
Causes, symptoms, ways of transmission of viral stomatitis and methods of its treatment

  • Causes, symptoms, ways of transmission of viral stomatitis and methods of its treatment

    The inflammatory process that occurs in the soft tissues of the human mouth is known in medicine as viral stomatitis. The disease, provoked by one of the many viruses that penetrated the body, is characterized by the presence of numerous painful rashes.

    Very often, viral stomatitis is formed due to the progression of diseases such as influenza, chickenpox or measles.

    The disease is formed on the mucosa or in the corners of the lips. If the human immune system is in perfect order, then against a background of timely and correct treatment, the disease quickly passes. Otherwise, the risk of recurrence is large enough.

    Take care!

    Viral stomatitis is characterized by a rare artfulness."Pick up" this disease can be absolutely anywhere. The adult person risks getting infected at work, in a supermarket, in transport, at a bus stop, or in an entertainment room. The child "brings" pathology from the school or kindergarten.

    Despite the insidiousness of the disease, it can also be "deceived".To do this, do not neglect the rules of general hygiene and, if necessary, use antiviral ointments.

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    Risk Factors

    The disease does not occur on a flat surface. To provoking factors should be attributed:

    1. Progression of neglected dental caries.
    2. Catarrhal disease.
    3. Incorrect food, abuse of fast food.
    4. Low local immunity.

    Viral stomatitis is one of the few diseases that a person can get from an animal. If the house has a four-legged carrier of the virus, then in parallel it is necessary to deal with its treatment.


    Specific signs appear only on the second-third day. The following symptoms indicate the course of this disease:

    • appearance and spread of sores;
    • the presence of a characteristic rash on the lips, cheeks and even the tip of the nose;
    • presence of vesicles( actual when contacting a diseased four-footed pet), which is accompanied by acute painful syndrome and symptoms of intoxication;
    • erosion formation, the diameter of which reaches twenty millimeters;
    • formation of necrotic aphtochek.

    Mysterious disease

    One of the diseases that put even experienced doctors at a dead end is enterovirus stomatitis. Correct diagnosis at the first examination is very rare.

    Enterovirus stomatitis, having many similar symptoms with "ordinary" stomatitis, manifests itself quite unexpectedly.

    The manifestation of the pathology

    The fact that the patient develops the enterovirus stomatitis, says the presence of specific vesicles on the outer side of the lips and on the soles of the feet.

    The initial symptoms of this disease are as follows:

    1. Headache that develops periodically and over time.
    2. Weakness, lethargy, apathy.
    3. Appearance of painful and itchy vesicles.
    4. Temperature rise.

    Taking into account these signs, the doctor often confuses enterovirus stomatitis with a cold or allergy to a particular medication.

    In view of the fact that the district doctor often finds it difficult to establish the correct diagnosis, the patient should seek help from a qualified dentist.

    Why is the doctor wrong?

    This form of stomatitis develops extremely slowly. The formation of specific vesicles occurs only on the fifth or sixth day. If the doctor doubts the correctness of the preliminary diagnosis, he certainly prescribes the delivery of additional tests.

    What is the danger?

    In the case of progression, the pathology is transformed into enterovirus vesicular stomatitis with exanthema. This threatens the spread of painful vesicles throughout the body of the patient.

    The risk of enterovirus vesicular stomatitis with exanthema is its infectiousness. At the slightest suspicion of this pathology, it is necessary to isolate the patient and provide him with appropriate treatment.

    How to get rid of the symptoms of

    The correct treatment of viral stomatitis is possible only after confirmation of the diagnosis. The doctor prescribes the use of pain medications, antiseptics and wound healing appliques.

    It should be remembered that it is impossible to cure viral pathology with the help of antibiotics. Uncontrolled reception will only harm the patient's body.

    Coping of the spread of the rash

    The most important goal of the treatment of viral stomatitis is to stop the spread of the rash. For this, the attending physician prescribes the use of an antiviral ointment. Sufficiently effective are ointments such as:

    1. Acyclovir.
    2. Zovirax.
    3. Oxolinic.

    Use of home remedies

    At home, you can treat the pathology by rinsing with herbal decoctions. Quick healing of aphtochek is promoted by broths of chamomile, calendula and sage.

    Effectively help to heal wounds of application using sea buckthorn oil.

    Therapeutic diet

    Treatment of the disease will not be complete unless you adhere to a special diet. Products intended for the patient should have a neutral taste. Cooking is desirable without adding spices and salt. It is important to ensure that the food is not hot, as it can injure the mucous membrane.

    If the virus attacks

    Treatment of enterovirus vesicular stomatitis basically does not differ from the help with the "usual" form of this pathology. It includes:

    1. The use of pain-relieving syndrome medications.
    2. Treatment of affected areas.
    3. Use of iodantipyrine( according to the recommendations of the attending physician).

    The patient should drink a lot. His usual drink should be replaced with mussel, compote, herbal tea.

    Traditional medicine as an independent method of treatment is extremely undesirable."Kill" the bacteria can only a special drug.

    This kind of stomatitis differs from others in that, after having treated it once, a person acquires a kind of immunity. More pathology will not disturb him.

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