  • Stomatitis in adults: the main methods of drug and folk treatment

    Stomatitis in adults develops on the background of neglect of the rules of oral hygiene, abuse of nicotine and alcohol, as well as the progression of concomitant serious infectious pathologies. Often, the cause of the development of the disease lies in the reduction of immunity, a lack of vitamins in the body, or a constant finding in a stressful situation.

    Species of pathology

    Specialists in the field of dentistry distinguish the following types of stomatitis in adults:

    1. Infectious.
    2. Traumatic( formed due to damage to the mucosa against the background of consumption of hot food).
    3. Vesicular( developed due to neglect of hygiene rules).
    4. Ulcerous-necrotic( affects the gums, it is dangerous for the loss of teeth).
    5. Catarrhal.
    6. Allergic.

    Known dental disease

    One of the most famous dental pathologies is aphthous stomatitis. Develops aphthous stomatitis in adults on the background of hormonal fluctuations( actual for women), genetic predisposition or neuropsychic stresses.

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    From the herpetic form of aphthous stomatitis in adults differs:

    1. Appearance of painful aphthae as a primary element.
    2. Flows on the background of progressive lymphadenitis.
    3. Localization of the rash( they appear on the oral mucosa and skin).

    The disease has three degrees. Each of them is expressed in specific features.

    Clinical manifestations

    Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves depending on the degree of its progression.

    For the prodromal degree, the manifestation of symptoms similar to those of colds is characteristic. The person feels weakness, malaise. The following specific signs are observed:

    • appearance of changes on the gums, tongue and oral mucosa( become dry, shiny and bright);
    • redness of certain areas, the appearance of wounds;
    • the appearance of pain.

    The aft phase is characterized by the following features:

    • spread of wounds, grouped by several pieces( diameter of wounds - about five millimeters);
    • increased pain;
    • a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood.

    The last stage of the disease is the healing stage. This happens on the eighth or thirteenth day. Scars are not formed on the site, but hyperemia can occur for some time.

    Medical care

    Treatment of aphthous stomatitis in adults has two goals - the elimination of a provoking factor, as well as dangerous symptoms. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the attending physician appoints a set of measures.

    Drug Therapy

    Drug therapy for aphthous stomatitis in adults is carried out with the help of general and local medications.

    Widely used antiseptic solutions:

    1. Furacilin.
    2. Chlorhexidine.
    3. Hydrogen Peroxide.

    Painful syndrome is removed with a glycerin suspension, which contains lidocaine or novocaine. General activities involve the use of medications:

    1. Antiviral.
    2. Desensitizing.
    3. Antihistamines.

    If the wounds do not heal for a long time and cause severe suffering to a person, the healing preparations are prescribed:

    1. Karatolin.
    2. Vinylin.
    3. Solcoseryl.

    It is recommended that a person who suffers from aphthous stomatitis adhere to a gentle hypoallergenic diet.

    Changing the diet

    A glowing diet is considered effective against stomatitis in adults. Its goal is to saturate the patient's body with the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

    It is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • food should be steamed and transformed into a mushy or puree-like consistency;
    • from the diet should exclude all "aggressive" products that promote irritation of the mucosa;
    • it is recommended to replace carbonated water with warm fruit drinks or compotes.

    Help with stomatitis

    Treatment of stomatitis in adults in this case is aimed at eliminating the root cause, against which the disease developed. It is recommended to treat the inflamed oral cavity with antiseptic solutions.

    Assistance for infectious stomatitis

    Treatment of stomatitis in adults with this form of disease involves the use of medicines. The goal of treatment is to strengthen the immune system.

    Antisepsis is used as an effective antidote for adults. In some cases, ultraviolet therapy is prescribed.

    With allergic

    If the underlying cause of the disease is an allergic reaction, the goal of treatment is to protect the human body from provoking factors. The attending physician prescribes the administration of hypensensitizing drugs.

    In the most severe cases a person must be hospitalized. He is given an infusion of drugs by a drip.

    Hygiene rules

    Treatment of stomatitis in adults involves following the general rules of hygiene. So, it is important to change the toothbrush in time. In order to reduce the risk of injury to the oral mucosa, the bristles must be delicate and soft.

    To the choice of toothpaste should also be treated responsibly. It is important that it does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, which often provokes the disease in adults.

    The oral cavity should be thoroughly rinsed after each meal. Rinse is recommended with the help of medicinal fees. To achieve the best effect, the same broths should be consumed inside.

    "Grandma's" advice

    It is also important to know how to treat stomatitis in adults at home. Treatment with the use of traditional medicine should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    The most effective way to get rid of this scourge is regular mouthwash with rose hips and oak bark. Remarkably helps garlic. It should be crushed, mixed with yogurt and applied to the wound.

    The most delicious medicine is a jam brewed from a tea rose. You need to eat it twice a day.

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