
Sinusitis in children: symptoms and treatment, signs, complications

  • Sinusitis in children: symptoms and treatment, signs, complications

    Sinusitis in children is a very insidious disease, which can deliver a lot of inconveniences to the child and his parents.

    It is important to know about possible complications, because due to the peculiarities of the structure of the maxillary sinuses in children, the sinusitis can provoke the appearance of adenoids, and also contribute to the development of otitis media, meningitis or pneumonia.

    In addition, the pus that accumulates in the sinuses causes headaches. The child becomes irritable, he is persecuted by constant fatigue.

    In this regard, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to promptly identify the first signs, determine the causes, and prescribe adequate treatment of genyantritis in children. And timely prevention will avoid the occurrence of an ailment in the future.

    Causes of

    As a rule, sinusitis in children is a complication of a previous illness, which is viral, allergic or infectious.

    These diseases include:

    • allergic or acute rhinitis, which lasts for a long time
    • instagram viewer
    • ARVI and influenza
    • scarlet fever, measles
    • tonsillitis
    • stomatitis, caries, as well as other diseases of teeth and oral cavity
    In addition, the cause of sinusitis can be a curvature or injurynasal septum, inflamed adenoids, or the usual decrease in immunity.

    To cure the disease and accelerate the recovery process, it is necessary to determine the root cause of its development, for this it is worth to turn to an experienced doctor.

    Symptoms of sinusitis in children

    Genitalis in children, and its symptoms will depend on the form of the disease. The most commonly diagnosed acute sinusitis, it is characterized by the following clinical picture:

    1. 1) Unpleasant sensations in the maxillary sinuses, which intensify toward evening, and in the morning are less pronounced.
    2. 2) Feeling of heaviness and pain in the head, which is located in the forehead, temples. To be ill will be stronger from that side where the inflamed sinus is located. In the horizontal position, the pain sensations are able to subside, and with the tilting of the head, sneezing or coughing, on the contrary, intensify.
    3. 3) Runny nose, which can be purulent or transparent, depending on the stage of the inflammatory process. The initial stage - clear discharge, inflammatory - green, if there is a yellowish tint - it means that the sinusitis became purulent.
    4. 4) Nasal congestion due to accumulation of pus in the sinuses. Often, only one side is laid.
    5. 5) Temperature that can rise to 39 degrees.
    6. 6) If you press gently on the center of the cheek( dog fossa), on the side where inflammation is present, the child will feel pain.
    7. 7) Appearance of gnusavosi, which is accompanied by a decrease in smell.
    8. 8) There may be swelling or redness on the inflamed side of the cheek.
    9. 9) The child becomes sluggish, quickly tires, becomes more capricious. There may be a lack of appetite.
    If there is a perspiration or dryness in the mountain, which is accompanied by painful sensations - it is a signal that the sinusitis becomes chronic. The temperature can be subfebrile, or absent.

    Above are the first signs of sinusitis in children, in case of detection of one or more symptoms, you should consult a doctor for advice and conducting an appropriate examination.

    Please note that in a child aged 3-4 years, the maxillary sinuses are not yet fully developed, so the occurrence of the disease is unlikely. Usually, sinusitis affects children from 5 years and older. In case of similar symptoms, it is worth checking the child for adenoids.


    Diagnosis of sinusitis is based on clinical signs of the disease, which are confirmed by instrumental diagnostic methods.

    The most effective is radiography, thanks to it you can see the level of pus in the maxillary sinuses, it will be displayed in the form of a blackout. In addition, the method is comfortable and painless.

    An informative but painful method is the puncture of the inflamed sinus, but it can lead to complications, so this method is used only as a last resort.

    Treatment of sinusitis

    First of all, it is necessary to determine the causes and assess the severity of the disease, and after that, prescribe the appropriate treatment of sinusitis in children. It can be conservative or surgical. If there are no complications, treatment can be carried out at home.

    In the case of acute sinusitis, drops that have a vasoconstrictive effect are prescribed, these can be:

    1. 1) Otrivin
    2. 2) Pharmazoline
    3. 3) Naphthyzite, etc.
    Such agents help to clear the sinus and have a beneficial effect on the removal of inflammation. Note that such additions are addictive, and there is a risk of developing mucosal atrophy, which leads to vasomotor rhinitis. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them for longer than 1 week.

    Also an important stage in the treatment of sinusitis is the administration of antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics of both local action and new generation drugs( cephalosporins, augmentin, azithromycin) can be used. What exactly should be taken is the prerogative of your attending physician, who should prescribe suitable treatment, depending on the age of the child.

    The remaining stages of therapy are symptomatic. In case of high fever, antipyretic drugs( ibuprofen) are used, and aspirin can not be given to children categorically. In addition, prescribe vitamins, nasal rinses( cuckoo), as well as physiotherapeutic procedures( UHF, UHF), they are able to bring about a recovery. In most cases, the duration of treatment of acute sinusitis is 1-2 weeks, chronic up to 3 weeks.

    If the curvature of the nasal septum is the cause of sinusitis, or drug treatment does not give positive results, then in this case, surgical intervention( puncture) may be necessary. It is also prescribed for an abundant stagnation of pus in the sinuses, which is accompanied by high fever.

    Genyantritis in children, symptoms and treatment - Komarovsky

    Doctor Komarovsky will tell in detail about the genyantritis in the child, and the ways of his treatment:

    Additional treatments for

    In addition to the traditional treatment of sinusitis, at home, you can use respiratory gymnastics, as well as massage. They are able to fill tissues with oxygen, and improve blood supply.

    1. Acupressure - find the child such places as: the internal angle of the eyebrow, the inner lower part of the eye socket, the center point between the eyebrows, the midpoint on the nasolabial fold and massage them for 30 seconds clockwise, the touch can be painful.
    2. Breathing exercises - it is necessary to alternately breathe each nostril for 5-7 seconds, the second nostril should be closed with a finger. Repeat 10 times.
    As for folk remedies, you can use propolis - soak 2 cotton buds, then insert them in the nose for 5 minutes to the baby.

    Various warming up and inhalations can be used only on the advice of a doctor, because in the acute phase they can only worsen the condition.

    Complications of

    Complications of sinusitis in children are usually associated with the transition of the process to a chronic stage. Therefore, it is so important to begin timely treatment in order to avoid serious consequences, among which may be:

    • otitis, hearing loss
    • pneumonia
    • meningitis and other intracranial complications
    • edema of the eyelid and orbit
    • rheumatism
    If you notice that your child often breathes his mouthat night, and also snores - be sure to seek advice from an ENT doctor. This can be a consequence of chronic sinusitis, or other pathologies.

    Prevention of sinusitis

    Since sinusitis is often a consequence of a number of diseases, prevention is the timely detection and treatment of ARI, rhinitis, scarlet fever, oral diseases, etc.

    In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the overall immunity of the child - to observe the regime of day and sleep,fully eat and be outdoors. You can take care of such risk factors as curvature of the nasal septum or adenoids in advance. With any signs of illness - do not self-medicate, but consult a specialist.

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