home, you can replace the inflatable pillows with ordinary pads. The effect will be smaller, but still the proposed work will move you into a state of instability of the stop. It should only be noted that the pads should be tight and high. A flat soft cushion will not let you feel the difference in performance.
    Do not bulldoze the high pelvis when pulling away from the floor to avoid excessive lumbar flexure;The pelvis must remain in the projection of the body.

    Exercise # 23. Walking on inflatable cushions
    . Starting position: same as for Exercise 22.
    After you "blocked the bottom", tear off the pelvis slightly from the floor and try to make 10 steps in place, remaining on the pillows. Complete the exercise by resetting and relaxing the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters.
    Repeat: 10 times for 10 steps.
    Same tips as for Exercise 22.

    Exercise No. 24. Keeping the leg in the air on the
    airbags. Starting position: same as for Exercise 22.
    After you "blocked the bottom", gently tear the pelvis off the floor, pull one leg forward and hold it in the air for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position, relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters.
    Repeat: 10 times 10 seconds for each leg.
    Work by changing legs.
    Exercise is not recommended for hypertensive patients.

    Exercise No. 25. Walking on buttocks on inflatable pillows
    Starting position: sitting on buttocks on 2 inflatable cushions, knees bent, stops in rest on the gym mat.
    After you "blocked the bottom", press the buttocks on the pillows alternately, transferring the weight of the body from one side to the other. Do 10 steps on the buttocks, relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters.
    Repetition: 10 times 10 steps.
    This exercise is not recommended for those with hemorrhoids, and those who suffer severe back pain.

    Exercise 26. Self-pulling on a large ball
    With this exercise in static or dynamic you will end all subsequent sessions.
    The starting position and principles are the same as for Exercise 20.
    Repeat: 3 series 20 times each.

    Exercise No. 16. Endurance work on the bicycle ergometer
    . The starting position and working principles are the same as for Exercise 12.
    Duration: 10 minutes.

    Exercise # 17. Back leg, on all fours.
    . Starting position: on all fours on a gym mat.
    After you "blocked the bottom", take one leg back, then return it to its original position, relax the muscles.
    Repeat: 10 times for 5 - 10 series for each leg.
    Pull your leg back so that it remains parallel to the floor, do not bully it up strongly to avoid kinking in the lower back.
    Change your legs after each series.
    It is very important that every time you return your foot to its original position, you relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters. Do not forget to cut them each time before you again take your foot off.
    The rhythm of work is individual. Do not repeat the exercise too quickly to manage to shorten and relax the working muscles of the sphincter and abdomen.

    Exercise No. 18. Holding the leg backwards in a static position on all fours
    Starting position: same as for Exercise 17.
    Do the same as at the beginning of Exercise 17, just do not return the retracted leg to its original position, but trykeep it in the air for 10 seconds. Then return the leg to its original position, relax the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen.
    Repeat: 5 series for each leg.
    Same tips as in Exercise 17.

    Exercise No. 19. Twisting the body in a prone position
    Starting position: lying on the back, knees bent and located near the abdomen, held by the hands.
    After you "blocked the bottom", try to curl up into a ball during the entire exhalation phase, keeping the contraction of the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen. With the subsequent inspiration, go back to the starting position, relax the muscles. Wait for the next breath, before starting the exercise again.
    Repeat: 10-15 times.
    At the very beginning of the work, when the exercise is not yet mastered, I advise you to break it into several stages. To do this, first block the bottom on exhalation, "pass" the breath, without relaxing the muscles, then exhale into a ball in exhalation, return to the starting position again on inspiration and wait until the breathing is restored. When you master the movement, folding-unfolding can be without pausing.

    Exercise 20. Self-pulling on a large ball
    This exercise is one of the most recommended for pain in the back and for their prevention. It fully and harmlessly tones not only the abdominal muscles, but especially short intervertebral muscles. And they are muscles of vertical position and the first to weaken with age and with increasing weight. No other proposed exercise will be as effective as self-stretching for the whole complex of static muscles of the trunk. It is advised to all without exception, even to pregnant women at the end of the term or to small children for the prevention of back pain and scoliosis.
    Starting position: sitting on a large inflatable ball Klein-Vogelbach, feet on the floor, knees bent at right angles, the body slightly tilted forward. Perform self-stretching( growth) of the trunk forward-upward in the exhalation phase and pre-contracting the muscles of the sphincters and abdomen. On inhalation, return to the starting position and relax the muscles. Repeat the self-stretching with the next exhalation.
    Repeat: 2 series of 20 times.
    This exercise is performed next to the Swedish wall or next to a surface for which you can hold: for example, the back of the sofa, the table, the doorway. For more confidence, you can pick up a towel and pull it into the door handle so that it keeps you in the event of a loss of balance. Do not overestimate your abilities and do not neglect this advice, even if you have good coordination and balance. The transfer of the center of gravity on the big ball can be instantaneous, and then you will not have time to react.
    Carpet and linoleum for this exercise the best coverage than tile and parquet. For safety, do not lift the feet from the floor.
    When self-pulling, pull your head up and down, as if you want to reach the ceiling in front of you, not up and back. Be sure to ensure that when self-pulling does not bend the lower back, for this, keep an easy inclination of the trunk forward.
    Do not bully your shoulders to your ears, relax your shoulder belt, neck and face muscles.

    Exercise # 32. Endurance work
    The starting position and principle of operation, as described for Exercise 12 or 21, to choose from.
    Duration: 10 minutes.

    Exercise # 33. Maintaining balance standing on the swing board
    Starting position: standing opposite the Swedish wall, holding on to it.
    Stand on the swing board for rehabilitation. Pick up the ends of the rubber band, pulled at the height of the chest through the Swedish wall. After you "blocked the bottom", try to hold the board in a horizontal position for 30 seconds so that it does not lean forward or backward.
    Get off the floor, relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters.
    Repeat: 10 times for 30 seconds.
    The swinging board is a professional material. Do not use it if there is no qualified worker near you.

    Exercise No. 34. Work on the swing board and inflatable cushion
    . Starting position: same as for Exercise 33.
    Hold on to the Swedish wall. Stand up completely. Put your foot first back on the inflatable pillow, then stop the other leg forward on the swinging board. After you "blocked the bottom", keep the balance for 30 seconds, trying to keep the swinging board in a horizontal position. Return to the floor, relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters.
    Change the position of the legs so that the work is the same for both.
    Repeat: 5 times 30 seconds for each leg.
    With perfect performance, you do not need to hold while doing the exercise or you can hold onto the tape as described in Exercise 33.
    This exercise also involves the presence of a professional when performing it.

    Exercise No. 35. Transferring body weight in disturbed equilibrium mode
    . Starting position: as in Exercise 33.
    To get out of the loop. Put your foot forward on the inflatable pillow, the second leg back on the swinging board. Take in the hands of a rubber band, passed through the shelf of the Swedish wall. After you "blocked the bottom", move the weight of the body back and forth 10 times, keeping the balance of the board, the body and holding the contraction of the muscles. Go down to the floor, relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters. Change the position of the legs and do the same.
    Repeat: 5 times 30 seconds for each leg.
    Same safety tips as in exercises 33, 34.

    Exercise No. 36. Tensioning the rubber band on the swing board
    . Starting position: same as for exercise 33.
    Stand with two feet on the swinging board, which must be moved away from the Swedishwalls at arm's length. Take in your hands a rubber band, passed through the Swedish wall at the level of the chest. After you "blocked the bottom", keep the board in a horizontal position and perform springy movements: pulling the rubber backwards by withdrawing the elbows, returning it forward for 30 seconds. At the same time, keep abdominal and sphincter muscles short. Go to the floor, relax your muscles.
    Repeat: 10 times for 30 seconds.
    Same tips for exercises 33, 34, 35.

    Exercise # 37. Self-pulling on a large ball in dynamics
    The starting position and principles are the same as in exercise 31.
    Repeat: 4 sets of 20 jumps.

    Exercise # 38. Work on endurance
    The starting position and principles are the same as in exercises 12 or 21 to choose from.
    Duration: 10 minutes.

    Exercise # 39. Standing on the
    trampoline. Starting position: standing in front of a Swedish wall or other surface that you can hold onto.
    Climb the professional trampoline. After you "blocked the bottom", make 30 dynamic flexion-extension of the knees, a spring on the trampoline, but without detaching the stop from it. Keep muscle contraction for the duration of your work. Return to the starting position, relax the muscles.
    Repeat: 5 series of 30 times.
    This exercise offers work on the unstable surface of the trampoline in combination with this resistance.
    Do not forget to breathe properly.
    Choose for yourself an acceptable speed of the exercise: the higher it is, the harder it is to maintain balance.

    Exercise No. 40. Springy jiggle on the trampoline on one leg
    . Starting position: same as in Exercise 39.
    Climb the trampoline. After you "blocked the bottom," stand on one foot. Maintain balance by performing 20 small rocking on the trampoline and retaining the contraction of abdominal muscles and sphincters. Get off the trampoline, relax the muscles.
    Repeat: 5 sets of 20 wiggles for each leg.
    You can always hold on to the ends of the rubber band, as already described above. But try to use this insurance only in case of loss of balance.
    The rest of the advice is the same as for Exercise 39.

    Exercise # 27. Work on endurance
    The starting position and principles are the same as in the description of exercise 12 or 21 of your choice.

    Exercise No. 28. Towel standing in the disturbed equilibrium mode
    Starting position: standing on inflatable pillows.
    After you "blocked the bottom", try to fix the balance within 1 minute, while keeping the abdominal muscles and sphincters contracting all the time. Then get off the pillows, relax the muscles.
    Repeat: 10 times for 1 minute.
    For safety reasons, perform the exercise by standing next to the Swedish wall or with a surface for which you can grasp at any time. Do not neglect advice!
    If you experience difficulty in doing the exercise due to glauces, replace it with others that you already know.
    At home, replace the inflatable cushion with something else in the standing position is very difficult.

    Exercise No. 29. Walking on inflatable cushions
    . Starting position: same as for Exercise 28.
    After you "blocked the bottom", take 10 steps on inflatable cushions, if possible without holding on or sticking. Get off the pillows, relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters.
    Repeat: 10 times for 10 steps.
    Remember always about your safety. Even if the exercise should be carried out as far as possible without holding, you are always near the surface, for which you can grasp at any time.
    Stand near the Swedish wall and pick up the ends of the rubber band, pulled by the wand at the height of the chest in its original position.
    Walking on cushions is considered benign, when you completely tear off the foot from the pillow and at the same time transfer the center of gravity to the foot in the abutment.

    Exercise No. 30. Half-saddle on inflatable cushions
    . Starting position: same as exercises 28, 29.
    After you "blocked the bottom," make 10 semi-squats on the cushions while maintaining balance and muscle contraction. Get off the pillows, relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters.
    Repeat: 10 times for 10 semicircles.
    Same tips for exercises 28, 29.

    Exercise No. 31. Self-pulling on a large ball in the dynamics
    Starting position: sitting on a big ball, knees bent, stops on the floor, as in Exercise 20.
    Exercise is the same, that is 20 and 26, but now try to speed up the rhythm of your movements by "rising up".At the same time, it will be something like a jump on the ball without detaching the buttocks and feet. Do not forget that you should "jump" on exhalation and after "blocking the bottom", but at the same time every time, while appearing below, you need to inhale and relax the muscles of the back, abdomen and sphincters.
    Repeat: 3 series of 20 jumps.
    At the beginning of the exercise, choose the rhythm that suits you in order to have time to do everything correctly and homogeneously, without jerking. In the exercise it is very easy to get out of breath and mix up the sequence of movements. If looking at you from the side noticed that you grow up on inspiration and drop on exhalation - the exercise is not done correctly. Re-read all the recommendations: inhale, you are below, on exhalation tighten the sphincters, pull in the stomach and by the elasticity of the ball, try to jump upward, while self-stretching your back, pulling your head up something ahead. On inspiration, sink down and relax the muscles.

    Exercise No. 41. Jump on the trampoline
    . Starting position: same as for exercises 39, 40.
    Climb the trampoline. After you "blocked the bottom", make 20 small jumps on the trampoline, changing the position of the feet in the cross-section: the feet together - the feet apart. Then the same 20 jumps in the longitudinal raznozhke: one stop ahead, the other - from behind. Get off the springboard, relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters.
    Repeat: 5 sets of 20 jumps for each position.
    Do not spread your legs wide in a jump.
    Watch your breathing.

    Exercise No. 42. Direct trampling on the trampoline with swings
    Starting position: standing in front of the trampoline.
    Place the step in front of the trampoline, and the trampoline in front of the Swedish wall. Stand in front of the steppe. For insurance, pick up the ends of the rubber band, pulled through the Swedish wall. After you "blocked the bottom", step from the floor to the step, from the step to the trampoline and make 3 wiggles on one leg, preserving the contraction of abdominal muscles and sphincters. Return to the starting position, relax the muscles. Start the next move with the other foot.
    Repeat: 10 sets of 10 steps for each leg.
    Strand your legs. You must take two steps: one for the step, the second for the trampoline, but when counting the reps, count only the pitch on the trampoline.
    Repeat: 10 sets of 10 steps for each leg.

    Exercise No. 43. Side lifts to the trampoline with swings
    Starting position: standing sideways to the trampoline.
    Place the trampoline on the Swedish wall. Stand sideways in front of him. Take the rubber band in your hand. After you "blocked the bottom", go sideways on the trampoline and make 3 swings on one leg, while retaining the contraction of abdominal muscles and sphincters. Return to the starting position, relax the muscles.
    Repeat: 10 sets of 10 times for each leg.
    Alternate the legs after each series of 10 lifts.

    Exercise # 44. Self-pulling on a large ball in dynamics
    The starting position and principle of operation as for exercise 31.
    Repeat: 5 series of 20 jumps.

    Exercise # 45. Work on endurance
    The starting position and principle of operation for both exercise 12 or 21 to choose from.
    Duration: 10 minutes.

    Exercise 46. Gravity lift in safety mode
    Starting position: standing in front of a large ball.
    After you "blocked the bottom", bend your knees, bend forward, lift the big ball over your head, go back to the starting position, relax the abdominal muscles, then the sphincters.
    Repeat: 10 times.
    Try to lift the ball not on straight hands, but with bent elbows, carrying it as close as possible to the chest. This exercise should teach you to contract muscles before lifting the weight. This is the insurance policy. It is the prevention of the appearance of the intervertebral hernia.
    Do not forget that the beginning of lifting of gravity falls on the exhalation phase.

    Exercise No. 47. Moving gravity in the
    safety mode Starting position: standing in front of the wall, a large ball at the abdominal level.
    After you "blocked the bottom", in a circular motion, roll the big ball to the level of the chest, squeeze it with both hands for 10 seconds, while keeping the abdominal muscles and sphincters contracted. Return to the starting position, relax the muscles.
    Repeat: 10 sets of 10 presses for 10 seconds.
    This work should teach you to always think about contracting the muscles of the sphincter and abdomen before lifting the weight. This prevention of herniated intervertebral, umbilical and inguinal. Use the force of the hands, not the weight of the body.
    Try to give the power of pressure a progressive character, rather than squeeze it sharply, with all your might.
    Do not forget that the beginning of the pressure on the ball is carried out in the exhalation phase.

    Exercise No. 48. Moving gravity in thrust mode
    Starting position: standing in front of the Swedish wall, the ends of the rubber band in the hands.
    After you "blocked the bottom", pull the rubber that is pulled through the Swedish wall at the waist level and hold the tension for 10 seconds, while keeping the abdominal muscles and sphincters contracted. Loosen the tension, return to the starting position, relax the muscles.
    Repeat: 10 times 10 rods.
    This work should teach you to insure the muscles of your sphincters and abdomen before you begin to pull the weight( such as a stroller).This is the prevention of all kinds of tandinitis for the muscles of the upper and upper thighs, as well as for the back. Especially the muscles that attach the shoulder blade to the spine and to the shoulder.

    Exercise No. 49. Self-pulling on a large ball in dynamics
    The starting position and principles are the same as for exercise 31.
    Repetition: 5 sets of 20 jumps.

    Basic exercises 1 and 2, when they are already mastered, can be performed everywhere in the right amount to you: in the queue, in the transport, in front of the TV.One tip: do not do them right after meals, with a long hours constipation, in the first two days of profuse and / or painful periods and immediately after childbirth. For nursing mothers to begin basic exercises can be three weeks after childbirth. And the entire ten-day course of training is recommended to be performed no earlier than three months after childbirth.
    Constantly pay attention to how you breathe during exercise, so that you do not mistakenly go on an inspiration exercise by mistake. Especially exercises in dynamics. If there is such an opportunity, sign up for a consultation with a specialist in the rehabilitation of abdominal muscles: most of all, one is enough to assure you that you are working correctly or correcting your mistakes.
    Ten to fifteen minutes of work per day is enough to achieve a good result after 3 to 4 working weeks.

    Wraps and compresses can be used as aids to weight loss, maintaining skin tone, accelerating the cellular metabolism, stimulating the blood supply of tissues.
    Here are some recipes:
    1. Pour 1 tbsp.a spoonful of herb St. John's wort 2 cups of boiling water and insist half an hour. You can also use dry herb Veronica officinalis, it will take 2 tsp to 2 cups of boiling water, but it needs to be insisted for 2 hours. Infusion necessarily strain. Then add the infusion of medicinal herbs into the water at room temperature.
    In water with herbs, moisten a soft cloth from linen cloth and put on the stomach. On top of the oilcloth or polyethylene film, cover everything with a woolen shawl and wind with a bandage so that the compress is snug against the body and does not let in air. The compress should be held for 1.5-2 hours. At this time, you can safely do household chores.

    2. To carry out home chocolate wrapping you will need an assistant if you decide to make a body wrap. If only on the problem areas, then you can do it yourself.
    Break into pieces 100 g of bitter chocolate and melt with a water bath. Pour in 1 tbsp.spoon olive oil, mix and cool slightly. When the mixture becomes slightly warm, apply it on the skin of the body and wrap with a special film. Hold for 20 - 30 minutes and rinse.
    After such wrapping, the body skin becomes velvety and taut. Very well tightens the problem areas of the body, and it does not cost too much.
    It's best to use chocolate that contains 52 percent or more of cocoa. The effect of this wrap is saved for several days. It can be done once a week.

    3. Spread the gel with seaweed extract and apply an ice pack containing algae, camphor and menthol. Wrap up the tape and bandage your belly from above as tight as possible. Keep the compress for at least 20 minutes( you can get more if you can endure it).Repeat the procedure at least 3 times a week.

    4. Extremely effective wraps with crushed grape seeds and olive oil. The skin becomes smooth and velvety.

    5. Compression for losing weight from the nettle: pour 2 tbsp.spoons of dry nettle 1 cup of boiling water, put on a small fire and boil for 10 minutes. Cool the broth to a temperature that your body can tolerate, moisten a layer of cotton wool or gauze in a hot broth, put it on your stomach, cover with plastic wrap and cover with a woolen shawl. With this lotion it is necessary to lie down for 30 minutes, and then remove it.

    Medicinal herbs help you in the difficult matter of fighting for a slender figure. They reduce appetite and accelerate the metabolism, they contain biologically active substances and trace elements, and therefore, broths and infusions are indispensable for all who want to become slim.
    Metabolism( metabolism) is the aggregate of all chemical changes and all kinds of transformations of substances and energy in the body that ensure its development and vital activity.
    The cause of metabolic disorders can be any disease or a malfunction in the internal organs. Manifestations of metabolic disorders consist in changing interactions and transforming various compounds, excessive accumulation of metabolic products, in incomplete or excessive release, which leads to diseases of various body systems.
    With the help of herbal medicine, it is possible to regulate metabolism, adjust digestion, improve the process of excretion of metabolic products, starting with the cellular level.
    Remember that the use of medicinal herbs is not recommended during breastfeeding, because through the milk the active substances enter the child's body. If you have any chronic illnesses, consult your doctor before beginning to take the herbs.
    What kind of natural medicines will contribute to your harmony?
    Infusion containing corn stigmas, not only will help reduce appetite, but also will have a slight choleretic and diuretic effect, will favorably affect metabolism, lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.
    Decoction of flax seeds and linseed oil have a gentle laxative effect, prevent absorption of certain foods in the intestines, normalize fat metabolism and help lower cholesterol in the blood.
    The decoction of flaxseed stabilizes blood sugar levels. Take flaxseed follows 1.5 hours before meals, it will reduce your appetite, help in losing extra pounds and increase immunity.
    Flax seed can be taken alone or in combination with other herbs that have a mild laxative and diuretic effect, as well as stimulating the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
    For weight loss, it is recommended to use tea from a mixture of fennel seeds and nettle leaves.
    Hawthorn accelerates the digestion of food in the stomach and stimulates the activity of the adrenal and thyroid glands. Add hawthorn to medicinal teas or brew like a dogrose.
    It is believed that good "fat burners" are onions and garlic, so it is recommended to actively use them when cooking.
    To stimulate metabolism, it is good to use herbal preparations, including birch, blackberry, coltsfoot, nettle herb and elderberry flowers. Normalization of carbohydrate( sugar) metabolism will be promoted by burdock and dandelion roots, nettle leaves and blueberries, fruit bean leaves, cuff grass.
    A mixture of herbs that promotes rapid weight loss: take in equal proportions corn stigmas, St. John's wort, a leaf of a birch, a peppermint grass, a stevia leaf, grass spores, ground fruits of mountain ash and rose hips. Pour 1 tbsp. Spoon the mixture with 2 glasses of water and drink as a tea. With this improvised tea for weight loss you can remove excess water from the body. This is facilitated by the mild diuretic property of the birch leaf, grass spores. The fruits of mountain ash and dog rose are the suppliers of vitamins for your body. Stevia leaf is a natural sugar substitute. Tea for weight loss will be quite sweet and pleasant to the taste.

    1. Take 1 teaspoon of fennel seed and 2 teaspoons of nettle leaves, pour 3 cups of boiling water and boil over low heat with the lid closed for 15 minutes. Strain and drink in a cold or warm form 3 to 4 times a day for 1 glass.

    2. Rhubarb root, oregano leaf, triple leaf watch, flax seed clover, anise, fennel - 1 tbsp.spoon. Mix the ingredients, pour 2 tbsp.spoon mixture 2 tbsp.boiling water, infuse for 1 hour. Drink during the day for 3 hours. The course of treatment is 1 month.

    3. Take the seed of flax, nettle grass, wormwood fruits of buckthorn - 1 tbsp.spoon. Stir, pour 2 tbsp. Spoon the mixture 3 cups of boiling water, insist 5 - 10 minutes and drink like tea throughout the day.

    4. Take 1 tbsp.a spoonful of a mountaineer of a bird( sporich), elderberry flowers, chamomile flowers, elephant root, stigmas of corn. Stir, pour 1 tbsp.spoon collection 1 glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and leave for 20 minutes. Strain and take 1/2 cup 20 minutes before eating.

    5. Take stigmas of corn, dandelion roots, melissa grass, marigold flowers, crushed rose hips. Mix the ingredients, pour 1 tbsp.spoon collection 1 glass of boiling water, put in a water bath for 30 minutes, then filter. Take 1/3 cup of infusion 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

    6. Reduces appetite and helps to normalize the metabolic processes of the drink from the root of ginger. Cut the ginger root( about 4 cm) with thin plates, place in a teapot and pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover. After 10 minutes, add a few slices of lemon and 1 tbsp.spoon of honey. It is recommended to drink ginger tea in the morning, before meals, in a warm form for 1/2 cup and then throughout the day.
    The smell of ginger eliminates fatigue, lethargy, apathy.

    7. Take 1 tbsp.spoon corn stigmas, pour 1.5 cups of clean cold water, bring to a boil, leave for 30 minutes under a closed lid. Take 2 tbsp.spoons before meals.

    8. Mix 100 g of buckthorn bark, 50 g of dandelion root, 100 g of mint leaves, 50 g of fennel fruit. Pour 1 tbsp.spoon 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Strain and drink before going to bed.

    9. Take 1 tbsp.spoon yarrow and 1 tbsp.spoonful of St. John's wort, mix, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Strain and drink three meals before eating.

    10. Take 1 tbsp.spoon of heather ordinary and 1 tbsp.spoon of sage, mix. Pour 2 tbsp.spoon mixture of 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, strain and drink three meals before eating.

    11. Take the yarrow herb - 2 tbsp.spoons, the herb of St. John's wort - 2 tbsp.spoons, cystoseira bearded - 1 tbsp.spoon. Pour 2 tbsp. Spoon the collection of 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for 30 minutes. Drink three glasses of one glass.

    12. Take the root of the buckthorn - 3 tbsp.spoons, dandelion root, parsley fruits, fennel fruits, peppermint leaves - 1 tbsp.spoon. Pour 2 tbsp.spoon collecting 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. In the morning drink all the infusion on an empty stomach.

    13. Mix cystose bearded - 100 g, anise fruit - 50 g, licorice root - 50 g, pour 2 tbsp.spoon collecting 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes. Drink three glasses of one glass.

    14. Mix in equal parts the seed of flax seed, the leaves and roots of nettle, the grass of wormwood bitter, the fruits of buckthorn laxative. Brew the collection as tea and drink daily.

    The mammary gland is a fairly dense and compact tissue that determines the elastic properties and shape of the female breast. But because of the action of gravity, the skin could not hold the mammary gland in the desired position, so it is located, as it were, in a bag of connective tissue suspended to the collarbone. Density, shape, size of the breast and, accordingly, the shape of the breast as a whole depend on this capsule. Its processes are interspersed with fatty tissue, which gives the gland a rounded shape, and she herself retains all her mass. The capsule of the breast can stretch, like all ligaments in the body. It can be developed and strengthened by special physical exercises. In addition, for the shape of the breast it is important in what state is the glandular tissue itself. In girls and not giving birth to women, it is more dense and elastic, but with years it loses its elasticity. The untrained ligament of the connective tissue capsule is stretched from the weight, and the chest is lowered.
    Fat, which largely forms the shape of the breast, is very fluid and one of the first to begin to decline during diets.
    Wearing a bra with "bones", supporting the breast in one position, relaxes the capsule and compresses the mammary gland, worsening the blood circulation in it. All this leads to the fact that the self-training capsule under the weight of the breast itself does not occur, and it is initially formed weak, and the chest sagged. Therefore, to wear a bra on the "bones" you need to resort only if there is a risk of a direct omission of the breast.
    The correct form of the breast is supported by several components: a well developed capsule, trained pectoral muscles, moderate fat deposition in it and density of the gland itself. If the density of a healthy mammary gland is determined by Nature and age, then the first two indicators can be improved by training.
    The mammary gland is susceptible to changes due to changes on the hormonal background. During pregnancy, the breast grows, the halo around the nipples becomes darker. During lactation, the weight of the breast increases even more, and the muscles can not maintain the mammary gland in the same way as before. And if the muscles and ligaments of the breasts were untrained, and the skin - sluggish, then breastfeeding can lead to the lowering of the breast( thus the "spaniel ears").
    Beginning with the gestation period and until the end of breastfeeding, a properly selected bra should be worn. It should not be small and tighten the chest and should not be large, so that the chest does not hang. The chest should lie in the cup of the bra fairly freely, but the
    part of its weight should be given to the straps, and the body should feel comfortable.
    Choose a bra without "bones", as these very "bones" make it difficult for the blood supply to the breast, and it is absolutely contraindicated for lactating women. Stagnation of milk in the milk ducts is fraught with the cessation of lactation and the development of lactostasis, which can go to mastitis. If possible, choose special nursing bras suitable for the exact size and with a good supporting system.

    Exercises for the chest - the most effective way to maintain a breast in tone. He does not harm neither the nursing mother nor the child. Do exercises for the breast can be a few minutes after feeding the baby.

    The aim of the complex is to strengthen the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and chest.
    This complex of six exercises is designed for classes three times a week. Within three weeks, the first noticeable results will appear.
    For classes you will need a gym mat and a dumbbell for 2 - 3 kg or plastic bottles with water of the same weight. To warm up the muscles, perform a short warm-up: 10 to 12 spins with the shoulders back and forth, and the same number of rotations with the arms spread apart.

    Exercise 1
    Starting position: lying on the back, in the hands of dumbbells or plastic bottles with water. Hands in front of him, elbows slightly bent. Breathe in, and, without straightening the elbows, slowly raise your arms to the sides until the elbows touch the floor. Then exhale and return to the starting position.
    Repeat exercise 15 - 20 times.

    Exercise 2
    Sit on a chair with a straight back or stand near the wall. It is important that the back is pressed to a flat surface, otherwise her muscles will take part of the exercise on themselves, and we need to work the breast. Connect the palms in front of the chest. Press on the palm with such force that the muscles of the chest are tensed enough. Count to ten and move the palms of centimeters by five forwards, again count to ten, then still forward and again count to 10, as long as you can hold the palms together. After that, squeeze your hands, shake your hands and repeat the exercise two more times. Your attention in the exercise should be directed not at the palm of your hand, but on the chest, the muscles of the chest should always be as tight as possible.

    Exercise 3
    Starting position: on all fours. Take in the right hand dumbbell, lean on the left, placing it directly under the shoulder joint. This palm looks forward, fingers wide apart. The left leg is bent at the knee, the right leg is pulled backward as when pushing. Tighten the press and lift the hips so that the entire body from the head to the right foot forms a straight line. Put your hand from the dumbbells down, unfolding the palm of your hand. After fixing the position of the legs and body, slowly raise your hand through the side up and slowly lower it.
    Repeat 6 - 8 times, then the other way.

    Exercise 4
    Stand in the doorway and put your hands in the jamb. Push forward, as if trying to move the wall for a minute, then bend slightly in the opening to increase pressure on the chest, and press another minute. You need to push hard to get the muscles of your chest to work.

    Exercise 5
    Pick up dumbbells( books or other weighting material) and perform movements as if pushing two ski sticks at the same time, keeping your back straight. It is necessary to make movements as slowly as possible. From the hip, slowly, without a jerk, raise the elongated arms with dumbbells up to the level of the chest, fix for a couple of seconds, then do not drop, and slowly lower.
    Complete 3 sets of 6 repetitions.

    Exercise 6
    Lie on your back, legs straight, arms outstretched behind your head. Within 30 seconds, pull your hands and feet along the floor away from yourself as far as possible. Then bend your knees, hug your knees and press them to your chest. Head and chest from the floor do not tear. Hold in this position for 20 seconds.
    Repeat 5 - 6 times. Then just lie on your back, breathing deeply and turning your hands palms up.

    At the beginning of the exercises, perform each exercise in one approach. Gradually, you can increase the number of approaches to 2 - 4. "Work" over the breast you need twice a week. The interval between training sessions is 3 - 4 days.

    Exercise 1
    Position of the abutment on the straight arms. The head is strictly on the line of the spine( no need to pull it up or down).The hands are slightly wider than the shoulders. Go down slowly, bending your arms, and then return to the position on the straight hands. Hold in the upper position for a few seconds and lower again. The muscles of the abdomen should be strained, do not straighten your arms completely.

    Exercise 2
    Take the position of the abut on the straight hands, the fingers are connected. Slowly sink to the bottom position, and then "squeeze" yourself up. At the top point, strain for a few seconds of the triceps( muscles of the upper arm in the back), then lower again and perform the exercise first.

    Exercise 3
    Lie on your belly for the big ball, "pass" on the hands forward so that your legs are at the top of the ball. Place your hands on the floor just below your shoulders, just a little wider than your shoulders. Bending your elbows, slowly sink down. At the bottom point, the chest should be about ten centimeters from the floor. After a short pause, rise upwards, bending your elbows. Keep balance so as not to roll off the ball.

    Exercise 4
    In the starting position, the arms are placed on two supports about 15 cm high. Bending the elbows, drop down, press away from the supports, tear your palms from them and "drop" the palms onto the floor, bending your elbows. Then, pushing away from the floor, return to the platform.

    Exercise 5
    In this exercise, the upper region of the pectoral muscles is developed. Performed in exactly the same way as normal push-up, with the only difference that the socks are not resting on the floor, but are located on the surface of the bench. When stretching the arms, the load falls on the forearm. Brushes should be placed slightly ahead of the shoulder line, this will help maintain balance in the starting position.

    Exercise 6
    This involves the lower region of the pectoral muscles. You need to rest your hands on the edge of the bench, put your palms slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your arms and drop down to lightly touch the ribs of the seat with your chest, then crucify your hands and return to the starting position.

    Exercise 7
    Accept the normal starting position for push-ups, then take your right foot to the side. Transfer the weight of the body to the left arm, and place the right weight on the back of the thigh. When you confidently keep the balance, start push-ups on one hand. Probably at first it will be very difficult, therefore it is necessary to drop 10 to 15 cm, not more. Once it is easy to do the bending, try to drop another 5 to 10 cm lower.

    In addition to exercises for the chest, it is useful to do breast massage, it will strengthen the chest and improve blood circulation.

    Self-massage is not allowed to knead the capsule, but pinching with a small pain reaction is very effective. This is done so. Pads of the large, index and middle fingers of both hands capture a small area of ​​the skin and hold kneading plucked movements, with a gradual movement from the nipple to the collarbone and back.
    The fold is then taken perpendicular to the original direction and kneading is performed from the sternum to the axilla and back. The rush of blood to the place of massage and its redness testify to the correct performance of the reception. You should avoid massage in the halo area.
    Another method is a cold effect on the area of ​​the breast, a kind of massage performed by pieces of ice. The best result is achieved when using frozen herbal decoctions.
    Take 1/2 cup of chamomile flowers, 2 tbsp.spoons of bark of oak and sage, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and then insist 30 minutes. The filtered broth can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. As necessary, you can pour it into ice-free molds and put it in the freezer. Shortly before the procedure begins, remove the cubes of frozen decoction from it. When the ice surface becomes wet, you can proceed to the procedure.
    The procedure is performed while lying or sitting. Take one piece of ice and smooth circular motions cool the front, top and side surfaces of each of the glands, until there is a slight feeling of aches and tone. The lower part of the gland and nipples are not affected. You can wrap several pieces of ice in a cotton napkin and massage it.
    In both cases, it is important to achieve skin cooling over the gland, not the gland itself, so avoid the appearance of painful sensations. The duration of exposure to each mammary gland is from 30 seconds to 3 to 4 minutes, depending on your sensations. The procedure ends in both cases by wiping the glands and the entire breast with a damp cotton cloth or linen cloth moistened in room temperature water.
    The procedure can be done twice a day: a few seconds in the morning and a longer exposure in the evening. In this morning, necessarily the subsequent wearing of a supporting bra, and in the evening it is desirable to go straight to bed immediately after the procedure, so that the contracted gland capsule remains in its advantageous position for as long as possible. After a ten-day procedure, you need to make a two-week break.