  • Castor oil for hair

    Read the article:
    • Use of castor oil for hair
    • Hair masks with castor oil: recipes, rules for use
    • Reviews and useful tips on the use of castor oil for hair

    Castor oil restores damaged hairs and gives them shine and silky

    Castor oil is producedby pressing the seeds of castor oil. This product is a viscous liquid of pale yellow color with a mild odor and unpleasant taste.

    Use of castor oil for hair ^

    To date, this natural product is becoming increasingly popular among women who dream of chic hair.

    The fact is that with the help of castor oil they can prepare a variety of useful and useful masks and creams at home with minimal time and money.

    Treatment of hair with castor oil is currently very common due to the amazing beneficial properties of this wonderful product:

    • It is a source of valuable fatty acids: linoleic, palm, ricinole, etc.which perfectly moisturize and nourish the damaged hairs, restore them, restore their shine and healthy appearance.
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    • Castor oil for dry hair is ideal, as it removes dryness, moisturizes and restores the structure, prevents the appearance of scaling and dandruff.
    • Promotes the acceleration of hair growth. This is due to the fact that the oil solution of castor seeds improves blood circulation, hence oxygen, useful substances are supplied to hair follicles. As a result, the hairs do not fall out, but, on the contrary, grow faster.
    • Helps increase the density and volume of the hairline.
    • Castor oil for split ends also has a positive effect. Wrapping every hair, it seems to seal the outstretched ends, turns them into silky and insanely beautiful.
    • Castor extract helps to get rid of excessive fat content, as it helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.
    • Protects against external influences, such as sun, cold or wind. With regular use, the hair ceases to burn out in the sun and even fall out.

    The use of castor oil for hair has no contraindications. But before use, it is best to apply it on a small area of ​​the skin to check for allergies. There are several problems with its use:

    • It's hard to wash it off. Of course, any oil composition is difficult to wash off. Pure castor oil is easy to wash off if you use soap, then wash your hair with shampoo, conditioner and rinse with herbal infusion. If you add lemon juice or vinegar to the rinse water, the oil film will wash off faster.
    • Castor oil does not have a pleasant odor. To remove it, the head needs to be washed several times. In addition, castor oil will have a more aesthetic smell if you add a little essential oil with a pleasant smell.

    Masks for hair with castor oil: recipes, rules of use ^

    Castor oil is very popular with women, because with its help you can prepare a variety of various and useful masks yourself.

    Mask with castor oil for hair growth

    This mask contains only two components:

    • castor extract( 2 tbsp.)
    • and dimexide solution( 1 tsp).
    • These ingredients are mixed and carefully rubbed into the roots.
    • Keep the mask for about 40 minutes.

    For preparation of another castor mask that promotes hair growth, it is recommended to mix:

    • alcohol, oil castor tincture, a pinch of red ground pepper.
    • It is recommended to withstand a mask not more than 45 minutes.
    • Apply the mixture to the roots, while massaging the skin with intense movements.

    Mask with castor oil from hair loss

    A mask that prevents hair loss is prepared in this way:

    • you need to mix an equal amount of vodka, castor oil and lemon juice.
    • After mixing the components of the mask, it is applied to the hair from the roots and to the tips.
    • It is advisable to put a pack on your head and put on a warm hat or towel.

    The following mask variant can be prepared as follows:

    • Mix alcohol, lemon juice, and two oil tinctures: burdock and castor.
    • Mix the mixture on the roots, stand the night, and wash it off in the morning.

    Mask with castor oil for shine of hair( with essential oils)

    To get tired and lifeless head of shine, you can prepare a special spray - a mask. It includes:

    • mineral water,
    • castor oil,
    • a pair of ylang-ylang droplets.

    Spray is applied to clean damp hair. The exposure time of the mask is unlimited, it can not be washed off at all.

    Dry and not attractive hair can be made shiny if you use the following mask:

    • rub castor oil in them, preheated.
    • Then wrap your head for 30 - 60 minutes.
    • You can wash off the mask with a baby shampoo and a weak vinegar solution.

    Repeat the procedure for applying this mask should not be more than once a week for three months. Hair will please its mistress with brilliance and beauty.

    Hair mask with castor oil from dry dandruff

    You can get rid of dry dandruff using the following mask:

    • Use a mixture of castor oil and marigold tincture.
    • Soak the mask for about 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.
    • This variant of the mask is suitable only for getting rid of dry dandruff.

    The following treatment mask also removes the dandruff:

    • Prepare a mixture of freshly squeezed parsley juice with castor oil. The ratio of castor tincture and parsley juice is 1: 2, respectively. For example, a spoonful of castor oil extract should be added a couple of spoons of parsley juice.
    • The mixture should be thoroughly rubbed into the scalp, soaked for 40 minutes and washed off with a mild shampoo.
    We also recommend that you read the article Burdock oil for hair.

    Reviews and useful tips on the use of castor oil for hair ^

    Reviews on castor oil for hair growth can only be found positive, because this tool is affordable and very effective. According to the reviews of girls, in just 30 days of using the mask, the hairs grow 2-4 cm. However, the agents containing castor oil tincture should not be abused. It is recommended to do this mask not more often than once a week.

    Reviews of the mask with castor oil to strengthen and shine the hair only enthusiastic. Women initially do not believe in the effectiveness of this drug, but notice that their hair after using castor oil becomes softer and get a healthy shine.

    After a couple of weeks of using the mask, the hair becomes simply chic: well-groomed, thick, pleasant to the touch. Even the unpleasant odor and difficulty in flushing do not overshadow the excellent results of using castor oil for growth and hair restoration.

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