  • Forms of fertilizers

    What forms of mineral fertilizers to use for fruit crops, values, in contrast to berry, does not. In the years with unfavorable conditions for the development of plants( freezing of the root and aboveground systems, poor growth, severe damage to leaves by diseases and pests), and also with a very high yield, it is advisable to carry out summer spraying of plants( Table) with a solution of macrofertilizers - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,magnesium.

    Doses of fertilizers for foliar dressing of fruit and berry crops

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    Element of food


    Concentration of solution,%

    Drug consumption, g / 10 l of water

    N( nitrogen)





    Superphosphate simple



    K( potassium)

    Potassium sulfate



    RK( phosphorus, potassium)

    Complex fertilizer for greenhouses



    Mg( magnesium)

    Magnesium sulphate



    Mn( manganese)

    Manganese sulphate



    B( boron)

    Bonitric acid



    B( boron)




    Zn( zinc)

    Zinc sulphate



    Cu( copper)

    Copper sulfate



    Mo( molybdenum)

    Ammonium molybdenum



    Co( cobalt)




    Non-root fertilizing with microfertilizers( boric, zinc, copper, etc.), as a rule, the main way of their application. The need for them can arise on any soil with an unbalanced application of macroelements, as well as inadequate use of organic fertilizers.

    To eliminate the deficiency of trace elements, it is necessary to carry out top dressing with appropriate solutions. Since the concentration of solutions is low and their effect is short-lived, multiple sprays are necessary to achieve the effect. They are carried out before flowering and after it - during the formation of the crop at intervals of 10-12 days. Fertilizing can be combined with spraying plants after pests and diseases. In spring, on young leaves, it is necessary to process with weaker solutions than in summer. Foliar top dressing should be carried out in a calm, dry weather, preferably in the early morning or evening, so that the solution from the leaves is not washed off and does not dry out quickly. Positive effect on the development of fruit and berry crops is also provided by top dressing with local fertilizers( table).

    Use of local fertilizers

    Fertilizer name

    Nutrient content, percent

    How to use

    Bird droppings

    Nitrogen 0.6-2.4

    Phosphorus 0.5-2.2

    Potassium 0.4-2.2

    Pour up to halfbarrels and poured over with water, thoroughly stirred, diluted every other day in 8-10 parts of water and used for irrigation


    nitrogen 0.25-0.3

    phosphorus 0.15-0.2

    potassium 0.10-0,12

    Dilute in 4-5 parts of water


    nitrogen 0.4-0.5

    phosphorus 0.2-0.25

    Potassium 0.5-0.6

    Dilute in 5-6 parts of water


    Nitrogen None

    Phosphorus 0.2-0.7

    Potassium 3.0-7.0

    Dilute 100 g of ash in one bucket of water


    Nitrogen 0.3-0,4

    phosphorus 0,8-1,0

    potassium 0,2-0,3

    Applied in dry form

    Berry crops are not particularly demanding for forms of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. However, it should be borne in mind that ammonium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, urea are most suitable for liming soils;on acidic unsaturated - sodium and calcium nitrate, calcium cyanamide.

    When using potassium fertilizers, one should keep in mind the ratio of berry crops to chlorine, which is part of some potassium fats.

    Very red currants, raspberries, strawberries are very sensitive to it. Therefore, fertilizers with a high content of chlorine - sylvinite, carnalite, cainite - can not be used for these crops. The most suitable for all berry crops are chlorine forms - potassium sulfate, kalimag, potassium carbonate or potash, potassium-magnesia. Potassium chloride is better to make in autumn and by spring, chlorine precipitation is washed from the root layer of the soil. On light soils with a low magnesium content, magnesium should be preferred to potassium fertilizers such as potassium-magnesia, kalimag, especially on magnesium-demanding crops( for example, raspberries).

    There are no restrictions on the use of complex forms of fertilizers for berry crops, but it should be noted that the fat containing nitrogen in nitrate form( nitrophos, nitroammophos, nitrophos, nitroammophos) can not be introduced in the autumn, since nitrate nitrogen is lost.

    Complex fertilizers containing nitrogen in ammonia form( ammophos, ammophoska, diammophos) on loamy and clay soils can be introduced in late autumn. On light soils, all forms of complex fertilizers must be introduced in the spring.