  • The development of the pronunciation of the sounds of speech

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    • Ask the child to repeat the syllables: sa-za, co-zo, su-zu, sy-zy;sya-zya, sho-zyo, hsi-ziu, si-zi;Asa-aza, aso-azo, asu-azu, os-osa, oso-ozo;sa-xia, co-syo, su-shu, si-si;zaz-zya, zoo, zu-zyu, zy-zi.

    • Choose pictures with images of such objects, in the names of which there are sounds [c] and [s]( [c '] and [s']) in the beginning and middle of the word: sledge - star, samovar lock, cabbage grasshopper,goat-lisa, herring-mirror, monkey-oranges. Invite the child to name these objects in the order indicated, alternating the pronouncing of words with the sound [c]( [c ']), then with the sound [s]( [s']).Pay attention to the correctness of pronouncing these sounds.

    • Ask the child to repeat the joke-jokes:

    sa-sa-sa-dew dropped,

    zizi-zi-cabbage submerged,

    behind-the brake failure,

    sa-sa-sa-flew to us was,

    su-su-su-dinner on the table,

    behind-the-flyed dragonfly,

    zu-zu-zu-my hands we in the basin,

    su-su-su-in the woods saw the fox,

    -so-sy-gave me the scales,

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    zu-zu-zu-we caught the dragonfly,

    zy-zy-zy-take the basins,

    sy-sy-sy-at-cat mustaches,

    se-se-se - all the grassin the dew,

    zy-zy-zy - we are not afraid of thunder,

    ze-zee-ze -eat bananas chimpanzees,

    si-si-si-water bring,

    si-si-in the pond of the carp,

    zizi-zi-faster take me.

    • Read to the child tongue-twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings;Ask him to repeat them:

    Sonya Zine brought elder in the basket.

    Senya is a stranger, and Zina is an overseer.

    All for one, one for all.

    Said that he knotted the knot.

    • Guess the child puzzles:

    The red nose in the ground has grown.

    ( Carrot)

    In winter it is white, in summer gray.

    ( Hare)

    Without hands, without legs To the sky crawls.

    ( Smoke)

    Tails wagging,

    Zubasta, not barking.

    ( Pike)

    • Learn with the child:

    That's what we have watermelon -

    Wonderful taste!

    Even the nose and cheeks All in watermelon juice.

    Where did the watermelon like this,

    How jam is sweet?

    Is it really near Moscow,

    On a collective farm bed?


    Our watermelon

    Grew into the suburbs.

    Сочен, it is sweet on taste -

    Eat on health!

    3. Alexandrova

    I bind the goat

    To the white birch,

    I attach the horned

    to the white birch.

    - Stop, my goat,

    Stop, do not butt!

    White birch,

    Stop, do not rock!

    Russian folk song

    • Ask the child to repeat the syllables: sacha, co-tso, su-tsu, sy-tsy, as-ats, os-ots, us-yts, ys-yts, iss-iets, es-ets, asa-aza, wasp-otsa, usa-u-tsa.

    • Choose pictures with images of such objects, in the names of which there are sounds [c] and [ц] in the beginning, middle and end of the word: owl-heron, flower-glass, scissors wheel, cucumber forest, caterpillar ladder. Invite the child to name these objects, alternating words with sound [c] and with sound [q].Pay attention to the correctness of pronouncing these sounds.

    • Ask the child to repeat the joke-chit:

    sa-sa-sa-so-so, miracles,

    su-su-su-sous-spit spit,

    tsa-tsa-tsa-we met the fighter,

    zu-tsu-tsu-write a letterfather,

    co-with-co-replaced wheel,

    sy-sy-si-give dog sausage,

    tso-tso-tso - demolished chicken egg,

    tsitsy-chy-fly south starlings,

    es-ees-es-we made a canopy,

    I-is-is-i-caught a cunning fox,

    ets-ets-ets - sits in a nestling chick,

    eggs-eggs in the city hospitals.

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings:

    From the next well, a whole day of water flows.

    My father grazes sheep.

    Well done against the sheep, and the young man himself is a sheep.

    Who takes everything for everything, that does not succeed. Saying-flower, proverb-berry.

    Who dared, that's it.

    • Guess the child puzzles:

    The girl in the dungeon,

    And the scythe on the street.

    ( Carrots)

    Two brothers

    They look at the water,

    And everyone will not get together.

    ( Shores of the river)

    Not a beast, not a bird,

    And a nose like a spoke.

    ( Mosquito)

    White basket -

    Golden Donce.

    In it lies the dewdrop

    And the sun shines.

    ( Chamomile)

    Two ends, two rings,

    And in the middle of carnations.

    ( Scissors)

    • Learn with the child a poem:

    From the well brought

    Hen chicken,

    And the chickens as a whole family

    They ran to wash.

    Only the Chick stands on the sidelines,

    Does not want to wash.

    Because, as fire,

    He is afraid of water.

    And my mother said strictly:

    "Children should wash themselves.

    Chyp will not play with us,

    We do not need to get dirty. "

    A. Maksakov

    With the correct pronunciation of the sounds [w], [w] the mouth is half open, the lips are slightly rounded and stretched forward by the tube, between the teeth - a small slit. The wide tip of the tongue is raised, but does not touch the hard palate. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the upper molars. Between the root and the tip of the tongue a small cavity is formed in the shape of a cup, along which a strong air jet emerges. When uttering the sounds [w], [w] on the back of the hand when you bring it to your mouth, you can feel a warm stream of air.

    The sound [w], unlike the sound [w], is pronounced without the voice.

    Sounds [ч '] and [щ'] are complex sounds. The sound [h '] is pronounced like a tysh, the sound [ni'] is like a shchasch.

    When pronouncing the sound [ч '] lips and teeth take the same position as when pronouncing the sound [ш];the middle part of the back of the tongue rises to the hard sky, touches it, and then, quickly sinking downwards, forms a gap. The tongue is strained, the air jet comes out jerky.

    The position of the organs of speech when pronouncing the sound [ni '] differs little from the position of the organs of speech when pronouncing the sound [w]: the lips are pushed forward, the teeth are brought together, the tip of the tongue is raised to the upper alveoli, forming a gap in this place. The air stream passes in the middle of the tongue. Unlike the sound [w], the root and the back of the tongue are raised when playing the sound [ni '].The back of the tongue is slightly closer to the front teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the upper molars. The whole language is tense.

    Sounds [ч '], | щ'] are pronounced without voice participation. Incorrect pronunciation of hissing sounds in pre-school children is observed quite often. The defect of utterance is most often expressed in replacing them with whistling sounds( sound [w] -sound [c], [x] - [s], [h '] - [q], [wx'] - [c '])sounds [т '], [ф], [в].For example, the words cap, hedgehog, toad, glasses, ticks the child can pronounce as a hoe, chopper, veil, ezik, zaby( waba), otski( otki), klessi. Sizzling sounds are pronounced with the tip of the tongue sticking out between the teeth. Sometimes the tongue assumes the wrong position. In this case, the spoken sounds are perceived by hearing as softened, muffled, not clear enough.

    If sizzling sounds are not present in the pronunciation and are replaced with other sounds, try to call the child to imitate them. First show him in front of the mirror what position the tongue, lips, teeth take when pronouncing a particular sound. Then, using onomatopoeia, try to cause the missing sound. To do this, ask the child to reproduce the rustle of leaves on the trees or the hissing of a snake( for the sound of [w]), the buzzing of a beetle or flies( for calling the sound [w]), the chugging of a locomotive( for calling the sound [h ']), "the song of the saw"(for calling the sound [ni ']).If you can call the sound, then you can proceed to fix it, and then to distinguish sounds.

    Preparatory exercises for setting sibilant sounds are aimed at developing the articulatory apparatus( mainly for developing the ability to give the language the right position) and for distinguishing sounds.

    To develop the desired position of the articulatory apparatus, suggest the child to do the following exercises:

    • with closed teeth, slightly rounded lips, pull them forward, trying to keep them in this position for as long as possible;

    • stick the tip of the tongue wide and raise it upwards( if the child can not make a tongue with a spatula, then ask him, sticking out his tongue, to pronounce the sound of five-five);

    • stick out the tongue, raise the wide tip of the tongue up( the tongue becomes a cup in this case), lick the upper lip, the tongue must move from the top down;

    • raise the wide tip of the tongue to the top( without touching the hard palate) and give it a cup shape( the mouth is closed at the same time);

    • with slightly rounded and elongated lips( the tongue becomes a cup in this case), evenly blowing out the air, pronouncing the sound [w].

    Simultaneously with the development of the articulatory apparatus, it is necessary to train the child in distinguishing by hearing the hissing and whistling sounds.

    Select from a group of syllables a syllable with a certain sound. For example, offer the child to raise his hand only when he hears the syllable sha: sha, wa, sa, mha, sha, cha, sa, sha, shcha, sa, sa, sha, for, sha, na, sa.

    Most often, children mix such groups of sounds: [w] and [c], [x] and [s], [h] and [c], [nu '] and [c'], [w] and [f], [ш] and [щ '], [ч'] and [щ '].To distinguish them, we propose the following task. The child listens attentively and raises his hand( clapping his hands) only when he hears words in which there is a sound [w].The adult pronounces the words slowly, making small pauses between them: a hat, a house, a fur coat, a dog, skis, a scarf, a plum, a beetle, a scooter, a tape, a scale, drafts, juice. If the child has difficulty in identifying the right words, then the words with hissing and whistling sounds can be pronounced a little exaggerated( the sounds [w] and [c] in the words say a little bit long: "sh-sh-shu-ba", "juice ", drawing the child's attention to these sounds).

    A similar task is given for selecting words with other sounds. When choosing words, it is necessary to take into account that it is easier for children to distinguish a sound when it stands at the beginning of a word. If the child easily selects this sound at the beginning of the word, then the task can be complicated: pick up words in which this sound is in different positions( at the beginning, end and middle of the words).

    Ask the child to choose words in which there are sounds [w], [ж], [ч '], [щ'].For example, ask the child to look around and find things with names in the names of the sound [w], then the sound [s].The sounds [ж], [ч '] and [щ'] are also processed.

    After such preparatory exercises, you can proceed to call sounds.

    Let's look at some ways of causing sizzling sounds. Correction of the sounds [h '], [ni'] occurs after the assimilation and correct pronunciation of the sounds [w] and [x].

    You can call the sound [h '] by repeatedly pronouncing the sounds [t'] and [ni '] on one exhalation. If you still can not sound the sound, ask the child to say several times in a row syllables, ot or ut. Simultaneously, the child should press his fingers on the corners of the mouth, slightly pushing his lips forward. And instead of the syllable, it will turn out to be ah, instead of ot-och, instead of ut-och.

    If the child correctly pronounces the sounds [w], [w], [h *], then it is not difficult to teach him to correctly reproduce the sound [ni].Offer the child to pronounce a prolonged relaxed [w]( wi-shi-shi) or [c'], lifting the tip of the tongue to the upper alveoli with a clean stick, until a clear sound [ui '] is obtained.

    After the sound is sounded, you should proceed to fix it.

    • Ask the child to repeat the syllables: sha, sho, shu, she, shi, ash, osh, ush, esh, ish, asha, asho, ashu, osh, osho, oshu.

    • Choose pictures with images of such items, in the names of which there is a sound [w] in the beginning, middle and end of the word: cap, school, cannon, reel, baby, mouse. Invite the child to name these items. Pay attention to the correctness of the sound.

    • Invite the child to follow you jokes-tongue-twisters, tongue-twisters:

    sha-sha-sha-I shake the baby,

    shi-shi-shi - breathe deeply,

    sho-sho-sho - we sing well,

    ash-ash- I'm sharpening my pencil,

    shu-shu-shu-cap, I'm wearing,

    Ush-Ush-Ush-take a shower,

    She-She-She-wead in cane,

    ysh-ysh-ysh-y Katya bulrush.

    Hush, mouse, cat on the roof,

    Lush in shower soap with soap ears,

    Lesha and Klasha are eating millet porridge.

    • Read proverbs, sayings, explain their meanings, ask the child to repeat them:

    Hush on, you will continue.

    Silo in a bag you can not hide.

    Likes and cat mouse.

    Speak less, think more.

    Cat is only on the brave mice.

    • Guess the child puzzles;learn with him some of them:

    Two abdominals,

    Four abies.

    ( Pillow)

    A little animal is jumping,

    Not a mouth, but a trap.

    Will fall into the trap

    And a mosquito and a fly.

    ( Frog)

    Dancing baby, but only one leg.

    ( Top)

    • Read the story to the child and ask him to answer the questions first, and then retell it.

    Misha and Masha went to school. Near the school they saw Uncle Lesha. He works in the school as a driver. Uncle Lyosha is a well-behaved car. He sometimes rolls Masha and Misha on it. Misha loves cars and dreams of being a chauffeur, like Uncle Lesha.

    Questions: where did Misha and Masha go? Who did they see around the school? Who works for Uncle Lesha at school? How does Uncle Alex drive a car? Who drives Uncle Alex in the car? Who dreams to be Misha?

    • Learn with the child a count and a poem:

    On the path,

    On the track

    Four Ponaroshki walked,

    And towards

    On peas

    passed Three potatoes.

    If every Ponaroshka

    Writing for breakfast

    By potato,

    Then one

    From a make-believe

    What will get?-


    В. Голяховский


    Soap with soap ears,

    Soap with soap,

    Here are some ladushki,


    Brewed mushrooms,

    Stirred a spoon,

    That's what ladushki,


    Chickens Pestrushke

    Crumbled crumbs,

    That's what ladushki,


    Sorry for the bird,

    Threatened the cat,

    That's what ladushki,


    Ladies built

    Home for Nested dolls,

    Here are some ladushki,


    They brought ladies

    Berries in a basket,

    These are some ladushki,


    Clapped hands,

    Danced legs,

    That's what ladushki,


    The arms

    lay down A little bit,

    That's what ladushki,



    • Ask the child to repeat the syllables: mja, zh, zhu, zhi, the same, azh, azho, azhu, azh, ozh, ozh, azh, azhe.

    • Choose pictures with images of such items, in the names of which there is a sound [g] in the beginning and middle of the word: giraffe, cranes, skis, ice cream. Invite the child to name these items. Pay attention to the correctness of the sound.

    • Read jokes-tongue-twisters;ask the child to repeat them:

    ja-ja-needles at the hedgehog,

    same-same - "Volga" in the garage,

    zhu-zhu-yu-ya flag in hand hold,

    zhi-zhy-zhy-inwater swim walruses,

    zh-ja-zh-we caught the horrible,

    zhu-ju-ju-ya on the ottoman lying,

    zhi-zhi-i-I sharpen the knives.

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-tattle, tongue twister:

    The hedgehog is lying at the tree, at the hedgehog needle.

    Do not live a snake, where hedgehogs live.

    • Read the proverbs, explain their meanings, ask the child to repeat them:

    Live-to-live and good to make money.

    It's hard for him to live, who runs from work.

    • Guess the child puzzles and learn with him some of them:

    He lay, lay and ran into the river.

    ( Snow)

    I'm on time all the time,

    I do not get a clock though.

    ( Rooster)

    Not fire, but burns.

    ( Nettles)

    Needles lay, lay

    Yes, they escaped under the floor.

    ( Hedgehog)

    Flow, flows -

    Will not flow,

    Runs, runs

    Will not run out.

    ( River)

    The watchdog does not consist,

    And everyone wakes up early.

    ( Rooster)

    • Read the story to the child and ask him to answer the questions first, and then retell it.

    Zhora played on the lawn. On the lawn, he caught a beetle. Zhora put the beetle in a box. The beetle buzzed loudly. Zhora felt sorry for the beetle. He opened the box and the beetle flew away.

    Questions: where did Zhora play? Whom did Zhora catch? Where did Zhor put the beetle? What did the beetle do in the box? Who did Jora regret? What did Zhora do to make the beetle fly away?

    • Learn with the child a poem:

    Did not know the cubs,

    That pricked the hedgehog,

    And come on with the hedgehog

    Play, as with the cubs.

    Suddenly cubs in tears:

    - Hedgehogs-splinters!

    Frightened hedgehogs:

    Carrying tongs and knives

    And let's go on piece

    Take out the thorns.

    E. Kotlyar

    • Ask the child to repeat the syllables: cha, cho, chu, chi, che, ah, och, uch, ich, ech, ah, ah, ah, och, ocho, ochu, ucha.

    • Choose pictures with pictures of such items, in the names of which there is a sound [h '] in the beginning, middle and end of the word: cup, kettle, barrel, butterfly, key, sword. Invite the child to name these items. Pay attention to the correctness of the sound.

    • Read the prank-jokes;ask the child to repeat them:

    cha-cha-cha is not lit candle,

    ah-ah-ah-the doctor came to the patient,

    cho-cho-cho-ranilo in the shoulder,

    chu-chu-chu-I to the moon fly,

    Pts-Pts-Pts, night,

    chu-chu-chu-I-hammer knock,

    ech-ech-ech-at Andrew's sword,

    chi-chi-chi-on building bricks,

    Ich-ovch-Brought a brick,

    chi-chi-chi-knives sharpened,

    yuch-yuch-yuch-lost the key,

    uch-uch-uch-uch-because of the clouds broke the beam.

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-twister, patter: The baker is baking the kalachi in the oven.

    The pupil taught the lessons,

    He has cheeks in his ink.

    S. Marshak

    • Read the proverbs, explain their meanings, ask the child to repeat them:

    The water does not flow under the lying stone.

    Unlearned man-that ax is not black.

    • Guess the child puzzles:

    On the tree bird

    Where puts the testicles?

    ( In slot)

    What is this Checkbox:

    Threaded rod,

    Wand in hand.

    And a thread in the river?

    ( Fishing Rod)

    • Read the story to the child and ask him to answer the questions first, and then retell it.

    In the summer Katya rested at her grandmother's dacha. The whole day Katya spent in the garden: she played ball, caught butterflies, grasshoppers, swung on a swing. In the evening Katya and her grandmother drank tea, and then read her a book about Cipollino. On Thursday the postman brought a letter to Kate. Katya opened it and read it. The letter was from my mother. Mom wrote that she was very bored and on the day off she would come to visit her.

    Questions: where did Katia rest in the summer? What did the girl do in the daytime? What did Katya do in the evening? When did the postman bring a letter to Kate? What did Katya do with the letter? What did my mother write about?

    • Learn with the child a poem and a poem:

    In a kalachi oven,

    Like a fire, hot.

    For whom are they baked?

    For Check-out,

    For checkboxes are hot.

    And when the little one cries -

    I need to turn on the radio.

    Can only chorus childish,

    Chorus from the children's transmission,

    Boy to shout over.

    A. Barto

    • Ask the child to repeat the syllables: schA, shchu, shchu, shche, shche, esch, osh, oshch, yshch, yashch, yashch, ashu, ashche, uscha.

    • Choose pictures with images of such objects, in the names of which there is a sound [ui '] in the beginning, middle and end of the word: pike, puppy, vegetables, things, raincoat, bream. Invite the child to name these items. Pay attention to the correctness of the sound.

    • Ask the child to repeat the joke-prattle:

    shch-schA-schA-we caught a bream,

    shchi-shchi- shi-mama cooks soup,

    shchu-shchu-shchu-sick visit,

    I have a cloak,

    , I'm wearing a raincoat,

    shi-shi-shi-in a pond, bream are swimming.

    • Read the tongue-tattle and patter tongue;Invite the child to repeat them:

    Wolves are scouring, looking for food.

    Puppy for two cheeks weaves from sorrel soup.

    • Read the proverbs, explain their meanings, ask the child to repeat them:

    Shchi yes porridge - our food.

    Where the cabbage soup, then look for us.

    • Guess the child a riddle, learn it with it:


    What are you looking for in the ground?

    I'm not looking for anything,

    I dig and sweep the land.

    ( Excavator)

    • Read the story to the child and ask them to answer the questions first and then retell it.

    In the courtyard in the cracks under the log Vova saw a puppy. The puppy squeaked piteously. Vova pulled the log and pulled out the puppy. The puppy was shivering with cold, and Vova wrapped his cloak around him. At home, Vova fed the puppy.

    Questions: where did Vova see the puppy? What did the puppy do? What did Vova do to get the puppy out? What Vova wrapped the puppy? What did Vova do at home with the puppy?

    • Invite the child to repeat the syllables: sha-sha, sho-jo, shu-zhu, shi-zha, she-zha, asha-azha, asho-azho, ashu-hedgehog, ashi-azhi, ashe-azhe.

    • Choose pictures with images of such items, in the names of which there are sounds [w] and [ж] in the beginning and middle of the word: washer-toad, beetle, ears, hedgehog, etc. Invite the child to name these itemsin this order, alternating the pronunciation of words with the sounds [w] and [x].Pay attention to the correctness of pronouncing the sounds.

    • Ask the child to repeat the joke-frosting:

    sha-sha-sha-brewed noodles,

    ja-ja-ji - arrived two jus,

    ja-ja-ja-we have no knife,


    shu-shu-shu-fresh air breathe,

    zhu-zhu-zu-car drive,

    zhu-zhu-I-beetle in the hand hold,

    we live in the shelter,

    same-same - there is no light on the floor,

    shi-shi-shi fell asleep kids,

    sha-sha-sha-we caught the mouse,

    zhi-zhi-yi-we live with chizhi.

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-in-cheek, proverbs, sayings;guess riddles, learn with it a poem.

    The cat has spoons in the basket.

    Burned midges on fire legs.

    Who walks more, he lives longer.

    Lying bread you will not get.

    The fur coat lies, and the skin trembles.

    We need needles for sewing.

    And to whom to live?

    ( Hedgehog)

    You walk - lies ahead.

    You'll look back and run home.

    ( Road)

    This letter is wide

    And looks like a beetle.

    Yes, at the same time, like a beetle,

    Gives a buzzing sound:

    - W-f-f!

    S. Marshak

    • Ask the child to repeat the syllables: sha-sa, sho-so, shusu, shi-si, she-se, ash-as, osh -os, ush-is, ish-is, ish-ees, asha-asa, aso-aso, ashu-asu, ashi-asi, ashe-ase, osha-osa, osho-oso, oshu-osu, osh-osi, osh-ax, ears-mustache.

    • Choose pictures with images of such objects, in the names of which there are sounds [c] and [w] in the beginning, middle and end of the word: sledge-school, cuckoo-wheel, nose-mouse;sun, drying, old woman, six. Invite the child to name these items in the order indicated, that is, alternating the pronunciation of the words with the sounds [c] and [w].Pay attention to the correctness of the pronunciation of the sounds of .

    • Ask the child to repeat the joke-chit:

    sha-sha-sha-we buy a kid,

    ash-ash-ash-in the forest is a hut,

    sa-sa-sa-sly fox,

    as-as-as - we drinkcold kvass,

    sho-sho-sho-sing children well,

    co-with-on-the-road wheel,

    osh-osh-osh -Buratino gave a penny,

    shu-shu-shu-ya write,

    os-os-os - repaired the vacuum cleaner, with

    u-su-sous-I cows pas,

    ush-ush-us - in the garden there are a lot of pears,

    shi-shi-shi-nu-ka poplyashi,

    us-on the tape a lot of beads,

    si-si-si-we went to a taxi,

    ysh-ysh-ysh-crepea sleeping baby,

    neck-neck-tete - a dog in a tent,

    se-se-se-car on the highway,

    is-is-is-well-sings Boris.

    • Ask the child to answer the questions:

    who drives the car?(Driver.)

    Who sews boots?(Shoemaker.)

    Who drives electric trains?(The Machinist)

    Who jumps from a parachute? Who is playing chess?(Chess player, shashist.)

    • Ask the child to repeat their tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, guess riddles, learn verses from him:

    Bears collect cones.

    Sixteen walked mice and six found a penny.

    Too many legs at the centipedes.

    Mother Romashhe gave serum from under the yogurt.

    With a stick Sasha bumps knocked.

    Bought Sasha drying?

    We bought Sasha drying.

    Cones on a pine, checkers on a table.

    In the hut there are six sharpshooters.

    Without scythe and hay can not be pumped.

    You can not spoil the porridge with oil.

    Know, the cat, your basket.

    You'll hurry-you make people laugh.

    Cat toys, and the mouse tears.

    How to bed, so you can sleep.

    Sushi hay until the sun shines.

    You will tell, you do not turn, you will write, you will not erase, cut off-you will not put.

    Sits on the roof of all above.

    ( Antenna)

    Did not look in the window -

    There was one Antoshka,

    Looked in the window -

    There's the second Antoshka!

    What is this window?

    Where did Antoshka look?

    ( Mirror)

    Sits on a spoon, hanging legs.

    ( Noodles)

    In a cramped little house weave a canvas of an old woman.

    ( Bees)

    Planted a seed -

    The sun was raised!

    ( Sunflower)

    On the hut dances,

    And in a corner to sleep goes.

    ( Broom)

    Steam Locomotive Without wheels!

    That's the miracle of a locomotive!

    Was he crazy?

    Right on the sea went!

    ( Steamboat)

    K. Chukovsky

    Itself is not visible,

    And the song is audible.

    ( Mosquito)

    Not a bush, but with leaves,

    Not a shirt, but sewn,

    Not a person, but tells.

    ( Book)

    Once upon a time there were two serious bumps on a pine;

    Once upon a time, there were two funny mice under the pine tree.

    And the mice shouted: "Hey, get down, bumps!

    You know about us only by hearsay! "

    Cones were surprised:" Stupid mice!

    What's wrong with us hanging here on our tower?

    We'd better invite you,

    Come on, let's hang out. "

    A. Kondratiev

    The old woman is slowly walking.

    Next to it, shavings move.

    Yes, a bunch of black shavings,

    Just this is just outside.


    Top-shavings. ..

    And try to touch the old woman:

    That's when people learn,

    What's inside-the dog-Poodle.

    O. Tarutin


    Everyone laughs,


    is in no hurry.

    But where to

    Hurry up


    Who is always

    In his house?

    B. Zahoder

    • Read the story to the child and ask him to answer the questions first, and then retell it.

    Sasha has a sister Natasha. Natasha is older than Sasha for six years. She is in sixth grade. In his spare time Natasha

    rolls Sasha on sledges, plays with him in checkers, helps him build airplanes. On Sunday Natasha drives Sasha to the cinema. Sasha loves her older sister Natasha.

    Questions: what is Sasha's name Sister? How old is Natasha older than Sasha? In which class does Natasha study? How do you spend your free time Natasha and Sasha? Where does Natasha Sasha go on Sunday? Who does Sasha love?

    • Invite the child to repeat the syllables: zha-, zh-zo, zhu-zu, zhizi, zhe, aja-aza, azho-azo, azhu-azu, azhi-azi, azhe-aze,, ozo - ozo.

    • Choose pictures with images of objects, in the names of which there are sounds [ж] and [з]( [з ']) in the beginning and middle of the word: magazine-star, kid-bear;green acorns. Invite the child to name the items in that order, that is, alternating the pronunciation of the words with the sound [x] and the sound [s]( [s']).Pay attention to the correctness of pronouncing the sounds.

    • Ask the child to repeat the joke-prattle:

    ja-ja-needle in the hedgehog,

    ja-ja -a - on the ice two walruses,


    zhu-in the kindergarten I go,

    behind-the-fly dragonfly,

    zu-zu-zu-bathe in the pelvis,

    zhu-zhu-zhu in the woods wander,

    same-same-we grew up already,

    tooth-so-zu-we live downstairs,

    ze-ze-ze-give water goat,

    zhi-zhi-zhi-crawl the snake,

    zi-zi-zi-at the brake turn,

    zy-zy-zy-we hid ourselvesfrom a thunderstorm.

    • Ask the child to answer the questions:

    what is the name of the person who breeds the animals?(Livestock.)

    What is the name of the person who works on the railway?(Railwayman.)

    • Offer the child to repeat the tongue-in-cheek, proverbs, guess riddles. Learn with it a poem:

    The rabbits trembled when they saw the wolf on the lawn.

    The iron lock rusted, the iron lock rusted.

    On the alive everything will heal.

    The horse is running, the earth is trembling.

    In winter, on the ground lay,

    In spring, the river ran.

    ( Snow)

    Lives without a body,

    Speaks without language,

    No one sees it,

    And everyone hears.

    ( Echo)

    Who undresses it -

    From pity of tears sheds.

    ( Onion)




    I ran away milk,

    I caught it with difficulty.

    Being a mistress is not easy!

    R. Farhadi

    • Read the story to the child and ask him to answer the questions first, and then retell it.

    There lived in the forest a hedgehog with a hedgehog and hedgehogs. In the summer they caught midges, beetles and insects. For winter, the hedgehog prepared food and hid it under an old snag. Once a poisonous snake crawled to the hedgehog. Hedgehog decided to drive away the snake. The snake tried to bite the hedgehog, but the hedgehog dexterously grabbed her by the throat and bit it.

    Questions: who lived in the forest with a hedgehog? What did the hedgehog, hedgehog and hedgehog in the summer? What did the hedgehog prepare for the winter? Where did the snake creep? What decided to make a hedgehog? Who wanted to bite the snake? What did the hedgehog do with the snake?

    • Invite the child to repeat the syllables: tea, chuk-schu, chi-shchu, che-shche, ah-ah, uch-ush, ich - ish, ech-ech, acha-ashcha, acu-ashchu, aci-ashi, аче-аще, учача-уща.

    • Choose pictures with images of such items, in the names of which there are [ch '] and [uh'] sounds in the beginning, middle and end of the word: Cheburashka - shield, sliver-suitcase, key box, sword-cloak;mailbox. Invite the child to name these items in that order, that is alternating the pronunciation of the words with the sounds [h '] and [ni'].Pay attention to the correctness of their pronunciation.

    • Ask the child to repeat the joke-chit:

    cha-cha-ka-kate called the doctor,

    chi-chi-chi-fire burns in the oven,

    shcha-shcha-shcha-pull the bream more

    shi-shi-shi-socks rinse,

    chu-chu-chu-ya on horseback jumping,

    ah-ah-ah-girl, do not cry,

    shch-shchu-shchu-rattle I crack,

    asch-asch-at-koli new cloak,

    che-che-che - crow on the shoulder,

    ech-ech-ech-it is necessary to save the garden,

    shche-shche-shch - we are warm in the raincoat,

    yet-yet-yet-bitten us tick.

    • Ask the child to answer the questions: who is fixing the watch?(Watchmaker.)

    Who sharpens knives and scissors?(The grinder.)

    Who cleans the shoes?(Cleaner.)

    • Ask the child to repeat the syllables: cha-cha, cho-oo, chu-su, chi-si, che-se, ah-ac, och-os, uc-us, ich-is, ech-es, aca-asa, acho-aso, acu-asu, aci-axis, ace-ase, ochapala, ochu-osu.

    • Choose pictures with images of such items, in the names of which there is both sound [h] and sound [s]( [c ']), for example: clock, net, swallow, sandbox, pigtail, comb, blue. Invite the child to name these items. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of these sounds, the purity of utterance of words.

    • Offer the child to repeat the joke-chit:

    cha-cha-cha-not lit candle,

    che-che-che-roch on the watch-tower,

    sa-sa-sa-u-fox bur,

    se-se-se-wewe go on the highway,

    cho-cho-cho - dislocated the shoulder,

    ah-ah-ah - sleeps on the pine rook,

    co-sous-co - broke the wheel,

    as-as-as - sold kvass,

    chu-chu-chu-I-I'm knocking on the table,

    och-och-och - night has come,

    su-su-su-owl screaming in the woods,

    os-os-os-veranda a lot of wasps,

    chi-chi-chi-naoak rooks,

    ich-ich-ich-smashed we brick,

    si-si-si - light skorei gashi,

    is-is-is - was bought by the mother of rice.

    • Ask the child to answer the questions:

    who is carrying the mail?(Postman.)

    Who is responsible for flowers?(Gardener.)

    Who cleans the pipes?(Chimney sweep.)

    • Ask the child to repeat the patter, proverbs, sayings, guess riddles. Learn with him verses:

    The turtle, not being bored, the hour sits behind a cup of tea.

    I hear, fox, about your miracles.

    Clean boots go faster.

    At the doctor are treated, at clever learn.

    The hour from the hour is not easier.

    You want to eat kalachi, so do not sit on the stove.

    White barrel,

    There is not a bitch in it.

    ( Egg)


    Hit-not crying!

    ( Ball)


    Key, key, fontanel,

    Clean wave!

    Somebody's round fist. It's ringing from the bottom.

    V. Berestov


    The owl hooted - and silent. A night in the woods for a long time.

    Only shines a firefly

    To everyone who is dark.

    D. Kondratiev


    Interesting no whiskers,

    Than the watch-watches.

    Look at-one shorter,

    And the other is a little bit slightly,

    One by one the other days and nights

    Take a long way.

    G. Lushnin

    • Read the story to the child and ask them to answer the questions first, and then retell it.

    An old watch was brought to the watchmaker. The watchmaker examined them, then oiled the mechanism of the watch with oil, and brushed the dial with a brush. With the tweezers, he took out the spoiled spring and replaced it with a new one. After the repair, the clock accurately showed the time.

    Questions: Who brought the watch? What did the watchmaker do with the watch's mechanism and dial? What did the watchmaker do with the spoiled spring? How did the clock show after repair?

    • Invite the child to repeat the syllables: cha-tsa, cho-tso, chu-chu, chi-chi, che-tse, ah-oc, och-oc, och-ots, och-ots, ech-ets, acha-atsa, acho-azo, achu-atsu, aci-aci, ace-ace, the eye, the ocho- ozo.

    • Choose pictures with images of such objects, in the names of which there is both sound [h '] and sound [q], for example, wolf, chain, teacher. Invite the child to name these items. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds and words.

    • Ask the child to repeat the joke-chit:

    cha-cha-porridge hot,

    zu-tsu-tsu-grain give the chick,

    tsa-tsa-tsa-we saw the starling,

    chi-chi-chi - play violinists,

    cho-cho-cho-bruised shoulder,

    tsy-tsy-tsy-in a bag of cucumbers,

    zoo-tso-tso - a new ring,

    ech-ech-eh - the furnace was flooded,

    chu-chu chu-extinguish the candle,

    ets-ets-ets-Andrew, we have a fighter.

    • Ask the child to answer the questions:

    who teaches children in school?(The teacher.)

    Who cares for the bird?(Birdwatching.)

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-twister, tongue twister, guess riddles. Learn with him verses:

    Very often fight with Tanechka saucer.

    A mischievous pupil received a unit.

    Two brothers through the track live,

    And they never see.

    ( Eyes)

    Four brothers

    Under one hat stand.

    ( Table)

    Early early onset of

    Its working day is a bee.

    Flown all the flowers,

    To honey you have tasted.

    A. Kondratiev

    . .. Wear dandelion

    Yellow sarafan.

    Podrastet-dresses up

    In a white dress -

    Light, airy,

    The wind is obedient.

    E. Serova

    • Ask the child to repeat the syllables: scha-sa, shchu-su, shchi-si, shche-se, shcha-xia, shchu-shu, asch-as, osh-os, ush-us,, esh-os, ish-ax, osh-axis, yush-uus, isch-tss, esch-es, escha-asa, escha-asya, ashu-asu, ashi-asi.

    • Choose pictures with images of such objects, in the names of which there are [uh] and [c]( [c ']) sounds in the beginning, middle and end of the word: herring-brush, gazebo-clothespin, goose-bream. Invite the child to name these items in the order indicated, that is, alternating the pronunciation of the words with the sounds [ui '] and [c]( [c']).Pay attention to the correctness of their pronunciation.

    • Ask the child to repeat the joke-joke:

    shcha-shcha-schA - we are not afraid of mites,

    shchi-shchu-shchu - gather sorrel on soup,

    sa-sa-sa-pine forests,

    si-things take out,

    CY-Xia-Xia - caught the crucian,

    asch-asch - we wear the spring raincoat,

    Schnur-shchu-shchu-pike I drag,

    su-su-su-spulet spit,

    as-as-as - we go to the first class,

    syu-syu-syu - we ate the whole porridge,

    as-as-as-floats the crucian,

    shche-shche-sh-sour cream is not in the borsch,

    is even yet-caught in a network of bream,

    se-se-se-prischomili tail fox,

    es-es-es-the forest caught fire,

    whole-ee-es - we ate the whole dinner.

    • Ask the child to answer the questions:

    who inserts the glasses?(The glazier.)

    Who is helping to carry things at the station?(Porter.)

    • Ask the child to repeat the proverbs, proverb. Learn with it riddles, a poem:

    Every vegetable has its own time.

    Every thing has its place.

    Wood is chopped-the chips fly.

    Glazischi, strong, clawed, tailed,

    And cleaned all cleaner.

    ( Cat)

    Fly, peep,

    Feet long drags,

    Case will not miss:

    Will sit down and bite.

    ( Mosquito)

    . .. Under the bitch whines

    The forgotten puppy,

    He is very sad,

    He is all alone;

    And if he goes

    With Natasha walking,

    He barks and jumps,

    Puppy does not recognize. ..


    With proper pronunciation of the sound [l] the lips take the position of the subsequent vowel, the front part of the tongue is tense and touches the upper alveoli orupper teeth, the root part of the tongue is raised, there is a gap between the upper molars and the lateral edges of the tongue through which the air stream passes.

    When pronouncing the soft [l '], the front of the tongue rests more on the upper alveoli than on the solid [l], the middle part of the tongue is raised, the root part is lowered.

    Sounds [l], [l '] are spoken with the voice.

    The disadvantages of the pronunciation of the sounds [l], [n '] are less common than the pronounced defects of the sibilant or sounds [p], [p'].

    However, these sounds are also difficult to pronounce. Wrong pronunciation [l], [n '] can be expressed in the absence of them in speech, when the sound is completely omitted: instead of horse, instead of ribbon;in the replacement of the sounds [y], [d], fuzzy [in]: the wolf instead of the spoon, the stool instead of the stool, the horse instead of the horse, less often the sound [p]: the stow instead of the table. The sound [l] is sometimes replaced by the sound [l]: so instead of the table. In some cases, the sounds [l], [n '] are pronounced interdigally, the tongue is then spread and lies between the upper and lower incisors.

    First of all, try to make the child sound by imitation. Show him what position( in front of the mirror) you have to take the tongue and lips with the correct pronunciation of the sound [n]( [n ']), and then, imitating the steamer's whistle, offer him the sound to be extended slowly [l].If the sound can not be called in this way, then ask the child to perform a series of exercises aimed at preparing the articulatory apparatus, the development of auditory perception.

    To correctly pronounce the sounds [l], [l '], it is necessary to strengthen and develop the mobility of the tip of the tongue, lips with the following exercises( be sure to perform them accurately):

    • draw the lips with a tube and stretch them as if in a smile( achieve the ability to holdlips in a smile for a while);

    • When the mouth is open and the tongue is out, raise the tip of the tongue upwards( the lower lip should not participate in movement, the lower jaw remains fixed);

    • raise the tip of the tongue to the top and "clean" the upper incisors with it from the inside, then from the outside( the tip of the tongue should sharply hit the teeth);

    • make the tongue lacative with the tip of the tongue, while licking the upper lip;

    • With a wide open mouth, make quick movements with the tip of the tongue, touching the upper teeth and the upper lip( when the "connection" of the voice is heard, bl.).

    If the child replaces the sound with another sound( for example, [l '] & gt; [p]) or mixes it in speech( for example, with the sound [p]), you must first teach him to distinguish these sounds. To do this, suggest that the child from the group of syllables select only the syllable( la).After hearing a group of syllables la, wa, ra, la, ra, la, sa, la, a la, la, la, syllable, the child should raise his hand or clap his hands.

    After the child can accurately allocate the desired sound from a group of others, teach him to highlight this sound in words. For this, for example, when distinguishing between [l] and [p] sounds, offer the child to name only those words in which he hears the sound [l]: shovel, lock, fish, horse, bench, hand, rocket, teapot,moose - lifting your hand( or clapping your hands).The task can be complicated by giving the child a selection of words in which the sound [l] is in different positions( not only at the beginning of the word, but also in the middle, at the end).

    Then you can pick up words that have a sound [l], and then words that have mixed or replaced sounds. This task is given if the child can pronounce the sound [l] correctly, but sometimes mixes it with another.

    After such preparatory exercises, you can proceed to sound.

    The initial position for generating sound [l] can be sounds [s], [a], [y].With open lips, the widely spaced tip of the tongue is bitten by the incisors( front teeth), while the sound [s]( s-yy-yy. ..) is pronounced, resulting in interdental sound [l]( make sure that the lipsthe child did not close with the tongue).Then, constantly holding the tip of the tongue between the teeth, suggest that the child utter this sound, then with closed, then with open teeth with the addition of a vowel sound( yy-yy-a).

    When the accuracy of the pronunciation of the sound [l] is thereby achieved, the tongue is gradually retracted from the upper incisors. The normal pronunciation of the sound is fixed and then entered into speech.

    When replacing sound [l] with sound [s], adults should be sure that lips do not take part in the pronunciation of the sound. To do this, you must first hold the movement of the lips with your fingers, and then, using the above technique, you can proceed to cause sound.

    The setting of soft [l '] is carried out after setting and fixing [l] solid. Defects soft [l '] are less common. When evoking it is necessary to ensure that the child's tongue is more tense, and the front part of the tongue is more strongly resting against the incisors of the upper teeth.

    • Ask the child to repeat the syllables: la, lo, lu, li, al, ol, ul, el, la, le, li, le, al, ol, ul, il, spruce, ala, alo, alu, ali, alja, alie, ala, ale, ala, alo.

    • Choose pictures with images of such items, in the names of which there are sounds [l], [l '] in the beginning, middle and end of the word: moon, dove, clown, table, watering can, snail, kissel. Invite the child to name these items. Pay attention to the correctness and clarity of uttering these sounds.

    • Offer the child to repeat the joke-prattle:

    la la la la yala,

    al-al-al - Vova was awake during the day,

    lo-lo-lo-in the room is warm,

    ol-ol-ol-we sit down at the table,

    lo-lu-lo-cup stands in a corner,

    st-ul-st - Petya guby nadul,

    we have clean floors,

    has been cold for a long time,

    la-la-the-fields are seen,

    is yal-yal-yal-the book Petya took,

    any lu-li-lu-I on the couch sleep,

    il-il-il-i-kitten watered,

    whether or not we at the cinemawent,

    ate-ate-Vova porridge ate,

    le-le-le - tableware on the table,

    ol-ol-ol-we buy salt,

    fir-spruce, we drink jelly.

    • Ask the child to repeat tongue-on tongue and tongue twisters:

    Washed Mila with soap.

    Kolya Kolya stakes.

    Around the bell bell.

    Fields flying. Needle, needle, you are sharp and sharp.

    I sat down and ate everything.

    The number near the table. A table near the stake.

    Saw a saw,

    Buzzed like a bee,

    I saw a piece,

    I jumped on a branch,

    I burst and became,

    Start over.

    - How much did Savva eat fat?

    - How much with Kolka, so much with Tolka.

    • Read proverbs, sayings, explain their meanings, ask the child to repeat them:

    A lot of words, but it's not enough.

    Finished business-go boldly.

    Ate did not eat, but sat at the table.

    The finger is weak, and the fist is strong.

    It was, but failed.

    Hunger and wolf from the forest drives.

    A goal as a falcon.

    Swallow the day begins, but the nightingale finishes.

    The person is small, but got to the moon.

    Either it will or not, either rain or snow.

    A small business is better than a great idleness.

    • Guess the riddles:

    White blanket

    The Earth was wearing.

    The sun is baked -

    The blanket has flowed.

    ( Snow)

    In the pine hollow.

    The hollow is warm.

    And who in the hollow Lives in the heat?

    ( Squirrel)

    Here are the needles and pins Caught from under the bench.

    They look at me.

    Milk they want.

    ( Hedgehog)

    K. Chukovsky

    • Read the story to the child and ask him to answer the questions first, and then retell it.

    Kolya and Klava went for lilies of the valley to the forest. When they went home, they noticed a fox in the bushes. The children wanted to catch him, but the fox dexterously, wagging his tail, ran away from them. Kolya and Klava used to catch the fox for a long time, but they did not catch it. Running after the fox, they did not notice how they found themselves far from home and lost their way. It began to rain, it became dark and cold. Klava was afraid of the dark and cried. Kolya calmed Klava, gave her his cloak. When it was daylight, they found a familiar lawn and hurried home.

    Questions: why did Kolya and Klava go to the forest? Who did they see in the bushes? Who did the children want to catch? Caught Kolya and Klava fox? What happened to the children? What scared Klava? What did Kolya do to keep Klava from crying? When did the children find the lawn?

    • Learn with the child poems:

    Bird flies,

    Birdie plays,

    Bird sings.

    The bird was flying,

    The bird was playing,

    There were no birds!

    Where are you, bird?

    Where are you, singer?

    At the far edge of the

    You nest the nest;

    There and you sing

    Your song.

    V. Zhukovsky

    So recently to us in the window

    Every day the sun was looking.

    And now it's time has come -

    In the field of blizzard zagulyal.

    Ran with the song with a bell,

    Everything was covered up like a diaper,

    Filled with snow down -

    It became empty everywhere, deaf.

    The river does not ring the wave

    Under the icy clothes.

    The forest has quieted down, looking sadly,

    Birds can not hear busy.

    J. Kupala

    With the correct pronunciation of the sound [p], the speech organs should take the following position: the mouth is open to such an extent that the subsequent vowel sound can be clearly pronounced;The front part of the tongue is raised up and touches the alveoli;the lateral edges of the tongue closely adjoin the molars. The rest of the language is omitted. Under the pressure of a strong air jet, the tip of the tongue comes into motion: it touches the upper alveoli, then it is drawn into the mouth. Thus, the tip of the tongue vibrates.

    With a soft [p '], the front edge of the tongue touches the necks of the upper incisors, and the tongue back slightly raised.

    The disadvantages of pronouncing the sounds [p] - [p '] in preschool children are quite common. There are many variants of the wrong pronunciation of this sound.

    In some cases, the child may not utter a sound at all: instead of fish, in others, it can be replaced with sounds that are easier to articulate. Most often, the sounds [p] - [p '] are replaced by the sounds [n], [n'] or [d]: bow, hatch, yuk, instead of the hand, less often the sounds [s], [n], [c][y], [r]( with the sound of sound [x]).Sometimes the sound [p] can be replaced by the sound [p '].Sounds [p] and [p '] children pronounce distorted, when they instead of the tip of the tongue vibrates the soft palate or only the tongue of the soft palate. By ear, this pronunciation of sounds is approaching the normal. Sometimes the sound may not be pronounced enough, rarely, instead of vibrating the tip of the tongue, the sound [p] is formed from the trembling of the lips.

    When eliminating the imperfections of the pronunciation of sound [p], you should first try to get the sound through imitation. Suggest to the child( in the absence or replacement of the sound) after you to represent the roar of the engine of the aircraft or the growling of the dog: rrr. .., cawing of crows: car-rr-r. .., the noise of the engine at the start of the car:t-tt-tr-rr. Preliminarily show the child where the tip of the tongue should be( work is done in front of the mirror so that the child can compare your position of the organs of speech with your own).

    However, experience shows that in children of the sixth to seventh year of life, it is not always possible to cause sound only by imitation. In most cases, sounding is preceded by a long and hard work to "adjust" the articulatory apparatus, to develop the necessary movements of the language, to develop the ability to distinguish the right sound from the wrong one.

    If the child finds it difficult to give the language the right position, then ask him to perform the following exercises:

    • stick out the tongue and then remove it( first this exercise is done slowly, then at a fast pace);

    • stick out the tongue and make it move from side to side( as the clock pendulum moves);

    • stick out the tongue and bend the tip of the tongue up to the top, and then lower it down to the chin;

    • click on the tongue( the tip of the tongue touches the hard palate and then descends.) Do not allow the child to raise the lower jaw with the tip of the tongue during this exercise;tip the tongue up, holding it in this position, touch the alveoli.

    These exercises should be done 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes. The transition from one exercise to another is carried out only after a clear assimilation of the previous one.

    Sometimes the absence of sound [p] may be due to the weakness of the exhalation, which makes the vibration of the tip of the tongue difficult. In this case, do respiratory gymnastics. To enhance and prolong the exhalation, offer the child to blow on cotton wool, on suspended strips of paper. In addition, he trains breathing out balls, rubber toys, playing on children's musical instruments: clarinet, saxophone, flute, whistle.

    If the child replaces the sound [p] with a sound [l] or mixes it in speech with this sound, then train the child in distinguishing them by ear. First, ask him to guess who you are imitating-the roar of the aircraft( say: rrrr) or the buzzer of the steamer( say: l-l-l).Then ask the child to raise his hand( clap his hands) only when he hears the syllable with the sound [p]( set of syllables: ra, wa, la, sha, la, ra, sa, la, ra, na, ra,ra, la, sha).Teach your child to select only the given syllable.

    In the future, the task becomes more complicated: the child is offered to select only words with a sound [p] from the group of words: fish, cap, shovel, cancer, rocket, lily of the valley, teapot, pen. The child raises his hand only when he hears a sound in the word [p].Words must be pronounced slowly, with small pauses between words.

    After the preparatory exercises, you can go to the sound call. Suggest to the child, when the mouth of the tongue is open and the tip of the tongue raised to the alveoli, pronounce the sound [q] in a gradually accelerating tempo: dddd. .., then pronounce the sound [q] in combination with the vowels: ddd, д-д-д-а, д-д-д-у, д-д-д-о.Speech soundings are made on one exhalation. Simultaneously, a special spatula or a teaspoon handle under the tip of the tongue produces rapid oscillations

    motion in the horizontal direction. The tip of the tongue then closes with a hard sky, then breaks away. Thus, the vibration of the tip of the tongue is achieved.

    When a child pronounces the sound [p] sufficiently clearly, it is necessary to obtain from him the independent pronunciation of this sound.

    Having received a clear sound, they pass to its fixation in syllables, words, sentences.

    If the child correctly pronounces the sound [w], then you can try to call [p] from this sound. With the prolonged utterance of the sound [g]( g-g-g-g), the tip of the tongue extends forward, and through the horizontal movements under the tongue the vibrations of the tongue are achieved. Usually the production of this sound requires a lot of effort and time both from the child and from the parents. Only with systematic daily lessons can you achieve positive success.

    • Invite the child to repeat the syllables: pa, ro, py, py, ar, op, ur, ur, ry, ryo, ryu, ri, re, ar, orm, ur, ara, aru, aru, ares, arya, aye, ari, ari, are, ora, oro, yore, ory.

    • Choose pictures with images of such items, in the names of which there are the sounds [p] and [p '] in the beginning, middle and end of the word: frame, ant, tractor, sailor, mushrooms, primer. Invite the child to name these items. Pay attention to the correctness and clarity of pronouncing the sounds.

    • Ask the child to repeat the joke-frosting:

    ra-ra-ra-go home it's time,

    ar-ar-ar - stand the samovar,

    ro-ro-ro-carry the bucket here,

    op-or-or - Vova bearsax,

    ru-ru-ru-we start the game,

    ur-ur-ur-puppy chases chickens,

    ry-ry-ry - in the gazebo mosquitoes,

    yr-yr-yr - we eat cheese,

    -pitch-drag the minnows,

    ir-ir-ir-we drink kefir,

    ryu-ryu-ryu-I compote I cook,

    myr-yer-uncle Petya-officer,

    ri-ri-ri - on the branches of the bullfinches,

    Herr-yor-on-wall carpet,

    re-re-re - stands oakmountain,

    -apb apb apb-y I lit the lantern,

    GPL, GPL, GPL - you do not argue with me,

    yr-yr-yr-Victor - athlete,

    Eph-Eph-Eph - we fix the door.

    • Offer the child to repeat tongue-twisters and tongue-twisters:

    Axes are sharp for a while.

    Three trumpeters are trumpeted into pipes.

    On the log beavers wander.

    In the lake - carp, and in the sea - a crab.

    In the yard grass, on the grass firewood:

    Once the firewood, two firewood -

    Do not cut the wood on the grass of the yard.

    • Read proverbs, sayings, explain their meanings, ask the child to repeat them:

    On bezrybe and cancer-fish.

    Patience and work all peretrut.

    The truth in the fire does not burn and does not sink in the water.

    Without difficulty, you can not take out the fish from the pond.

    For the truth stand up.

    The thief's hat is on fire.

    Measure seven times, and cut it once.

    • Guess the child puzzles, learn with him some of them:

    No hands, no legs

    Draws can.

    ( Frost)

    In the yard - mountain,

    And in the hut - with water.

    ( Snow)

    No arms, no legs,

    And the door opens.

    ( Wind)

    Five brothers Years equal,

    Growth different.

    ( Fingers)

    No hands, but can build.

    ( Bird)

    Two brothers

    They live across the road,

    And they do not see each other.

    ( Eyes)

    No arms, no axing

    A hut built.

    ( Socket)

    Above the hole, bottom hole,

    In the middle of the fire and water.

    ( Samovar)

    • Read the story to the child and ask him to answer the questions first, and then retell it.

    Ira Krutova four years. In the morning, Mama accompanies Ira to the kindergarten, and she goes to work. Ira has many friends in the garden, but she always plays with Roma. Roma is a good comrade, he draws and sings well. In the evening, Mom returns from work, goes to Ira in the kindergarten, and they go home together. At home Ira helps my mother: she removes the room, wipes the dishes, and feeds the cat Murka.

    Questions: how old is Ira Krutova? Where do Ira and Mom go in the morning? Who is Ira playing in kindergarten? Why does Ira play in the kindergarten with Roma? When does Ira return home? What does Ira do at home?

    • Learn with your child poems:

    You need to wash yourself

    In the mornings and evenings,

    And the unclean chimney sweeps -

    Shame and shame!

    Shame and shame!

    K. Chukovsky

    Our cock screaming for the river

    In the morning trying,

    He believes: from "ku-ka-re-ku"

    The sun lights up.

    M. Belyaev

    The detachment is coming to the parade,

    The drummer is very happy:

    Drums, drums

    One and a half hours in a row.

    Left, right!

    Left, right!

    The drum is already leaky.

    A. Barto

    • Offer the child to repeat the syllables: ral-la, ro-lo, py-lu, ry-ly, ar-al, or-ol, ur-ul, yr-yul, rya-la, ry-le, ryulu, rili, re-le, ar-al, or-ol, ur-ul, ara-ala, aro-alo, aru-alu, ari-ali, areal, ora-ol, oro- Olo.

    • Select images with images of such items, in the names of which there is a sound [p]( [p ']) and sound [l]( [l']), for example, a plate, helicopter, ship, policeman, trolleybus. Invite the child to name these items. Pay attention to the correct pronunciation of sounds and the clarity of pronouncing words.

    • Ask the child to repeat the joke-prattle:

    ra-ra-ra-under the pine hole,

    ol-ol-ol-we eat beans,

    la la la on the flower of the bee,


    ro-ro-ro - in the metro city,

    la-la-la-black earth,

    lo-lo-lo in the room lightly,

    ryu-ryu-ryu gave us for a cracker,

    ru-ру-y-hare stripped the bark,

    lu-lu-lo-lu-toys on the floor,

    lu-lyu-lyu-mum I love,

    ry-ry-ry-in the river floats beavers,

    ri-ri-ri - on the floornot litter,

    li-li-li - porridge salting,

    ly-ly-ly - brought the table,

    re-re-re-ear boiled at the stake,

    ar-ar-ar-ar-flew my ball,

    le le le - boils water in the boiler,

    al-al-al-built the channel,

    op- red tomato,

    el-el-eel-woodpecker flew,

    ol-ol-ol-we painted the floor,

    ir-ir-ir-my dad commander,

    ur-ur-ur-we have a short cord,

    il-il-il-toothy crocodile,

    er-er-er - we were approached by a mounter,

    ul-ul-ul - breeze breeze,

    el-el-yol - someone entered the room,

    yr-yr-yr-read the book "Moydodyr",

    yr-yr-y-y-burst our bubble,

    was-syl-el-dishes I washed,

    ar-ar-ar-ar - Tolya is our goalkeeper,

    silt-silt - on the road dust,


    al-al-al - manufactureddetail,

    ory-ory-ory-y Svetlana measles,

    spruce-el-fir on the street blizzard.

    • Ask the child to answer the questions:

    who builds houses?(Builder.)

    Who repairs the light?(Electric)

    Who is repairing the machines?(Locksmith.)

    Who issues books in the library?(The librarian.)

    Who rubs the floors?(Polo)

    Who is making the steel?(Сталевар.)

    • Ask the child to repeat the tongue-twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, guess riddles. Learn with it verses:

    The crow crow.

    As a hill on the hill lived thirty-three Egorki.

    Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle.

    Rolled bollocks,

    And on the road of boxes.

    Surprised Kolobok

    And rolled into the box.

    I took Valerka plate,

    I took Valerka tray -

    I got a plate Valerka

    I brought it on a tray.

    The work of man feeds, and laziness spoils.

    How many wolves do not feed, he looks at the forest.

    For goodness and pay.

    Whoever lied yesterday is not believed tomorrow.

    The mountain with the mountain will not converge, but the person with the man will meet.

    What fell from the cart, it's gone.

    The further into the forest, the more wood.

    Who gets up early,

    That mushroom takes itself,

    And sleepy yes lazy

    Goes after nettles!

    Dived, dived

    Yes, the tail lost,

    ( Needle)

    Ros balloon was white, the wind blew -

    And the ball flew away.

    ( Dandelion)

    Red rocker

    Above the river hung.

    ( Rainbow)


    You unfold - a pancake.

    ( Umbrella)

    One fire

    The whole world is warming.

    ( the Sun)

    It's worth a shock in the middle of the yard,

    Front of the pitchfork, behind the broom.

    ( Cow)

    Wings with wings,

    And can not fly away.(Windmill)

    Winged Feet -

    Red Flippers.

    ( Goose)

    Mountain for the rope led.

    ( Camel)

    In the field of the grain

    The sun has grown -

    Round, bright,

    Just not hot.

    ( Sunflower)

    Bows, bows,

    Will come home - it will be stretched.

    ( Ax)

    White birch

    Under my window

    Has covered the snow,

    Exactly silver.

    On fluffy branches

    Snowy border

    The brushes

    have bloomed White fringe.

    And stands birch

    In sleepy silence,

    And the snowflakes

    burn In the golden fire.

    And the dawn, lazily


    Sprinkles branches

    New silver.

    S. Yesenin

    Autumn has come,

    Dry flowers,

    And they look sad

    Naked bushes.

    Withers and turns yellow

    Grass in grass,

    Only greens

    Winter in the fields.

    The cloud covers the sky,

    The sun does not shine;

    The wind howls in the field;

    The rain drizzles,

    The waters rustled

    of the Rapid Creek,

    Birds flew

    Into the warmer edges.

    A. Plescheev


    It's easy to walk by the moon,

    Conquering a dusty shore,

    Moving the sea for a wagon!

    Lunokhod-terrain vehicle

    We are greeted by the moon from the moon,

    Says things are OK,

    Invites everyone to join us.

    Gather, dreamers!

    Here's the moon hanging in the window.

    In the Lunokhod we will soon be

    We ride on the moon.

    M. Sadowski

    • Read the story to the child and ask him to answer the questions first, and then retell it.

    Early in the morning, Andrei and Kolya went to the river to fish. They took with them a bucket, spare hooks, fishing line, floats and a box with worms. All these guys put on the bottom of the boat. Andreika sat down by the oars, and they sailed from the shore. In the middle of the river the guys put hooks on worms and abandoned fishing rods. The cave was bad. The guys were going to return home, when suddenly the line from Andreika tightened and the supplies quickly dived into the water. Andreyka with great difficulty held the fishing rod in her hands. Kolya wanted to help Andrei, but could not resist and fell into the water. On the bank of the river the guys lit a fire, and Kolya dried his clothes.

    Questions: where did Andrea and Kolya go early in the morning? What did they take with them to the boat? Who sat down for the oars? Where did the guys plant worms and abandon their fishing rods? What was cool? What happened to the line and the float of Andreika when the guys were going to return home? How did Andrei hold the fishing rod in his hands? What did Kolya want to do and what happened to him? What did the guys on the riverbank do?