
Sutoring in transport - how to deal with motion sickness in transport

  • Sutoring in transport - how to deal with motion sickness in transport

    Some people never rock, they can ride around on roller coasters like a roller coaster, swim on a fragile boat in a storm and ride in crowded traffic during rush hour. For others, one kind of moving water on the screen, a racing train or a dive plane causes dizziness and unpleasant discomfort in the abdomen. A trip in a tram or a bus, especially in a heat, can literally turn into torture and end in embarrassment - such a person feels sick and unhappy, it makes him vomit, tears, and sometimes he can even lose consciousness.

    Particularly often, motion sickness in transport occurs in young children, pregnant women and elderly people. What science explains the occurrence of motion sickness in so different people?

    Causes of motion sickness


    Particularly often suffer from swaying caused by monotonous and uniform vehicle vibrations. The main causes of this condition lie in the violations of the human vestibular apparatus. It is hidden deep inside the inner ear and operates on the principle of a pendulum, sending signals to the brain whenever the person carries out slopes or any active movements. If in the work of this mechanism failures occur, a person begins to experience nausea, dizziness and the urge to vomit with the slightest movement. Most often this happens when the received visual information does not coincide with the data supplied by the vestibular apparatus. For example, a person riding a bus knows that he is sitting in an armchair attached to a solid floor, and rolling on wheels on a flat road. However, fluctuations of the machine during the movement, potholes on the road, sudden movements of the driver lead the brain into confusion, and the person feels a specific and very uncomfortable feeling of motion sickness.

    instagram viewer

    Children are especially swayed in transport. This is because the child has an imperfect, incompletely formed vestibular apparatus that does not cope with the incoming data, can not correctly interpret the information and "compensate" the movement. The vestibular apparatus is formed for a long time, in some children this process is completely completed only by 12-15 years.



    There are people who are swayed by any kind of movement, while others react only to certain types of pitching. This made it possible to divide the motion sickness in transport into such types:

    1. Marine disease. Sinking in the plane.
    2. Landing in land transport.
    Slewing on an

    This condition can also overcome a healthy person who is not at all prone to motion sickness. Most often this is due to the fact that a person is very tired, is in a state of severe stress, is hungry, sick, ill or has just recovered from a serious illness, during pregnancy, if he goes very long, and transport thoroughly "chatters".Even with a healthy vestibular apparatus, this can lead to the appearance of classic symptoms - nausea, vomiting, dizziness and loss of consciousness. When motion sickness, unlike food poisoning, the first portion of vomiting does not relieve an unpleasant condition. The nausea continues until the pitching stops, and even for a while after that. Vomiting can be indomitable and cause serious suffering to the patient.

    How to treat

    Take-off candy

    There are simple "folk" means of motion sickness - are sugar candies with a sour taste. They used to be issued by Aeroflot to everyone who wished on the plane, they were called "Take-offs".

    Please note! Sucking in combination with a sour taste a little dulls the nausea, helping to survive the takeoff and landing of the aircraft. But this remedy is effective only when it is used before the onset of symptoms of motion sickness.

    Traditional medicine offers in such cases a ginger root in crushed form, olives or slices of lemon. Homeopathic remedies can be used, but the most effective treatment with special medications is Aeron, Dramine and the like. However, they need to be used only in the most serious cases, because the body quickly gets used to a certain type of medication, and they stop acting on it.

    Please note! First it is necessary to resort to simple, non-medicamentous means, and only if they do not help at all, and the state of motion sickness is aggravated, it is possible to pass to medicinal preparations.


    Training of the vestibular apparatus

    The only radical way to cope with motion sickness is training your own vestibular apparatus. Those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle are constantly in a closed space, rarely go out into the street, the vestibular apparatus is not developed, it is not trained and is not ready to perceive the "mobile reality".In order not to suffer from dizziness and nausea, this apparatus needs to be trained. To do this, a person should move more, visit the open space more often, perform various movements, exercise and lead a more active healthy lifestyle.

    Training the vestibular apparatus is very important also in children. The sooner we begin to do this, the more chances to succeed in the shortest possible time. Help to cope with motion sickness can help passive training, for example, closing and opening the eyes, transferring the visual focus from a short distance into the distance, rotating the eyeballs and much more. With children, these exercises can be conducted in a playful, playful manner.

    Catheld on the

    carousel Another way to cope with motion sickness is by carousing, swinging on a swing, in a hammock or on a bungee. Such a rhythmic swaying involuntarily tones up the nervous system and helps to strengthen and develop the vestibular apparatus in both the adult and the child. So visiting amusement parks and various attractions allows the child not only to relax, but also to strengthen their body.

    Please note! Active way of life, mobility and playing sports can help cope with motion sickness in transport and forget about the existence of this problem forever.


    Doctor Komarovsky will tell you what to do when the child suffers from motion sickness:

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