  • Alkaline food products

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    Read in the article:
    • Acid and Alkaline Food: Essence and Benefit
    • Acid and Alkaline Food: Lists, Useful Properties
    • Acid and Alkaline Products: Physician's Recommendations

    Alkaline Products: Role in the Human Body

    To maintain an acid-base balance, it is importantthe correct ratio of oxidizing and alkaline foods, becausethese two categories are indispensable for human health.

    Acid and alkaline foods: the essence and use ^

    Acid-base balance is not less important than the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. With its violation, fatigue, chills, depression, decreased immunity, belching, stomach and intestinal problems are noted;the skin dries up, acne, pain in the muscles and joints.

    With such problems, it is important to know all about what products alkalize the body, because they indicate an overabundance of acids.

    What is the role of alkaline products

    ? To alkaline foods is mainly vegetable food: they remove toxins and toxins, enrich the body with nutrients, create optimal conditions for the development of cells, is very easy to digest. Acid products on the contrary are difficult to digest and can cause a violation of the alkaline environment in the body. This group includes food of animal origin, and if you only eat it for a long time, then there is the possibility of developing gout, atherosclerosis and osteochondrosis.

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    To avoid such diseases, it is very important to observe the acid-base balance of food: 5 shares of alkaline food should account for 2 shares, and then the diseases associated with such a violation will not be terrible.

    Acid and alkaline foods: lists, useful properties ^

    Which foods alkalinize and acidify the body: property table

    Products that alkalize the body

    The best alkaline foods that help balance the diet are:

    • Apricots: supply the body with energy, protect against bacteria, improve vision, strengthen the immune system, inhibit the development of cancer cells;
    • Fig: Strengthens, cleanses the intestines, relieves constipation, relieves inflammation, accelerates healing of wounds, eliminates tachycardia, removes toxins and harmful cholesterol;
    • Celery: has a preventive effect in cancer diseases, accelerates metabolism and the process of splitting of fat cells;
    • Cucumbers: cleans the intestines, relieve excess water and salts in the body, relieve pain in hemorrhoids;
    • Tomatoes: prevent cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis, improve the functioning of the nervous system;
    • Carrots: increases visual acuity, strengthens immunity, eliminates worms, stabilizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, dissolves stones and sand in the bladder;
    • Lettuce: normalizes the hydrobalance in the body, improves the skin condition, as well as the digestive organs;
    • Plums: eliminate constipation, reduce cholesterol, remove toxins, increase immunity, eliminate atony, normalize outflow of bile;
    • Peaches: relieve meteorism and constipation, maintain strength, treat colds;
    • Orange juice: increases energy tone and efficiency, eliminates chronic fatigue, increases the acidity of gastric juice;
    • Watermelons: purify the kidneys, eliminate toxins, improve bowel function;
    • Melons: struggle with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, remove excess fluid, eliminate constipation and swelling, increase the level of serotonin;
    • Prunes: favorably affects the digestive tract, improves metabolism, kills bacteria;
    • Currant: relieves beriberi, improves eyesight and breathing organs, lowers blood pressure, restores the body after surgery, keeps the skin youthful;
    • Cabbage: reduces cholesterol, prevents blood clots, strengthens teeth and bones, eliminates inflammation;
    • Radish: useful in diseases of the liver and pancreas, cleanses the intestinal microflora, removes excess cholesterol;
    • Bulgarian pepper: relieves fatigue, improves memory, normalizes the nervous system.

    To weaker products that normalize the alkaline balance in the body, include potatoes, artichokes, avocados, bananas, apples, pineapple juice, wild rice, oatmeal, ginger, grain coffee, duck and quail eggs, cod liver.

    Products that alkalinize and oxidize the body: acidic food

    To normalize the balance of acidifying and alkali products, you must reduce the consumption of acidic foods, which include:

    • Green peas, barley, corn;
    • Chickpeas, beans;
    • Gem, jelly, cocoa, puddings, sugar;
    • Peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts;
    • Cheese;
    • Coffee, nutmegs;
    • Squids, lobsters, mussels;
    • Soymilk;
    • Pomegranates and cranberries;
    • Beer, yeast;
    • Fried food.

    Alkaline food from cancer

    Several decades ago, scientists found that you can go against nature if you eat acid and alkaline foods in a ratio of 20 and 80%, while the second group must include apples, pineapples, avocados, apricots, figs,grapefruit, strawberry, melon, lime, kiwi, nectarines, plums, olives, tangerines, watermelons and prunes.

    Vegetables should be preferred to mushrooms, fennel, cabbage, green onions, kohlrabi, potatoes, beans, radish, beets, tomatoes and zucchini.

    Leaching food products: table

    Strongly alkalizing, alkalinizing, weakly alkalizing, weakly acidifying, acidifying, strongly acidifying foods: list and table

    We also recommend that you read the article Diuretic food products.

    Acidic and alkaline products: doctors recommendations ^

    To normalize the acid-base balance, it is important to observe several elementary rules:

    • Drink purified water at the rate of 30 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight;
    • Eat right: for example, to 100 grams of meat to serve 400 g of vegetables;
    • Regularly eat foods that contain magnesium and potassium;
    • Try as little as possible to eat or at all to exclude from the diet fast food, chips and sweets;
    • Every week to arrange unloading days: they help to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and at the same time and get rid of excess weight.