  • Polyps: causes, symptoms, classification, diagnosis

    What is it? The formation of polyps and polyposis is characterized by single and multiple manifestations of benign neoplasms.

    Represents a tissue outgrowth that rises above the mucous membrane of any human organs where it exists.

    Have their own individual structure, origin and composition of the fabric.

    To the place of polyps are attached in a different way - with different lengths of the legs, and also tightly attached to the base by a flat, wide bottom( sessile).

    Classification of

    Neoplasms are subdivided into species:

    1) Inflammatory polyps - are manifested at the sites of inflammatory processes. Fastened to the inner shell, can have a different structure:

    • in the form of glandular tissue;
    • of fibrillar tissue;
    • fibrous tissue with a vascular structure of smooth muscle tissues.
    For example - placental growths are formed on the basis of necrotic placenta pieces, and their growth is directed into the intracavitary space of the uterus. The structure of cardiac neoplasms consists of fibrillar, fibrous tissue. Sprouting of the young connective tissue in inflammatory processes, can be transformed into the granulation form of the polyposis. Proliferative processes of the epithelium form a glandular structure of the formations.
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    2) Hyperplastic type of polyps - consists of the same composition of cells on the tissues of which they form, as a result of tissue hyperplasia. Relate to the class of benign neoplasms.

    3) Neoplastic appearance of polyps - is formed as a result of violations of cell division. They can be both benign and malignant.

    A typical site for the localization of multiple formations - polyposis, places of regeneration and superregeneration of tissues, as a result of ulcers and gastroenterocolitis.

    Assessment of the clinical significance is based on several reasons:

    • determining the extent of violations of the patency in the organs;
    • estimates the motor disorders of certain organs, on which depends: the development of acute obstruction, arrosion and bleeding.
    Repeated manifestations, serve as a trigger mechanism for the development of malignant formations.

    Causes of polyps

    The causative factor of polyps manifestation, the most diverse, in the basis of the stimulating factor of tumor growth are the following reasons:

    • genetic factor caused by the presence of atypical cells in the neoplasm;
    • consequence of destructive-ulcerative inflammation;
    • atrophic-degenerative processes in internal shells;
    • prolonged inflammatory processes;
    • prolonged irritations of total laryngeal receptors - in speakers, singers, and.
    • as a consequence of uterine hyperplasia;
    • is a viral bacterial and venereal disease;
    • consequence of poisoning by chemicals;
    • concentration disorder and bile stasis causing changes in the gallbladder.

    Symptoms of polyps

    Symptoms of polyps do not always have obvious symptoms and often growths are found in the course of planned inspections, except for cases when specific causes are shown, expressed by the large size of the interfering normal functional activity of adjacent organs. For example:

    • located in the gallbladder, block the outflow of bile;
    • localizing in the cervix, cause profuse menstruation;
    • cause frequent urge to urinate, may be a neoplasm in the bladder.
    Such manifestations largely depend on the form and method of attachment of the polyp to the upper shell. The legs on the leg have two formats - a short one, and a long string-like one. With the help of such a device, the polyps descend into the cavity, occupying any position in it.

    In the lacing-lace are located lymphatic capillaries and blood vessels. In some cases, the long leg-mount is twisted and blocks access to the blood supply to the polyp, causing - at best, rejection of the formation as a result of necrosis. At worst, reactive putrefaction and decay, causing the formation of ulcers and bleeding.

    Common manifestations are growths, consisting of glandular tissues, inherent in adenomas, which arise due to a violation of metabolism and cell structure. Such a structure of polyps, both single and multiple, are more often located:

    • in the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract;
    • in the paranasal and sinus;
    • in the upper respiratory tract;
    • in the uterus.

    Nasal form of polyps

    Pathological proliferation of lymphoid tissue of palatine pharyngeal tonsils leads to the formation of adenoid nodules on the nasal mucosa, which look like a groinlike formation( see how to treat adenoids).The result of such pathologies can be:

    • severe headaches;
    • persistent runny nose and nasal congestion;
    • problems with breathing and sleeping;
    • disorder of taste buds and smell;
    • allergic manifestations.
    No relation to nasal polyposis to other types of outgrowths( in the intestine or uterus) does not. The causes are unknown, but there are presumptive factors:

    • is a consequence of chronic sinusitis or asthma;
    • as a result of aspirin intolerance;
    • effects of cystic fibrosis;
    • is a consequence of the hereditary pathology - Cartagena syndrome;
    • as a result of an increase in the somatropic hormone of the pituitary - Yang syndrome
    • as a result of the defeat of small vessels - the Cherdzh-Strauss syndrome;
    • as a result of the manifestation of mastocellular rhinitis - nosal mastocytosis.
    Depending on the manifestations of nasal growths, adenoides are classified into two types:

    1) Anthrochoalic appearance - manifested in children with one-sided localization. It is manifested by a parietal thickening of the right maxillary sinus. Growing up, it covers the sinus anastomosis. Possible areas of hemorrhage in the sites of growth.

    2) Ethmoidal appearance - localized in the upper and middle part of the nasal passage. It develops from the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses. It has multiple and bilateral rapid development. The consequence of such formations is the development of secondary infections. It affects mainly the adult population.

    Medication treatment does not work. It requires cardinal removal, especially if there are pain and bleeding, which may indicate a tumor process.

    Manifestations of polyps in the internal genitalia

    The mother polyps - quite frequent pathology in the class of genetic diseases. Occur due to these or other provoking factors. In the normal state, the upper layer of the endometrium of the uterine cavity in the menstrual period is separated from the walls and leaves along with the secretions.

    With any violation of the hormonal background, failure occurs and instead of separation, the endometrium begins to expand intensively, forming nodular, in the form of petals, or pear-shaped growths that hang on the legs into the uterine cavity. Education has a variety of sizes - from the smallest, to the size of a large lemon.

    In addition to glandular, fibrotic and fibrous-glandular polyps, adenomatous formations with a high risk of transformation into a malignant tumor are the most serious danger.

    Endometrial polyposis - referred to as serious diseases of the uterus, is described as an uncontrolled process of formation of a large number of benign tumor formations due to growth of the inner layer of the endometrium - endometriosis. Formations consist of epithelial cells and have a different structure. Located at the bottom and corners of the uterus.

    Polyps of the cervical canal( cervical canape) - are localized on the walls of the cervical canal, with the direction of growth in its lumen. They can be located in the outer part of the pharynx, where they are well seen or in the upper part of the canal. Formations can be single or in the form of polyposis.

    According to clinical manifestations, the growths have a different structure:

    1. 1) The glandular structure - consisting of secretory cells of cylindrical epithelial tissue;
    2. 2) Epidermis structure - consisting of transformed flat epithelium( metaplastic).The outgrowth with this structure causes puffiness in all epithelial layers, which contributes to the stagnation of blood in the vessels, provokes pain and malfunction in the menstrual cycle.

    Characteristics of

    Symptoms of the disease are directly related to the structure of the outgrowths and their variety. In any department they appear similar, and it is possible to determine in which place the problem is localized only in the case of a diagnostic examination. The symptomatology is manifested:

    • by uterine bleeding in before, or after the menstrual period;
    • with scanty spotting in the middle of the cycle;
    • with large sizes of formation or formation of polyposis, periodic, severe pain in the lower abdomen;
    • discomfort and pain in intimate relationships;
    • prolonged absence of pregnancy, with regular, non-protective methods, sexual relations.
    In any manifestations and localization of this problem, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

    To date, there are many methods that allow removal efficiently and painlessly, using the method of cryodestruction or electrosurgical excision, the modern method - operational hysteroscopy and many other techniques. The attending physician will help with the choice.

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