  • Than to treat warts on the body?

    Warts are benign and, in fact, harmless neoplasms that appear on the face and body of a person.

    These skin growths can appear in every person, regardless of gender and age, although it is often enough to observe the appearance of these tumors in the elderly.

    Causes of the appearance of warts

    Such a disease as a wart cause can have a variety. Infection is possible from another person who is the carrier of the virus that causes this disease.

    In this case, these sores on the body can appear not only after direct contact with the carrier, but also through a touch to the same objects, surfaces of furniture, floor and walls.

    In addition, the cause of appearance may be uncleanliness - the infection likes a warm and moist environment. Warts under the armpits or plantar may appear due to late change of underwear and socks.

    Warts on the back and other parts of the body can also appear on the nerves, it is proved that with severe stress and nervous fatigue the human body becomes more susceptible to the viruses of the papilloma - the causative agent of this disease.

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    It should be remembered that the causative agent of the disease, which enters the body at least once during a lifetime, remains in its cells forever and receives an incentive to reproduce with oppression of local or systemic immunity.

    Types of warts and their appearance

    All warts on the body are divided into the following types:

    • Ordinary.
    • Youth.
    • Plantar.

    The wart on the palm, the inside of the elbow and other parts of the body, dense or slightly convex formations, flesh-colored or reminiscent of birthmarks, these are most likely ordinary. To the touch, they are coarse of the surrounding skin, as well as the internal compaction can be palpated.

    Plantar papillomas are not at all similar to warts on the abdomen. These are growths on the sole of the foot, reminiscent of old calluses. This type often occurs in places where the greatest load and friction - the pads of the fingers and heels.

    Those patients who are trying to unsuccessfully remove calluses for a long time should consult a dermatologist and get the recommended examination.

    Suddenly appeared on the neck of warts may well be youthful. Neoplasms of this type can be both flat and convex, more often they pass with time without any special treatment, although they can reappear in the suppression of the body's immune system.

    Some classifications, according to which the bollocks on the body are divided into different groups, give off finger-like and filamentous warts. It is easy to guess that the wart on the ear in the form of a thin papilla is a filiform formation, and voluminous on the head - finger-like papillomas.

    How to cure warts on the body?

    A wart on the chest can cause severe pain if it comes in contact with clothing frequently or does not suit its owner with its appearance. In this case, you should think about the treatment of a neoplasm or its removal.

    Despite the fact that self-infirmity on the elbow does not pose any danger, if there is a permanent trauma to this tumor, there may be massive blood loss, and the wart itself will be ill for a long time.

    The easiest way to get the ailment on your stomach is to consult a qualified dermatologist and get appointments for the treatment or removal of tumors.

    Warts on the back or other part of the body can be removed in one procedure, or treated at home using special ointments and gels. Many of the remedies that can be removed on the neck of warts are sold without a prescription, but it is still much more productive to use drugs prescribed by a doctor taking into account all the individual characteristics of the patient.

    To remove an ailment today it is possible with the use of various modern procedures - this is laser surgery, and freezing with liquid nitrogen, and the use of radio waves or high-frequency current.

    Most methods of removal are low cost and high security, respectively, they are available and suitable for almost every patient.

    Patients who have tried unsuccessfully for a long time to cope with this ailment, in addition to local treatment, the dermatologist usually prescribes the administration of fortifying drugs( vitamins, immunomodulators, adaptogens), and normalization of the work and rest regime - this helps to restore the disturbed status of the immune system of the patient's body.

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