  • When, what remedy for hemorrhoids should be used

    Hemorrhoids - a pathology developing in the anus and rectum area, which is manifested by varicose veins. The main pathogenetic mechanism of the development of this disease is the violation of venous outflow, which leads to stagnation of blood in the veins and the formation of hemorrhoids.

    Hemorrhoids are characterized by gradual development and chronic course with periodic exacerbations. There are three types of this disease - external, internal and combined hemorrhoids. Depending on the form of the disease, an appropriate remedy for hemorrhoids is prescribed.

    Causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids

    Often the main etiological factor is the congenital pathology of the vessels of the rectum, which leads to excessive blood flow or its congestion in the veins. At the same time veins easily expand under the influence of various adverse factors.

    The causes that trigger the development of hemorrhoids are:

    • hereditary predisposition;
    • pregnancy and childbirth;
    • frequent constipation;
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    • is a sedentary lifestyle that leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvic area;
    • inflammatory or tumor processes in the pelvis;
    • abuse of spicy food, spices and alcohol.

    Clinic of hemorrhoids

    Clinical manifestations of this pathology determine which medications for hemorrhoids apply best.

    With an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoidal nodes increase. Their inflammation develops, periodic bleeding and loss of nodes through the anus can be observed.

    The main clinical manifestations include the scarring of blood, as well as the varying degrees of prolapse of hemorrhoids. The first complaints of patients are a feeling of discomfort, as well as itching or burning, heaviness in the groin area. The area of ​​the anus swells and turns red. The body temperature can rise, the act of defecation is difficult.

    This pathology can be complicated by thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins, so the appointment of the most effective means of hemorrhoids can prevent this complication.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Consideration is given to visual examination of the anal area, as well as complaints from patients. An important method of diagnosis, which allows you to detect internal hemorrhoids, is a rectal finger examination. With severe pain, this diagnostic technique is not applied. In this case, prescribe painkillers - with hemorrhoids, they allow an anoscopy.

    In order to identify hemorrhoids, which are located high, as well as to assess their condition, can be used sigmoidoscopy. For a visual assessment of the condition of the rectal mucosa, colonoscopy is performed. Only after careful examination can an adequate treatment be prescribed, since, for example, the best remedy for external hemorrhoids can not give the desired effect in the presence of inflammation of internal hemorrhoids.

    Correct diagnosis allows you to differentiate hemorrhoids from anal fissures, prolapse of a part of the rectal mucosa, oncological formations. In addition, timely access to a doctor helps to prevent various complications and avoid surgical intervention, because today there are many effective remedies for hemorrhoids.

    Treatment and therapy method

    In order to obtain a good therapeutic effect, a complex and individual approach should be applied, since different methods can be used for each patient.

    If we talk about drug therapy, it is necessary to take into account the patient's increased sensitivity to individual drugs, since the appointment of even the best remedy for hemorrhoids, which will develop an allergic reaction, you can get only a complication of the disease.

    In the treatment of acute hemorrhoids, conservative methods are used, but it is worth noting that they often give only a temporary effect, therefore, after withdrawal of acute symptoms, minimally invasive techniques can be used, including sclerotherapy, focal infrared coagulation, latex ring treatment, cryotherapy. In some cases, only the operative removal of inflamed hemorrhoids can help, this is especially true of the last stages of hemorrhoids.

    Often people do not go to the doctor, but try to apply folk methods of treatment that really give some improvement in the dynamics of the disease, but are not radical, so therapy and all means for treating hemorrhoids should be prescribed by a doctor.

    Proper nutrition is important in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Adjusting the diet should be aimed at improving bowel function and facilitating bowel movements, which helps to avoid surgery. So, it is recommended to increase the amount of water and fiber in the daily diet, and also to turn off the spicy food. If necessary, laxatives can be prescribed - with hemorrhoids, they prevent excessive straining, which is beneficial for the course of the disease.

    With external hemorrhoids, in most cases, an outpatient treatment with special ointments for topical application that eliminate itching and are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription is sufficient, but it should be remembered that only a qualified proctologist will be able to prescribe the hemorrhoids that will be most effective.

    In severe forms of the disease, treatment at home is not effective, therefore, at the first manifestations of the disease, you should consult a doctor. He will determine the causes of hemorrhoids and appoint the most effective remedies for hemorrhoids, which will remove inflammatory changes and anticipate the progression of this pathology.

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