  • What is happiness?

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    From the above, we can conclude that to find happiness there are two ways.

    External path to happiness
    With this path, a person decides for himself that happiness is the outside world. And he will try to have a happy family, good friends, financial prosperity. At the same time, he will, of course, feel happy, but not for long. Here you can recall a young child who was given a new toy. At first he rejoices and is happy with it, but very soon he forgets about it and wants a new one. And it can be endless. This path leads us only to short-term happiness.

    The inner path to happiness
    The second road along which we can go in search of our happiness is inner growth. With this choice, we are spiritually developing, we are engaged in personal growth and at some point we can also feel happy.

    Much will agree that the feeling of happiness from the acquisition of some new things or knowledge is too short-lived and very quickly forgotten. Such a feeling of happiness lives in our past and does not help us to be happy today.

    Thus, neither the external path nor the internal one guarantees us that we will find constant happiness in our life. Therefore, a natural question arises: what should we do then? Are we doomed to search for our whole life this notorious happiness? Let's go back to the concept of happiness. What do people really want when they think about it?

    The secret of true happiness for a person

    Happiness is a mirage that haunts us everywhere. Whatever we do, whatsoever we aspire to, we all the time think about happiness. However, it always depends on certain conditions. And if these conditions do not coincide with our ideas, then we are unhappy. The stronger we want happiness, the harder it is for us to find it.

    Happiness is our most important desire. After all, we do not want a car, an apartment, a job, namely, to become happy. Happiness is what we want, but not at all what we really need.

    And what do we need then? It's very simple - we need to find something that will give us confidence in the future, peace and understanding of what is happening to us. You need to learn to understand yourself, feel and live here and now.

    In order to find true happiness, you need to learn to be aware of yourself here and now. To realize who we are in this world and why we came to this planet. Having learned consciousness, we can finally get our happiness. And this happiness will not depend on external factors. It will always be with us and we will always be able to feel it, we only need to want it.

    The simple secret of happiness:

    The interpretation of happiness in different times

    In translation from the ancient Greek "happiness" - this is the fate of a man protected by the gods. People believed: if a person is guarded by the gods, then he will necessarily be happy.

    But Aristotle believed that happiness is a soul living in virtue. Virtue in those days was considered an integral part of happiness.

    And how is the word happiness treated today? In most textbooks on psychology, the concept of happiness is presented as a person's psychological state, during which he feels satisfaction with his life.

    The most interesting thing is that a modern person never feels completely happy. Emotion, which he feels almost always - is fear. Fear that he can never be happy. And this fear makes him seek this happiness with even greater zeal.

    Quotes about happiness

    • Happiness goes to someone who works hard ( Leonardo da Vinci)
    • You want to be happy - be it!
    • Pleasure and happiness are two completely different things ( O. Wilde)
    • Unhappiness can be an accident. Happiness is not luck or grace;happiness is virtue or merit. ( Gregory Landau)
    • Happiness is a by-product of the effort to make someone else happy ( G. Palmer)
    • Do not chase after happiness, it is always in you.
    • Happiness does not seem so blind to anyone as to those to whom it has never smiled. ( F.Laroshfuko)
    • The road to happiness is not always asphalt. ( T. Kapote)
    • A person is happy only when he is in his place.
    • If we were building a house of happiness, the largest room would have to be taken to the waiting room.
    • Happiness is a ball that we chase while it rolls, and which we push with our foot when it stops. ( P. Boast)
    • During every minute when you are angry, sixty seconds of happiness are lost.

    Poems about happiness

    What is happiness?
    Some say: "It's passions:
    Maps, wine, hobbies -
    All the thrill."

    Others believe that happiness is
    In salary large and power,
    In the eyes of secretaries captured by
    And tremble of subordinates.

    Still others think that happiness is
    . This is a great thing:
    Care, warmth, attention
    And commonness of experience.

    According to the fourth, it is
    With a cute sit before dawn,
    Once in love confess
    And no more parting.

    Still there is such an opinion,
    What happiness is a burning:
    Search, dream, work
    And the impudent wings of take-off!

    And happiness, in my opinion, just
    There are different growths:
    From the hummock and up to Kazbek,
    Depending on the person.

    Asadov Eduard

    What is happiness?
    Happiness is easy!
    No happiness in weight,
    No happiness in growth.

    Happiness is not measured
    In vivid words,
    Happiness will not see
    Clear eyes.

    How then to answer,
    What is happiness?
    After all, it happens
    The most different suit.

    Happiness. .. this word
    Many faces have,
    Everyone understands
    Happiness, how can!


    Spiritual bad luck passed,
    The grief is behind,
    The fiery passions of
    are raging In my wounded chest.

    The soul has almost cooled down,
    But it flared brightly again,
    Its life was revived by
    Quite unexpected love.

    And again I feel happiness,
    I will not miss it already,
    I did not settle down to bad weather
    In my healed soul.

    A. Bolutenko

    We always remember happiness.
    And happiness is everywhere. Maybe it's
    This is the autumn garden behind the shed
    And clean air pouring out the window.

    In the bottomless sky with a light white edge
    A cloud is rising, the sky is shining. For a long time
    I follow him. .. We see little, we know,
    And happiness is only given to the knowledgeable.

    The window is open. Squeaked and sat
    On the window sill bird. And from the books
    I take a weary look for a moment.

    The day is dusk, the sky is empty.
    The grind of the thresher is heard on the threshing floor. ..
    I see, I hear, I'm happy. Everything is in me.

    I. Bunin

    Happiness - when the world is in the shower,
    When the heart does not groan with pain,
    When life is living its own,
    Sam master you of the chosen share. ..

    Happiness - when you are healthy,
    And healthy next to relatives,
    Whenevery life is a sip
    Savored you like moisture in the desert

    Happiness - if a native person,
    Separates words and deeds,
    When living a measured age,
    Enjoyed every minute. ..

    Happiness - when leaving,
    You left your life with a trace,
    With a warm feeling that I lived not in vain,
    And notIt is important how many years have passed.

    The main dream of any person is to be happy. And what is real happiness? And how to become happy? For many centuries scientists, philosophers can not find unambiguous answers to these questions. Let's try and we will understand them.

    What is happiness for a person?

    Everyone has his own definition of happiness. The criteria for happiness can be very different, but in most cases people think that happiness is:
    1. Family
    2. Harmony
    3. Self-realization
    4. Love
    5. Financial well-being
    6. Success

    You can still enumerate what people understand by the word happiness. But the main thing here is that everyone has their own.

    So, if happiness is for you - a family and children, then you will strive for this. But if happiness for you is self-realization, then you will search for your calling in life, and if you find it, you will do everything for its realization. The criterion of happiness in the form of financial well-being will force you to build your financial independence. But with all this you will always be afraid to lose what you have gained on the outer path. And fear will not let you fully enjoy happiness.

    But there are people for whom happiness is spiritual development, personal growth. Such a person will read a lot, engage in various practices, in every way to improve their spirituality.

    Two ways to achieve real happiness