  • How to become a psychologist in your own home

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    Today we will talk about how to become a psychologist. And not by those who will accept consultations, share their advice, how to change themselves, etc., but one that can analyze people's behavior. A psychologist is first and foremost a person who can understand the true essence of a person. And in this publication we will tell you how to become such a person. Note that the article will be interesting not only for specialists or students who are only trained for a psychologist, but also for ordinary people.

    Unfortunately, scientists have not yet invented a device that reads other people's thoughts, and it is not so necessary if you have good observation and some knowledge in the field of psychology.

    ATTENTION!It is important to know that 70% of people express themselves not by speech, but by gestures, movements and facial expressions. If you can read the silent language of the interlocutor, then at the right time you can direct the dialogue in a favorable direction to you, arrange the person to yourself, and most importantly - to get consent in response to your proposal, not only business, but also personal( for example, if you want to fall in lovein yourself someone).
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    Criteria to which a true psychologist

    pays attention 1) The mirror of the soul is the of the eye of , the folk proverb says so and it really makes sense!
    It turns out that our pupils change their diameter not only under the influence of light and darkness. When expressing an interest in an opponent, they have the ability to expand regardless of the lighting. Imagine a situation where a person tries to make friends with you. At the same time, he intuitively looks for an approach and tries to find topics for conversation that interest you. If he succeeds, you have certain emotions and pupils expand. The conversation begins to grab your attention.

    If you look directly into your eyes, it does not mean that some people think that you can pull the whole truth out of a person and find out all his secret thoughts."Direct look" is a quick manifestation of sincere interest and sympathy. It all depends on the amount of time that such a close look. The longer it takes, the higher the interest. Although the reaction in this case is ambiguous. If the interlocutor is unclean, his eyes begin to run. However, this can also indicate shyness and isolation, or some confusion, and what exactly - it becomes clearer in the process of communication.

    2) The facial expressions and gestures of a person will express what is not said in words. Pay attention: when we do not look at the opponent's face, most of the information is given by the movements of the hands and the change in the position of the body. If the interlocutor tilts his head during a conversation, the palms are open, the movements of the hands are fast, but with a small amplitude, then your dialogue goes in a positive way. If he looks at nearby objects, or lowers his head, hands cross on his chest, shifts from foot to foot - in this case, the topic of conversation is not of interest to the person, and he has in his head only one tempting thought - to retire far away. Moreover, if he put his foot forward and put his hands on the belt, even in spite of the caressing intonations in his voice, then bear in mind that at this moment you need to quickly turn the dialogue to avoid further unpredictable actions of the interlocutor, since he is quite aggressive.

    Advice from Vse-Sekrety.en: watch your pets. Not having anything in my arsenal of emotion except "Meow" or "Gav", jumps, poses, snoring, rumbling and wagging with tails, they nevertheless perfectly communicate with us and get along, explaining their mood with all the manipulations available to them.(By the way, here is someone who should learn nonverbal expression of emotions).

    3) Personal space. Any person has his own personal space, not allowed to violate anyone, except for the closest people and loved ones. If the adored child with the pigtails will sit next to him, he will say: "Mom, Dad, I want this and that. ..", we with the joy of the antelope strive to fulfill his desire quickly. But when an unfamiliar subject tries to get closer to feel all our charms and the joy of unity, the first and unquenchable desire is to give something to the importunate stranger on the forehead and quickly retire, forgetting the troubles of the moment.

    4) Want to become a psychologist? !Then learn to listen. Pay attention to how many people say, not listening to anyone and not letting even a word in your tiresome monologue. And even if this long tirade is interesting in its essence, disrespect to your opinion becomes the key point of rejection of such a fruitless conversation. Remember that the silent, but listening to the interlocutor is much more attractive than the one who speaks very much, but completely ignores someone else's opinion. The ideal combination is obtained when one speaks, the other listens and approves, or does not approve with short remarks, tactful remarks, directing questions. A rattling mixture occurs when two people speak, interrupting each other, in the end: each other without hearing. Also, the conversation turns out to be meaningless, when the dialogue is based on silent exchanges and searching for the right words.

    "Do to people as you want them to do to you" - this eternal truth is always relevant.

    Develop, expand your horizons, learn to listen, observe and respect people's opinions. Then, undoubtedly, you will become an excellent companion and learn to read the person's thoughts between words, that is, you will become the best psychologist even at home.

    If it seems to you, all this is not interesting or not correct, then you'd better enter the corresponding faculty in any pedagogical university. Although before this, believe, in the end, you will still come to these trivial truths, which are useful, both for highly qualified specialists and for "ordinary" psychologists who simply want to understand people better and create around themselves the right atmosphere that can improve their lives.