  • Landing technique

    What are the features of planting fruit crops and berry bushes? They are associated with the concepts of grafted and root crops and differ in the depth of planting, which is determined by the location of the root neck. The root neck is the place where the roots pass into the plant stem, it happens to be real( in seed plants) and conditional( in vegetatively propagated plants).The location of the root neck of the tree can also be determined from the color change of the bark from greenish tones to light brown.

    Deepening of the stem part of seed plants into the soil leads to the propping and decay of tissues, which, in turn, can cause the death of plants.

    That's why when planting trees of apple, pear, cherry, plum, grafted on seed stocks, it is necessary to make the root neck of the plants( after irrigation and soil subsidence) be at the level of the soil surface, i.e.without penetrating it.

    An exception is the planting of such trees on sandy and sandy loamy soils, where a slight penetration of the root neck( by 5-7 cm) is possible. It is necessary not to bury the raspberries or the seedlings of chokeberry( black chokeberry) when planting, if the task is to have a stamping form of it.

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    In this regard, it is recommended to prepare planting pits under the fruit seedlings in advance so that the soil has time to settle. It is also useful when filling the pit with soil mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers, slightly compacted with feet. And that there were no voids at the roots, the seedlings should be shaken during planting and, if necessary, the soil be filled with roots between the roots.

    Immediately after planting the seedlings, 1-2 pails of water should be poured onto the planted tree or 1 bucket of 2-3 shrubs to get the roots in contact with the soil. And then the soil of the truncated circles( strips) should be walled up( peat, compost, etc., with a layer of 3-5 cm).During autumn planting of seedlings, especially on sandy soils, the soil of the stump circle should be further adulterated with pieces of cardboard, which will reduce the strong autumn-winter freezing. To protect the soil from drying and weeds on the trunks, it is also advisable to impose pieces of constant mulch( from lightproof film, roofing paper, linoleum, etc.) measuring 40 x 40 cm( a kind of "collar").In addition, this will allow, when the soil is kept in the garden under the trap, to maximally approach the lawn mower to the tree trunks.

    The planted fruit seedling should be tied in 2 places to the cola or even to the 2 sts, put a cross on the cross. But in order to save the seedling from "uninvited guests", you need to tie the roots of the tree with a strong rope( only not synthetic) to the wooden board, which you put on the bottom of the pit. The roots of the seedlings and the "anchor" from the board are covered with soil. And in this case it is already difficult to pull out the planted tree.

    Unusual advice. You can prepare pits and plant seedlings at the same time, if you apply the method proposed by Penza gardeners. The essence of this method is that when excavating a pit in the center, leave a part of the soil in the form of a cone intact to the full depth, with the exception of the uppermost layer. And then the settlement of the planted tree will be minimal, and the volume of excavated soil will decrease slightly.

    I. Excavation of the upper layer

    II.Excavation of the lower layers of the

    III.Filling the pit and planting the seedling

    Planting the seedlings of the fruit crops "on the cone"( dimensions are in cm)

    In those cases where there has already been a significant deepening of the planted grafted tree, you can proceed as follows( optional): 1. In spring,his age does not exceed 4-5 years) with the maximum possible preservation of the root system and again correctly planted.

    I. Excavation of the top layer

    2. Raise the entire tree, before drenching the soil under it with plenty of water, and pour additional soil volume under the root system.

    3. Peel the soil from the tree trunk to the root collar, and protect the near-trunk circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 m to avoid soil shedding.

    Vegetatively propagated plants( apple rootstocks), gooseberries, lemongrass, sea buckthorn, viburnum and a number of other crops, roots easily form from the stem part. They also have a root neck( conditional), but they can and even need to be buried in the soil, without fear of propping the tissues of the stem. In this case, plants planted with deepening are formed on top of additional roots. Therefore, garden plants, grafted on vegetatively propagated stock, can be painlessly planted deeper than the root neck, leaving 5-10 cm to the site of inoculation.