  • Diabetes Diet

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    Nutritionists consider medical nutrition to be the most important curative factor in diabetes mellitus.
    Modern treatment of diabetes mellitus includes:
    1. Therapeutic diet( diet).
    2. Medicamental therapy( insulin or sugar-lowering tablets).
    3. Active way of life and optimistic attitude.
    All listed components of the treatment of diabetes mellitus act in a complex way, providing the optimal( in conditions of diabetes mellitus) metabolism. The latter is necessary for maintaining the disease in the stage of compensation, excluding or minimizing diabetic complications, well-being and in order to be a practically healthy person.
    Last decades have brought a lot of new in treatment of a diabetes. In the last century, this diagnosis for many patients sounded like a death sentence. Young people with diabetes, often died in a few months after the diagnosis.
    The number of people with diabetes is growing all over the world, and it's sad. But it pleases that in many respects this growth is determined by the increase in the duration of their life.

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    If in the last century in the newspaper chronicle there were reports of death from people's diabetes at the age of 20 and 30, now it is often chronicled that a very famous and talented person left us for a better world at the age of far beyond 80 years, and, by the way, he was a diabetic.
    Analyzing the current statistics on diabetes, we can conclude that diabetes has become almost curable. But in order to maintain optimism, peace of mind, working capacity, to live a normal life, to travel, to be practically healthy person, one must know a lot about your health and your illness. You can envy a diabetic who in time found a skilled doctor who carefully studied the characteristics of his body and his illness( after all, every person is sick in his own way) and who found the key to normalizing his metabolism. But with diabetes, the most important doctor for himself should be a diabetic himself, who correctly follows the recommendations of the treating doctor.
    Diet, or health food, is the oldest method of treating diabetes. For many centuries before the discovery of the role of insulin in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, its introduction into medical practice( 1921 - 1922) and the widespread use of sugar-reducing tablets( mainly from the mid-fifties of this century), doctors of antiquity knew that diabetics are helped by dietand its certain regulation.
    The use of insulin and the treatment of diabetes with sugar-lowering tablets have shown that the diet remains as necessary in the complex treatment of the disease as it was before their discovery.
    The experience of insulin therapy has created the prerequisites for hundreds of endocrinology doctors and nutritionists in different countries to come to a single conclusion: patients with type I diabetes( insulin-dependent diabetes) should receive basic nutritional substances( proteins, fats, carbohydrates) with diet, mineralsand vitamins in the same amount as healthy people who do not suffer from diabetes. As for some vitamins, their number should be slightly increased. Requirements for caloric intake diabetics are exactly the same as for the diet of a healthy person - in the event that there is no inclination to fullness and excess weight.
    With insulin-dependent diabetes, you need to know the nutritional content of food in order to distribute them for 5 to 6 meals a day, in strict accordance with your chosen dosage of insulin injections.
    In diabetes mellitus type II( insulin-independent diabetes), considering a significant percentage of overweight diabetics, the basic principles of therapeutic nutrition aimed at normalizing weight are built in the same way as for people with overweight who are not diabetics. Such a diet with reduced caloric content leads to normalization of body weight in a significant part of patients, while the blood sugar level and metabolism in general are normalized. Therapeutic nourishment for type II diabetes mellitus is so successful that it often eliminates the need for medication.
    But the therapeutic diet( diet) in diabetes mellitus is not always properly evaluated by some patients. The importance of diet is belittled by some doctors, underestimating its therapeutic effect. The reason for this is that it is easier and faster for a different doctor to prescribe insulin or sugar-lowering tablets than to explain to the patient how to make a better diet, explain the chemical composition of products, the principle of using food replacement tables for specific food substances, etc. All these explanations take time.
    It happens so. A different diabetic believes so much in medicines, especially new ones, that he is ready to forget about the role of diet - a very simple method of treatment. And some patients are stopped by the imaginary difficulties of calculating the diet, primarily on calories and carbohydrates. Because of these difficulties, they sometimes do not adhere to any diet.
    To create a diet for the whole day with the calculation of its chemical composition is not difficult, it is only necessary to learn how to use special tables of the chemical composition of products. In addition, the diet is calculated initially not by the patient, but by a doctor, a specialist-diabetologist or a nutritionist. Dieting at home, a diet that is consistent with insulin injections and taking sugar-lowering tablets, is necessarily taught in a hospital with primary diabetes mellitus. Teach this and in specially organized schools for diabetics.

    Diabetes mellitus is a complex disease. He is given a variety of definitions. One of them sounds like this: diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by absolute or relative deficiency of insulin in the body and characterized by a violation due to this of all kinds of metabolism, and first of all carbohydrate.
    Here is the definition of diabetes mellitus given by the Committee of Experts of the World Health Organization on diabetes mellitus( 1981): "Diabetes mellitus is a state of chronic hyperglycemia that can develop as a result of exposure to many exogenous( exogenous - caused by external causes) and genetic factors supplementing each otherfriend ".
    Hyperglycemia - increased blood sugar is the most important sign of diabetes. The blood sugar content of a healthy person on an empty stomach is 60-100 mg%( 3.33-5.55 mmol / l).Sugar is one of the components of food - carbohydrates. In addition to "pure" sugar, carbohydrates include foods containing starch( potatoes, bread, cereals, etc.), which are digested in the small intestine by digestive juices, turning into sugar, and enter the blood.
    The optimal concentration of sugar( glucose) in human blood is carried out by a special regulatory system, the most important element of which is insulin.
    Insulin is a hormone that forms in a specific area of ​​the pancreas, more precisely - in the so-called pancreatic islets( islets of Langerhans).
    After eating food containing carbohydrates, the blood sugar level increases. If it exceeds 160 mg%, the sugar begins to excrete in the urine. In healthy people, sugar is not excreted in the urine.
    Because of a lack of insulin in the body of a patient with diabetes mellitus, foods containing sugar can not be properly digested. This leads to the accumulation of it in the blood.
    In severe forms of diabetes, not only carbohydrate, but also fat metabolism is disrupted. There is incomplete splitting of fats, and poisonous decomposition products are formed in the body - ketone bodies( acetone, acetoacetic acid) that appear in the urine. This may lead to a serious complication of diabetes - a diabetic coma.

    Diabetes mellitus( or diabetes disease) is known since ancient times. Long before our era in Ancient Egypt, doctors described a clinical picture of a disease resembling diabetes. The disease has been known for a long time in China, Ancient Greece and Rome.
    The name "diabetes"( from the Greek word "diabayano" - "I pass through") was first used in the ancient era by Aretei of Cappadocia. The term is associated with abundant and frequent urination - the liquid taken with food too quickly "passes through" our body.
    Aretei cited and signs( symptoms) of diabetes. This increased thirst, the allocation of a large number of urine, fatigue, a sharp decline in strength.
    In 1674, Thomas Willis first drew attention to the sweet taste of urine in diabetes. The term "mellitus" - honey, sweet comes from the Latin word "mel"( "honey") and indicates the taste of urine in this disease.
    The creation by Canadian scientists of Bunting and Best in 1921 of medical insulin preparations was one of the outstanding achievements of medical science. Since 1922, insulin has been used in medical practice, being a powerful means of preventing and treating such a serious complication of diabetes, such as diabetic coma.
    The history of modern therapy with antidiabetic sugar-reducing drugs, used in the form of tablets, began in the 20s of the XX century.60th years are characterized by wide introduction of these medicines into medical practice( sulfanilamides and biguanides).
    In 1943, SG.Genes and E.Ya. Reznitskoy developed full-fledged diets for diabetics with the inclusion of the optimal amount of carbohydrates.
    1970-th year was the beginning of the application of diabetes treatment of highly purified insulin preparations.
    Since 1985, the introduction of human insulin, obtained by genetic engineering, into the curative practice began.

    1. Feeling of thirst, much more pronounced than those around them. While you can usually quench your thirst with a few sips of water or a drink, be it juice or beer, you may need 1 to 2 or more glasses of liquid to quench your thirst for diabetes. Patients drink in a day 2.5 - 4 liters, and sometimes more.
    2. Increase in the amount of urine( polyuria).Patients excreted in the urine for a day about the same amount of fluid that they drink( 2.5-4 liters and more).
    3. Progressive weight gain in some cases( with non-insulin-dependent diabetes), weight loss with good appetite and high-grade nutrition in others( with insulin-dependent diabetes).
    4. Dry mouth.
    5. Severe itching, mainly in the genital area.
    6. Furuncles, pustular and other poorly healing skin lesions.
    7. Severe general weakness and decreased performance.
    8. Increased blood sugar( hyperglycemia).
    9. The appearance of sugar in the patient's urine( glucosuria).
    10. Decreased sexual potency( in men).

    Many scientists consider diabetes mellitus to be a predominantly hereditary disease. It has been established that diabetic heredity really predisposes to diabetes mellitus. If both parents are sick, the child's risk of developing diabetes is very high;if one of the parents, brother or sister is sick, the risk is much less.
    Genetic factors, a genetic predisposition to diabetes, play a significantly greater role in young people than in the elderly.
    The long-term abuse of foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates( primarily refined sugar, jam, confectionery), systematic overeating, obesity, nervous system overload, mental trauma, infectious diseases are risk factors contributing to diabetes mellitus with a genetic predisposition to this ailment,, atherosclerosis, hypertension, acute and chronic pancreatic diseases( pancreatitis).
    It is suggested that the development of diabetes mellitus is possible under the influence of some viruses capable of causing selective damage to the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans located in the pancreas and responsible for the production of insulin.
    Hereditary predisposition to diabetes mellitus may remain hidden for a long time and do not manifest itself if you lead a healthy lifestyle, observe a diet and not be addicted to sweets, do not get fat.
    We can assume that by inheritance only a predisposition to an ailment is transmitted, and not diabetes itself.

    Among diseases of the endocrine system, diabetes mellitus ranks first in prevalence( more than 50% of all cases of endocrine diseases).Currently, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the world ranges from 2 to 5%, and in the age groups over 60 years it reaches 8-10%.The incidence of diabetes is steadily increasing. According to American authors, the annual number of patients with diabetes mellitus is increased by 100,000 people. This trend is also observed in Russia.
    As in other countries of the world, we have non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus occurs in only 10-12% of patients. One of the reasons contributing to reducing the number of diabetics is successful treatment with insulin and sugar-lowering tablets, prolonging the life of patients. In connection with the high prevalence and increasing incidence of diabetes mellitus is considered to be socially significant diseases.

    With strict adherence to the recommendations of the physician on therapeutic nutrition and drug therapy( insulin, sulfanilamides, biguanides), there are no threats to the life of the patient, complications occur less frequently and are less pronounced.
    The issue of complications looked quite different before the appearance of insulin in medical practice;with insulin-dependent diabetes, the metabolism was sharply disturbed, a diabetic coma, often leading to death, came.
    Currently, with diabetic coma can only be seen occasionally - in patients who miss insulin injections and grossly disrupt the diet, abusing products containing easily digestible carbohydrates. Sometimes diabetic coma occurs with newly diagnosed diabetes, when the patient did not know that he was suffering from this ailment.
    In the absence of insulin in the body, the concentration of sugar in the blood rapidly increases, and as a result of intense combustion of fats, toxic ketone bodies are formed. Therefore, in no case should not be missed prescribed by the doctor injections of insulin, and reduce its dose is allowed only on the instructions of the treating doctor.
    Diabetic coma usually develops gradually. Comatose state begins with a feeling of strong weakness, fatigue, indifference, drowsiness, headache. Later, disorientation of the patient, confusion of consciousness occurs. The patient is not able to answer questions, soon he loses consciousness, does not react to words and touches.
    In the case of diabetic coma or pre-coma, the patient needs immediate medical attention and urgent hospitalization. The initial signs of a coma may be not drowsiness, but nausea and vomiting, pain in the abdomen. So, the most terrible and dangerous complication of diabetes is a diabetic coma that requires urgent hospitalization.
    Other complications appear, usually after many years of illness and are therefore called late( late) complications of diabetes mellitus.
    The fate of diabetic patients depends primarily on complications from the vascular system. These complications can lead to: visual impairment, kidney disease, diabetic gangrene of the lower extremities, myocardial infarction and other diseases.
    There are two large groups of vascular lesions in diabetic patients: diabetic macroangiopathies and microangiopathies.
    The first group includes all forms of atherosclerosis, which in patients with diabetes mellitus develops earlier and is more pronounced.
    The second group includes, first of all, specific lesions of the vessels of the eyes and kidneys.
    The most common macroangiopathies are coronarosclerosis with myocardial infarction, cerebrosclerosis with cerebral ischemia, atherosclerosis of vessels of the lower extremities and vessels of the kidneys.
    Microangiopathies are expressed in the development of changes in the smallest blood vessels - capillaries. With changes in the small vessels of the fiber on the fundus( diabetic retinopathy), hemorrhages in the eye fundus area, leading to visual disturbance and even blindness, are possible.
    When diabetes is particularly insidious violations of peripheral circulation, mainly the lower extremities( cold feet, spasms of gastrocnemius muscles, pain in the legs during physical exertion).Sclerosing the walls of the arteries in combination with diabetic capillary damage can lead to gangrene - one of the gravest complications of diabetes. Even minor injuries of the skin in the area of ​​poorly supplied with blood of the toes( skin rubbing, trauma of haircutting) in diabetics should be carefully treated, or even better, do not allow these injuries. It is very important to monitor the purity of the skin, given that diabetics slowly heal various skin lesions( boils, etc.).
    Of the acute complications most common in diabetics, it should be called hypoglycemia - a condition that develops as a result of lowering blood sugar levels below normal. Hypoglycemia also occurs when taking an excessive dose of sugar-lowering tablets in patients who do not receive insulin.
    Predisposing factors to the hypoglycemic state are delayed intake of food, the use of alcoholic beverages, especially on an empty stomach. Intensive physical activity also helps reduce blood sugar levels.
    Hypoglycemic reaction can manifest itself as general weakness, hunger, palpitations, sweating, trembling of the hands. Some people have a feeling of double vision, memory impairment, inhibition, drowsiness. Reducing blood glucose for a long time can cause a violation of brain nutrition. Symptoms of hypoglycemia may differ for different diabetics, but the typical early signs of this condition are general weakness, sweating, chills.
    If you have symptoms of hypoglycemia, you should immediately eat or drink something sweet. The best is 3 to 4 pieces of sugar or 3 to 4 tablets of glucose. You can drink a glass of fruit juice or a sweet fizzy drink containing sugar. Any products containing fast-digesting carbohydrates, such as chocolate or honey, will bring relief. Remember: a diabetic must always carry a few pieces of sugar.
    When hypoglycemia, do not use sweets and drinks containing sugar substitutes, they will not help in this situation.
    Regarding the prevention of hypoglycemia, in addition to compliance with the diet and the prescribed dietary regimen, regular monitoring of blood sugar and consultation with the attending physician on the dose of sugar-lowering tablets and insulin is important.
    The late complications of diabetes mellitus include:
    1. Macroangiopathies( obliterating atherosclerosis of the aorta, coronary, peripheral arteries and cerebral vessels);
    2. Diabetic retinopathy;
    3. Diabetic neuropathy;
    4. Diabetic foot syndrome.
    In diabetes mellitus, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke, myocardial infarction, obliterating arterial disease of the lower limbs, is 4 times higher than in people with diabetes mellitus. With diabetes, unfortunately, 50% of all limb amputations are associated, 15% of all cases of blindness.
    Timely normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, reduction of body weight, if it is excessive, adherence to all dietician and dietary advice can prevent the development of complications of diabetes, significantly delay the timing of their appearance or significantly soften their severity.

    The basics of practical dietology should be familiar to people who need to follow a diet, and with the first three positions - everything.
    These are the rules:
    1) eat a variety;
    2) comply with the diet;
    3) Do not overeat;
    4) correctly prepare food;
    5) to know the calorie content and chemical composition of the daily ration as a whole;
    6) to know the features of the chemical composition of the main products;
    7) understand that with the help of a diet they treat "not a disease, but a patient".
    By giving individual recommendations to a specific patient, the doctor will undoubtedly highlight the most important link in dietotherapy, its quintessence. For example, in some diets, culinary processing of products( say, a complete ban on all fried foods) is placed at the forefront, in others, the composition of nutrients( increase or decrease of proteins, restriction of table salt, etc.) is emphasized. But in all cases it is necessary to take care of the diversity of the diet and the observance of the diet.

    The first rule.
    If the food is diverse, if it includes products and animals( meat, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese), and vegetable origin( vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread), then you can be sure that your body will receive everythingnecessary for life without special efforts on your part.
    It is possible to single out the main groups of food products that should be presented in everyday nutrition:
    The first group is milk and dairy products( milk, kefir, curdled milk, cottage cheese, etc.).
    The second group - vegetables, fruits, berries( cabbage fresh and pickled, potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, pumpkin, radish, apples, pears, etc.).
    The third group is meat, poultry, fish, eggs( sources of animal protein).
    The fourth group - bakery and pasta, cereals.
    Fifth group - fats( butter and vegetable oil, lard, etc.).
    Sixth group - sweets( sugar, honey, confectionery).

    The second rule.
    Observe the diet - means to eat regularly, at the same time. Then you will develop a conditioned reflex: at the set time, gastric juice will be most actively excreted and the best conditions for digesting food will arise. This rule is universal.
    Your body( especially if you are engaged in intensive physical or mental labor) is not indifferent at all, get food in 3-4 or 10 hours.
    It is widely believed that a fat person, if he wants to lose weight, should eat less and less, say 2times a day. This is not true! Rare food causes a feeling of severe hunger, and such a regime eventually leads to overeating. A person eats more in two doses than with a 4 to 5-day diet, because with a strong sense of hunger it is difficult to control one's appetite. If you began to grow stout, go to frequent, fractional food!
    In any case, eat at least 3 - 4 times a day. For lunch, do not forget about the bowl of soup. Food in the dry, "sandwich food" from day to day invariably lead to diseases of the stomach and intestines. Have dinner try at least an hour and a half before bedtime: an abundant meal before bedtime contributes to obesity and makes sleep restless. But do not go to extremes and go to bed hungry. A glass of yogurt or curdled milk before going to bed is what you need.

    The third rule.
    Body weight is one of the important health indicators. Excess body weight increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, cholelithiasis. Finally, overeating significantly decreases efficiency.
    The fact that it is harmful to overeat is known to everyone, but statistics say that the number of people suffering from obesity and overweight increases year by year, and it becomes more and more obese among young people. Do not be greedy for food.

    The fourth rule.
    One French cook noticed that cooking is the key to health. The doctor should know himself and be able to explain to the patient himself that if an accompanying disease, such as a peptic ulcer or chronic gastritis, accompanied by increased secretion of gastric juice, is exacerbated in a patient with diabetes mellitus, the rich meat and fish broths are excluded from the diet: they contain too many extractives that servechemical irritant of the gastric mucosa.
    Patients are prescribed a diet that is as gentle as possible for the stomach;the products are advised to either cook or cook for a couple, recommend milk, soft-boiled eggs( or steam omelet), semolina and rice porridge. It would seem nothing special. But very often the patient noticeably improves his well-being, heartburn and pain in the epigastric region disappear due to a single adjustment in the diet: the exclusion of broths and fried foods.
    In the case of diabetes mellitus without concomitant gastrointestinal disease, the culinary processing of foods can be very diverse.

    The fifth rule.
    Caloric content and chemical composition of food are of paramount importance in many ailments, but above all with obesity and diabetes( which, incidentally, are often combined).Correctly selected for the composition of the products play a truly healing role, which, of course, does not exclude other forms of therapy. With mild forms of diabetes, you can often do without drugs, just strictly follow the prescribed diet.
    As well as with obesity, in diabetes, first of all, easily digestible carbohydrates, i.e. Sweets that promote the increase of blood sugar and the formation of excess fatty tissue;they are replaced with xylitol, sorbitol and the like. With excessive body weight, such low-calorie foods as cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, low-fat cottage cheese are useful.

    The sixth rule.
    It is necessary to consider the caloric content and chemical composition of the main products and dishes in order to develop a therapeutic diet.
    Ancient vaults of traditional medicine, various manuals contain information on how many foods were used in the treatment of diseases. And nowadays, nutrition experts recognize the medicinal properties of honey, koumiss, kefir, beets, carrots, vegetable oils, vegetable and fruit juices, and so on. However, in order to properly use specific products in medical diets, you need to know the characteristics of their chemical composition and effects on the body. So, vegetable oil - sunflower, cottonseed, corn, olive - is famous for its good digestibility. In addition, vegetable oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E - curative drugs for atherosclerosis. Polyunsaturated acids stimulate protective mechanisms, increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases. Along with vitamin C they help prevent the progression of atherosclerosis.
    Vegetable oils have a pronounced cholagogue action, which hinders the development of cholecystitis. Heat treatment weakens these useful properties, so you should often use vegetable oils not for roasting, but for dressing salads, vinaigrettes, first and second dishes.
    Rosehip is the record holder for vitamin C. Infusion of dog rose is useful for increased fatigue on the soil of hypovitaminosis C, as well as choleretic and antisclerotic.

    The seventh rule.
    This rule is universal for medicine: to treat not sickness, but sick. The current system of "tables" is by no means an absolute recommendation, but only an indicative scheme of dietary treatment. When it is used in each specific case, a significant adjustment is necessary. An experienced doctor will take into account the form and stage of the disease, the characteristics of metabolism, body weight, concomitant ailments, and, not least, the habits and tastes of the patient, if they are reasonable and do not damage the health.
    It is necessary to take into account intolerance and food allergy to certain foods. Do not include in the diet, even very useful in terms of chemical composition, if the patient does not tolerate them well due to a variety of circumstances. And with infectious diseases, after the operation interventions, balanced in composition, enriched with vitamins and necessarily delicious varied food always speeds up recovery.

    Health food is a component of complex therapy, it is applicable for all diseases. Sometimes this is an auxiliary method of treatment, against which the medication is more effective. Sometimes - almost the main medical factor. And very often - a reliable preventive tool, preventing the aggravation of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, gout, peptic ulcer, etc.
    It is not easy to use diet therapy at home - and not only because you need to be able to prepare dietary dishes, but also because the fulfillmentprescribed by the doctor of dietary recommendations requires effort of will. However, care for one's own health should not be shifted exclusively to the shoulders of doctors who care for you.
    Many centuries ago the great Hippocrates wrote: "Life is short, the path of art is long, the opportunity is short-lived, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult. Therefore, not only the doctor himself needs to use everything that is necessary in the case, but the patient and others, and all external circumstances should help the doctor and his activities. "

    The dietary requirements for diabetics have significant features.
    1. Adherence to diet is especially important for diabetics. The daily ration is divided into 5 to 6 meals. This is done in order to reduce the degree of food hyperglycemia by reducing the amount of food for each meal. And also frequent meals prevent the possibility of hypoglycemic conditions. The recommendations of the attending physician, which accurately indicates the time of ingestion and sugar-lowering tablets or injections of insulin, are being followed.
    2. Exception( and in some cases - restriction) of easily assimilated carbohydrates( sugar, jam, cakes, other sweets).
    3. Use of sugar substitutes.
    4. Reducing the caloric content of the diet in the presence of excess body weight.
    5. Anti-atherosclerotic orientation of the diet( restriction of consumption of animal fats).

    With food, the human body receives the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for life.
    The role of proteins is exceptionally high. They serve as the basic material for building cells and tissues of the body, being the source of continuous renewal. Proteins are involved in providing the energy balance of the body, in the formation of enzymes and hormones. A sufficient protein content in the food contributes to the regulation of the functions of the cerebral cortex, increases the tone of the central nervous system.
    The value of proteins is determined primarily by a set of interchangeable and irreplaceable amino acids included in them. Irreplaceable amino acids in the body are not formed and must necessarily come from food. These include: tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine. Replaceable amino acids can be synthesized in the body. Proteins are considered the most valuable if they contain all the essential amino acids. It is known that animal products are much richer in essential amino acids than vegetable products.
    Usually, meat is replaced with fish at the rate of 100 grams of meat per 100 - 120 grams of fish. When you replace meat with curd( if it is fat) or egg, you should consider the presence of fat in these foods and on the days of replacement, reduce the appropriate amount of fat in the diet.
    When diabetes is not recommended to replace meat with milk, as the amount of milk corresponding to the protein content will contain a certain amount of fat, and most importantly - a significant amount of relatively easily assimilated carbohydrates.
    Equivalent products containing animal protein: 30 g of boiled beef, 50 g of veal, 65 g of lean pork, 48 g of chicken, 46 g of turkey, 46 g of rabbit, 77 g of cooked sausage, 85 g of sausages, 54 g of fish,35 g of Dutch cheese, 53 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 1.5 eggs. Equivalent: 200 g of kefir, 200 g of milk, 200 g of yogurt.
    Substitution of products containing predominantly proteins is not at all difficult not only for the doctor, but also for the patient with diabetes. The product - the source of animal protein is replaced by a product of animal origin, the source of vegetable protein - a product of plant origin.1 g of protein gives the body 4 kcal.

    Fats are also an important component of our nutrition. They are part of the cells and tissues of the body, participate in many vital processes. With fats, we get biologically valuable substances: unsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides, some fat-soluble vitamins, in particular A, E, K.
    The qualitative composition of fats entering the food ration is of definite importance. The stimulating effect on the body's defense mechanisms is provided by unsaturated fatty acids. They, as well as some amino acids of proteins, are irreplaceable, i.e.to components not synthesized in the body. The need for them can be satisfied only at the expense of food, primarily due to vegetable oils( sunflower, cottonseed, olive, corn, etc.).
    Fats in comparison with proteins and carbohydrates are the most high-calorie foods( 1 g of fat will give the body 9 kcal).People with diabetes should remember that the excess amount of fat in the diet, especially animal fats( butter, cream, sour cream, lard) is the way to obesity and atherosclerosis.
    The daily amount of fat in the diet of a diabetic patient can be depending on body weight and physical load from 50 to 100 g. Adult patient with a normal body weight not performing heavy physical work, it is necessary to include in the diet 50 - 70 grams of fat.
    The human need for fats is not as specific as the need for proteins, since a significant portion of the fatty components of the body can be synthesized in the body primarily from carbohydrates. Therefore, it is not accidental that if you are addicted to overweight, nutritionists recommend limiting in the diet not only fats, but also carbohydrates, especially easily digestible.
    When preparing a diet, it should be borne in mind that a significant part of food products, including meat, fish, milk, eggs, contain so-called hidden fats, which provide about half the need for an organism of a diabetic patient in fats. Thus, if the dietitian included 70 grams of fat in the day menu, then 35 g( butter and vegetable oil) can be used to dress the salad, prepare a sandwich.
    Vegetable fats( sunflower, corn, olive oil) should be at least half of the fat quota of a patient with diabetes mellitus( and in old age - 2/3).Vegetable oils should be used primarily for filling salads and vinaigrettes, and not for roasting. When diabetes is to avoid very fatty foods, fatty sausages, pork, poultry, fatty cottage cheese and sour cream. It is necessary to limit the use of animals of refractory fats( mutton, beef), as well as products containing a lot of cholesterol( brains, egg yolks), which contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. Usually it is allowed to include in the diet 1 an egg or a protein omelet( without yolks).
    In order to vary the diet, special tables can be used that show the quantities of products containing equal amounts of fat. For example, butter can be replaced with sour cream or cream( corresponding to fat content).Vegetable oils are replaced only with vegetable oils( sunflower oil - olive or corn oil).5 g of butter are equivalent to 4 g of vegetable and melted butter, 6 g of mayonnaise and 16 g of sour cream.

    Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. They provide more than half the calorie content of a daily diet.1 g of carbohydrates gives the body 4 kcal.
    Some components of carbohydrates are an integral part of the cells and tissues of the body. With an excess of their consumption, it is possible to convert carbohydrates to fats. The need for an adult who does not suffer from diabetes in carbohydrates depends to a large extent on the nature of the work performed and the motor activity( energy expenditure) and on average is 400 to 450 g per day. The question of carbohydrates is the most important in dietology for a patient with diabetes mellitus. It is known that carbohydrates consist of monosaccharides( simple carbohydrates), oligosaccharides( more complex compounds that are divided into disaccharides, trisaccharides, etc.) and polysaccharides.
    For human nutrition from simple carbohydrates, glucose, fructose, galactose, oligosaccharides - sucrose, maltose, lactose are the most important( the last three carbohydrate compounds are disaccharides).
    Let us dwell on polysaccharides. They are divided into digestible and indigestible. To digestible polysaccharides include starch and glycogen, to indigestible - cellulose( cellulose), hemicellulose and pectin substances.
    Monosaccharides and disaccharides have a taste, so they are also called "sugars".
    In our everyday life we ​​distinguish the following compounds from all carbohydrates:
    1. Glucose.
    2. Sugar( sugar beet sugar and cane sugar).
    3. Lactose( milk sugar).
    4. Fructose( fruit and fruit sugar).
    5. Starch.
    6. Fiber( vegetable fibers, or, as they are often called, dietary fibers).
    Glucose is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and enters the bloodstream, and then into the cells of the organs and tissues of our body.
    Fructose is absorbed more slowly in the intestine than in glucose. In addition, the enzymes involved in fructose conversions do not require insulin to manifest their activity. This explains the better tolerability of fructose in patients with diabetes mellitus.
    Sugar( sugar beet and sugar cane) contains both glucose and fructose.
    Lactose( milk sugar) is found in milk and dairy products.
    Special attention is paid to the so-called "pure" sugar - beet and cane nutrition - when dieting a diabetic patient. He plays a significant role in the nutrition of a healthy person, and from the diet of a patient with diabetes mellitus is most often excluded.
    The fact is that "pure" sugar is quickly absorbed in the digestive canal, very easily absorbed by the body and promotes a rapid increase in the sugar level in the blood of a patient with diabetes mellitus. Therefore, all types of "pure" sugar, with the exception of fructose, are in most cases excluded from the diet of a patient with diabetes mellitus. As for fructose, in an insignificant amount( about 30 g), the attending physician can allow inclusion in the diet for diabetes, provided it is well tolerated and under the control of the patient's blood sugar level.
    The most important carbohydrate in our diet is starch. In the digestive canal, starch gradually turns into sugar, which enters the blood and tissues more slowly than glucose and "pure" sugar. Vegetables, fruits, berries contain fiber, which
    is practically not digested and not absorbed by the body. At the same time, the fiber( in other words, vegetable fibers or dietary fibers) contributes to the fact that the carbohydrates contained in these plant products are absorbed and absorbed by the body more slowly, without causing a sharp increase in the level of sugar in the blood. The source of fiber, in addition to vegetables, is rye bread, containing dietary fiber.
    We list products containing a significant amount of fast and easily assimilated carbohydrates, which are strictly forbidden to include in the diet of a patient with diabetes:
    - "pure" sugar and glucose;
    - confectionery products containing sugar( cakes, cakes, muffins, waffles, etc.);
    - jam made on sugar, jam, marmalade, syrups;
    - sweet drinks( liquor, sweet wine, lemonade);
    - sweet condensed milk;
    - ice cream.
    Vegetables and fruits are divided into 3 groups by their carbohydrate content.
    The first group consists of vegetables, 100 g of which( we are talking about raw vegetables) contains no more than 5 g of carbohydrates. These are cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, white and colored, zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant, lettuce, sorrel, spinach, asparagus, radish, dill, celery( greens), green onion, chicory leaves. Few carbohydrates are found in mushrooms. And also lemon and cranberries.
    All these products can be included in the diet at each meal, focusing on the appetite( but, of course, in a reasonable amount).With regard to these products, you can not engage in calculations of their nutritional value( in terms of the limit of carbohydrates).
    Vegetables and fruits of the second group contain 100 g of fresh weight from 5 to 10 g of carbohydrates. This carrot, onion, radish, beetroot, rutabaga, beans, parsley, celery( root), citrus( oranges, grapefruits, mandarins), strawberries, currants black and red, cranberries, raspberries, apricots, pears, quince, peaches, melon.
    This vegetable, fruit and berries without allowance in the carbohydrate quota of the diet is allowed to eat up to 200 g per day.
    To the third group with more than 10 grams of carbohydrates per 100 g of product include potatoes, green peas, and from fruits - bananas, grapes, pineapples, sweet apples, dates, figs.
    Equivalent: apples - 100 g, apricots - 110 g, cherries - 100 g, pears - 105 g, plums - 115 g, cherries - 90 g, orange - 135 g, strawberries - 140 g, gooseberries - 115 g, raspberries- 125 g, currant - 130 g.
    Vegetables and fruits of the third group must be taken into account( in terms of carbohydrate content) in the daily ration. Some nutritionists do not recommend the inclusion in the diet for diabetes dates, grapes, bananas because of the high content of carbohydrates in them.
    Potatoes containing up to 20% carbohydrates are allowed to be included in diets in the amount of up to 200 - 250 grams per day with an accurate account of the amount of carbohydrates.
    The daily rate of carbohydrates entering the body with fruits is limited to 50 g( this refers to 50 g of carbohydrates, and not about the weight of fruit).In this case, it is mainly necessary to use fresh fruit, since they contain more vitamins.
    This recommendation applies to vegetables. The most useful in terms of the content of vitamins namely vegetables - the same carrots and cabbage. Vegetables are most useful to use in salads, there are raw. In stewed vegetables, a few more vitamins are preserved than in boiled ones, so they should be given preference. Once again, about the benefits of vegetables: carbohydrates from vegetables stand out slowly, gradually, without causing a sharp rise in sugar in the blood of a diabetic patient. Carbohydrates of vegetables create a feeling of relative satiety, do not "mock" the appetite( compared to "pure" sugar).
    Milk and dairy products deserve special mention.
    Without carbohydrates, you can drink up to 0.25 liters of milk. Everyone drunk over 0.25 liters contains 12 grams of carbohydrates taken into account.
    Cottage cheese and cheeses contain such a small amount of carbohydrates that it can be ignored.
    With diabetes, you can eat rye bread containing B vitamins, as well as relatively slowly splitting carbohydrates.
    White bread or rolls are allowed to eat in exceptional cases, for example, patients with concomitant diseases of the stomach.
    Grits and flour products should be consumed in precisely calculated quantities. Only with accurate calculation of all components of a diet, a diabetic patient is allowed to eat cookies or cakes without sugar, on substitutes or saccharin.
    To answer the question, what exactly amount of carbohydrates can be resolved for inclusion in the diet of a patient with diabetes mellitus, is unambiguously very difficult and even impossible. Specific recommendations can be only individual, taking into account age and sex, height and body weight and, what is especially important, energy costs. It should be borne in mind and the tolerance of the body to specific foods and dishes, their effect on the blood sugar in a particular person.
    On the recommendation of experienced German specialists-diabetologists, the total amount of carbohydrates allowed for use in diabetes can be 200-260 g per day. For patients with excessive body weight, this amount is reduced to 120-170 g in order to normalize body weight( of course, for a certain period, depending on the body's tolerance to a particular diet of the
    diet).Patients with insufficient body weight, as well as performing relatively heavy physical work, naturally, should receive more carbohydrates. The upper limit of the daily norm for these specialists is set at 300-360.
    It is important to note that the daily amount of carbohydrates in a diabetic patient is divided into small portions and is taken 5 to 6 times throughout the day.
    The physician expresses the exact prescriptions for the amount of carbohydrates allowed for 1 reception in grams of a particular food product or dish. It is always indicated how many carbohydrates can be taken in the form of fruits or vegetables. For a variety of ration vegetables are recommended to be replaced only with vegetables, and fruits - only fruits.
    Equivalent: 40 grams( slice) of wheat bread, 50 grams of rye bread, 40 grams of bakery products, 100 grams of protein-wheat bread, 140 grams of protein-bran bread, 30 grams of rusks( 2 pcs.), 20 g of peas( beans).
    From vegetables are equivalent: 50 g of potatoes, 90 g of beet, 140 g of carrots, 170 g of turnips, 75 g of green peas.
    Many authors recommend using the concept of "bread unit" or "XE" with the aim of an equivalent, and most important harmless for the body replacing "carbohydrate" products in the diet.1 XE corresponds to 12 g of carbohydrates, contained, for example, in 25 g of rye or 20 g of wheat bread.
    There are tables on which it is easy to establish how much bread, potatoes, cereals, various fruits and other products containing carbohydrates are more or less equivalent in terms of the amount of carbohydrates present in them.
    So, we emphasize the most important thing. Carbohydrates in our body are split and converted into sugar. Carbohydrates are necessary for a diabetic patient, but due to the disrupted absorption of sugar in this disease, the attending physician strictly limits the allowable amount of products and dishes containing carbohydrates. These foods and dishes are divided into 5 to 6 servings, eaten at a strictly prescribed time( especially important is the diet for those who receive insulin) during the day.
    "Pure" sugar and ready-made products containing sugar, with diabetes are completely excluded from the diet.
    The need for an organism in carbohydrates is provided by products whose carbohydrates are digested gradually and more slowly( in comparison with sugar).This is primarily rye bread, pasta, potatoes, other vegetables, fruits. Often nutritionists divide products - sources of carbohydrates into the following groups:
    1. Bread and bakery, flour products.
    2. Cereals, pasta.
    3. Vegetables( a special line is potatoes).
    4. Fruit.
    5. Milk and dairy products.
    This working classification is useful, as it helps to make a more diverse menu. In this case, the doctor determines how many grams of food from each group of foods containing carbohydrates are allowed to eat during a particular meal.
    Vegetables and fruits containing various vitamins, minerals, vegetable fibers, must be an indispensable part of the diet of a patient with diabetes mellitus. A significant amount of vegetables and fruits should be eaten raw.

    Vitamins and minerals
    When diabetes is a lot of attention should be given to sufficient content in the diet of vitamins and minerals.
    With this type of disease due to metabolic disorders, vitamin C, group B, other vitamins and minerals deficiency is possible.
    Vitamins are biologically active organic compounds that are of great importance for normal metabolism and vital functions of the body. They increase the physical and mental performance of a person, contribute to the resistance of the body to various diseases, which can be considered as an important means of preventing them.
    Most vitamins are not synthesized in the human body, so you need a constant supply of them with food or in the form of drugs.
    With a lack of vitamins in the diet, a person develops hypovitaminosis, characterized by a deterioration in overall health, rapid fatigue, a decrease in the body's defenses. Hypovitaminosis states are more often observed in winter and spring, since it is at these times of the year that many foods contain insufficient amounts of vitamins.
    Vitamins are produced by industry in the form of special preparations. However, it is necessary to give preference to natural sources of vitamins and only if necessary to resort to vitamin preparations.
    Vitamins are divided into two main groups: vitamins, soluble in water, and vitamins, soluble in fats. In addition, a group of vitamin-like compounds is isolated, the degree of irreplaceability of which is not proven.

    Basic principles of diet therapy for patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes:
    1. Compliance with the diet consistent with taking sugar-lowering tablets( 5 to 6 meals a day).
    2. Restriction or exclusion( according to the recommendation of the attending physician) of easily assimilated carbohydrates( sugar, sweets, etc.).The intake of sugar substitutes, recommended by the attending physician.
    3. The diet should be high-grade in the content of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. And also on the energy value( caloric value).
    4. The antiatherosclerotic orientation of the diet is required, which is achieved, in particular, by limiting animal fats and including in the diet a sufficient number of foods containing dietary fiber( vegetable fiber).
    Speaking about the principles of dietetics for non-insulin dependent diabetics, it should be emphasized that on average 85% of these patients( and according to some authors - up to 90%) are overweight. Weight reduction( mass) of the body is the most important method of treatment.
    In a significant part of patients( up to 40%) it is possible to achieve good therapeutic effect and compensate for metabolic disorders with the help of only a diet, without using sugar-reducing tablets. Most often, the treatment of diabetes solely with diet is possible with mild disease.
    Treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes in diabetics with overweight is primarily a treatment for obesity, the desire to normalize the body weight( mass).At the same time, they reduce the energy value( caloric content) of the diet, restrict carbohydrates, fats, but they provide the optimal amount of proteins and vitamins.
    Body weight is one of the indicators of human health. However, the number of full people is constantly increasing. There are two main reasons for this: increased consumption of high-calorie foods and reduced physical activity.
    Those who want to lose weight should first of all reduce the calorie intake and increase physical activity. Physical loads( morning exercises, walking, swimming, running, working in the garden), dosed taking into account human fitness, contribute to the fact that the fatty tissue of the body is actively replaced by muscle tissue.
    To give up an entrenched habit abundantly, to limit oneself daily in food, to monitor the calorie content of food ration is not easy. Success can only be achieved if the need to lose weight is clearly recognized, based on the fact that weight loss will improve health, increase life expectancy( and this has been proved by both statisticians and gerontologists).
    It can be firmly said that the main role in the fight against fatness and in the prevention of obesity belongs not to the doctor, but to the person who needs to lose weight. Willpower, inner conviction of the need for dietary recommendations, physical activity are very important for effective weight loss.
    Having discarded excess weight, we will feel that we are younger and more mobile.
    To lose weight, you need:
    1. Reduce caloric intake by limiting the amount of carbohydrates, especially easily digestible( sugar, sweets), and high-calorie animal fats( lard, butter, fatty meat).
    2. Include in the diet a high amount of raw vegetables and fruits( caloric, but significant, which creates a feeling of satiety) and completely exclude foods and drinks that stimulate appetite( spices, spices, hot snacks).
    3. Observe the diet and the principle of its fractionality. There is an opinion that, in order to lose weight, you need to eat not only less, but also less often, for example 2 times a day. This is not true. Rare food leads to severe hunger. A person eats more food for two meals than for five, because with excessive hunger it is more difficult to control one's appetite. Therefore, full people are encouraged to frequent frequent meals( 4 to 5 times a day).There is a need at the same time - this creates a certain rhythm of digestion. The last meal should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime, as eating before bedtime helps to increase body weight.
    Here are tips on diet recommended by the Salerno Health Code: "Do not ever sit down for food, not knowing that your stomach is empty and free of food that you ate before it. Dinner excessive is not at all useful for our stomachs, so that we can sleep peacefully, we do not need to eat before going to bed. If you want to return health and not to know diseases, you must drive away the burden of cares and consider it unworthy to be angry, modestly have dinner, forget about wines, do not consider it useless to stay awake after eating, avoiding midday sleep. "
    4. Observe the necessary methods of cooking. With a tendency to fullness, you should not prepare fragrant fried dishes, rich broths, exciting appetite. From the same considerations, restrict or even exclude from the diet acute snacks, spices, spices. Meat and fish are not fried, but boiled, cooked with a reduced amount of salt, without spices.
    Table salt is limited not only because malosolenye dishes are less appetizing, but also because it promotes fluid retention in the body and thereby increases body weight.
    5. Use unloading( low-calorie) days in the diet. People who are overweight and who are trying to lose weight, can enter, after consultation with a doctor, unloading days. Recommend no more than one or two days of shipment per week. Unloading days contribute to the restructuring of disturbed metabolism and the consumption of excess fat contained in the adipose tissue of the body. Regular unloading days can reduce body weight, normalize sleep, improve well-being, gain a sense of cheerfulness. Often they are no less effective in influencing the body than medications. Often, it is fair to say that a diet is also a medicine.
    Unloading days should be carried out with some caution, since there may be an acute sensation of hunger, accompanied by weakness and dizziness. To remove these unpleasant symptoms, you need "home ambulance": strong sweet tea with bread.
    It is better to use a day off for unloading. In due course, when you find the menu of a fasting day that is optimal for your organism, it will be possible to spend it on a weekday, if energy costs associated with work are not significant.
    According to the composition of the daily ration products, the following unloading days are distinguished( 5 to 6 meals a day):
    - curd or cottage cheese: 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese is used in kind or for the preparation of cheese cakes;2 - 3 cups of coffee with milk without sugar and a glass of broth of a dogrose are authorized;
    - apple: 1,5 kg of raw or baked unsweetened apples;allowed 2 cups of tea or coffee without sugar;
    - cucumber: 1.5 kg of fresh cucumber, 2 cups of tea or coffee without sugar;caloric content of cucumbers is extremely low( 2 times less than cabbage, and 3 times less than apples);
    - salad from raw vegetables: 1,2 - 1,5 kg of various vegetables( cabbage, tomatoes, radish, carrot, lettuce, cucumber) with the addition of vegetable oil and a small amount of sour cream;
    - watermelon: 1.5 kg of pulp of ripe watermelon;
    - kefir: 1,2 - 1,5 l of kefir or curdled milk;
    - meat: 300 g boiled without salt meat with vegetable, better cabbage garnish;allowed 3 cups of coffee or tea without sugar, 1 glass of rosehip broth;
    - fish: 300 - 350 g of boiled fish without salt( perch, cod, pike, pollock);allowed 2 cups of tea or coffee without sugar, 1 cup decoction of rose hips.
    - fruit-egg: 5 times a day you can eat one egg and 10 g of apples;Required 250 ml of rose hips without sugar. It is carried out only by those people who have no liver disease.
    Being on a low calorie diet with the inclusion of fasting days, you must constantly monitor your weight. To do this, it is useful to keep a graph of the results of systematic weighing.
    Start better with a curd day. The fact is that cottage cheese, like, however, meat, will create a more pronounced feeling of satiety than, for example, vegetables and fruits. Another unloading day( in a week) can be made vegetable or fruit( depending on the season), meat or fish, and maybe kefir. When selecting the menu of a day of discharge, it is also recommended that you consult with your doctor.
    It is known that raw vegetables and fruits in large quantities are poorly tolerated in certain diseases, for example, with exacerbation of peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, gastritis with high acidity or chronic pancreatitis. With these diseases, the treating doctor can recommend a curd or meat( with the use of boiled meat) to a patient suffering from obesity, an unloading day. If excess weight is accompanied by hypertensive disease, cardiovascular insufficiency, which is accompanied by swelling, you should use curd, vegetable and fruit days.
    What are the specific foods and dishes should be included in the diet of those who want to lose weight? These products include the following:
    - bread: rye, protein-wheat, protein-bran - 100 - 150 g per day( 3 - 4 slices);in protein bread, about 2 times less carbohydrates, but more protein and B vitamins than in ordinary bread;Crisp breads are allowed;in comparison with the same amount of bread there are fewer calories in them, but they contain useful minerals and B vitamins;
    - milk products: milk, better skim, buttermilk, yogurt, yogurt, sour cream( 1 - 2 tablespoons are added to the dish), cottage cheese( skimmed) in kind or as cheesecakes, cheese cakes, neoprene cheese;
    - vegetables: uncooked uncooked, cucumbers, tomatoes, white cabbage, colored, zucchini, pumpkin;dishes from potatoes, beets, carrots - not more than 150 g per day;from a large amount of potatoes can get better;
    - fruits, berries: mainly sour and sweet and sour varieties - apples, red and black currants, gooseberries, cranberries, lemons, oranges, grapefruits, plums, cherries, blueberries;sweet fruits and berries should not be misused, since they can be replenished;eggs: soft-boiled and hard-boiled( 1 - 2 per day);dishes from meat and fish: lean meat( beef, rabbit, lamb, game), poultry( chicken, chicken, turkey), lean ham, low-fat fish( cod, pike, navaga, hake, ice, pollock), meat dishesand fish in boiled form;
    - fats in limited quantities: butter, margarine, vegetable oil( a total of 20 - 35 g per day for cooking);Preference should be given to vegetable oil;
    - drinks: tea, tea with milk, coffee is not strong( without sugar), fruit and berry juices from sour varieties of berries and fruits, compotes of berries and fruits without sugar, alkaline mineral water.
    For advice on specific quantities of products used in the daily diet, consult your doctor who knows your health status, age, body weight, energy expenditure. Only he can answer the question of how much this or that product is appropriate to include in the menu of a particular person who needs dietotherapy.
    In case of overweight, the following products should be excluded or substantially limited if possible:
    1. Sugar, sweets, chocolate, jam, marmalade, jam, jam, cakes, cakes, buns, ice cream, other goodies and sweets;raisins, dates, figs, sweet fruit waters, wheat bread;
    2. Too fat cheeses, sour cream, cream;fatty goose, duck, beef, pork, fat, fatty fish( for example, halibut), fatty sausages and smoked meat;
    3. Fried dishes, as they contribute to an increase in appetite;for the same reason it is not recommended to include in the diet sharp, spicy, salty snacks and dishes, pepper, horseradish, rich broths, soups with lots of noodles, pasta, dishes from cereals, legumes, pasta.
    4. Beer, alcoholic beverages are excluded completely.
    Where to start the changes in the diet for those who want to lose weight? First of all, it is necessary to reduce the use of high-calorie foods, preferring low-calorie foods. We must try to transfer the "center of gravity" of the daily ration for the first half of the day, observe the diet( eat 4 times a day), make dinner less caloric, do not eat at night. It is necessary to systematically control your weight.

    There are 2 main forms of diabetes:
    1. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus( type I diabetes mellitus).
    2. Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus( type II diabetes mellitus).
    Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is detected in young people, usually up to 30 years. It occurs when pancreatic cells stop producing insulin.
    Symptoms of type I diabetes mellitus:
    - increased urination;
    - increased thirst;
    - a feeling of fatigue, general weakness;
    - weight loss;
    - a feeling of hunger.
    In type 1 diabetes, treatment includes a specific diet and insulin injections.
    In type II diabetes mellitus( insulin-independent), pancreatic cells secrete insulin, but in insufficient quantities. Non-insulin-dependent diabetes is more common than Type I diabetes mellitus( in about 90% of patients).II type of diabetes is more common in people older than 40 years. Most of these patients are overweight.
    Symptoms of type II diabetes mellitus:
    - rapid urination;
    - increased thirst;
    - fast-onset fatigue, general weakness;
    - irritability;
    - blurred vision;
    - sensation of numbness, tingling in the legs or hands;
    - poorly healing wounds and ulcers on the skin.
    Treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes includes therapeutic nutrition, taking sugar-reducing tablets, and in some cases - injecting insulin. In a significant part of cases of non-insulin-dependent diabetes, the only method of treatment is therapeutic nutrition.

    Distinguish between mild, moderate and severe degree of diabetes.
    1. With an easy degree of diabetes, carbohydrate metabolism is compensated by diet alone, there are no serious complications, and work capacity is preserved. More often diabetes in a mild form occurs in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, combined with obesity( obesity).
    2. With diabetes of moderate severity, it is necessary to take sugar-lowering tablets or insulin injections at a dose of no more than 60 units per day. The working capacity is moderately reduced.
    3. With severe diabetes, there are various complications. The insulin doses necessary to compensate for diabetes exceed 60 units per day. The work capacity is significantly reduced.

    A disregard for nutrition, to the interests of one's own health, often ends sadly. In some cases, it leads to hard-to-treat obesity, in others - to gastritis, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.
    How should one eat? Can you be guided only by your appetite? And although in many situations it is impossible to draw a clear line between therapeutic and rational nutrition, try to focus on the first, not forgetting about the second.
    Therapeutic diet, or diet therapy, is certainly a method of treatment, but one in which much depends on the patient himself. With medical treatment, the patient, as a rule, follows the advice of a doctor exactly, but dietary recommendations are not always performed in the same punctual manner.
    The word "diet" denotes both the diet and the composition of food. Recommending this or that diet, the doctor-dietician uses not only the data of biochemistry, physiology, nutrition hygiene, but also the centuries-old experience of practical medicine. Hippocrates also wrote: "He who nourishes well, he heals well."However, the doctor is not in a position to regulate absolutely everything, down to the smallest details. The doctor will not stand next to you at the stove and will not stop your hand when you once again go to the fridge.
    A doctor who knows not only your age and body weight, but also your health condition, energy expenditure, tolerability of certain products, can specify the dietary advice of a general nature for you - if, of course, you need dietotherapy.

    Basic principles of dietary therapy for patients with insulin-dependent diabetes:
    1. Compliance with a diet consistent with the administration of insulin( 5 to 6 meals a day).The dosage and time of insulin administration are appointed by the attending physician, which gives specific recommendations for diabetics diet therapy.
    2. Restriction or exclusion( according to the recommendation of the attending physician) of easily assimilated carbohydrates( sugar, sweets, etc.).All sweets contain simple, rapidly-absorbed sugars in high concentration, after intake of which there is a rapid increase in the level of sugar in the blood of a diabetic. Therefore, unfortunately, it is necessary to abandon the sweet. Use sugar substitutes recommended by your doctor.
    3. The diet should be high-grade in the content of proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, as well as energy value( caloric value).
    4. The antiatherosclerotic orientation of the diet is necessary - restriction of animal fats, inclusion in the diet of a sufficient number of products containing plant fibers( fiber).
    5. The most important dietary rule for a diabetic who receives insulin is to select the foods and meals of the daily ration in such a way that every day to receive with food a strictly defined amount of carbohydrates, which corresponds to insulin therapy. If the doctor allows you to include more carbohydrates in the diet, then accordingly increases the dose of insulin.
    It would seem that everything is very simple: if the food is always the same, then the need for insulin remains the same. However, you need to think about maintaining a good appetite, not forgetting that food and dishes should please us, not only to give strength and energy to our body, but also to improve the mood. And for this it is necessary to take care of the variety of everyday food. Should we completely abandon the food we especially love? Of course not!
    To make food varied and tasty, a system of food substitution is proposed, taking into account the carbohydrate content. It is designed to alleviate the diabetics receiving insulin therapy, a strict balance between the carbohydrate quota in the diet and the dosage of insulin.
    Some diabetics prefer to use this product change system, others - tables of the chemical composition of food. What to prefer - replacement tables based on "bread units" or tables of the chemical composition of products - a purely technical issue, but it is very important to know how many carbohydrates are contained in the food of a diabetic who receives insulin, as carbohydrates of food in the body turn into sugar and increaseits level in the blood.
    Currently, many nutritionists prefer a system of food substitution taking into account the content of carbohydrates. This system was specially invented for those who receive insulin to facilitate their compliance with diabetic diet and replacement of some products by others.

    Here are some examples of the interchangeability of foods.
    A piece of rye bread weighing 25 grams, or several crackers weighing 20 grams, contains 10 to 12 grams of carbohydrates. These bakery products have the same amount of carbohydrates( 10 - 12 grams), belong to the same group of foods - bakery products. They are interchangeable.
    Another example for the same group of products: noodles( before cooking) weighing 20 grams or rice( in raw form) weighing 15 g contain 10 to 12 grams of carbohydrates.
    Examples for a group of fruits: interchangeable apple weighing 100 g and grapefruit weighing 130 g( without skin);banana( without peel) weighing 60 g and a slice of melon weighing 130 g.
    10-12 g carbohydrates correspond to 1 XE( one bread unit).For example, 1 XE is contained in 80 g of raw potatoes, in 250 ml of milk( 1 glass).
    You can make a long list of products, in certain amounts of which contains about 10 - 12 grams of carbohydrates. This list is also called a carbohydrate replacement table, or a table for substituting foods to take into account the carbohydrate content.
    10-12 grams of carbohydrates are contained in 25 grams of bread, 20 grams of crackers, 20 grams of raw noodles, 15 grams of rice, 100 grams of apple, 130 grams of grapefruit, 60 grams of banana without skin, 130 g melon, 80 grams of potatoes, 250 ml of milk.
    When replacing products in terms of carbohydrate content, the following should be kept in mind:
    - carbohydrates contained in fruits( these are basically simple sugars - glucose and fructose, ie grape and fruit sugar), are replaced by similar carbohydrates contained in fruits;these carbohydrates are quickly absorbed into the blood from the small intestine and can lead to an increase in the level of sugar in the blood of a diabetic;
    - carbohydrates, contained in products from groups of baked goods and cereals and flour products, are complex sugars, primarily starch;starch as a complex sugar must first, under the influence of enzymes in the small intestine, split into simple sugars that are absorbed into the blood of a diabetic;
    - products containing starch also increase blood sugar levels, but to a lesser degree than glucose and fructose, so they should be replaced with similar products containing carbohydrates in the form of starch: for example, bakery products - other bakery products or cereals;
    - products from the group of vegetables contain carbohydrates mainly in the form of starch. Contained in vegetables and vegetable fibers( fiber), which are not digested. Absorption of carbohydrates under the influence of plant fibers is significantly slowed down. Therefore, almost all types of vegetables in the usual portions of diabetics diet should not be counted. The exception is the potato: it is taken into account by grain units.
    When considering a diet for a diabetic who is treated with insulin, we are talking about replacing foods only "on carbohydrates," since it is established that proteins and fats do not cause a noticeable increase in the level of sugar in the blood of a diabetic. Moreover, proteins and fats somewhat slow down the effect of carbohydrate-containing foods on blood sugar levels.
    Given that diabetics who receive insulin, most of them young, we must ensure that their diet in sufficient quantities included foods and dishes rich in protein. When compiling the diet of an elderly diabetic, it is necessary to remember about its anti-atherosclerotic orientation( restriction of animal fats, enriching the diet with products containing plant fibers).
    In the preparation of a diabetic diet, the main role belongs to the treating endocrinologist, whose task is to find the optimal correspondence between the prescribed insulin therapy and the diet. It is advisable to select and test a specific menu in the conditions of an endocrinological hospital for the newly diagnosed insulin-dependent diabetes. And in the future, the "experienced" diabetic himself with the help of tables of the chemical composition of products and tables of substitution of foods for carbohydrates under the supervision of the attending physician can make up his daily diet.

    Sugar substitutes are used by people with diabetes mellitus to sweeten food, as it is very difficult to give up the ingrained habit of eating something sweet and tasty for dessert. This is especially important for patients because most of them were addicted to the disease and even abused jam, cakes, ice cream, too sweet tea.
    Gradually, the habit of sweets is weakening. We get used to drinking tea without sugar and jam, we do not even look into the confectionery shop. But at first, during the first months and years of illness, we have to use sugar substitutes.

    In a moderate amount, it is absolutely harmless to the body. Saccharin is 400 - 450 times sweeter than sugar, it is very soluble in water. Since it does not have energy value, it can be ignored when calculating the caloric content of the diet. Saccharin can be added to tea, compotes, jelly. In boiled food it is added when it is ready, otherwise a bitter taste may arise.

    Fructose( fruit sugar)
    Fructose is one of the natural sugars. The peculiarity of fructose is that it is more slowly absorbed and less dramatically affects the blood sugar level than glucose or ordinary( beet or cane) sugar. Especially important is that the absorption of fructose by the body occurs without the participation of insulin. With a mild form of diabetes, fructose can be used( 35 - 40 g per day), in this case it does not have a negative effect on blood sugar level. Fructose can be added to tea, compotes, fruit juices. When boiling, the fructose solution becomes less sweet.

    Sorbitol and xylitol
    These are polyhydric alcohols, sweet to the taste, readily soluble in water. The sweetness of xylitol corresponds to the sweetness of sugar. Sorbitol is 2 times less sweet than xylitol and sugar. These sugar substitutes, the use of which is permitted in diabetes, are stable during cooking and baking( thermostable).
    Xylitol and sorbitol do not cause a significant increase in blood sugar levels. Their soft, laxative and choleretic effect is known. In terms of calories, xylitol and sorbitol are equal to sugar( 1 g yields 4 kcal), which must be taken into account when calculating the carbohydrate quota of a diet of a patient with diabetes mellitus. The daily dose of xylitol or sorbitol should not exceed 35 g, since a large amount of sorbitol( xylitol) can cause diarrhea.

    This is a synthetic sweetener consisting of amino acids - phenylalanine and asparagine. It is 100-150 times sweeter than sugar, has no energy value, and therefore is not included in the caloric content of the diet. Aspartame is destroyed at high temperatures( boiling and baking), so its use is limited to sweetening of tea, coffee and other beverages.

    The main meals for calories are distributed as follows: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 40%, lunch - 10%, dinner - 20%.
    The first breakfast should be eaten in half an hour after the injection of insulin.
    The second breakfast is 2 - 3 hours after the first breakfast.

    Foods that can be eaten:
    1. Meat, poultry, fish in boiled, stewed or fried( after boiling) form. It is allowed to fill( jelly, jelly), beef sausages, chicken sausage.
    2. Milk and sour-milk products.
    3. Eggs not more than 2 pieces per day in any form, the ban is imposed only on fried eggs, fried in a pan. Eat an omelet cooked for a couple.
    4. Bread, the calculation is individual, but, as a rule, about 1/2 loaf per day.
    5. Porridge from a variety of cereals.
    6. Soups can be eaten as fish, meat, and mushroom and vegetable.
    7. From vegetables it is recommended to eat potatoes, green peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, pumpkin, cabbage and beets.
    8. Raw fruits and dishes based on them, just remember that the fruit should be sour.

    Products that are categorically forbidden to eat:
    1. Fatty fish and meat, smoked sausage.
    2. Macaroni and pasta.
    3. Semolina.
    4. Cabbage is good, it can and should be eaten, but not in a pickled and pickled form.
    5. Some dairy products: cream, fermented, snowball, sweet yogurt, etc.6. Sweet fruits and dried fruits.
    7. Sweet drinks.

    Ingredients: 1 kg of beef with bones, 200 g of beef, 1 egg white, 1 carrot, half a pint of parsley, half a celery, 1 onion, 4 peas of sweet pepper, 1 bay leaf, 3 l of water, salt.
    Put the washed and chopped bones and meat in a saucepan, pour water and boil. Then pour the broth and pour the meat a second time with hot boiled water. When the water boils, remove the foam, salt and cook on low heat until cooked. In the middle of cooking, put shredded greens. Just before you are ready, put the pepper and bay leaf. When the broth is cooked, remove the pan from the plate, remove the bones and meat. Allow broth to settle for ten to fifteen minutes. Then strain. This broth is used as a basis for the preparation of soups.

    FILLER Ingredients: 200 g low broth, 20 g onion, 10 g butter, 20 g carrots, 20 grams of greens to taste, 50 g of pickles, 50 g of potatoes, 20 g of pearl barley, 30 g of sour cream.
    Chop the carrots and onions into small cubes and lightly extinguish. Cucumber peel, chop thin slices and, filling a small amount of broth, cook for 10 to 15 minutes over low heat. In the rest of the broth, boil the rump with potatoes and put cucumbers and carrots with greens. Soup let it boil, sprinkle on a weak flame for five minutes, and season with sour cream.

    Ingredients: 1/4 l of meat broth, 30 - 40 g spinach, 20 g butter, 2 eggs, salt and pepper, 3 tablespoons sour cream.
    Stew spinach with butter and a little water, rub through a sieve. It is good to grind the butter, yolks, salt and pepper, mix with spinach, cook on a water bath( put the pan in a bowl with boiling water), put in the meat broth.

    Shake down 2 proteins, add yolks, a little salt, melted butter;fry in a greased sheet, cut into slices, put in broth.

    Ingredients: mix all kinds of vegetables - for example, white cabbage, spinach, brussels sprouts, celery leaves, young green beans, cauliflower, tomatoes, etc.
    Finely chop the vegetables, season with butter, put out and report to meat broth. If desired, some of the vegetables can be wiped, and another - put in soup, cut into slices.

    Ingredients: 40 g mushrooms, 20 g butter, 0.5 liters of broth, 1 yolk, a little parsley. Cut the mushrooms, fill them with butter and salt, put out and put in broth, which is allowed to half boil;then add 1 egg yolk and finely chopped parsley.

    Ingredients: 1/4 l of meat broth, 20 g of bone marrow, 20 g of ham, 1 yolk, salt.
    Boiled brain mixed with finely chopped ham, salt, beat 1 yolk and put the resulting mass in the cold. When it freezes, make small meatballs from it, fry it in melted butter and put it in broth. Fill with parmesan if desired.

    Ingredients: for 8 servings, take 0.5 kg of meat, onion, cabbage, kohlrabi, tomatoes, beet leaves, peppers, green onions, green beans, dill, celery, etc.), 3 slices of air bread(in the form of small croutons).
    Grilled onion in oil;0.5 kg of sliced ​​meat fry along with fried onions, put in meat broth, cook for 2 hours. Then cut the sliced ​​vegetables into the broth( white cabbage, kohlrabi, tomatoes, beetroots, peppers, green onions, green beans, dill, celery, etc.), 3 slices of air bread( in the form of small toasts), then cook for another1 hour;take out the vegetables, drain the soup through a sieve, wipe off part of the vegetables taken with it, put a few pieces of meat cooked in it.

    Ingredients: 250 g fish broth, 20 g onion, 100 grams of fish, 10 grams of bread, 20 g of milk, 5 g of egg white, 200 g of potatoes, 30 g of sour cream, 5 g of oil, greens.
    Add onion in oil, put in fish broth, add chopped potatoes and cook over low heat until cooked. Fish through the meat grinder along with the bread soaked in milk, add the egg, salt and mix well. It turned out fish minced meat. Make meatballs from it and cook them separately in broth. Then put the meatballs in the soup and add the sour cream.

    DRAINING POTATO Ingredients: 150 g of potatoes, 70 g of carrots, 30 grams of rice, 1 glass of milk, 1 tbsp.l.butter, 1/2 egg yolk.
    Rinse rice and cook until done. Then wipe, mix with also the boiled and wiped potatoes and carrots. Add boiling milk, season with yolk and butter.

    Ingredients: 1 chicken, 1 parsley root, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon of melted butter, 1/2 bunch of parsley or dill, 1 head of medium-sized cauliflower or 2 small heads.
    Wash chicken, cut into pieces, put in a saucepan, add water, salt and cook with parsley and onion roots, chopped parsley or dill and a spoon of butter. When the chicken is almost ready, dip it into broth prepared cabbage and cook over a small fire so that cabbage is not digested.

    Ingredients: 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic, 1 parsley root, 1 piece of orange peel, several peas of black pepper, 20 g of olive oil, 800 g of fish.
    Put a chopped onion, finely chopped garlic and parsley, a piece of orange peel, a few black peppercorns, salt to taste, chopped fish into a saucepan. All pour with olive oil. Then pour the water in the light of the number of diners( per plate per person).Shake the pan and put on a strong fire. The soup should not be kept on fire for more than a quarter of an hour.

    Ingredients: 200 g veal, 20 g bread, 30 g milk, 5 g butter.
    Wash meat and let it through the meat grinder. Add the bread soaked in milk and again skip the mince through the meat grinder. Pour the rest of the milk and melted butter, salt, mix. Make cutlets and lay them on the trellis cover of the steamer. Put the steamer on the fire and cook the cutlets for at least 15 minutes.

    Ingredients: 200 g low-fat beef, 30 grams of rice, 20 grams of oil.
    The meat is passed through a meat grinder, rice boil in water until cooked, then drain and mix with meat. This mass should be passed through the meat grinder once more, then add a little water to the stuffing and salt. From it you need to make bits and boil for a couple.

    Ingredients: 300 g chicken, 20 g stale rolls, 20 grams of milk, 15 grams of oil.
    Chicken meat pass through the meat grinder, add milk soaked in milk, once again scroll and put a little oil, mix well and form the bits and prepare them for a couple. To the table it is recommended to serve with a garnish of vegetables.

    Ingredients: 1 kg of sturgeon or pike perch, 2 tbsp.l.sour cream, 1 tbsp.l.oils, salt, parsley.
    Peel the cleaned fish down on a greased baking sheet. Top with sour cream, salt and pour melted butter. Put in the oven and bake for at least half an hour. Before serving, cut into pieces and sprinkle with parsley.

    Ingredients: 1 kg 200 g cod, 2 - 3 tablespoons olive oil, 2 anchovies, 1/2 bunch of parsley, 1 bulb onion, 3 - 4 onion onions, 1/2 clove garlic,1/3 of a lemon.
    Put cod for a day in cold water, then clean, cut into pieces and put into a pan. Pour olive oil, put 2 chopped anchovies( boneless).Add chopped parsley, onions, shallots, 1/2 cloves of garlic, 3 slices of lemon, put on fire and cook for half an hour.

    Ingredients: 1 pike perch, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of olive oil, 2 - 3 onions, salt, 200 g sour cream, capers, olives, a few slices of lemon, several pieces of saffron.
    At the bottom of the pot, pour out a spoonful of olive oil, put pieces of salted pike perch on it. Drizzle the juice of several bulbs with juice, cover the pan with a lid and put in the oven. When the fish is warm, pour it over with sour cream and simmer over light heat. Add the capers, olives, a few slices of lemon, a few pieces of saffron, stir. Put out some time, take out saffron and serve fish to the table.

    SAUCE Ingredients: 150 g of low-fat beef, 70 g of milk, 5 g of flour, 100 g of apples, 1 tbsp.l.butter.
    Boil the meat and cut into small slices. Milk and flour should be prepared with sauce. Apples peel and core and cut into thin slices. After this, grease the frying pan, dip the bottom of the apples with apples, put the meat on the apples mixed with apples, and top with sauce. Put the baked in the oven.

    A piece of soft, low-fat meat to wash, wipe, salt and put in a pan, on the bottom of which you first put 2 tablespoons of butter. Add chopped parsley, carrots, kohlrabi, celery, a little onion, pepper, bay leaf, asparagus, cauliflower, potatoes. Put another spoonful of oil. Close the saucepan tightly with a lid and put it in a larger pan with boiling water. Cook for about 4 hours. The water in a large saucepan must constantly boil and it must be refilled as it boils. It is important that a piece of meat remains intact. When the meat is ready, it is cut into pieces, overlaid with vegetables and watered with the resulting sauce.

    Finely chop the onion in oil. Add parsley, finely chopped mushrooms, fry them with onion and mix with finely chopped meat, egg, salt and pepper. Instead of raw meat, you can put the remains of fries.
    You can stuff cucumbers and tomatoes with the same stuffing.

    Ingredients: 130 grams of squash, 70 g of apples, 30 g of milk, 1 tbsp.l.butter, 15 g of semolina, 1/2 egg, 40 g of sour cream.
    Marrows clean, chop and simmer in milk until half cooked. Then add the chopped apples and cook for another 3 to 4 minutes, then sprinkle semolina, continuously stirring with a spoon. Hold the saucepan under the lid on the edge of the cooker for 5 minutes, then cool. Add the yolk and separately whipped protein, mix the mass, put it in a mold, greased with butter, and bake.

    Ingredients: 100 g of veal, 250 g of potatoes, greens.
    Boil the meat and let it through the meat grinder. Boil the potatoes, rub through a sieve and add crushed herbs. Prepared potato mass in circles and put minced meat in the middle. Put it on the steam bath and bake.

    Ingredients: 100 g of ceps, 1 parsley root, 1 carrot, 2 onions, 2 bay leaves, 1/2 lemon, salt to taste.
    White mushrooms boil with parsley, carrots and chopped onions. Add bay leaf, lemon, salt to taste and bring to readiness. Then put in a deep dish, cool, put grated horseradish to taste and serve to the table.

    Peel the pumpkin from the skin, rip it with boiling water, cut into pieces, put into a saucepan, add olive oil, pieces of boiled meat, salt and pepper to taste, pour in a little broth and stew.

    Ingredients: 5 steep carrots, 100 g veal, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of green dill, 1/4 nutmeg, sour cream - to taste.
    Remove the large carrots and cut the core with a knife. Flesh cut with raw veal. Add raw eggs, oils, salt, greens of dill and parsley, nutmeg, make minced meat and fill them with carrots. Then roll it in an egg and dip it into a boiling broth, in which to cook for 1/4 hours. In the broth add the sour cream and pour the carrots. As a side dish, use greens.

    Ingredients: 100 grams of cottage cheese, 10 g of wheat flour, 20 g of sour cream, 10 g of sugar, 1 egg.
    Cottage cheese rub, mix with egg and add flour and sugar. From this mass, form a roller and cut into small pieces. Lower the dumplings into boiling water and bring to a boil again. As soon as the dumplings come up, take them out and serve them to a table with sour cream.

    Sugar - 20 g( for the whole day)

    1. Rye bread - 150 g
    2. Herring - 30 g
    3. Boiled potatoes - 100 g
    4. Butter - 5 g
    5. Cabbage salad withapples:
    cabbage - 250 g
    apples - 50 g
    citric acid or vinegar, salt to taste
    6. A glass of coffee with milk:
    milk - 50 g
    sugar snack - from the daily rate

    1. Porridge from wheaten branwith milk:
    wheat bran( ground) - 50 g
    semolina - 20 g
    milk - 100 g( pour the porridge when serving)
    salt on the juiceSu
    2. A glass of tea
    sugar glove - from the daily norm

    1. A glass of broth rosehip:
    rosehips - 20 g
    water - 200 g

    1. Rye bread - 75 g
    2. Fresh meat meats:
    cabbage - 150 g
    onion - 20 g
    tomato - 15 g
    meat broth - 300 g
    3. Stew:
    meat - 60 g( ready-made)
    oil - 10 g
    bay leaf, cloves, salt- to taste
    4. Buckwheat porridge( on meat broth):
    cereal - 40 g
    meat broth - 50 g
    5. Fresh tomato orcanned or pickled cabbage - 100 g
    6. Apples - 100 g( or jelly from dried fruits or fresh berries)

    1. Potato cutlets with wheat bran:
    potatoes - 150 g
    wheat bran( ground) - 50 g
    onion - 20 g
    oil - 10 g
    2. A glass of coffee with milk:
    milk - 50 g
    sugar snack - from the daily rate

    1. Rye bread - 100 g
    2. Fried meat cutlet( without bread):
    meat( 1/4 boiled meat, 3/4 raw) - 45 g( ready-made)
    oil - 5 g( for podzha
    3. Stewed cabbage:
    cabbage - 100 g
    oil - 5 g
    4. Cheese - 20 g
    5. Glass of tea
    sugar globules - from the daily norm

    1. Steep egg - 50 g
    2Rye bread - 50 g
    3. Kefir - 100 g

    Chemical composition: proteins - 103 g, fat - 64 g, carbohydrates - 302 g;caloric value - 2255 kcal.

    Celery roots cut into thick slices, cook until incomplete preparedness, and then simmer in a small amount of water for 20 minutes, then season with vinegar and vegetable oil. When you extinguish celery, it loses carbohydrates contained in it.

    Boil the cabbage leaves for 5 minutes in salt water. Allow to drain off the water, cut off the hard part of the leaf core, fill the sheet, fold and fry in a pan in vegetable oil for several minutes. If desired, cabbage leaves can be pre-rubbed with garlic.

    Cauliflower cauliflower
    Clean cauliflower forks. Cook it in salt water so that the cabbage is not boiled, put in a greased form. Mix the yolk with sour cream and grated cheese to get a thick mass, pour it on cabbage and bake.

    Put in a buttered form three layers of asparagus, bathed in melted butter and sprinkled with grated cheese. Bake it.

    Leaf spinach with boiling water, coarsely chop along with yolk, add a little sour cream and spices, put in clay, sprinkle with cheese, pour oil, put 1/2 of fried tomato in the middle, put in the oven. Serve, wrapped around the edges of fried eggs.

    Spinach spinach with boiling water, pass through a meat grinder, mix with butter and a small amount of finely chopped onion. Add nutmeg, several yolks, whipped whites. All the mass is put into the mold, pre-lubricated with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs from airy bread or slices of finely chopped veal;cook for an hour on a water bath.

    2 yolks grind well with 20 g of butter, add 2 tablespoons of thick sour cream, 1 tablespoon with top of finely chopped stewed vegetables( lettuce, cauliflower, tomatoes, young green beans, asparagus, spinach), salt, everything is goodmix, put in buttered metal form, cook for 30 minutes in a water bath. To vegetables, if desired, you can add finely chopped brains, minced meat or boiled ham. Before serving, pour with vegetable oil and sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese.

    Boil sauerkraut, recline on a sieve and leave until the next day to have a good glass of water. In the oiled form the layers put cabbage, sausages and toasted slices of fat( you can limit and one fat).At the top should be a layer of cabbage. All layers, including the top layer, pour a mixture of well-beaten eggs and sour cream, add salt, nutmeg or pepper. Bake in the oven.

    3 - 4 bulbs to rinse well, cut off the bottom layer, the rest cut into 4 parts, put in a buttered saucepan, pour with sauce from under a roast or meat broth and put out in a not very hot oven.

    Beat 2 eggs with melted butter, dissolve the oil in the frying pan, pour the eggs, fry, continuously shaking the frying pan to keep the top layer soft. Pour finely chopped greens, wrap.

    Fry finely chopped onions, add finely chopped parsley and mushrooms;lightly fry all together;pour a little water or broth, let boil. You can make stuffing from other vegetables.

    Soak the shape with butter, break the eggs into it, put 1 tablespoon of thick cream, parsley, capers or champignons on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven.

    Make fried eggs out of 2 eggs. Shake 50 grams of grated cheese with vegetable oil and 1 egg, salt. Put the fried eggs on a buttered frying pan, cover it with this mass, pour another 1 egg and bake.

    5 chicken liver or a few veal liver fry with onion, pepper, salt, with nutmeg, pass through a meat grinder. To grind 40 g of butter with 2 yolks and 2 whipped proteins, all gently mix, put in a buttered form and cook on a water bath( 1 - 2 servings).

    750 g of low-fat young beef cut into small pieces, put in a clay pot with bone marrow, cloves( 2 pcs.), Fried bulb of medium size and 100 g of water. Close tightly, put for 2 - 3 hours in the oven. Then pass the meat 2 times through a meat grinder, pour the juice in which it was cooked, add 200 - 250 g of butter, salt and spices - to taste.
    Rinse the resulting mass with a wooden spoon until it becomes homogeneous. Densely to lay it in small pots and to fill in with the warmed up oil that the air did not get. To improve the taste, you can add goose or veal liver. The types and amount of spices must correspond to the condition of the patient. Beef can be replaced with goat or rabbit meat, game or poultry. Small pots with pate are stored in a cold place for 6 to 7 days.

    Cut into slices of brisket and scapula and lay in layers of clay pot, alternating with cabbage leaves. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with onion, sliced;cover with cabbage leaf, pour water or broth, close tightly and cook for 2.5 hours. During cooking, make sure that there is enough liquid in the pot.

    Beat with sour cream( 1/8 L) together with 3 yolks, add salt, mix with whipped 3 proteins. Smear the pudding mold with oil, pour the resulting mass into it and steam for 1/2 hour. Put on a dish, overlaid with finely chopped ham( 20 g).

    Boiled fish( boneless), 3 tablespoons of sour cream or cream, salt, pepper, put 1 tablespoon of ground oil in clay, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese or some other cheese;Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Any fleshy fish, especially cod, is suitable.

    1. Beat on fire without letting boil, 3 yolks, 3 tablespoons of thick sour cream or cream, a little butter, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
    2. Finely chop the steep eggs, mix with hot melted butter, a little salt. For 1 egg - 3 tablespoons of melted butter. Serve in hot sauce-dish for asparagus, cauliflower and croutons from air bread.

    2 raw yolks for 10 minutes rub with 1 tablespoon mustard. Add finely chopped onions, parsley and capers. All the while stirring, pour olive oil( only 30 - 40 g), until the sauce thickens, then put 1 tablespoon of sour cream.

    Rinse well 2 yolks, adding 1 drop of 60 g of vegetable oil. When the sauce starts to thicken, slowly add the beaten mustard, lemon juice and salt to taste.

    30 g of fresh oil, 2 steep yolks, 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar, 2 pinches of finely chopped white pepper and a little salt to taste. Oil the beater and add to it in turn 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Yolks pound separately with a small amount of vinegar. Add all the remaining ingredients, salt and pepper.

    2 cool yolks to pass through a meat grinder, add a raw yolk, a little finely chopped parsley, tarragon, 2 teaspoons of mustard, all carefully grind. Continuously stirring, gradually pour 80 g of olive oil, salt. When the sauce thickens, pass through a sieve.

    Put a saucepan with a piece of fresh butter on a slow fire. When it softens, mix it with a few yolks, chopped spicy greens( if desired, put a little garlic) and with 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice. Stir on the fire until it thickens.

    Finely chopped onion lightly with 30 g butter, carefully grind with 1/2 liter of strong meat broth, 1 - 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and a pinch of white pepper and salt. Add 2 teaspoons with top finely chopped greens, 1 teaspoon finely chopped mushrooms. To stir on fire( but not boil) until thick. Cool, put 1 - 2 tablespoons of thick cream mixed on the fire with 1 yolk. Instead of a mixture of greens, you can put only dill, parsley or onions. The sauce is served with fried or boiled fish, cooked meat, boiled chicken or asparagus.

    Cut finely chopped mint in equal amounts of water and vinegar.

    Finely chop the greens. Boil hard-boiled 2 eggs, cool, knead yolk with a fork, and fine-cut the protein. Mix eggs with greens, add salt, pepper, vinegar and vegetable oil, giving a thick consistency.

    Put in the dishes evenly butter and mustard and a little salt. Continuously stirring, dilute with a strong meat broth.

    Prepare a thick mass of 3 steep and 2 raw eggs with vegetable oil and a few drops of vinegar. Continuously interfering with the addition of mustard, salt, chopped parsley, chopped protein and put in the cold.

    To clear fresh cucumbers, to take out of them grains, to cut into slices, to extinguish with dense sour cream. Mix the yolk with sour cream, put in the stewed cucumbers and warm, not allowing to boil. Stew cucumbers with pepper, salt, cumin or other spices.

    Raw ham and cumin roast in oil, add 3 to 4 tomatoes, a little meat broth or gravy from roasted meat. Cook for 30 minutes, strain, season with sour cream and yolk.

    A large amount of chopped onion fry in butter until golden brown, pour a few drops of vinegar, dilute with meat broth, add a little puree of tomatoes. Cook for 20 minutes, season with sour cream and yolk.

    Stew the onion until it is very soft, with water, butter and, if desired, with pepper. Stretch and rub through a thick sieve. Add 1 yolk, add 100 g of onion with 50 g of sour cream. Put, stirring, on medium heat, not allowing to boil;dilute with hot meat broth to the desired consistency. If you want the sauce to be thick, do not dilute it with broth.

    Cut into small slices of lard, lightly fry, turning on low heat. Add a large amount of finely chopped onions and fry again. Add salt and pepper to taste, dilute with a little water, and boil well. Cool, if desired, add 1 - 2 yolks, for every 100 grams of sauce - 50 g thick sour cream and 10 g grated cheese. Keep on fire, continuously stirring, not allowing to boil until the sauce becomes a homogeneous mass.

    FRESH 1. Boil 1/10 l of cream with 5 g of butter, add a little grated horseradish, add a little saccharin to taste.
    2. Thick cream mixed with a lot of finely grated horseradish, to taste put a little saccharin. Put on the ice. Serve with cold meat or fish.

    HOOD 1. 2 raw apples, peel, mix with water diluted with vinegar and grated horseradish( 150 g grated apples = 20 grams of white bread).
    2. Clear apples, cut them into quarters, stew with lemon juice, wipe through a sieve, put the seasoning as above.

    Beat 2 proteins with a small amount of saccharin in a dense foam, which in a tablespoon dipped in boiling water or better into a boiling mixture of 1 part of thick cream and 4 parts of water. Boil a few minutes, lay on a sieve to make the glass water. Serve with a creamy sauce.

    CREAM Beat on medium heat 2 yolks, 100 g thick cream, a little rum or cherry, a little saccharin;if desired, you can add vanilla or vanillin solution.

    Beat on fire without letting boil, 2 yolks, 50 g thick cream, a little saccharin and vanilla;cool, mix with 80 g whipped cream. Serve in glasses or in glass saucers. On request, before meals, the cream can be put on ice.

    Beat the proteins in a thick foam, sweeten and put them in pieces on a non-oiled sheet. Bake in a not very hot oven, allow to dry. This cookie can be chopped, stuffed with whipped cream, cream or fruit jelly.
    Fruit jelly is made from raspberry, currant or cherry syrup, adding a small amount of gelatin. Beforehand, sweeten the syrup with saccharin.

    30 g crushed almonds or hazelnuts, finely chopped steep egg, a little raw yolk, vanilla, saccharin, 15 g cold fresh butter knead, roll out, cut into pieces of any size and shape and bake on a lightly oiled sheet. The cookies will contain 6 g of carbohydrates, if you take almonds, and 3 g - if the hazelnuts.

    SCRETT Clean the rhubarb stems, cut into pieces 5 to 6 cm and cook in a water bath until the stems become soft. Then lightly cool and add a small amount of dissolved saccharin. The resulting rhubarb compote is wiped through a sieve. Dissolve in a small amount of warm water 20 - 25 g of gelatin, strain through a fine sieve or cloth, mix with 200 g of hot sweetened with saccharin cream. Add to the cream 100 g of rhubarb puree. The resulting mass should be cooled, put in a mold and put on ice. When the jelly hardens, put it on the dish( of the specified amount of products, 2 servings are obtained).Ordinary cream can be replaced with whipped.

    In medical practice, avocado fruits are used to treat and prevent diabetes mellitus. Of them, salads are prepared, seasonings, spread like butter on bread. To taste, the fruits of avocados resemble walnuts, and in terms of calorie content they excel meat and eggs.

    1 soft avocado fruit cut in half, peel, remove bone.1 clean the apple, cut into four parts, remove the core with bones, grind with mashed potatoes 1/2 lemon and mix with avocado, season with salt, pepper. Serve it with cheese sauce.
    Cheese sauce.100 g of homemade cheese from fresh milk and 50 g of cheese with mushrooms to pass through a fine sieve.1 onion onion onion peel, squeeze the juice into the grated cheese. To the cheese, add with juice first 1/2 lemon juice, and then 1/8 l of tomato juice, season with pepper and salt and put the sauce in the freezer. Then 1 protein whipped into a thick foam and, mixing, add to the cooled sauce, which again for 2 hours put in the freezer.

    1/2 cup of chicory, clean, wash, shake off water droplets, chop.1 breast of smoked chicken to release from skin and bones, cut into strips.1 Ripe avocado fruit cut in half, peel, remove the stone, cut the flesh into cubes, pour 1/2 lemon juice.
    For sauce: 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar to mix with 1/4 teaspoon of mustard, salt, 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Pour the ingredients of the salad dressing and then gently stir them.1/2 of a bunch of watercress wash, cut the leaves with scissors and sprinkle them with a salad.

    Oranges quench their thirst well, have an easy tonic effect, contribute to the improvement of metabolism. Contained in oranges, pectin is able to reduce blood sugar in response to carbohydrate loading in healthy people and in patients with diabetes. Pectin substances are present in the crusts of fruits. That is why it is advisable not to throw out the crusts, but to cook jam or compotes from them, to make candied fruits. From oranges are prepared juices, drinks, candied fruits, salads, they are added to compotes to improve the flavor.
    Diabetes is useful for orange juice without added sugar.

    250 g of white cabbage or red cabbage to chop, mash or warm to soften. Then sprinkle with orange juice( 1/3 cup) and hold for 1 hour in a cool place. Add sliced ​​1 orange and 1 grated sour apple, mix with 1/2 cup of mayonnaise.

    Raw beet( 4 pieces), peel, grate on a coarse grater, add 1 tsp.lemon juice. Carrot( 1 piece) chop straw, mix with beets, pour hot water( 0.3 liters.), Bring to a boil, and then cool. Serve with oranges, sour cream, chopped garlic and dill.

    Pumpkin( 300 g) peel and grate on a large grater.20 almonds to burn with boiling water, remove the brown film, and the cores to be chopped.2 oranges and zest are cut into thin slices. All pour boiling water( 4 cups) and boil for 5 minutes. Cool and add 2 tsp.honey.

    4 - 5 pieces of dried apricots to sort, rinse, pour boiling water. After 5 minutes, drained the water, dried apricots, finely chopped and mixed with 100 g low-fat cottage cheese and 1 tsp.honey. The resulting mass is put on pieces of bread and decorate sandwiches with orange slices.

    Watermelon is recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, taking into account the daily rate of sugar consumption. The pulp of watermelon differs, pleasant taste, contains a lot of juice and quenches thirst well. Juice from ripe fruits with the flesh is taken 1/2 cup 2 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. It promotes elimination from the body of the liquid, contains easily digestible sugars.

    The fruits of mountain ash are used with a curative and preventive purpose in case of painful conditions, accompanied by increased permeability and fragility of blood vessels. Rowan is indicated for diabetes mellitus.
    For preventive purposes it is recommended to consume fruits in fresh or frozen form. In dried form fruits also retain their medicinal properties.

    Juice of chokeberry mixed with lemon juice, mix thoroughly. Serve the drink chilled, with cubes of edible ice.
    For 1 serving: 1/2 cup of chokeberry juice, 1 to 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, 2 to 3 cubes of edible ice.

    As a low-carbohydrate vegetable, the eggplant is shown to the patient with diabetes mellitus. The presence of manganese in eggplant activates the metabolism of fats, insulin and reduces the level of sugar in the blood. Eggplants can be baked, fried, stuffed. Of them, caviar, sauces, canned products are made. In raw form, eggplant is not used.

    SCRATCHES To fry 1 large onion. Then put into it sliced ​​and pre-coated with boiling water 500 g of eggplant, 2 apples and 2 tomatoes. Pour a little water and simmer for about 30 minutes.

    Ingredients for 2 servings: 400 g aubergines, 40 g onion, 50 g carrots, 30 g parsley and celery, 50 g cabbage, 50 grams of tomatoes, 40 grams of vegetable oil, salt, pepper.
    Ingredients for sauce: 80 g of tomato puree, 30 g of vegetable oil, 5 g of flour, 5 g of garlic, salt and pepper - to taste.
    Eggplant wash, cut along, remove part of the pulp, from the inside, rub it with salt and let it lie down for a few minutes. In the washed eggplant put the filling, then put them on a baking tray in a row, pour the sauce or sour cream and put in the oven. Ready eggplants chilled and sprinkled with green onions.
    Preparation of the filling. Root and onions finely chop, save on vegetable oil. Finely chopped cabbage and tomatoes( without the skin), mix with the pasted roots and onions and cook until half ready, season with salt and pepper.
    Preparation of sauce. Tomato puree or paste, sprinkle with vegetable oil, dilute with broth or water, add finely chopped garlic, toasted flour, salt, pepper. Boil 3 - 4 minutes.

    SPICES 4 eggplants wash, cut across with slices 1 cm thick, add salt, leave for 10 - 15 minutes. Then rinse in cold water, pat dry with a napkin, soak in flour and fry in oil on both sides. In a deep frying pan lay the eggplants, interlining them with sliced ​​tomatoes, salt, you can sprinkle with pepper.2 eggs beat up with 1 glass of curdled milk, pour them eggplant and bake.

    Ingredients: 150 g of eggplant, 10 g of wheat flour, 15 g of butter, 80 ml of milk sauce, 10 g of cheese, 5 g of greens, salt to taste.
    Eggplant wash, peel, cut into plates, salt, roll in flour and fry. Then put in a frying pan, pour the milk sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs and bake in the oven.
    Milk sauce.
    Dry the flour in a frying pan( no fat or fried with butter) to a light yellow color, stir well in a small amount of chilled boiled milk. The mixture is poured into boiling milk( or into milk with water), cooked with stirring until a sauce of a certain consistency is obtained. In the hot sauce, add butter, if the flour is toasted without oil. The sauce can be prepared on potato flour or mixed with wheat flour and potato flour.

    FOODS Ingredients: 2 - 3 eggplants, 2 - 3 potatoes, 1 onion, 2 carrots, 300 g of white cabbage, 100 g of tomatoes or 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, 100 g of vegetable oil, salt.
    Cabbage, potatoes, eggplant peel, cut into cubes. Each kind of vegetables separately fry in oil and put in heat-resistant dishes layers. Onions and carrots passer, add the rubbed tomatoes or tomato, put out with this mixture and pour the laid vegetables. Bring to cooked in the oven or on the stove.

    Ingredients: 5 eggplants, 600 g of fresh mushrooms, 4 bulbs, 1/2 cup for melted butter, 1 glass of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of wheat flour, salt to taste.
    Eggplant cut into slices or circles, salt, put on them oppression, so that the juice leaked out. Then roll in flour( 1 tablespoon) and lightly fry in oil. Sliced ​​onions fry until golden brown. Wash the mushrooms, cut into large pieces. Put eggplants on the bottom of the pot, mushrooms on them, then onions, eggplants again, etc. Above should be eggplant. All pour sour cream mixed with flour( 1 tablespoon) and salt. Cover the pan with a lid and bring the eggplants in the oven over medium heat until cooked. Ingredients for vegetable minced meat: 1 kg aubergines - 5 carrots, 3 onions, 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley or celery, 2 tomatoes, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil.
    Ingredients for mushroom stuffing: 500 g fresh mushrooms, 2 onions, 2 tablespoons tomato puree, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil.
    Prepared eggplants lower for 5 minutes in boiling salted water, then drain the water and fill the eggplant with vegetable or mushroom stuffing, then put it in a frying pan, oiled, pour the sour cream and bake in the oven for 50-60 minutes.
    Vegetable stuffing.
    Peeled and washed vegetables cut into strips and fry in oil. Add the tomatoes cut into slices and fry together for 5 more minutes. Salt to taste and add finely chopped greens.
    Mushroom stuffing.
    Prepared mushrooms pour boiling water and cook for 10 minutes, then discarded in a colander. Cook boiled mushrooms finely chopped, fried in oil, add tomato puree and boil. Combine the mushroom stuffing with finely chopped toast, add salt to taste.

    Artichoke is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family. The plant is not among the rare. Unfortunately, despite its healing properties, it is little known.
    The tender flesh of the artichoke inflorescence has high nutritional qualities and is valued as a dietary product.
    Like all Compositae, artichokes contain inulin( reserve polysaccharide), which is easily digested and is recommended as a substitute for starch in diabetes.
    Before use, artichokes must be properly processed. From the top, the sharp ends of the scales are cut, then the stem is cut off near the base. All sections, so as not to darken, moistened with citric acid. The ovaries of the flowers are removed from the middle of the baskets by a metal spoon. The prepared artichokes are well washed and bandaged with twine so that during the cooking the leaves do not fall apart. After processing, the artichokes are immediately boiled, otherwise they will darken.

    Prepare it both from raw, and from boiled artichokes. The fertility of a young artichoke in its raw form resembles a walnut to a taste. Finely sliced ​​slices mayonnaise or sour cream. It's good to add green peas to the salad.

    Celery is cut into strips, apples( without peel and cores), tomatoes and boiled artichokes - small cubes. Vegetables are mixed, salted, lemon juice and vegetable oil are added.
    Per serving: 60 g artichokes, 1/2 celery root, 1/2 apple, 1/2 tomato, 1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1/4 lemon( for juice), salt - to taste.

    Prepared artichokes are put in a saucepan, pour hot water, add salt and cook for 10 - 15 minutes until cooked. Then gently take out, remove the twine, turn them upside down, let them drain and put on a dish.
    Artichokes are served in a hot form, pouring with melted butter or egg-and-butter sauce.
    In a cold form boiled artichokes are served with mayonnaise with horseradish. To do this, 250 g of mayonnaise mixed with 2 - 3 tablespoons grated horseradish.

    Yolks of eggs are poured into a narrow dish, mixed with cold water, put in the same bowl on a water bath and boil, stirring, until thick. Then remove from the bath and, without stopping stirring, pour a melted butter. Salt. You can add a little lemon juice or citric acid.
    For 2 artichokes: 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon water and 1 tablespoon butter.

    Wiped boiled donkeys and flesh of scales of artichokes add to chicken or meat broth, sprinkle with chopped parsley or dill. The artichokes prepared in this way can be served with croutons.

    Shrimps are cleaned and boiled for about 5 minutes. The mixer is beaten with juice and lemon pulp, butter, onions and thyme. Mix boiled artichokes with the resulting sauce. Add the shrimp, the beet leaves and mix everything again. The dish is served chilled. Serves 4 servings: 400 grams of shrimp, juice and pulp of 1 lemon, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, 2 finely chopped small onions, 1 tablespoon of fresh thyme and 1 teaspoon of dry thyme, 8 artichoke hearts cut into 4 parts, 6 largechopped beetroot leaves.

    Boiled artichokes spread on a greased skillet, pour a thick milk sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with melted butter and bake in the oven.

    In a shallow saucepan, at low temperature, pass 1 tablespoon of wheat flour and butter, gradually introducing 1 cup of hot milk. The sauce is boiled, continuously stirring, for 10 minutes, at the end add salt to taste.

    The fruits of hawthorn improve the metabolism. They are used in medical and dietary nutrition. At home, fruits, beverages, jelly, jams, dried and ground fruits are prepared from fruit - a substitute for tea and coffee.

    Fruits of hawthorn fry in oven until hot, then thoroughly grind in a coffee grinder. Brew, like coffee, at the rate of 1/2 teaspoon per 1 cup of boiling water. Drink with xylitol( or saccharin) and lemon.

    OAT DISH BREAD Ingredients: 50 g of hawthorn fruit, 15 g of oatmeal, 150 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of honey.
    Prepared fruit of hawthorn pour water and stew in the oven until cooked, wipe. In the puree, add 1 teaspoon of honey and a decoction of oatmeal. To get the oat broth, the flakes are poured with water, it is insisted for 22 hours, brought to a boil, filtered, and cooled.

    Cowberry is appreciated for its taste and as a source of vitamins. From it make a filling for pies, extracts, syrups, drinks, marinate, wet, and you can do this without adding sugar. Juice and extract from the fruit of cowberry are used as a fortifying and tonic for diabetes.

    Fill the can with cranberries, pour it with cooled boiled water and tie it with parchment paper. After 2 weeks the water is ready.

    From the ancient recipe
    Take the quatrefoil of cranberries( the amount of berries that goes into a 20-liter jar);half put in a pot, put on a night in the oven to steam. The next day, remove from the oven, rub through a sieve and put in a barrel. In that part of the berries that did not soar, pour 3 buckets of water and, mixing with pareny, put in the cellar. After 12 days, you will get cowberry water.

    Ingredients: 2 - 3 cups of cowberry, vegetables( 1 - 2 carrots or 100 g cabbage, 1 slice of rutabaga, 1 - 2 turnips, 1 radish, 1 celery root).
    The washed berries can be left whole or kneaded, add saccharin( or xylitol) and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. If desired, add to the berries grated vegetables, reducing the amount of cowberry.

    Rinse the berries with boiled water( 2 cups of water for 700 g of berries), boil for 10 minutes, pound the berries with a pestle, and then strain. The juice is filled with xylitol, sorbitol or saccharin.
    Take in the cooled form of 1/2 cup or 1 glass a day.

    BIRD SOUP Ingredients: 250 g lingonberry, 50 g sago, 200 g water, 1 g cinnamon, 1 g lemon zest, xylitol or saccharin - to taste.
    Put boiled cowberry, lemon zest, cinnamon into boiling water and cook until cooked. Wipe the boiled cranberries through a sieve. Separately boil sago to transparency, add mashed lingonberries, broth with spices and cook for 30 minutes, stirring constantly. To taste add xylitol or saccharin. Served soup with croutons.

    Due to its taste qualities, grapefruit quenches thirst well, stimulates appetite, improves digestion, exerts a tonic effect on the body. It is stored much longer than other citrus fruits, and it does not lose its taste and nutritional properties, as well as vitamin C. That's why grapefruit is considered an excellent dietary and at the same time a healing fruit. Grapefruit improves the condition of patients with diabetes.
    Usage options:
    1. Cut the grapefruit in half and sprinkle with cinnamon. Then put in the oven for a very short time - taken out as soon as the smell of cinnamon. Served as a snack, dessert or for breakfast.
    2. To prepare a refreshing salad, grapefruit slices are mixed with pieces of mango and tomato.
    3. Grapefruit is used in marinades for fish and poultry;its juice is used as a liquid, for which a chicken is cooked.
    4. Grapefruit ice. Molds for making ice are half filled with juice and frozen. Then on each cube put on a leaf of mint, add juice and again freeze. These cubes are good for punch, cold tea and other soft drinks.
    5. Fruit salads are served with grapefruit.

    Fresh strawberries are an excellent dietary product. Strawberries are one of the most useful berries. Many appreciate it for its unique taste and aroma. Mention about the healing properties of strawberries, its leaves, flowers and seeds, berries are found in many ancient written sources. Since ancient times strawberries have been considered a universal remedy. Here is what is written about her in an old Russian medicine: "Water from strawberry berries is pleasant by reasoning of morning and evening, with ordinary drink mixed and then all the wetness harmful from the body will destroy and infirmity, and yellowness from the body will drive away, and breathers open the veins, andthe heart strengthens, and the force delivers, and the stone from the inside will be exterminated, and the leper will use the benefit. "
    Popular strawberries and modern doctors. It is used as a dietary remedy for various diseases, including diabetes. Strawberries contain fructose, which can be absorbed without the participation of insulin, a large amount of carotene that improves vision, it quenches thirst, normalizes mineral metabolism, stabilizes body weight.
    Some recommendations:
    1. As much as possible there is a forest strawberry in a fresh form. It is very useful and sick, and healthy. It is very tasty and useful with different additives: milk, cream, honey.
    2. Teas, brewed from the leaves of strawberries, are considered medicinal. For this, the leaves of both forest and garden strawberries are suitable. Good brewing is prepared from fresh or hastily dried leaves, but from the dried after fermentation get the most high-quality, aromatic and delicious tea.
    3. Since the strawberry season is rather short, it is necessary to prepare strawberries for the winter in dried form. To do this, it is best to collect it in the morning, after dew, or before sunset. In the village berries are usually dried in Russian stoves, in the city - in ovens.

    Berries wash, remove sepals, grind in enameled dishes with a wooden spoon and pour water( 200 ml per 1 kg of berries), heated to 70 ° C.Heat the mass to 70 ° C and hold for 3 minutes, then throw it back in a colander for straining the juice. Sour the juice to taste with xylitol or saccharin. Take 1 glass 1 to 2 times a day.

    You can use fruits and leaves.1 teaspoon of dry raw materials and 2 teaspoons of fresh berries pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. Dry berries can be brewed in a thermos.

    Pour 0,5 l boiling water 2 tablespoons of strawberry leaves and 2 tablespoons of lime flowers, insist for 10 minutes, strain, add honey to taste.

    Take 1 teaspoon of Indian tea, as many crushed leaves of strawberries, lemon peel, orange, cloves( 1 pc.) And a pinch of cinnamon. Add a decoction or juice of berries. Insist 5 to 10 minutes.

    Sliced ​​black rye bread smeared with sour cream( thin layer) or curd mass( curd fat-free).From above - to put berries of fresh strawberries.

    Ingredients: 0.5 l of kefir, 0.5 l of water, 200 g of fresh strawberries, 1 tablespoon of honey, 50 g of cottage cheese( fat-free), 3 pcs.carnations.
    In a saucepan pour 1 cup of hot water, add cloves, bring to a boil, close the dishes tightly with a lid and let the broth steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Cool the decoction and strain it with a cottage cheese( defatted).Strawberries pour a mixture of yogurt and cold boiled water, add honey and grated cottage cheese with broth of cloves.

    Zucchini - a dietary product. It contains less sugar than a pumpkin, but is richer in mineral substances, vitamin C. Therefore zucchini is often included in the diet of people suffering from obesity, diabetes.

    Ingredients: 200 g of zucchini, 1 onion, greens, lemon zest, sour cream, tomatoes - to taste.
    Squash to wash and grate on a large grater, mix with finely chopped onion, chopped herbs( dill, lemon mint), grated lemon zest and season with sour cream. The taste is even better if you add tomatoes cut into slices.

    Ingredients: 150 grams of squash, 30 g of carrots, 20 g of onion, 15 g of vegetable oil, 50 g of tomato juice, salt, bay leaf, garlic - to taste.
    Marrows clean, cut into cubes and add onions and carrots, sauted in vegetable oil. Pour tomato juice and stew.

    Ingredients: 1 kg zucchini, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley and dill, 3 - 4 garlic cloves, 3 - 4 bay leaves, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 3 tablespoons 3% vinegar, 6 - 8peas of sweet pepper.
    Zucchini slices are poured with boiling salted water and left in it for 30 minutes, then folded into a colander. In the prepared container lay out layers of zucchini and parsley or dill greens, chopped garlic, bay leaf, pepper. All pour a mixture of vinegar with vegetable oil, put oppression on top and stand for 2 hours. Serve, sprinkled with herbs.

    Ingredients: 400 grams of zucchini, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of milk, 1/2 bunch of dill, 2 tomatoes.
    Squash squash, cut into cubes, boil in salted water and discard in a colander. Eggs beat up, add finely chopped dill and fry. Cut the scrambled eggs, put them on prepared zucchini, add milk and cook on low heat for 5 to 6 minutes. Before serving, decorate with tomatoes.

    Kalina is a medicinal and dietary product. When there is a lack of vitamins in the body, fruits are eaten in kind, they are made from juice, jelly, drinks. The invigorating and refreshing effect of drinks from the viburnum is well known.

    2 tablespoons of dried berries of stewed potatoes, pour in enameled pots 1 glass of boiling water, cover and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool, strain, wring out and add up to 200 ml.
    Take 1/3 cup 3 - 4 times a day as a vitamin, restorative.

    1 kg of calyx berries, 200 g of cold boiled water, honey - to taste.

    Ripe berries of a viburnum to separate from branches, to sort out and well to wash out. Then put them in a saucepan, pour water at the rate of 1/4 l for 2 kg of berries, put on fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Remove the pan from the fire, squeeze the juice from the berries through the cheesecloth and strain.
    For the preparation of juice for future use it must be reheated, poured into clean jars or bottles, previously scalded with boiling water, and pasteurized for 15 to 20 minutes, then sealed.

    White cabbage is a valuable component of medical and dietary nutrition. It contains tartaric acid, which inhibits the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, and therefore it is advisable to include cabbage in a diet aimed at reducing body weight. In the juice of sauerkraut contains a lot of lactic acid, so it is recommended to patients suffering from diabetes. In a 1: 1 dilution, juice is drunk 1/3 - 1/4 cup for 30 to 40 minutes before meals as a sugar-lowering agent. In medical and dietary nutrition, cabbage is used in fresh, cooked and sauerkraut. Ingredients for 4 servings: 160 g cabbage, 1 carrot, 3/4 apple, 8 - 10 berries prunes, 40 g onion, 2 tablespoons sour cream, salt - to taste.
    Prepared cabbage, carrots, apples shredded thin straw, pre-soaked prunes without pits and the onion-pen finely cut, all mixed and seasoned with salt and sour cream.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 500 g cabbage, 3 to 4 potato tubers, 1 to 2 carrots, 3/4 of parsley root, 100 g of parsnip root, 1 to 2 onions, 2 to 4 tomatoes, 4 to 4 tomatoes,5 apples, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1.5 liters of broth.
    Chop the onion until half cooked, add carrot chopped with straw, parsley root, parsnip and continue to pass for 5-10 minutes. Chopped cabbage strewed cabbage in boiling broth and cook for 10 minutes, add chopped potatoes and seasoned vegetables. For 5 - 8 minutes before the cook, slice tomatoes and apples are put in the soup and bring to a boil. Serve cabbage soup with sour cream.

    Ingredients: 1 kg cabbage, 500 g mushrooms, 150 g vegetable oil, 200 g onion, 150 grams of rice, salt, black pepper - to taste.
    Prepared mushrooms to pass through a meat grinder or finely cut and put out in oil. Head cabbage divided into separate leaves, water with boiling water, hard cabbage petioles cut. On a frying pan heated with oil, fry the finely chopped onion and, when it becomes soft, add the rice, stewed mushrooms, salt, put into a saucepan, pour in 1/2 cup of water and cook until the rice absorbs all the water. After this, remove the pan from the heat, add black pepper and mix. For each cabbage leaf put the cooked stuffing and wrap the sheet in the form of sausages. Then put cabbage rolls in rows in a saucepan, pour the mushroom broth and cook on low heat until cooked.

    Fresh mature cabbage heads cleaned, finely chopped, squeezed juice, strain it, drained into sterilized enamel, ceramic, glass or wooden dishes and left in it for 12 to 14 hours for clarification. Clarified juice carefully, not to shake the sediment, strain through a double layer of gauze. For pasteurization, the juice must be poured into pre-boiled or scalded bottles or sterilized in the usual way. Ingredients for 1 serving: 1/4 cup of fresh cabbage juice, 2 tablespoons carrot juice, 2 tablespoons apple juice.

    Ingredients for 1 serving: 1/4 cup fresh cabbage juice, 2 tablespoons carrot juice, 2 tablespoons apple juice.
    In the juice of fresh cabbage pour apple and carrot juice, stir. Serve the drink slightly chilled.

    DRINK "Losinoostrovsky"
    Ingredients for 4 servings: 2 cups brine pickled cabbage, 1 glass of strong broth of wild rose, 1 glass of apple juice.
    Brine apple juice and a strong broth of dogrose into the brine of sauerkraut, stir. Serve the drink slightly chilled.

    Ingredients for 6 servings: 1/2 l of brine sauerkraut, 1/2 l of tomato juice, 1/2 lemon, 1/2 cup of cooled boiled water, salt to taste.
    Pour the tomato juice into the pickled cabbage brine, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it, add the peeled peel from the 1/4 lemon, chilled boiled water, taste salt and mix well. Serve the drink in a refrigerated state.

    Brussels sprouts juice is useful in diabetes, especially in a mixture with carrot juices, green salad and green beans. It helps restore and activate pancreatic function. Brussels sprouts are superior to white cabbage by the number of easily digestible proteins and vitamin C.

    Ingredients: 150 g cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon green peas, cumin, pepper, salt to taste, 1 tablespoon mayonnaise.
    Rinse and chop the cabbage with straw. Grate carrot on a large grater, add green peas and cumin( swollen), add salt, pepper( to taste), mix, put in a salad bowl, pour mayonnaise and decorate with a twig of green.

    Ingredients for 2 to 3 servings: 80 g cabbage, 2 potato tubers, 1/2 carrots, 1/2 parsley root, 1/2 onions, 1 tomato, 40 g fresh mushrooms, 1.5a tablespoon of butter, 3 cups of broth, salt - to taste.
    Finely chopped mushroom legs, carrots, parsley, onions and butter. In the boiling broth or water, cut the mushroom caps cut into strips and cook them for 15 to 20 minutes, then add the sliced ​​potatoes and continue to cook. After 10 - 15 minutes, add sliced ​​chopped carrots, parsley greens, onions, sliced ​​tomatoes, cabbage cabbage, salt - to taste and cook until ready.

    Ingredients: 500 g of Brussels sprouts, 25 g of celery, 1 tablespoon of wheat flour, 1/2 cup of milk, 2 tablespoons of butter.
    Sauce for a dish: in melted butter pour finely chopped celery stalks without greens and lightly pass for 2 - 3 minutes. Then pour in flour, lightly pass, gradually pour in hot milk and 1/2 cup of broth and with constant stirring, boil the sauce.
    Boiled cabbage cabbage soup is lowered into the cooked sauce, salt and cooked for 2 - 3 minutes.

    Ingredients: 450 g cabbage, 150 grams of tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 100 g of green peas, 150 g of fresh asparagus, sour cream or mayonnaise - to taste.
    For fresh salad, use freshly squeezed cabbage bunches of brussels sprouts or boiled cabbage soup, which is cooled and cut into several pieces. Tomatoes and cucumbers cut into slices. Cut boiled asparagus into pieces 2.5-3 cm long. To the cut vegetables add green peas, all mix and season with sour cream or mayonnaise.

    According to its nutritional value, red cabbage is not inferior to white cabbage, and the content of vitamin C and some minerals in it is even higher. Due to its small sugar content, it is indicated to patients suffering from diabetes.

    Ingredients: 65 grams of red cabbage, 30 g of quinoa, 10 g of sour cream, salt - to taste.
    To the chopped red cabbage add carefully washed and finely chopped quinoa, season with sour cream, salt.

    Cabbage chop thinner and lower for a few seconds in boiling water, then pour cold water. Dressing to taste: sour cream, grated horseradish, lemon juice.

    Ingredients: 130 g cabbage, 4 teaspoons 3% vinegar, 1/2 tablespoon vegetable oil, salt on the tip of the knife, cinnamon and cloves - to taste.
    Red cabbage, shredded with thin straws, rubbed with salt until it becomes soft. Put in glass or enamel ware, pour vinegar, add vegetable oil and chilled broth of cinnamon and cloves. To prepare the broth in a small amount of water, put cinnamon, cloves and cook for 2 - 3 minutes. Marinated cabbage is used to make salads, and as a side dish to dishes. In it you can add sliced ​​waxed apples, wet cranberries or cranberries. Ingredients for 4 servings: 1 kg cabbage, 2 tablespoons butter, 250 g prunes, 2 teaspoons flour, 1/2 cup water, lemon juice - to taste.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 1 kg cabbage, 2 tablespoons butter, 250 g prunes, 2 teaspoons flour, 1/2 cup water, lemon juice.
    Shredded cabbage in a saucepan, pour in water, add lemon juice, put 2 tablespoons oil and stew for 10-15 minutes, then add prunes without pits, pre-washed and boiled in a small amount of water, flour mixed with butter. Stir well and simmer until done.

    Cauliflower is useful to everyone, especially children. It has few calories, fat. It is rich in vitamin C, potassium plant fiber, is an important food for diabetics. Cauliflower is becoming more popular due to its unusual taste and aroma.

    1 option. Cool boiled inflorescences, sprinkle them with olive oil and sprinkle with fresh dill.
    2 option. Boil the cabbage, pour lemon juice, sprinkle with olive oil and sprinkle with cumin.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 900 g cauliflower, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 lemon, 40 g olives, 2 teaspoons finely chopped parsley or dill, 4 to 5 leaves of green salad, salt to taste.
    Head cauliflower for 5 to 8 minutes in salted water, adding finely grated lemon zest to it. Remove from the broth and chilled cabbage to disassemble into separate inflorescences, put in a salad bowl, pour a mixture of vegetable oil and lemon juice, sprinkle with herbs, decorate with olives, green lettuce leaves or finely chopped green onions.

    Cauliflower soup
    Ingredients for 2 to 3 servings: 200 g cauliflower, 1/3 carrot, 10 g parsley root, 20 g leeks, 4 teaspoons wheat flour, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 incompletea glass of milk, 1/2 egg, 800 g of broth or broth.
    White sauce: the flour heated in the oil is added to the broth without changing its color. Bring to a boil, stirring.
    For garnish, a part of cauliflower should be disassembled into separate inflorescences, boiled and discarded in a colander. Chop onion and carrots and popassate. The rest of the cabbage pour a little broth or broth and let it down. For 5 - 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add the sliced ​​vegetables, bring everything to readiness and wipe. Wipe the vegetables with a white sauce, dilute with broth and boil. Finished soup filled with a mixture of eggs, milk and butter. Prepared for garnish, cauliflower put in soup when serving.

    Cauliflower with garlic sauce
    For sauce: 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 tablespoon of flour, 2 to 3 cloves of garlic, salt to taste.
    Head cabbage to boil and disassemble on the inflorescence. Prepare the sauce. For this, fry the flour with butter until light yellow, pour a little broth of cabbage, add salt, add pounded garlic, cook until thick. Hot cabbage pour this sauce and immediately submit to the table.

    Ingredients: a small head of cabbage, 1 tablespoon of flour, 30 g of butter, 1/2 cup of milk, 2 eggs.
    Boil the cabbage and pass it through a meat grinder. Add egg yolks, salted on oil and diluted with milk flour, whipped whites. Salt and gently mix the mass from the bottom up so that the proteins do not settle. Shape the oil, put the prepared mass and put in a pan with boiling water( on a water bath).Cook until the souffle hardens and begins to easily fall behind the edges of the mold. To the table ready soufflé should be served with melted butter or sour cream.

    Potato is an important component of medical and dietary nutrition, contains a number of valuable substances for the human body. Basically from potatoes we get much needed potassium, it helps to remove toxins from the body, which facilitates the regulation of metabolic processes.
    Diabetes mellitus is useful for the juice of fresh raw potatoes grown without artificial fertilizers. This is a good sugar-lowering agent. It is recommended to take 1/3 - 1/4 cup of diluted water( 1: 1) juice 30 to 40 minutes before meals.

    In folk medicine dogwood is used as a tonic. Its fruits are also shown in diabetes mellitus. Juice, diluted with water( 1: 1), appoint 1/3 - 1/4 cup for 30 - 40 minutes before eating as a sugar-lowering agent.

    Cranberries have long been considered a healing berry. The benefits of cranberries in the treatment of many diseases are recognized by modern doctors. Decoctions and extracts from it - pleasant, refreshing drinks, improving state of health at fatigue, quenching thirst. Fruits of cranberries, decoctions and drinks from it are shown sick of a diabetes.

    Washed berries, kept on a sieve to remove water, put in clean glass jars, pour freshly squeezed juice and pasteurize: half-liter jars - 5 - 6 minutes, three-liter - 20 minutes. Store in a cool place.

    CHILLED FROM Cranberries
    A tablespoon of cranberry berries pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes under the lid, insist half an hour. Take 1 glass 3 times a day.

    Wash the washed berries with water( 5 glasses of water for 700 g of cranberries) and boil for 10 minutes;pound, then strain. Juice filled with xylitol, lemon juice( 5 - 10 ml), cool. Take 1 - 2 cups a day.

    Cranberry Fruit
    Ingredients: 100 g of cranberry, 3 g of gelatin, 15 g of xylitol, 2 cups of water.
    Cranberry rinse, squeeze the juice through a cheesecloth or sieve, pour into a glass jar and close the lid. Pour 2 cups of hot water, bring to a boil and strain. In a small amount of pressed juice, soak gelatin and pour it into a saucepan with a hot broth. Bring liquid to a boil, combine with juice, add xylitol or saccharin, pour into molds and cool.

    Ingredients: 1/2 cup of cranberry juice, 1 kg of carrots, 1 lemon, xylitol or saccharin - to taste, 1/2 l of cooled boiled water.
    Berries pick, rinse, squeeze the juice and put it in a dark cool place or in the fridge. Grate carrots on a fine grater, pour cold boiled water and leave for 1 - 2 hours. From the resulting mass squeeze the juice and mix it with cranberry. Add lemon juice or a pinch of citric acid, xylitol or saccharin to taste and mix. The drink is served chilled.

    Cranberry caffeine
    Ingredients: 50 g cranberries, 150 ml kefir.
    Cranberry crush and beat in a mixer with chilled kefir. Take 1 glass 2 times a day. Ingredients for 1 serving: 3 tablespoons of cranberry juice, 1 cup of hot boiled water, xylitol or saccharin - to taste.

    Ingredients for 1 serving: 3 tablespoons of cranberry juice, 1 cup of hot boiled water, xylitol or saccharin to taste.
    Pour cranberry juice into hot boiled water, stir, add xylitol or saccharin to taste. Serve the drink in a refrigerated state. Ingredients for 5 - 6 servings: 1/2 cup of cranberry, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 liter of water.

    Ingredients for 5 to 6 servings: 1/2 cup cranberry, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 liter water.
    Cranberries to sort, wash, mash with wooden pestle or spoon in non-oxidizing dishes and squeeze out the juice. Squeeze pour water, put on fire, boil for 5 to 8 minutes and strain. Then add the honey, allow it to dissolve and pour the resulting juice. Serve the drink in a refrigerated state.

    Gooseberries are a dietary product. They are widely used in medical nutrition and for preventive purposes. Seasonal treatment of gooseberries for 3 to 4 weeks significantly improves the metabolism and overall well-being of patients. Compotes of gooseberries and infusions of its berries well quench your thirst. By taste and action on the body they are similar to cranberry mors. However, it is better to eat gooseberries in kind, in order to use its useful properties with the greatest possible completeness.
    Juice of gooseberry is obtained from ripe large berries. Dilute it with water( 1: 2).

    Lemon fruit is an effective capillary-strengthening agent, which is prescribed for diabetes and other diseases accompanied by metabolic disorders.
    Lemons are widely used in medical and dietary nutrition. They are eaten fresh, served for tea, coffee, their juice is seasoned with meat, fish dishes, some dishes from eggs, sauces;of them make juices, drinks. Lemon drink perfectly quenches thirst. Many people like tea with lemon, as it invigorates, saturates the body with vitamins and other valuable substances.

    Raspberry has long enjoyed the well-deserved fame of a home remedy. It contains a lot of vitamins, microelements, organic acids and many other useful substances, which puts raspberries on a par with the most valuable berries. The therapeutic effect is not only fruits, but also leaves of raspberries. Preparations from various parts of the plant reduce the sugar content in the blood.
    Traditional medicine uses raspberry fruits in diabetes mellitus. Juice of fresh berries is very useful for patients( 1/4 - 1/3 cup of juice or juice mixed with water take half an hour before meals).
    It is more useful to use raspberry berries in fresh form, but in winter you can use also dry fruits when brewing tea, medicinal broths.

    1 teaspoon of Indian tea, as many crushed raspberry leaves, lemon peel, orange, cloves( 1 pc.), Pinch of cinnamon. Add a decoction or juice of berries. Insist 5 to 10 minutes.

    Beat in a mixer a glass of milk with a raspberry-xylitol syrup( 1 tablespoon).Take 1 glass a day.

    Peeled and divided into slices apple crushed in a mixer, add 150 ml of chilled milk and 30 g of purified raspberries and whip the whole mass in a mixer. Take 1 glass a day.

    Ingredients: 300 g raspberries, 2 quinces, xylitol or saccharin - to taste. Cut the quince into slices. Put a slice of quince, raspberries and sprinkle with xylitol or saccharin in a glass salad bowl. Immediately submit to the table. To salad in a separate bowl, serve milk or cream of reduced fat.

    In the therapeutic diet of patients with diabetes use sweet almonds. Its nuclei contain vegetable fibers, vegetable proteins, vitamin B1 of Vitamin E in them is much larger than in walnuts. The oil contained in almonds includes unsaturated fatty acids.
    As early as 1889, in the book "Normal Cuisine and Diet" Dr. IA.Karvasovsky recommended that patients with diabetes have almond bread. We offer his recipe: "In a porcelain mortar, 1/4 pounds of peeled sweet almonds can be drunk about 3/4 hours. The resulting mass is immersed in a canvas bag for 1/4 hours in boiling water, to which a few drops of acetic acid are added. Then this mass is thoroughly mixed with 6 tablespoons of butter and 2 whole eggs. After that, add yolks from 3 eggs, a little salt, and mix everything for a long time. The protein of 3 eggs is lost in the foam;mixed with almond paste. Finally, the dough is placed in a greased form and dried with a low heat. "

    Since time immemorial, carrots have served man not only as food, but as a medicine. It is indispensable in dietary and therapeutic nutrition of diabetic patients. According to the content of carotene, carrots, perhaps, do not know themselves among other vegetables.
    Carotene and vitamin A formed from it strengthens the body and protects it from all sorts of infectious diseases.
    Carrots are not only delicious - it is well absorbed by the body.
    Very useful carrot juice, especially in combination with juices of other vegetables and fruits. As a source of strength and energy, he does not know himself equal.
    You can prepare a variety of dishes from carrots: drinks, salads, soups, side dishes.

    Ingredients for 1 serving: 150 g carrots, 2 lemon slices, 1/2 cup water.
    Squeeze the juice out of the lemon slices. Water put on the fire, let it boil and put in it lemon squeezes together with zest, then remove from heat and cool. Carrots should be washed, peeled, finely grated, put in infusion of parchment and lemon peel and mixed. Then squeeze the resulting mass through the cheesecloth and add the lemon juice. Serve the drink in a refrigerated state. Ingredients for 4 - 5 servings: 1/2 kg carrots, 1/2 cup cranberry juice, 1 cup cold boiled water, 1/4 lemon.
    Carrots should be washed, peeled, rinsed, grated, put into a dish with a lid, filled with water, tightly closed and placed for 2 hours in the refrigerator.
    Then squeeze the juice through a linen cloth or through 2 - 3 layers of gauze. In the resulting carrot juice pour in cranberry juice, squeeze the juice of 1/4 lemon. Serve the drink well chilled. Ingredients for 4 - 5 servings: 1 kg of carrots, 1/2 liter of cold boiled water, 1/2 - 2/3 cup of currant juice, 1 lemon.
    Wash carrots, clean, rinse, grate finely, pour cold boiled water and leave for 1 - 2 hours. Then squeeze the juice, mix it with currant juice, squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 1 glass of carrot juice, 1 glass of strong broth of wild rose, 1 glass of blackcurrant juice, 1 glass of cranberry juice.
    In carrot juice pour black currant and cranberry juice, a strong broth of dogrose and mix. Serve the drink chilled. Ingredients for 4 servings: 500 g carrots, 300 g celery, 150 g onions, 200 g apples.
    Wash carrots, celery and onions, clean and rinse. Then from the cooked vegetables squeeze the juices in a hand or electric juicer. Apples also clean and squeeze out the juice from them. Mix the juices.

    Sweet Bulgarian pepper is one of the richest in vitamin C( ascorbic acid) vegetables. In red ripe pepper it contains several times more than, for example, in oranges or tangerines.40 - 50 g of raw sweet pepper satisfy the daily need of a person in vitamin C. Many in sweet pepper and carotene( provitamin A), vitamins Вр В2, Е, РР, potassium salts.
    Salad from raw sweet pepper is useful for healthy people, and for those who suffer from various diseases.

    Ingredients for 4 portions: 160 g sweet pepper, 100 g mushrooms, 2 to 3 tomatoes, 4 tablespoons cooked beans, 4 tablespoons mayonnaise, 1/2 tablespoon tomato puree, 1 teaspoonfinely chopped parsley.
    Pepper pods and salted mushrooms cut into strips, tomatoes - slices. Mix everything, add boiled beans, season with mayonnaise, mixed with tomato puree. When serving, sprinkle the herbs with greens.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 320 g of sweet pepper, 2 eggplants, 4 tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 4 to 8 cloves of garlic, salt and black ground pepper to taste.
    Pepper pods and eggplant bake. After cooling, cut along into two parts, remove the peel, and from the pepper - and the seeds. Tomatoes scald and peel them off. All vegetables, grind, mix, add vegetable oil, black pepper, warm 2 - 3 minutes with mild heat and cool. In the chilled caviar add grated garlic.

    Rhubarb leaves and petioles are useful in everyone's diet. Low calorie allows you to recommend dishes of rhubarb to those who suffer from being overweight. Leaves and petioles of rhubarb stimulate the activity of the digestive organs, they are used for the preparation of salads, as well as the first dishes. From stalks cook compotes, jelly.

    REVENNE DRINK Ingredients: 300 grams of rhubarb, 4 - 4.5 glasses of water, xylitol or saccharin - to taste.
    Chop the rhubarb finely chopped and in a closed bowl cook for 15 - 20 minutes. Insist for 25 - 30 minutes and strain. Then cool the beverage, add xylitol or saccharin to taste.

    DISHES Ingredients: 300 grams of rhubarb, 300 grams of zucchini, 3 to 4 eggplants, 1 to 2 onions, 1.5 tablespoons of tomato puree, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt, black pepper to taste.
    Chop the rhubarb cut into pieces 3 - 4 cm long and bake in the oven until they become soft. Marrows cleaned, cut across, take out some of the pulp with seeds and bake in the oven. Eggplants, too, bake and clean. Finely chop the onion, lightly fry with butter, then add the tomato puree and continue the frying. Squash, eggplant, rhubarb through the meat grinder, add the fried onion, oil, salt, pepper and mix. It is recommended to store the spawn only in the refrigerator.

    How vegetable culture is used in food since ancient times. Its leaves and stems are useful to people of any age. It activates digestion, stimulates appetite, helps to reduce the gallbladder, stimulates the motor function of the intestine. Salad is useful to include in the diet of those who suffer from diabetes. Use it in food should be fresh, since then its refreshing and invigorating effect is most pronounced. Ingredients for 4 servings: 300 grams of lettuce, 1 celery root, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 300 grams of lettuce, 1 celery root, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.
    Cut salad leaves, mix with celery grated on a small grater, add lemon juice and crushed lemon zest, fill with vegetable oil.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 100 g of green salad, 100 g of green onions, 2 - 3 pieces of radish, mayonnaise to taste.
    Cut salad leaves and onions, stir, add mayonnaise, decorate with radish slices.

    2 - 3 handful of lettuce large cut and mix with 4 tablespoons of sour cabbage( juicy, with brine).To fill 1 table spoon of vegetable oil.

    2 - 3 handfuls of whole or large-cut leaves mixed with 1 tablespoon chopped onion. Dressing: 1 tablespoon of sour fruit juice and as much vegetable oil. You can add a pinch of mustard powder.

    Berries, leaves and buds of black currant are a real storehouse of vitamins. Black currant takes the second place after the rosehip for the content of vitamin C. It has a lot of potassium, it is rich in substances with P-vitamin activity.
    Fruits of currant and infusions from its leaves are a multivitamin and fortifying agent that increases the body's resistance to various infections.
    Black currant harvested is useful to eat in winter and spring when the body lacks vitamin C.

    Ingredients for 5 to 6 servings: 1 glass of black currant, 1 liter of water, xylitol or saccharin to taste.
    Black currant wash, squeeze the juice, merge it into a glass jar, cover and put in a cool place. Squeeze pour hot water, put on fire, boil for 10 - 12 minutes and strain. The resulting broth mixed with the juice, add to taste xylitol or saccharin and mix.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 1/2 cup black currant juice, 3 cups of cooled boiled milk, xylitol or saccharin to taste, 4 to 8 cubes of edible ice.
    In the mixer pour the juice of black currant and chilled boiled milk, add xylitol or saccharin to taste and mix thoroughly. Serve the drink well chilled with cubes of edible ice.

    Tablespoon of dry crushed berries of black currant pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, infuse for 2 hours. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day after meals.

    A tablespoon of chopped dry leaves pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Infuse 4 hours. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day after meals.

    Due to the rich content of vegetable proteins and a small amount of carbohydrates, soy and products containing it are indicated to people with diabetes mellitus.

    Tomatoes are famous for their excellent taste and are also very useful. They contain carotene( provitamin A), ascorbic acid, B vitamins, they contain mineral salts, organic acids, fiber.
    At present, dietitians believe that tomatoes can be recommended to almost everyone. Low calorie allows you to include them in the diet of people with excessive body weight. They are also necessary for patients with diabetes mellitus.
    Tomatoes increase the nutritional value of food, so they are an integral part of the garnish to cold and hot dishes. In winter and spring, they can be replaced with tomato juice, in which carotene is partially retained. Ingredients for 5 - 6 servings: 1 l fresh tomato juice, 1 lemon, 2/3 cup cold boiled water, salt - to taste.

    Ingredients for 5 to 6 servings: 1 liter of fresh tomato juice, 1 lemon;
    Squeeze out the juice from the lemon. With half a lemon peel and grate it. In the lemon juice add grated zest, pour in tomato juice, boiled water and salt.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 2 glasses of tomato juice, 2 glasses of cold curdled milk, 3 to 4 cubes of edible ice.
    In the mixer pour the tomato juice and cold curdled milk, add the food ice and mix. Serve the cocktail well chilled. Ingredients for 1 serving: 2 tablespoons of tomato juice, 50 g of grated cheese, 1/2 cup of cold pasteurized milk.

    Add grated cheese to the mixer, pour tomato juice and cold milk and whisk for 1 minute. Serve the drink well chilled.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 8 tomatoes( each weighing 60 to 80 g), 400 g of fresh mushrooms, 2 eggs, 120 g of green onion, 4 tablespoons of melted butter, 20 grams of cheese, salt, blackground pepper - to taste, 12 g of greens, 4/5 cups of mayonnaise.
    Prepared tomatoes filled with minced meat, put in a frying pan, greased with butter, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with melted butter and bake in the oven. For the preparation of minced fresh mushrooms( white, boletus, oil, etc.) cook for 5 - 6 minutes, folded in a colander, lightly dried, then finely chopped and fried. After that, mix them with chopped boiled eggs, finely chopped green onions, parsley or dill greens, salt and pepper. When serving, the stuffed tomatoes can be watered with mayonnaise.

    Ingredients: 5 - 6 large green tomatoes, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 60 g of vegetable oil, 5 cloves of garlic, parsley and celery greens, salt to taste.
    Put finely chopped onion, chopped green tomatoes, parsley and celery greens, carrot circles, pour with vegetable oil and simmer for 30 minutes. When the tomatoes become soft, add pounded garlic. To cool.

    Jerusalem artichoke tubers are used in the medical and dietary nutrition of patients with diabetes mellitus. They contain vitamins, fiber, vegetable proteins. Dietary properties and juice of tubers of Jerusalem artichoke. In food eaten raw, fried and boiled.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 150 g of Jerusalem artichoke, 2 - 3 carrots, 80 g of cucumber grass, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt - to taste.
    Prepared Jerusalem artichoke and carrots grate on a large grater, finely chop the cucumber grass, add salt and season with vegetable oil.

    Ingredients for 4 servings: 160 grams of green salad, 120 g of Jerusalem artichoke, 2.5 eggs, 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise.
    Cut green salad leaves with large straws, grate Jerusalem artichoke on a large grater, boiled eggs and cut into circles. Mix gently, salt and season with mayonnaise.

    Ingredients for 4 portions: 150 g of Jerusalem artichoke, 1 - 2 blocks, 120 grams of sauerkraut, 1/2 onions, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt - to taste.
    Jerusalem artichoke and apples without a core, grate on a large grater, finely chop onion. Mix everything, add the sauerkraut, salt and season with vegetable oil. When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

    In addition to the listed dishes, you can make a Jerusalem artichoke baked, baked in foil, fried in an omelette, etc.

    Pumpkin is less popular than its closest "relatives" - watermelon and melon. However, it is also useful and tasty. In the pulp of a mature pumpkin contains vitamins B1, B2, C, a lot of carotene, it is rich in minerals, especially potassium. Pumpkin is well absorbed by the body, so its juicy and tender flesh is used in medical and dietary nutrition. Low-calorie pumpkin allows you to recommend it to people with diabetes mellitus with concomitant obesity. Ingredients for 1 serving: 1/2 glass of pumpkin juice, 1.5 tablespoons of rowan juice, xylitol or saccharin - to taste.

    Pumpkin juice into pumkin juice, add xylitol or saccharin to taste and mix. Serve the drink well chilled. Ingredients for 1 serving: 1/3 cup of pumpkin juice, 2/3 cups of apple juice, xylitol or saccharin - to taste.

    Ingredients for 1 serving: 1/3 cup pumpkin juice, 2/3 cup apple juice, xylitol or saccharin - to taste.
    Pour apple juice into pumpkin juice, add xylitol or saccharin to taste and mix. Serve the drink well chilled. SALAD OF PUMP
    1 option. On a small grater chop a piece of pumpkin( about 200 g) and a spike of celery, add the large grated apples.
    Dressing: sour milk, whipped with lemon juice. Decorate the salad with nuts and greens.

    2 option. Ingredients: 100 g of pumpkin, 100 g of apples, 25 g of walnuts, 2 - 3 g of red currant juice, lemon juice, xylitol - to taste.
    Peeled pumpkin and apples grate on a large grater, mix with finely chopped nuts. Fill with currant juice and lemon. Having sustained 2 hours, submit to the table.

    In folk medicine, infusions and decoctions from the leaflets of bean pods are used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, as they lower the sugar content in the blood. Beans contain vegetable protein, vegetable fibers and a small amount of carbohydrates and is therefore indicated to people with diabetes mellitus.

    Ingredients: 200 g of beans( pods), 25 g of walnuts, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, salt, ground black pepper - to taste, 3 g of greens.
    Prepared green bean pods cut into strips and let in salted water. Mix the beans with pepper, salt, ground kernels of nuts, lemon juice. Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

    Ingredients: 520 g of beans, 200 g of sauerkraut, 100 g of apples, 50 g of onions, 50 g of onion, 100 g of vegetable oil refills.
    Cut the apples into cubes, onion - straw, chop the green onions. Mix beans, sauerkraut, onions, apples, pour over the dressing, sprinkle with green onions. Refill from vegetable oil with yolks of boiled eggs.
    Parsley( herbs), or dill, or tarragon grind with salt. Boiled egg yolks wipe through a sieve, add mustard, salt, mix well, gradually introduce vegetable oil and citric acid, and then - greens.

    Ingredients: 140 g of potatoes, 80 g of string beans, 40 g of onions, 25 g of carrots, 15 g of tomato puree, 5 g of butter, 15 g of herbs, spices, salt to taste.
    In broth of lean meat, put the diced potatoes, bring to a boil, add browned onions, tomato puree and kidney beans. Bring the soup to the ready. Sprinkle with greens when serving.

    Bilberry is a healing berry rich in vitamins C, R, group B, carotene. Berries are used as a medicine for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As you know, leaves of blueberries( decoctions and infusions from them) reduce the sugar content in the blood. As for fruits, they are also recommended for inclusion in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus. Blueberries are consumed in fresh, dried form, used to produce juices, drinks, infusions.

    Ripe washed blueberries to pass through a juicer, take 1 to 2 cups a day.

    Spoon a tablespoon of blueberries with a glass of boiling water and boil with the lid closed for 1 - 2 minutes. Infuse 1 hour. Take a glass 3 times a day after meals.

    In folk medicine, both leaves and mulberry fruits are used to treat diabetes mellitus. The berries of mulberry are consumed both in fresh form, and in the form of juices, drinks.

    Rosehip fruits are beneficial to people with diabetes. They increase physical and mental efficiency, relieve fatigue, overwork. The hips are harvested for future use and used in the form of tea and infusions.

    2 tablespoons of dry hips, grind with a coffee grinder, pour 2 cups of boiling water, put in a dark place for 4 - 5 hours. Strain through 2 layers of gauze. Drink half a cup before meals.

    Spinach leaves are a valuable vitamin product. They contain carotene( provitamin A), vitamins B1, B2, PP, Vitamin C in spinach more than, for example, in salad and sorrel. Spinach leaves are useful to include in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus. The greatest vitamin value is represented by salads from young leaves of spinach. Use spinach greens and for cooking green soup, soups, mashed potatoes.

    Ingredients: 300 - 500 g of leaves of young spinach, 3 - 4 stems of green onion, 1/2 cup of sour milk, 2 - 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, parsley, salttaste.
    Leaves of young spinach to sort, rinse, cut into strips and put on a plate. Green onion finely chopped and add to spinach. It is good to beat the sour milk with vegetable oil and lemon juice, add the finely chopped egg and chopped parsley, add salt. Prepared the mixture to fill the salad and decorate it with steep eggs, tomatoes, chopped slices, and olives.

    Ingredients: 300 g spinach roots, 1/2 cup of peeled walnuts, 4 to 5 garlic cloves, lemon juice, vegetable oil, salt to taste.
    Spinach rootlets should be cleaned, rinsed and cut into pieces 2 cm long;boil them in salted water. Then throw it back in a colander and put it on a plate. Drain the walnuts and garlic, pour in so much hot water to get a thick gruel. Add lemon juice, vegetable oil and salt to taste. Prepared the mixture to fill the chopped roots. Salad decorate with steep eggs and radish, cut into slices.

    Information on the use of human medicinal properties of plants are contained in the most ancient written monuments of human culture. A lot of data on the medicinal properties of plants is given in the ancient Greek literature.
    Doctors of antiquity regarded the world of plants as an inexhaustible curative source. Patients with diabetes, for example, were recommended to drink infusion from the leaves of blueberries.
    Medicinal plants have a number of advantages over synthetic drugs - they are low-toxic, have a mild effect, can be used for a long time without significant side effects, especially allergic reactions, combine well with medicinal substances, enhancing their therapeutic effect.
    Currently, more than 150 kinds of medicinal plants are used in medical practice. Some of them have a sugar-lowering effect.
    Medicinal plants are most often used as infusions and decoctions.
    For the preparation of infusion of medicinal plants at home, 10 grams( 1 to 2 tablespoons) of ground raw material are taken into enameled dishes, 200 ml( 1 cup) of hot boiled water is poured, covered with a lid and heated in boiling water( on a water bath)15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes. Then filter, the remaining raw material is squeezed, and the volume of the obtained infusion is brought to boiling water to 200 ml.
    To prepare the decoction, it is necessary to heat for not more than 15 minutes, and 30. Cool the broth for only 10 minutes, filter the remaining raw materials, squeeze and the volume of the resulting broth is brought boiled water to 200 ml.
    These are general recommendations. In a specific recipe for preparing infusions and decoctions given refined technology.

    Medicinal raw materials - roots, bark and leaves. When diabetes is used, decoction of the root.
    20 g of crushed raw material is poured with 1 glass of hot water, boiled in closed enameled dishes in a water bath for 30 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes, filtered, squeezed and brought to capacity with boiled water to the original.
    Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.

    A plant from the family of legumes. Medicinal raw materials - aboveground part of the plant( grass).
    In diabetics, infusion of herbs is used.
    1 tablespoon of dry herbs pour 1 glass of hot water, keep in a boiling water bath in closed enamel dishes for 15 minutes, filter and bring the volume of boiled water to the original.
    Drink 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    Medicinal raw materials - roots and rhizomes. With diabetes, use a decoction of rhizomes and roots.
    1 tablespoon of crushed raw material is poured with 1 glass of hot water, boiled in closed enameled dishes in a water bath for 30 minutes, cooled 10 minutes, filtered, squeezed and taken 2 tablespoons 3 times daily before meals.

    Medicinal raw materials - berries and leaves. When diabetes is used, infusion of leaves, fresh and dried berries.
    2 teaspoons of dry shredded leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 30 minutes.
    Take 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.
    Berries are used for making refreshing drinks.

    Medicinal raw materials - leaves and fruits. When treating diabetes use fresh berries, juice from fresh berries, infusion of leaves.
    20 g of powdered raw materials are poured into 1 glass of boiling water, boiled for 5 to 10 minutes, insist for 2 hours.
    Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    Medicinal raw materials are leaves. Nettle can be used for food.
    To prepare the infusion, 7 g of dry ground grass is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and insist 15 - 20 minutes. Infusion filter and cool.
    Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    Medicinal raw materials - sprouted grains, raw juice of ears of ears, grains. Dishes from oats are useful for people with diabetes.
    To prepare the infusion take 100 g of grains, pour 3 glasses of water, boil for 1 hour, leave overnight, filter.
    Take 1/2 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    Cold infusion.100 g of oatmeal are poured into 1 liter of boiled cold water and left for 8 to 12 hours at room temperature. Drain clear water and take it 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

    Medicinal raw materials - leaves, flower buds and root.
    Leaves and flower buds can be used to make salads, as a seasoning for meat. When diabetes is used, also a decoction made from roots and herbs.
    Take a teaspoon of dry shredded raw materials, pour 1 glass of water, boil for 10 to 15 minutes, insist 30 minutes, then filter and bring the volume to the original.
    Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.

    Medicinal raw materials are leaves. Infusions and fresh leaves of the plantain have a sugar-lowering effect.
    1 tablespoon of the dry shredded raw material is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, filter.
    Take 1 tablespoon 3 to 4 times a day.

    Medicinal raw materials - leaf beans pods. Decoction from the bean leaves reduces the sugar content in the blood.
    30 g of powdered raw materials are poured into 1.5 cups of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath, cooled, filtered, brought to capacity with boiled water to the original.
    Take 1/2 cup 2 to 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    Medicinal raw materials - young spring stems. To prepare the broth take 30 g of raw materials, pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 - 7 minutes, then insist 2 - 3 hours. After straining take 2 to 3 tablespoons 3 to 4 times a day before meals.

    Medicinal raw materials - leaves and ripe fruits. Blueberries reduce the sugar content in the blood. The leaves of blueberries collected in May-June are used in the form of infusion of 1 to 2 cups 4 to 5 times daily before meals.

    Medicinal raw materials are leaves.
    10 leaves pour 3 cups of boiling water, insist 2 - 3 hours.
    Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

    Infusion of leaves. A tablespoon of chopped birch leaves is filled with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes. Add 0.2 g of soda and insist for 6 hours. Filter.
    Take for 2 times with an interval of 4 hours.

    Infusion from the kidneys. Dessert spoon of kidney birch pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes. Insist 6 hours and take 1/2 cups a day or 2 tablespoons 3 times a day after meals.

    Decoction from the roots. A dessert spoonful of ground burdock root is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Insist half an hour, filter.
    Take 1 tablespoon 3 - 4 times a day after meals.

    Broth from spines.1 tablespoon of burdock spoons are placed in a porcelain teapot and pour 400 ml( 2 cups) of boiling water. Insist for at least 30 minutes.
    Take infusion in 3 divided doses during the day.

    Infusion.1 teaspoon crushed stigma pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 20 minutes and filter.
    Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

    Infusion.3 tablespoons of dry shredded herbs pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 2 hours.
    Drink 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    Decoction.20 g dry powdered grass pour 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes in a closed vessel, insist 2 hours and filter.
    Take 1/2 cup 2 to 3 times a day before meals. Decoction from the root of chicory. Dessert spoon crushed root chicory ordinary pour boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. Defend, filter.
    Take 2 tablespoons 3 to 4 times a day before meals.

    Take in pure form a teaspoon of dry seeds in the morning and in the evening( washed down with water, milk or compote).
    Infusion.1 - 3 teaspoons of seeds pour a glass of cold water, insist 2 - 3 hours, stirring occasionally. They drink before bedtime.

    Decoction of fruits.10 crushed rose hips are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 3 - 5 minutes, insist 4 - 5 hours. After filtering the broth take 1/2 cup 3 - 4 times a day.
    Decoction of leaves. A tablespoon of the crushed leaves of the dog rose is poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes, insisted for 1 hour and take 1 glass as a tea.

    Plants that have sugar-reducing properties are more often used in the form of fees. Collection of medicinal plants have a better therapeutic effect than the isolated use of their individual components.

    Apples are one of the most common fruits in our country. Without exaggeration, you can say: apples are useful to everyone - both healthy and those who suffer from various diseases. They are widely used in excess weight for carrying out unloading days, include in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus. Apples are eaten fresh, they are made from compotes, drinks, make juices, combining them with other juices from vegetables and fruits.

    FRESH COMPLEX Ingredients: 30 grams of apples and pears, 20 grams of plums, 150 grams of water.
    Apples, pears are peeled, seed nests are removed and cut into slices. Plums cut in half and remove bones. Pour water, bring to a boil, cool. Ingredients for 1 serving: 1/4 cup of apple juice, 1/4 cup of orange juice, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1/4 cup of cream of reduced fat.

    Ingredients for 1 serving: 1/4 cup apple juice, 1/4 cup orange juice, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon honey;
    Pour apple, orange and lemon juices, honey, cream and whisk into the mixer. Serve the drink chilled. Ingredients for 1 serving: 1 apple( sour grade), 1 lemon, 3/4 cup cold pasteurized milk, 50 g low fat curd, xylitol or saccharin - to taste.
    Apple wash, cut into slices and put in a mixer. There, squeeze the lemon juice, add cottage cheese, milk, xylitol or saccharin to taste and whisk for 1 minute. Serve immediately.

    ASRICA Ingredients: 60 g apples, 50 g green onions, 30 g nettle, 20 g sour cream, salt - to taste.
    Finely chop the green onions, nettle leaves and apple( or grate it on a grater).All mix, season with sour cream of low fat content.

    Ingredients: 120 g of apples, 30 g of celery, 30 grams of horseradish, 100 g of yogurt.
    Grate the uncooked apples, celery on a large grater, put in curdled milk. Season with salt and finely chopped horseradish.

    Ingredients: 80 g of peas, 70 g of apples, 40 g of carrots, 30 g of mayonnaise, salt - to taste.
    Peas boil, mix with sliced ​​apples and carrots, season with mayonnaise.

    Ingredients: 3 apples, 300 grams of pumpkin, 1.5 liters of milk, cinnamon on the tip of the knife, salt to taste.
    Pumpkin cut into cubes, apples - slices. Pumpkin mixed with apples, pour cold boiled milk, add salt, cinnamon.

    Blueberry shoots 20.0
    Bean fruit leaves 20.0
    Manchurian root of aronia 15.0
    Rosehip fruits 15.0
    St. John's wort 10.0
    Camomile flowers 10.0
    Grass horsetail 10,0

    Collection is used in combinationoverweight with the initial stage of diabetes.
    To prepare the water infusion, take 10 g of raw material( 2 tablespoons of the mixture) and place in enameled dishes, pour 400 ml of hot boiled water, heat in boiling water( in a water bath) for 15 minutes. Cool at room temperature for at least 45 minutes, filter. The remaining raw material is squeezed. The volume of the infusion is adjusted to 400 ml. Take the infusion inside for 30 minutes before meals, preferably in a warm form of 1/3 - 1/2 cup 2 - 3 times a day for 20 to 30 days. After 10 - 15 days, the course of treatment is recommended to be repeated. During the year, 3 to 4 courses are conducted.

    Leaves of blueberry 25.0
    Leaves of nettle dioecious 25,0
    Leaves of dandelion medicinal 25,0

    A tablespoon of the crushed leaves of the collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour, filter. Take 1 glass of infusion 2 - 4 times a day before meals.

    Bilberry leaves 50,0
    Nettle nettle leaves 20,0
    Black elderberry leaves 20,0

    150 ml of broth are drunk during the day in 2 to 3 doses.

    Bilberry leaves 25,0
    Burdock root 25,0

    Infusion take 1 tablespoon 3 to 4 times daily before meals.

    Grass horsetail 25,0
    Grass strawberry 25,0
    Grass mountaineer birdy 25.0

    Tablespoon collection pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 3 - 5 minutes, insist 10 - 15 minutes, filter. Take a tablespoon for 20 - 30 minutes before meals 3 - 4 times a day.

    Root of delirium high 10.0
    Grass horsetail 10,0
    Cinnamon rose berry 10.0
    Grass of tripartite 10.0
    Root of elecampane high 10.0
    Bilberry leaves of ordinary 20,0
    St. John's wort of perforated 10,0
    Chamomile flowers pharmacy 10.0
    Grass peppermint 10.0

    Take 1/3 cup of infusion before meals 3 times a day.

    Leaves of bilberry 25,0
    Leaves of dandelion medicinal 25,0
    Grass of medicinal gale 20,0

    A tablespoon of collection is poured in 300 ml of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes, insist, filtered. Take 1/2 cup 2 - 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating.

    Bilberry leaves 50,0
    Bean pods 25,0
    Grass of medicinal gale 25,0
    Mint leaves 25,0

    2 tablespoons of the collection is poured with a glass of steep boiling water, insist 30 minutes and filter. Take 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    Leaves of blueberry 25.0
    Grass of medicinal gale 20,0
    Leaves of nettle 20,0

    1 tablespoon of collection pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, insist 5 minutes, filter. Take 2 - 3 tablespoons of infusion 3 - 4 times a day for 20 minutes before meals.

    Gavage herbal medicine 20,0
    Bean pods 20,0
    Bilberry leaves 20,0
    Dandelion root 20,0
    Nettle nettle leaves 20,0

    A tablespoon of collection is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, take 3-4 minutes inday for a glass of infusion before eating.

    Leaves of plantain large 20,0
    Leaves of blueberry 25,0
    Leaves of nettle 20,0
    Leaves of dandelion medicinal 20,0

    A tablespoon of collection is poured with a glass of boiling water, boil for 2 - 3 minutes, insist 10 - 15 minutes, filter. Take 1/2 cup 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

    Leaves of walnut 25,0
    Leaves of peppermint 25,0
    Grass of mountaineer bird 25,0
    Grass of medicinal gardener 25,0

    A tablespoon of collection is poured with a glass of boiling water, boil for 2 - 3 minutes, filter, take 1/3 cup3 times a day for 15 - 30 minutes before meals.

    Grass horsetail field 20,0
    Grass mountaineer bird 20,0
    Grass shepherd's ordinary bag 20,0
    Nettle nettle leaves 20,0

    A tablespoon of crushed collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Filter. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

    Grass of medicinal gale 25,0
    Bearberry leaves 25,0
    Leaves of cranberries 25,0
    Bilberry leaves 25,0

    A tablespoon of shredded collection is poured into a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Filter. Take 1/2 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    Leaves of blueberry 20,0
    Leaves of dandelion medicinal 20,0
    Leaves of chicory ordinary 20,0
    Leaves of nettle 20,0
    Leaves of cranberries 20,0

    A tablespoon of collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour, filter. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

    Bearberry leaves 20,0
    Leaves of dandelion medicinal 20,0
    Leaves of chicory ordinary 20,0
    Leaves of blueberry 20,0
    Bean pods 20,0

    A tablespoon of the crushed collection is poured with a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour, filter. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

    Cinnamon is put in everyday drinks - tea, coffee, compotes. Aromatic spice, added to hot milk, facilitates its assimilation and gives the drink a very pleasant, unusual taste. For the whole family and guests it is possible to prepare vitamin cocktails, smoothies with the addition of cinnamon( the norm of products indicated in the recipes should be increased according to the number of people).
    Spice goes well with honey and chocolate, apples, pears, peaches. It gives a unique taste to yoghurt, kefir, yogurt. Such drinks are useful both for sick and healthy people, they are an excellent tool for normalization of metabolism and weight loss.

    Ingredients: 200 g of canned pears, 500 ml of apple juice, 2 g of ground cinnamon.
    Preparation: Put pears in a blender, pour in apple juice and beat thoroughly. Add cinnamon to the mixture and whisk a few more seconds. Spread a cocktail over high glasses.

    Ingredients: 250 ml of milk, 4 grams of ground cinnamon, 25 grams of whipped cream, 10 g of almonds, honey to taste.
    Preparation: Mix milk with honey and cinnamon with a mixer. Pour the cocktail into the glass, add the sour cream and almonds, grated on a fine grater.

    DAIRY-FRUIT COCKTAIL WITH ASYLAS CANDY Ingredients: 200 ml of milk, 4 grams of ground cinnamon, 200 g of juicy apples, 150 g of bananas, 70 g of lemon, honey to taste.
    Preparation: Squeeze the juice from the apples. Banana peel and cut into slices, using a grater with lemon a thin layer of peel. Put the prepared ingredients in a blender, add milk and honey and beat thoroughly. Ready to pour the cocktail into glasses and sprinkle with cinnamon.

    Ingredients: 200 g pulp pulp, 4 grams of ground cinnamon, 200 grams of lemons, 200 g of grapefruit, liquid honey and ice to taste.
    Preparation: Pumpkin flesh cut into small pieces and boil in water or steam for 10 minutes. Then throw them in a colander and allow to cool. Pumpkin pumpkin and chop with a blender. Squeeze out the lemons and grapefruit juice and mix with the pulp pulp. Then add the honey and again thoroughly beat everything in the blender.
    Put ice cubes in ice cubes or low glasses and pour them with a prepared drink.

    Ingredients: 20 grams of ground cinnamon, 60 g of honey, 500 ml of water.
    Preparation: Dilute honey in warm boiled water, add cinnamon and mix. Divide the prepared beverage into 3 portions and take it throughout the day.
    This agent for 2 hours reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood by about 10%.

    Ingredients: 200 g of blueberries, 4 grams of ground cinnamon, 50 g of lemon, 50 g of sugar or xylitol, 50 g of sour cream, 250 ml of water.
    Method: Use a grater to remove a thin peel from the lemon. Add sugar( xylitol), lemon zest and cinnamon to the pan with water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Pour blueberries into the pan and cook for 5 to 7 minutes.
    Strain the resulting mass through a sieve( bilberry wipe), then cool. Pour the drink into glasses and decorate with whipped sour cream.

    Ingredients: 200 g pears, 5 grams cinnamon sticks, 0.1 grams badjan stars, 500 ml water, honey to taste.
    Preparation: Pear peel and seeds, cut into small pieces.
    Put the pears, cinnamon and tubby into a saucepan of cold water, put on medium heat and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to a low, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 10 minutes.
    Remove the drink from the fire, lightly cool, strain, add the honey and mix until it dissolves completely. Serve warm on the table.

    Ingredients: 250 ml low-fat kefir, yogurt or curdled milk, 4 grams of ground cinnamon, 4 grams of ground ginger root, ground red pepper to taste.
    Method: Pour spices into kefir( yogurt, curdled milk) and mix thoroughly.
    The drink stimulates metabolism, helps to reduce body weight. Drink it is recommended 30 minutes before dinner or in the evening, before going to bed( not earlier than an hour after eating).
    If the stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer from the recipe should be removed pepper and ginger.

    Ingredients: 2 g of black tea, 3 - 4 g of cinnamon sticks, 5 g of orange peel, 250 ml of water.
    Preparation: Pour the cinnamon stick with boiling water, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Add cinnamon tea, orange peel, put on fire and heat, not letting it boil. Let the tea steep for 2 - 3 minutes, then drain.

    Ingredients: 8 g of black or green tea, 5 grams of cinnamon sticks, 10 g of fresh ginger root, 50 g of lemon, 500 ml of water.
    Method of preparation: Ginger root clean and cut into thin strips. Put the tea, ginger and cinnamon in the teapot, pour boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes.
    Pour into cups and add slices of lemon. If desired, sweeten with honey, sugar or sugar substitute.

    Ingredients: 2 grams of black tea, 4 grams of cinnamon sticks, 50 ml of milk, sugar or honey to taste.
    Preparation: Brew tea with boiling water, let it brew for 5 minutes. Strain the tea, pour in hot milk, add a stick of cinnamon and leave it under the lid for another 2 minutes. Sweeten tea with honey or sugar( sugar substitute).

    Ingredients: 2 grams of black tea, 4-5 grams of cinnamon sticks, 2 grams of ground ginger, 0.5 grams of clove buds, 10 ml of lemon juice, 250 ml of water, honey and ice to taste.
    Preparation: Pour the tea and spices with boiling water and let stand for 6 minutes. Strain, cool, add honey and lemon juice. Ready to serve with ice.

    Ingredients: 7 grams of ground coffee, 3 grams of ground cinnamon, 3 g of sugar or xylitol, 250 ml of water.
    Preparation: Pour ground coffee into the jasper for a few seconds, then add cinnamon, sugar( xylitol) and water. Mix well, bring to a boil, pour a small amount of the drink into a cup, and then put the jesus on the fire again. Repeat procedure 3 - 4 times.

    Ingredients: 7 grams of ground coffee, 4-5 grams of cinnamon sticks, 100 g thick cream, 250 ml water, ice to taste.
    How to prepare: Boil coffee in jezve. Pour hot coffee cinnamon stick and let it brew for an hour, after which spice is removed. Add cream to the coffee, mix well and cool. Put ice cubes in a glass and pour in ready-made coffee.

    Ingredients: 750 ml of red dry wine, 15-20 grams of cinnamon sticks, 1 g of clove buds, 50 g of orange( lemon), 60 ml of cognac, 10 g of sugar or xylitol.
    Preparation: Pour wine into the saucepan and put on fire. Add cinnamon, cloves, sugar( xylitol) and cognac. Warm until steam is gone( do not bring to a boil!).Remove the stewpan from the fire and let the mulled wine steep for 2 minutes under the lid.
    Hot drink to pour on the glasses and decorate with thin slices of orange( lemon).

    In traditional Russian cuisine cinnamon was added to milk soups, cereals, fritters, pies. And today this spice takes an important place in our cooking.
    Cinnamon gives a unique taste and aroma to vegetables and fruits, puddings, pilaf, buns, kissels. It is ideally combined with dishes, which include apples( salads, pies, charlottes, rolls, puddings).Cinnamon also fits well with other fruits and berries, such as oranges, peaches, bananas, pears, cherries.
    Milk, fruit, vegetable, wine and fruit sauces are prepared with cinnamon. The inhabitants of the Caucasus put it in meat, vegetables( eggplant and zucchini), beans, soups( kharcho, chihirtmu), sauces. In the East, cinnamon is an indispensable element of sweets, pilaf, fish dishes, spicy dishes from chicken, turkey and lamb. In Belarus, cinnamon is added to marinade for cranberries, in Ukraine it is salted with cucumbers and marinated watermelons. In Greece, it must necessarily be placed in a stew of lamb, and in Italy they like cappuccino coffee with a pinch of cinnamon.
    As a seasoning in cooking, not only sticks and cinnamon powder are used, but also so-called cinnamon buds - immature cinnamon fruit, similar to carnation buds. They are collected immediately after the flowering of the plant. Especially love this spice is the people of India.
    Cinnamon is a part of traditional English puddings, mulled wine, French muffins, jams, curds, cold soups. It is flavored with confectionery.
    Cinnamon is combined with many other spices, for example nutmeg, ginger, cloves, turmeric.
    Some types of cinnamon in cooking are used in different ways. So, sweet-burning cassia( Chinese cinnamon) is used mainly in confectionery production and for baking bakery products. She also approaches sweet and spicy dishes. It is put in puddings, mousses, jellies, curds, sweet pilaf, dishes with vegetables, rice, corn, berries and fruits( cherries, apples, quinces, pears).Use cassia when cooking jam, compotes, kissels, sweet and sour sauces. It is a part of various spicy mixtures for meat, mushroom and fruit marinades.
    Rough chopsticks of Chinese cinnamon at home is difficult to grind, so it is usually bought in the ground form. This spice quickly loses its flavor, so it should not be stored for more than 2 months.
    In liquid foods it is best to add pieces of cassia bark( sticks), in dough and second dishes - ground spice. In dough it is put in the process of kneading, in jelly, compotes, first and hot second dishes - for 5 - 7 minutes until ready, in salads and curds - before consumption.
    Ceylon cinnamon, which has a more delicate aroma and delicate taste, is usually placed in all dishes together with sugar. It is perfectly combined with a variety of sharp and tart spices, is part of curry and other mixtures. It is added to pastries, sweets, desserts, sweet cereals and pilaf, as well as fruit, vegetable and milk soups. Use this type of cinnamon in the preparation of dishes from pork, mutton, poultry, canning berries, marinating mushrooms and pickling vegetables. Ceylon cinnamon is flavored with home-made low-alcohol drinks, punches, grog.
    Cinnamon( cinnamon spice) is used in the production of bakery and sausage products, pates, curds, ice cream, sauces, and mustard dining room. Like other types of cinnamon, it is added to a mixture of spices.
    In national home cuisines and catering, cinnamon is used in many ways. So, in Western Europe it is put in fruit and vegetable salads. Eastern European chefs add spicy cinnamon to milk soups and fatty meat. And in the countries of the East, cinnamon is an obligatory component of hot and cold dishes made from poultry and meat. And everywhere this kind of cinnamon is used for sweet dishes.
    Whatever type of cinnamon is used, it should be remembered that the taste and aroma of cinnamon sticks is more stable in comparison with the powder.
    It is advisable to add ground cinnamon to the dish not earlier than 8-10 minutes before the end of cooking, as prolonged heating can give the food a bitterish taste.

    Ingredients: 450 g pumpkin flesh, 2 g ground cinnamon, 1 g ground nutmeg, 100 g butter, 70 g onion, 150 g grated parmesan cheese, 60 g corn flour, 500 ml milk, 500 ml of chicken broth, salt and ground black pepper to taste.
    Preparation: Pumpkin gourd until soft and crushed with a blender. Onion peel and finely chop. Put the butter in a saucepan and melt it over low heat. Fry the onion in oil until it is clear.
    Put the pumpkin in a saucepan, pour the broth and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to low and add milk. Continuously stirring, pour into the soup a thin trickle of a mixture of spices, salt and corn flour. Cook for 5 minutes, then remove from heat.
    Hot soup pour on plates, sprinkle with grated parmesan and serve.

    Ingredients: 200 g of apples, 2 g of ground cinnamon, 15 g of sugar or sweetener, 350 ml of water.
    Preparation: Peel the apples from the peel and the core, grate the flesh on the grater. Sprinkle it with cinnamon and sugar. Put the apple waste in boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes, then press for 1 hour and strain.
    Add to the decoction grated apples, bring the soup to a boil, remove from heat and cool. Serve cold on the table.

    PAF from apple cinnamon, raisins and cranberry juice
    ingredients: 80 g of apples, 2 g of ground cinnamon, 100 g of rye bread, 10 g raisins, 30 mL of cream, 20 mL of cranberry juice, 5 ml of lemon juice, 500 ml of water,sugar to taste.
    Preparation: Cut the apples into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Dry the rusks, pour boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid, and biscuits wipe through a sieve and refill with infusion.
    Add raisins, apples, cranberry juice, cinnamon, sugar and put on fire. Cook 5 - 7 minutes, then remove from heat and cool. Serve the soup with chilled, whipped cream.

    soup with cinnamon and dried apricots
    Ingredients: 100 g of dried apricots, 4 grams of ground cinnamon, 60 g of potato starch, 50 g of cream, 50 grams of sugar or sugar substitute, 700 ml of water.
    Preparation: Dried apricots, put into a saucepan, pour a small amount of cold water and put on fire. Cook under the lid until soft, then grind in a blender with the broth or rub through a sieve.
    Add cinnamon, sugar, remaining water to the soup, put on fire and bring to a boil. Pour the starch diluted in water, and bring to a boil again. Serve the soup with sour cream.

    Ingredients: 150 g cottage cheese, 2 g ground cinnamon, 100 ml cream, sugar or sugar substitute to taste.
    Preparation: Cottage cheese well grind with sugar and cream. The resulting mass is put on a plate and sprinkled with cinnamon.

    Ingredients: 150 g cottage cheese, 2 g ground cinnamon, 5 g mint, 50 g low-fat sour cream, sugar or sugar substitute to taste.
    Preparation: Cottage cheese grind with sour cream and sugar, then put everything on the plate with a slide, lightly sprinkle with cinnamon and decorate with fresh mint leaves.

    curd cinnamon, carrot and nuts lettuce
    Ingredients: 200 g of cheese, 4 grams of ground cinnamon and 70 g of carrot, 50 g of shelled walnuts, 50 g of lettuce, 5 g of green marjoram, 1 garlic clove, 1 sprigmarjoram, salt to taste.
    Preparation: Garlic and grind garlic. Marjoram finely chopped and, together with garlic, grind well. Carrots clean and grate on a fine grater. Cottage cheese with carrots, marjoram, walnut kernels and garlic to pass through a meat grinder.
    Sprinkle the resulting mass of cinnamon and mix. Place the washed and dried salad leaves on a table and place in each 1-2 tablespoons of curd mass. Collapse the leaves of lettuce tubes and shift to a dish.

    Ingredients: 150 g of wheat bread, 4 grams of ground cinnamon, 60 g of apple, 30 g of butter.
    Preparation: Lubricate the bread slices with butter. Peel the apple from the peel and seeds and cut into thin slices. Put on the sandwiches plate of apple, sprinkle with ground cinnamon and place in a hot oven for 3 - 5 minutes.

    Ingredients: 150 grams of wheat bread, 4 grams of ground cinnamon, 30 grams of liquid honey, 50 grams of hard cheese.
    Way of preparation: Coat slices of bread with a thin layer of honey, put cheese plates on top. Sprinkle cinnamon sandwiches, place in a preheated oven and leave for 3 - 5 minutes.

    Ingredients: 100 - 140 g of sweet and sour apples, 4 grams of ground cinnamon, 10 ml of lemon juice.
    Preparation: Peel the apples from seeds and cuticles and cut into slices. Sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with cinnamon and bake in an oven, heated to 180 ° C. Before you place the pieces of apples in the oven, you can string them on a wooden skewer.

    INGREDIENTS Ingredients: 100-140 g of sweet and sour apples, 3-4 grams of ground cinnamon, 10 g of honey, 10 g of ground walnuts, 10 g of raisins.
    Preparation: Using a knife and a teaspoon make a deepening in each apple. Mix honey with nuts and raisins and stuff this mixture with apples. Pour a little water into the baking dish( about 1 cm), put the apples and sprinkle with cinnamon.
    Place the form in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C, and bake the apples until soft.

    Ingredients: 400 g of Peking cabbage, 3 grams of ground cinnamon, 100 g of cucumber, 100 g of apples, 40 g of carrots, 1 clove of garlic, 40 ml of soy sauce, 20 ml of vegetable oil,20 ml of light balsamic vinegar, 10 ml of lemon juice, salt and ground black pepper to taste.
    Method of preparation: Pork cabbage to chop. Carrots and garlic peel and grate on a fine grater. Cut the apples into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the cucumber into thin slices.
    Mix the prepared ingredients, add soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, cinnamon. Pepper, salt and mix. Season lettuce with vegetable oil.

    Ingredients: 500 grams of red cabbage, 4 grams of cinnamon, 200 g of solid pears, 50 g of raisins, 70 g of onions, 20 grams of ginger root, 40 ml of red wine vinegar, 20 ml of vegetable oil, 20 ml cognac, salt to taste.
    How to prepare: Cut cabbage. Onion peel and cut into thin half rings. Ginger clean and grind or grate on a large grater.
    Onions and cabbage fry over medium heat in a deep frying pan with vegetable oil for 5 minutes. Add ginger and raisins, pour the vinegar, add salt, mix and bring to a boil. Remove the frying pan from the heat, cover and let the mixture infuse.
    Pears cut into small slices, put in a baking dish, sprinkle with cinnamon, sprinkle with cognac. Put in the oven, preheated to 200 ° C and bake for 5 minutes.
    Spread cabbage and onions on plates, place baked pears on top and pour on the juice remaining in the frying pan.

    FRUIT SALAD WITH CORN( option 1)
    Ingredients: 300 g melon, 300 g red grapefruit, 200 g of oranges, 100 g of green grapes without pits, 100 g of tangerines, 2 g of ground cinnamon, 10 g of mint.
    Preparation: Remove melon from skin, seeds and coarse fibers. Cut into cubes. Oranges, grapefruits and tangerines peel and peel into slices.
    Mix the pieces of melon with citrus slices and grapes and sprinkle with crushed mint and cinnamon.

    FRUIT SALAD WITH CORN( option 2)
    Ingredients: 300 g of bananas, 200 g of apples, 200 g of peaches, 800 g of strawberries, 8 g of cinnamon.
    Preparation: Peel the bananas and cut them into slices. Apples and peaches should be loosened and cut into thin slices. Strawberries must be cleaned of the stems.
    Combine the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl, sprinkle with cinnamon and gently mix.

    Ingredients: 800 g apricots, 8 g ground cinnamon, 50 g hazelnut, 50 g almonds, 300 g yogurt.
    Method: Peel the apricots and cut them into cubes. Hazel and almonds chop. Mix berries with nuts, season with yogurt and sprinkle with cinnamon.

    Cabbage baked with cinnamon, cheese and milk
    Ingredients: 600 g of cabbage, 3 grams of ground cinnamon, 40 g of hard cheese, 30 g of butter, 200 ml of milk, salt to taste.
    Preparation: Cut cabbage, put into a saucepan with boiling salted water and cook until soft. Fold it in a colander to water the glass, then squeeze lightly. Put the cabbage in a mold, greased with butter, pour the milk, sprinkle with grated cheese and cinnamon. Put in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, and bake for 5 - 7 minutes.

    Ingredients: 100 g oat flakes, 3 - 5 g cinnamon, 50 g figs, 300 ml milk.
    Preparation: Pour the oatmeal into the boiling milk, mix and cook for 3 minutes. Add cinnamon, then finely chopped figs and keep on a small fire, stirring, for 2 - 3 minutes. When serving, you can fill the porridge with butter or honey.

    Ingredients: 200 g of buckwheat( cut or cut), 4 grams of ground cinnamon, 1 egg, 2 egg yolks, 15 g of butter, 500 ml of milk, 100 ml of low-fat cream, 50 g of sugar or sugar substitute.
    Preparation: Mix the egg well with a whisk in a bowl, add the buckwheat and mix. Spread the croup in an even layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and put in the oven for 120 minutes heated to 120 ° C.
    Pour the milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil and pour into it the oven-dried buckwheat. Add the butter and cook over low heat for 12 to 15 minutes.
    Yolks to grind with sugar. Cream bring to a boil, add cinnamon and remove from heat. Continuously stirring, introduce crushed yolks.
    Put the cream with yolks on a water bath and, stirring, warm up until thick( the mixture should not boil!).Strain the creamy sauce through a sieve and cool.
    Allow the buckwheat porridge to cool down, and then also wipe through a sieve. Put the cold porridge in plates and serve on a table with cream sauce.

    Ingredients: 1 kg cabbage, 200 g rice, 200 g raisins, 4 grams ground cinnamon, 200 g onion, 100 g sour cream, 30 g potato flour, 2 eggs, 70 ml vegetable oil,40 ml of lemon juice, salt and sugar to taste.
    Preparation: Rice in salted water until half cooked. Onion peeled. A third of onions chop, remaining cut into thin rings. Separate from the head cabbage 18 - 20 leaves, pour them with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.
    Whisk the eggs. Put into the egg mass finely chopped onion, rice, half raisins. Salt and mix. Turn the prepared stuffing into the cabbage leaves. Heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan with a thick bottom and fry in it until the ring of onion is transparent. Put into the pan with onions stuffed cabbage, fry them, sprinkle with flour, pour a little water, sprinkle all the lemon juice, add sugar, cinnamon and the remaining raisins. Salt and simmer for 1 hour, occasionally pouring the resulting sauce.
    Cabbage rolls served with sour cream.

    Ingredients: 500 g of dry beans, 4 grams of ground cinnamon, 4 grams of Imeretian saffron, 70 g of onion, 70 grams of green cilantro, 20 ml of vinegar, 20 ml of vegetable oil, salt and ground black pepper to taste.
    Method: Pour the beans with cold water for 2 to 3 hours. Then drain the water, pour the beans with a fresh portion and cook until ready.
    Peel onion and cut into thin rings. Cilantro rinse, dry on a napkin and finely chop( leaving a few twigs for decoration).
    Put the beans in a bowl, sprinkle with cilantro, cinnamon and saffron, add salt, pepper, mix well, cover and let stand for 1 hour. Transfer the beans into a salad bowl, sprinkle with wine vinegar mixed with vegetable oil, decorate with onion rings and the remaining branches of cilantro.

    Ingredients: 1,5 kg of pumpkin, 400 g of potato, 280 g of flour, 10 g of ground cinnamon, 200 g of hard cheese, 50 g of butter, 1 egg, 3 g of ground muscatnut, salt to taste.
    Method of preparation: Peel the pumpkin from peel, seeds and hard fibers. Cut into large pieces, put in an oven heated to 180 ° C, bake until soft, and then wipe through a sieve.
    Boil the potatoes, peel and peel them. Add the pumpkin and mix. Grate the cheese on the grater.
    Mix mass from potatoes and pumpkin with grated cheese( about 50 g leave for decoration) and flour, add cinnamon, nutmeg, beaten egg, salt and mix well. Roll the sausage from the resulting dough with a diameter of 2 - 2.5 cm, and then cut it into pieces of about 2 cm in length.
    Boil the dumplings in boiling salted water. When they come up, take them out with a noise, put them in a large plate, season with butter and sprinkle with grated cheese. Serve the dish on the table hot.

    Ingredients: 600 g chicken fillet, 200 g green apples, 4 grams ground cinnamon, 80 g onion, 10 g raisins, 10 g parsley, 10 g curry seasoning, 60 g flour, 100 ml cream20% fat, 100 ml of dry white wine, 50 ml of olive oil, 20 ml of lemon juice.
    Directions: Peel and chop onions. Cut the apples into small slices. Chicken fillet cut into strips. Sift flour with cinnamon and mix the chicken fillets in this mixture. Fry the chicken until ruddy in a frying pan in half oil.
    Separately fry the finely chopped onions, add to it raisins, pieces of apples, wine, cream and curry. Put the roasted chicken in this mixture and simmer, stirring, 8 - 10 minutes. Before serving, decorate the dish with parsley sprigs.

    -ASKED CORINA TICKETS Ingredients: 500 g ground beef, 2 g ground cinnamon, 150 g shallots, 25 g butter, 60 g flour, 50 g wheat bread without peel, 10 g parsley, 200 g sour cream, 150 ml of milk, 100 ml of cranberry or cranberry sauce, 40 ml of vegetable oil, salt to taste.
    Method of preparation: Shallot shall be peeled, finely chopped and fried in a pan in hot vegetable oil for 5 minutes, and then cooled. Chop parsley finely. Bread crumb into a bowl, pour the milk and leave for 15 minutes. Squeeze bread, pour the milk into a cup.
    Mix the minced meat with onion, bread, add cinnamon, parsley and 40 - 60 ml of milk from the cup. Salt and mix well. Pour small balls from the resulting stuffing, put them on a baking sheet and put in a refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then roll the meatballs in flour. Melt the butter in a frying pan. When it ceases to foam, fry in it in portions of meatballs.
    Put all the meatballs in a frying pan, add a little water and cook until ready. Transfer the meatballs to a dish, and the remaining juice in the pan to warm for 3 - 5 minutes. Add to it about a third of sour cream, mix, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Pour the meat balls with this sauce.
    Serve meatballs with the remaining sour cream and cranberry or cranberry sauce.

    Ingredients: 1 kg beef fillet, 5 grams cinnamon sticks, 500 g prunes, 500 g carrots, 350 g onions, 30 g flour, 100 ml white dry wine, 100 ml vegetable oil,salt, sugar and ground black pepper to taste.
    Directions: Peel and chop onion. Carrots clean, grate on a large grater and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil along with onion for 5 minutes. Add flour, salt, sugar and wine and warm the mixture, stirring, for another 4 - 5 minutes. Cut the meat into small pieces and fry separately until golden. Prunes wash, pour boiling water for 4 - 5 minutes, then recline on a sieve and dry.
    Pour meat sauce from carrots, onions and wine. If necessary, you can add water( the liquid must cover the meat).Stew until cooked beef. About 25 - 30 minutes before the end of heat treatment put in a bowl with meat prunes and a stick of cinnamon. At the very end of cooking, pepper slightly.

    Ingredients: 50 g of semolina, 15 grams of ground cinnamon, 100 g of sugar or sweetener, 2 eggs, 350 g of canned fruit, 1 lemon, 10 g of starch, 20 g of butter, 0.1 g of clove buds,500 ml of milk, 300 ml of dry red wine, salt to taste.
    Preparation: In the milk, add half the specified amount of cinnamon, put on fire and bring to a boil. In a thin trickle pour in semolina, salt and cook for 4 - 5 minutes. To cool.
    Separate the yolks from the whites and beat them separately. Add yolks to the cooled semolina porridge, then add the whipped whites.
    Lubricate with butter 4 molds and put the prepared mass in them. Put the molds for 1 hour in the refrigerator. With a lemon, use a grater to remove the zest. Squeeze the juice. Warm up the wine, add to it sugar, the remaining cinnamon, cloves, zest and lemon juice. Put the tinned fruit in flavored wine and leave for 1 hour.
    Put the wine with the fruit on the fire, add the starch diluted in a small amount of water, bring to a boil. Remove from heat and cool. Tip the molds on plates and pour the pudding with a cooling sauce of wine and fruit.

    Ingredients: 400 g of flour, 25 g of cinnamon, 200 g of butter, 250 g of sugar or xylitol, 4 eggs.
    Preparation: Soften the butter thoroughly with 200 g of sugar, cinnamon and 3 eggs. Add the flour, knead the dough and put it in the fridge for 1 hour. Roll the dough into a layer about 0.5 cm thick, cut out the biscuits with molds or a round glass. Beat the egg with the remaining sugar and grease this dough with dough. Place the cookies in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, and bake for 10 to 15 minutes.

    Ingredients: 150 g of pancake flour, 400 g of apples, 8 grams of ground cinnamon, 50 g of ground almonds, 250 g of butter, 250 g of sugar or sweetener, 10 g of grated lemon peel, 4 g of baking powder, 3 eggs.
    Preparation: Peel the apples and peel. Cut each apple into 8 pieces. Put in a saucepan of 50 g of butter, put on a fire and melt. Place the sliced ​​apples and 50 grams of sugar into a saucepan. Fry the apples until the sugar is caramelized, and add the lemon zest. Put the resulting mass in a greased form( 10 g).
    Combine the remaining softened oil with sugar and beat thoroughly. Continuing to beat, to enter into this mixture of eggs - one by one. Add flour, baking powder, almonds and cinnamon. Knead the dough and put it in a mold over the apples.
    Put the form in a heated oven to 180 ° C and bake the cake for 50 - 60 minutes. Check for availability with a sharp wooden stick. Remove the cake from the oven, allow it to cool for 15 minutes, then remove it from the mold.

    Ingredients: 160 g of pancake flour, 20 g of ground cinnamon, 350 g of strawberry, 150 g of ground almonds, 160 g of butter, 150 g of sugar or sweetener, 1 egg, 1 egg yolk.
    Preparation: Strawberry, wash, dry, cut each berry in half. Combine the softened butter( 150 g), flour, almonds, cinnamon and sugar, add 1 egg and egg yolk and knead the dough. Paddle the parchment with parchment paper and apply oil to the wall with the remaining oil.
    Half the test put in a mold and level. From the top, spread the strawberries, cover it with another part of the dough. Put the form in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, and bake the cake for 40 - 60 minutes.

    Ingredients: 1 kg of apples, 300 g of flour, 10 g of ground cinnamon, 75 g of sugar or xylitol, 50 g of semolina, 2 eggs, 200 ml of vegetable oil.
    Preparation: Peel the apples and grate on a large grater. Add to them sugar, semolina, cinnamon, flour and eggs. Stir well and bake pancakes in a frying pan in warmed vegetable oil. You can serve with sour cream or whipped cream.

    Ingredients: 300 g of flour, 12 g of ground cinnamon, 100 g of liquid honey, 14 g of yeast, 5 g of sugar, 3 g of salt, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 200 ml of water.
    Method of preparation: Dissolve yeast in 100 ml of warm water, pour in sugar and put in a warm place. When the yeast begins to ferment, add the remaining water, salt, flour and knead the dough. Cover the dough with a towel and let it come up for 2 hours.
    Bake pancakes in vegetable oil, dry them on a paper towel( to remove excess fat), put on a dish, pour honey and sprinkle with cinnamon.

    Raisins with raisins, apples and buns
    Ingredients: 400 g of flour, 400 g of apples, 8 grams of ground cinnamon, 50 g of sugar or xylitol, 80 g of raisins, 2 eggs, 350 ml of kefir, 40 ml of vegetable oil, grease for lubricating the frying pan, salt to taste.
    Preparation: Peel the apples from the skin and seeds and cut into thin slices.
    Knead the dough from flour, kefir, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. Add the raisins to the dough, stir and bake pancakes in a frying pan greased. Over each portion of the dough, poured into a frying pan, lay slices of apples, and fry on both sides.
    Finished pancakes to sprinkle with cinnamon.

    Ingredients: 300 g of flour, 15 g of cinnamon, 200 g of apples, 500 ml of kefir, 100 g of sugar or xylitol, 5 g of baking powder, 3 eggs, 3 g of salt, 100 ml of vegetable oil.
    Preparation: Combine the flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and eggs, add kefir and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed.
    Peel apples from peel and seeds, cut into thin slices. Add the apples and cinnamon into the dough, stir well and fry the pancakes in a frying pan in hot vegetable oil.

    Ingredients: 1 kg of flour, 10 g of cinnamon, 10 g of salt, 50 g of butter, 60 g of yeast, 50 g of sugar, 500 ml of milk, 400 ml of water, 75 ml of vegetable oil, 2 eggs.
    Method of preparation: Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add half the specified amount of flour, mix thoroughly and put in a warm place for 1 hour.
    Separate egg yolks from proteins and grind with sugar. When the opara comes up, put salt, cinnamon, sugar yolks with sugar into it. Pour in the vegetable oil, mix well and add the remaining flour. Once again, knead. Continuously stirring, pour a thin trickle of warm milk. Must get a thick dough. Beat egg whites, add to the dough, gently mix, and then put it in a warm place. As soon as the dough rises, mix it again and leave it in a warm place for another 30 minutes.
    When the dough comes up for the third time, bake the pancakes over medium heat in a frying pan, greased with butter.

    Cinnamon is an effective natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus.
    Scientists from the Center for Nutrition in Beltsville, Maryland, USA, examined the effects of different foods on the dynamics of metabolic disorders in patients and found that cinnamon extract could become a biological medicine against diabetes.
    The experiment involved 22 people aged 25 to 45 years, obese and metabolic disorders. Endocrinologists characterized their condition as "prediabetes", preceding the development of type II diabetes. In such a situation, the tissues have a weak sensitivity to the hormone insulin reducing the sugar in the blood, synthesized by islet cells of the pancreas. Researchers divided the subjects into two groups. The first daily received 250 mg of an aqueous solution of cinnamon extract;participants in the second, control group, along with food, were given a placebo. At the beginning of the study, and also at 6 and 12 weeks, patients from both groups were taken blood to determine the level of glucose in it. Together with this, the indices of the content of antioxidants in the blood were also clarified.
    It turned out that in people taking cinnamon extract, blood sugar level dropped, and the content of useful antioxidants, on the contrary, increased from 13 to 23%.In patients from the control group, no positive changes were noted. Scientists concluded that cinnamon, possessing significant antioxidant properties, is an effective means for normalizing carbohydrate metabolism. This means that it can be used to prevent and treat type II diabetes, and also to use to prevent cardiovascular diseases that often accompany endocrine pathology.
    The effect of cinnamon on the body leads not only to a decrease in blood glucose levels. Also, the amount of "harmful" cholesterol is reduced and the condition of blood vessels is improved. In addition, if diabetes is already available, using cinnamon, you can maintain a normal blood sugar - for this you should eat a small amount of cinnamon( 1 - 6 g) every day.
    Aromatic spice has a sweetish taste and can serve as a substitute for sugar, which is not recommended for diabetics. And for healthy people with being overweight, this is a very valuable quality. Withdrawal from the body of processed products, slags and toxins, cinnamon promotes the recovery of all organs and systems and a gradual decrease in body weight.
    Cinnamon can relieve the course of type II diabetes( non-insulin-dependent).Unfortunately, patients suffering from type I diabetes( insulin-dependent), aromatic spice will not help much.
    Cinnamon can be added to drinks - tea, coffee, kefir, curdled milk, water, diluted with honey. It is desirable for diabetics to give preference to honey with a high content of fructose( for example, acacia).Add it to the drink in small quantities.
    Many of the cinnamon recipes listed below contribute to weight loss, which is very important, because obesity is one of the factors contributing to the development of diabetes. For the prevention and treatment of diabetes, as well as reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, it is useful to put cinnamon in various foods( the ways of their preparation are given in the section "Recipes of tasty and healthy dishes with cinnamon").If there is no problem of excess weight, you can pamper yourself with delicious cinnamon baked goods from time to time, but it is recommended for diabetics to put in the dough sugar substitute( in the same amount that is required by the prescription for sugar).It must be borne in mind, however, that not all sugar substitutes can be heat treated. For example, aspartame loses sweetness when heated, and saccharin acquires a bitter taste. Preferred xylitol, sorbitol, sucralose, acesulfame potassium and some other drugs.
    To compensate for type II diabetes it is recommended to consume small portions of cinnamon at least 2 to 3 times a week - in this case, it is possible to maintain the blood glucose level in the norm.