  • What food to buy

    Food should be as varied as possible - this is the only way to provide your body with all the necessary nutrients. Briefly it can be formulated as follows: eat everything, but little by little. And porridge, and bread, and meat, and fish, and, of course, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, juices - all this should be on your table. But there are products that are better to refuse to eat or at least severely limit their presence on the table: foods that have a long shelf life: canned food, some types of yogurt, sausages, fish, vacuum-packed cheeses.

    products with a bright unnatural coloration: carbonated drinks, sweets, ice cream, cakes, colored pasta. These products most often cause allergies in the form of rashes and red spots on the skin.

    instant food products: instant coffee, especially with milk;vermicelli from sachets;broth cubes.

    As for vegetables and fruits, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to buy them from people who themselves grow in the garden with the use of natural fertilizers - humus, manure. Such fruits and vegetables are safer than those sold in large supermarkets, which are supplied by various agrofirms.

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    For the same reason, try not to eat greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers - they are especially saturated with nitrates.

    Since almost all vegetables and fruits are contaminated with any harmful substances, the elimination of accumulated slags requires periodic cleaning of the body.

    Sugar and salt are products in the consumption of which it is very important to know the measure. The daily rate of sugar consumption is 50-60 g

    ( 6-8 teaspoons) - this is with confectionery products containing sugar. The daily intake of salt is 3-5 grams( 1/2 teaspoon), but with increased sweating, the need for salt increases.

    Excess sugar leads to the development of dental caries, obesity, increases the risk of developing diabetes. Much more useful is honey - it contains glucose, necessary for brain activity, but almost does not contain the harmful sucrose, of which sugar consists. In addition, honey has a huge healing power, increases immunity.

    Excess salt leads to edema, the development of hypertension, increases the risk of myocardial infarction.