  • Masks for hair with egg and oil - egg masks

    Beautiful hair is a natural ornament of any woman. Styled in an elegant hairstyle, they emphasize our charm and charm, help to create the style of a business lady or, conversely, enhance the romantic image for a festive evening. They often become the object of cosmetology experiments, undergoing all sorts of painting, curling, varnishing. But the hair is fragile in nature. Our desire to keep up with fashion in combination with the aggressive influence of the external environment( frost, wind, scorching sun) strikes a small biosystem of each hair. With each such blow, its protective functions are depleted, and here is the result - another image experiment instead of the expected dazzling effect strikes a deplorable state of tired strands.

    What to do if the hair suddenly refuses to grow, lose its shine, become thin, brittle, unruly, or even fall out altogether? A good antidote, able to correct the harmful effects of cosmetic chemistry, are popular means. Cooked from natural ingredients, verified by the experience of generations, they literally revive our curls, returning them a pristine beauty. Among the huge variety of home restoration techniques, hair masks with egg and oil are especially popular. These products are the key components of many natural formulations due to their curative, availability, ease and safety of use.

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    Healing effect

    The curative effect of hair mask

    Egg has a complex chemical composition, valuable in dietary and cosmetic terms. Calcium and potassium, iron and zinc, phosphorus and magnesium along with carotene, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin are necessary for the health of hair follicles and scalp, amino acids give shine to hair and protect against dandruff( and if necessary eliminate the latter), lecithin protects the cuticle fromdamage and strengthens its structure. A natural vitamin E, a synthetic analogue of which is present in most shampoos and balms-rinsers, makes our strands elastic, silky and obedient. Add to this natural proteins, and the use of the egg for nutrition and hair restoration will become apparent.

    Healing oils

    As for the oil, its cosmetological efficiency is no less important and noticeable, especially when it comes to dry, thin and split hair. Proteins, essential components, phytosterols, bioflavonoids, fatty acids( saturated and unsaturated) have a beneficial effect on hair growth, eliminate the problem of alopecia, nourish and moisturize. Optimizing the metabolism of the scalp, they simultaneously heal hair follicles and fight with dandruff. In this case, each vegetable oil has its own specifics, so to speak, the main profile of the action. Burdock, for example, is an indispensable means of hair loss, olive - perfectly restores their structure and makes the color more lively, saturated, sunflower - nourishes and gives shine, castor - normalizes the moisture balance, strengthens the roots and creates a natural barrier to the destructive effects of the environment.

    Features of the application

    Features of the egg mask

    Although the egg itself has a positive effect on any curls, hair masks with eggs and butter are more suitable for dry and damaged than strands of hair. When the activity of the sebaceous glands is increased, it is better to combine protein and yolk with fermented milk( yogurt, yogurt, yogurt) and alcohol-containing( cognac, wine) products, as well as citrus juices. Otherwise, in addition to oils, glycerin, sour cream, mayonnaise, milk, honey can be added to the mask.

    It is ideal to use quail eggs for cosmetology purposes, but if this is not possible - domestic chicken( especially useful are small ones, carried down by young chickens).Shop eggs are worse because of poor chemical composition and are considered an extreme option.

    Sour-milk ingredients

    Oil mixture should be done by yourself - ready masks, which are abundant with shops, often use not natural oils, but artificial ones, synthesized from petroleum products. They, first, are not so useful, and secondly, are far from safe in an allergic attitude.

    Hair masks with egg and oil are recommended to be practiced once a week for maintaining health and prevention. For treatment and recovery, the frequency doubles, and in especially problematic situations even triples. The duration of the procedures varies, depending on the composition of the mixture, ranging from half an hour to an hour and a half.

    The yolk mask can be washed off with water of any temperature, and the containing protein - only cool or slightly warm( otherwise the protein will curdle and it will be very difficult to clean the strands).


    Recipes for egg masks

    There are many recipes using egg and oil as the main ingredients of hair masks. Trying different combinations, you will certainly pick up something that will suit you more than others. Here are some variants of cosmetology mixtures:

    • yolk( one for short and two for long hair) to combine with oil( 1 or 2 tablespoons depending on the amount of yolks).Choose oil at your own discretion, any one will do. Add liquid vitamin E( a couple drops) and shake the contents. Evenly distribute by hair, rub into the radical zone. Hold for 40 minutes;
    • raw eggs( three small ones or a couple of large ones) to beat with olive oil( two tablespoons is enough) and honey( one spoon, also a dining room).Apply for an hour;
    Mask with honey
    • yolks( two), honey( teaspoon), mayonnaise( tablespoon), tincture of arnica and olive oil( two tablespoons each) to mix, and it is better to beat. The mask is rinsed in half an hour;
    • yolks( two eggs) combine with burdock oil( teaspoon) and lemon juice( two tablespoons).The mixture is kept on the head for 30 minutes;
    • egg foam( one egg is enough), yogurt or kefir( half cup) are mixed until homogeneous. Are applied for 40 minutes;
    • burdock oil, honey, aloe juice and cognac( on a tablespoon of each product) combine with yolk( preferably pre-whipped).Hold an hour and a half.

    There are other compositions of similar masks. Which one to choose is a matter of personal preferences and availability of products. Natural cosmetic products based on butter and eggs will be effective in any combination, helping to restore the natural beauty and vitality of your hair.