  • Allergic stomatitis: causes and principles of the disease

    An allergic reaction in the human body can develop from scratch, even with the complete absence of food, drugs, pollen, dust and other irritants. This happens because of a violation of the work of immunity or violations at the hemorrhagic level. Blood cells, which are responsible for the production of antibodies to infectious agents, at some point take some substances as enemies and respond with typical symptoms. Similarly, allergic stomatitis also develops.

    A person can safely eat half of his life honey, use penicillin for treatment, drink a decoction of chamomile, etc. But there comes such a moment. When one of the usual components turns into the strongest allergen, which can provoke a powerful hypersensitivity reaction, anaphylactic shock and even death.

    Currently, about one third of the world population is prone to such manifestations of allergies and approximately 20% of cases develop allergic stomatitis, that is, the oral cavity suffers. This allergy can become a possible cause of stomatitis in humans.

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    Causes of the pathological process and the development of the allergy

    The most common reasons contributing to the occurrence of allergic stomatitis can be classified into two groups:

    • Contact - this includes those substances and objects that directly contact the mucous and skin, provoking a superficial irritation in the oral cavity.
    • Substances that penetrate the body - drugs, foods, mold, pollen and dust.

    The contact group includes prosthetic stomatitis, which provokes constant contact with the materials of dentures. If the material is of poor quality and is not hypoallergenic, the risk of the disease is several times higher. In addition, pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate in the prosthesis, the disintegration products of which are injured by the mucous membrane and favor the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

    A drug can also provoke contact stomatitis. Usually, such remedies are used to treat teeth and gums and when using medicines that need to be kept in the mouth before dissolving.

    The second group of substances that cause allergic stomatitis, is characterized by a reaction to penetration into the human body. Such a lesion is manifested by rashes on the skin, on the mucous, itching and burning, a swelling of the tongue. Provoke a negative reaction can antibiotics, potent drugs and even antihistamines.

    A non-typical body reaction to a substance can start under the influence of various factors - ecology, menstruation in the female, etc. To predict the development of the disease is simply impossible.

    Clinical signs of an allergic reaction

    Symptoms of allergic stomatitis are varied and correlate with the form of the lesion.

    Catarrhal stomatitis proceeds uncomplicated and is characterized by:

    1. Burning and itching of the mucosa.
    2. Difficulty during a meal.
    3. A violation of taste.
    4. Dry mouth.

    Erosive ulcerative stomatitis is characterized by the formation of painful blisters on the mucous surface, which after a while breaks through and erosive areas are formed. Wounds can bleed while the secondary infection is attached:

    • Temperature rise.
    • Increase in the size of lymphatic regional nodes.
    • Soft tissue swelling.
    • Strong pain when swallowed and at rest.

    Ulcerative necrotic stomatitis is very difficult and it is a consequence of poor reactivity of immunity. The following symptoms develop:

    • General weakening of the body.
    • Headaches.
    • Lack of appetite.

    As for local signs of lesion, it is an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, pain and increased salivation.

    Stomatitis with allergic reaction to medications is characterized by the following symptoms:

    1. Unexpected progression of pathology.
    2. Painful joint sensations.
    3. Increased body temperature.
    4. Formation on the mucous surface of the mouth, eyes, on the skin of the blisters.
    5. Strong pain of affected surfaces.

    Indications for treatment and its correct conduct

    The therapeutic process in the development of allergic stomatitis is to stop the causes that caused deviations from the norm. The main principle of treatment is the elimination of any contact with the allergen. You also need to follow a doctor's prescribed diet, stop taking medication, stop wearing dentures, change the rinse aid or toothpaste, etc.

    Treatment of allergic stomatitis with medications usually involves the appointment of antihistamines, vitamins belonging to group B and C, folic acid and vitamin PP.At the same time, the oral cavity should be treated with special antiseptics, analgesics, enzymes, healing preparations and corticosteroids. The healing preparations include sea buckthorn oil, Kamistad gel, etc.

    Patients with allergic stomatitis that appear as a complication after dental treatment will subsequently require professional advice from the therapist and dentist, orthodontist, orthopedist, the replacement of crowns or seals and other substances and devices in the oral cavity.

    Prophylaxis and disease prognosis

    Modern diagnosis of stomatitis helps to stop the pathology in the early stages of its progression. Usually the duration of treatment of the catarrhal and catarrhal-ulcerative form is not more than two weeks. In case of complications, a rather long treatment of the disease may be necessary.

    Measures to prevent the occurrence of allergic stomatitis suggest the organization of quality oral care, timely treatment of teeth and gum disease. It also requires regular visits to the dentist to remove tartar, correct prosthesis and replace them. An important role in prevention is played by an individual approach to each patient and using only hypoallergenic materials in dentistry.

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