  • Acne on the face, how to get rid at home

    All of us at least once faced the problem of the appearance of acne on the face, and they appear at the most inopportune moment in life. What is acne and how to deal with them?

    They arise because of the clogging of sebaceous glands of skin ducts. The formation of black or white dots leads to discomfort and unaesthetic appearance.

    Purulent wounds may appear, as an infection enters the blocked pores. And when the pustules on the face burst, there is itching and burning.

    All these phenomena are extremely unpleasant, and it should be as early as possible to carry out a number of activities to combat acne.

    Causes of Acne

    To get rid of acne on the face, first of all you need to establish the cause of their appearance, because if you do not treat the source of the problem itself, but only its consequences, the pimples will appear again.

    Basically, acne occurs due to:

    • malnutrition, usually it is the abuse of sweet or fatty foods;
    • inadequate facial skin care;
    • instagram viewer
    • stress;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • hormonal imbalance in the body;
    • infectious skin diseases.
    The doctor-cosmetologist appoints the analysis on revealing of the originator of an infection, the biochemical and the general analysis of a blood, urine and other more detailed researches. After establishing the cause of the skin disease, appropriate medications are prescribed for treatment.

    Staphylococcus is a common pathogen, it is easy to cope with this infection, adhering to all the doctor's recommendations. They can prescribe antibiotics orally in the form of tablets or ointments based on antibacterial agents.

    With psychological stress or stress, the sebaceous glands work harder, and the likelihood of clogging the pores and the appearance of acne increases.

    Also during puberty, the production of hormones provokes the activity of the sebaceous glands. Often young men and girls suffer from acne or as pores are clogged with sebum.

    Acne often occurs due to liver or stomach disease. If the liver does not cope with its functions, intoxication can result in purulent pimples on the body.

    It is recommended to drink an empty glass of water on an empty stomach, exclude from the diet fried, fatty, smoked food, use vitamin products and rose hips.

    How to get rid of acne on the face at home?

    And so, you have a pimple, and you want to get rid of it at home? Our tips will help you to solve this problem without resorting to professional procedures for cleaning the face of acne.

    1) First of all, try to determine the cause by which you might have acne on your face: maybe it's stress, poor nutrition, transitional age, hormonal changes or diseases of the digestive tract. If you find out the reason, it will be much easier to cure acne, because it is more effective to deal with the source of the problem, and not with its consequences.

    2) If you have already tried various therapies and they have not helped you, it is quite possible that you have not just a pimple, but a manifestation of more serious diseases, such as demodicosis, rosacea or dermatitis.

    3) You should never squeeze pimples by force. Probably, you have heard it many times, but it will not be superfluous to remind you. Otherwise, you will only spread the infection across your face.

    4) is well treated with salicylic acid solution 1-2% .This drug is sold in a pharmacy, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. But you should not abuse it, since salicylic acid dries the skin.

    5) Prevention. Use facial care products from natural ingredients, observe personal hygiene, do not forget to wash your hands, so as not to infect a new infection on the face.

    6) If you have a fatty skin type and at the same time a lump appears, try to grease it with cologne, which in turn dries the skin and helps to get rid of acne faster, do this several times a day.

    7) If acne is caused by improper diet, namely eating a large amount of sweet or fatty foods, as well as other harmful products, then the easiest way is to give up gluttony, because as long as you eat harmful food - acne will not go anywhere. Eat natural foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Fruits, vegetables, juices, sour-milk products, melons, nuts, honey. Such products will only benefit the body and improve the skin condition.

    8) Depending on the type of facial skin, make regular masks. Oily skin is suitable mask on the basis of yogurt and oatmeal. For dry skin, you can use a mask based on honey, olive or coconut oil.

    9) To prevent clogging of the pores, wipe the face with special products for sensitive skin in the morning and in the evening. During the day, the face accumulates dust, microbes, keratinized particles, so it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face in the morning and in the evening.

    10) For the prevention of acne, you can make peelings containing natural ingredients. For example, bones of a peach or apricots( in a crushed form), kefir, honey, sea salt, oat flakes gently cleanse the skin, improve blood circulation.

    11) Ointments. In the pharmacy, there are many ointments that should save you from annoying acne on the face.

    The most popular is:

    • Clindovit
    • Differin
    • Curiosin
    • Metrogyl®gel
    • Ichthyol ointment
    • Zinerit lotion
    Pexexert, and choose the proper remedy for yourself.

    If folk remedies and ointments do not bring the desired effect, then it is worth turning to professionals. The most popular procedures for removing acne on the face are laser or chemical peeling, which increases the chances of getting rid of this unpleasant problem.

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