  • Symptoms of malnutrition in plants

    To annually collect high yields of fruits and berries of good quality, you need to learn how to apply fertilizers rationally. A plant needs to create conditions in which it would receive batteries in the quantities necessary for it and in certain ratios. The requirements of fruit and berry crops for nutrition are very specific.

    Fruit crops are relatively less demanding for soil fertility, they respond positively to nitrogen and potassium.

    Accumulating in the wood of the aboveground part and in the root system a considerable amount of food elements, the trees use them in case of a lack of supply from the soil( the so-called reutilization occurs).However, this can not serve as a reason to not apply fertilizers at all. For example, the movement of phosphorus in growing young organs is accompanied by the death of old tissues, which reduces the resistance of plants to unfavorable conditions. If you do not replenish the phosphorus in the soil, then symptoms of its lack will appear. This applies to other batteries.

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    Black currant and sea-buckthorn need increased phosphoric nutrition;gooseberries, red and white currants - potassium, raspberry - nitrogen and potassium.

    A special place is taken by strawberries - it can be successfully grown on rather poor soils, but with a certain predominance of potassium over nitrogen and phosphorus.

    Unsatisfactory nutrition leads to a disruption in the metabolism in the plant. With a sharp defect of one or another element, a change in its appearance is observed. In this case, the deficit of each element has its own characteristic symptoms. This deficiency can occur under certain conditions on any soils, but more often on light sandy and sandy loams( potassium, magnesium, sulfur, iodine, bromine), on carbonate or re-limed( manganese, boron, zinc), zafosfachennyh - with the introduction of excess doses of phosphorusfertilizers( zinc), on peat( copper, manganese, boron, potassium).Lack of nitrogen can occur on any soil and at any time of the year.

    Symptoms of a lack of some macro- and microelements on fruit and berry plants


    Elements of a shortage of the

    element Plant parts and the time of the sharpest appearance of signs( indicator plants)



    Leaf flushing, loss of intense green color, yellowing and the appearance of orange and red shades, early fall leaves. Growth is oppressed, flowering is weak.



    The leaves are dull, dark green, sometimes with a bronze tint, and the appearance of red and violet shades is also characteristic. Drying leaves get dark, sometimes black. Tightening of flowering and maturation. Early leaf fall

    On older lower leaves( apple, black currant, strawberry, tomato)



    Leaf color from bluish-green to dull to chlorotic. The most characteristic feature is the emergence along the edges of the leaves of the rim of withering tissue - a marginal "burn".Growth of leaf blades uneven, shriveled leaves

    On older lower leaves, more often in the middle of vegetation( apple, currant, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, beets)



    Whitening of young leaves, curling up leaves, dying of apical buds and shoots,loss of leaves and ovaries

    At the beginning of vegetation on young tissues, on the tops of shoots( strawberry, apple, currant, gooseberry, cucumber, cabbage)



    The leaves are yellow, red or purple, Time remains green( interstitial chlorosis).The color is like a Christmas tree. Leaf fall begins prematurely from the bottom of the shoots

    On older lower leaves, more often in the middle of vegetation and especially when drought( apple, potatoes, tomatoes)

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    Appearance of white, light green, red spots as in magnesium starvation,but on the upper, not on the lower leaves. Interstitial chlorosis

    On the top leaves, primarily at their base( potatoes, cabbage, beets)



    Chlorosis of young leaves, their grinding, twisting, early shedding. Enhanced development of the lateral kidneys during inhibition of the apical. Flowering and tying weak, fruits ugly

    On younger parts of plants and especially sharply in dry summer( apple, raspberry, beets, tomatoes)

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    Weakened growth, inhibition and sometimes dying of the shoot tip, awakening of the kidneys. Leaves are variegated, pale green, sluggish, ugly

    On younger parts of plants, especially in arid hot summer( apple, plum, salad, spinach)



    Leaves are small, narrow, because of interstitial chlorosis - mottled, shriveled, shoots thin, shortened. The "rosette"

    is characteristic. On older leaves, especially in spring( apple, tomato, pumpkin)

    However, no less harmful is the excess supply. Excess nitrogen nutrition, especially in the second half of the summer, stretches the pot period, the wood of the plants does not ripen, and as a result, the risk increases that they will freeze in winter. Excessive fertilization of strawberries leads to a strong development of the leaves at the expense of fruit bearing and, indirectly, to the development of gray rot. Excess of molybdenum and boron causes toxicosis in plants.