  • How to cure sinusitis: treatment at home quickly

    The most common ENT - a disease is sinusitis, characterized by an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses.

    The cause may be carious tooth, allergy, gum disease, trauma consequences, other infection. Therefore, to eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis, it is necessary to exclude the causes of the disease, and afterwards to think about how to treat sinusitis at home.

    The doctor prescribes antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal and antiallergenic drugs. Along with medical products it is recommended to use folk remedies that will speed up the healing process.

    Treatment of genyantritis at home can be divided into two areas:

    • improving blood circulation by heating;
    • increase the outflow of mucus and pus by washing and instillation into the nose.
    For the improvement of blood circulation in the sinuses of the nose, heating is applied with the help of compresses, heaters, lotions. There are many folk remedies and useful recipes that are successfully used in the treatment of sinusitis at home.
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    If the genyantritis is bilateral, has a severe form, then surgery or physiotherapy is required. Folk remedies fight disease effectively in an uncomplicated mild form or in remission. Most often, the treatment of sinusitis in adults is combined.

    Compresses from sinusitis

    Warmings are contraindicated in purulent, acute phase of maxillary sinus in adults. As components for the compress, those ingredients that keep the heat well are of an antibacterial nature. Types of compresses:

    1. 1) Clay. It is heated to a certain temperature, two lozenges are made and applied to the site of the maxillary sinuses for 20-30 minutes. A good effect has this remedy, the improvement occurs on the 5th day of treatment.
    2. 2) Soap and onions. Rub laundry soap and onions. On a slow fire, cook onion mush and soap for no more than 5 minutes. Soft mass in a warm form is put on a piece of polyethylene bag and on the sinuses of the nose so that the bag is on top. Cover with gauze and a warm cloth. It is better to do the procedure in a relaxed state lying on the back. After 30-35 minutes the compress is removed, the area of ​​the nose is wiped with a damp cloth or washed. After the procedure, mucus and pus can be abundantly removed.
    3. 3) Warm up using a blue lamp. Do not rub your nose for more than 20 minutes. You can pre-lubricate the face and nose with baby cream. After warming up with a blue lamp, the procedure for instilling medicinal preparations into the nose will become more effective.
    4. 4) Rub the sore spot with a mixture of juice only of ripped mugs, garlic and birch charcoal. Cover with a warm cloth and hold the compress for an hour, then rinse with warm water.
    5. 5) As a warming agent you can make compresses based on alcohol tincture of red pepper. When entering the street, such a tincture can lubricate the wings of the nose and nostrils.
    6. 6) Black radish. Compress based on black radish is simple and effective. Rub the radish, put it on the sore spot, and polyethylene and cloth on the top are applied. After the procedure is finished, they wash their face with a moisturizing cream.
    7. 7) Salt. In the frying pan heat the salt, stirring, until the appearance of smoke. Put the salt in a pouch or an old sock. Warm sinuses from two sides alternately, until the salt cools. After warming, the skin turns red, but it quickly passes. You can grease the face with a softening cream after the procedure.
    It is important to remember that warming up is not recommended in the acute phase of the disease. In addition, any procedure requires consultation with your doctor. How else can you treat sinusitis at home? Inhalations and drops will come to the aid on the basis of cyclamen.

    Inhalation for sinusitis

    To improve the outflow of mucus and pus recommend the following procedures.

    1. 1) In the oven, heat the red brick, on top of it, crumble gruel grated garlic. Then cover with a towel and inhale the pairs alternately in each nostril for 25-30 minutes. The phytoncides, which are part of garlic, perfectly cope with microbes. There is cleansing of the maxillary sinuses and improvement of blood circulation.
    2. 2) Inhalation has a similar effect. Carry out procedures with the aid of an inhaler, and if this is not available, you can use a steam bath. In boiling water, place a small mass of Vietnamese balm and inhale the vapor, covered with a towel. You can also drip eucalyptus oil, fir, pine in the boiling water.
    3. 3) Another good way for inhalation. Boil the potatoes in a peel, add a tablet of Validol and breathe through the nose over the steam for 15 minutes. Inhalations help relieve tension and headache.

    Drops based on plant components

    The most effective folk remedy for sinusitis is cyclamen juice. This plant draws pus and helps to cleanse the sinuses. How to treat sinusitis with these drugs?

    1. 1) Often, a drop of cyclamen is sold at the pharmacy, they manage the genyantritis in any form well enough. It is recommended to use the Sinus Lift, which performs a purifying function and has a good antimicrobial effect.
    2. 2) You can use folk remedies based on cyclamen, made at home. Cyclamen juice mixed with honey, Vishnevsky ointment, put a cotton swab in the received mass and put it into the nostrils. In the supine position on the back, hold the tampons for 10 minutes, then remove and thoroughly blow your nose. This means effectively draws mucus and pus from the maxillary sinuses.
    3. 3) Drops of onion juice are also effective. Grate the onion, squeeze, add a little boiled water to the juice and bury 2-3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.
    4. 4) A useful procedure is instilling in the nose a slightly warmed sea buckthorn oil or rose hips. Such agents soften the nasal passages and relieve inflammation due to antiseptic effects.
    5. 5) In addition, you can bury your nose with a decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile, marigold, string, celandine.
    6. 6) Salt solution from sea salt has an excellent effect, especially for preventive purposes.
    For home treatment of sinusitis, extract from the leaves of celandine( or simply a decoction from the top of the plant), to which aloe juice is added. This mass is buried in the nose 3-4 times a day.

    How to treat sinusitis with decoctions and tinctures

    During treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies, it is necessary to take decoctions from plants that have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. These herbs include sage, turn, celandine, chamomile, nettle, mint and calendula. They will help to quickly cure sinusitis at home.

    The collection "Elekasol" is on sale in the pharmacy, which includes a set of the most effective plants against ENT diseases. This decoction rinses the nostrils, rinses the throat and even takes inside.

    It is necessary to take care of the protective functions of the ENT organs. To enhance immunity, it is recommended to take a tincture of echinacea, dog rose, licorice, St. John's wort, sage, eucalyptus, lavender.

    Read also, treatment of genyantritis with antibiotics in adults.

    Prophylaxis of sinusitis

    If during the year you are ill more than once with the flu or ARI, then it is necessary to carry out treatment aimed at increasing the protective functions of the body. For this purpose it is recommended to take immunomodulators in the cold season, which include microscopic particles of the most common pathogens of infection.

    Getting into the body, it produces antibodies, and a barrier mechanism is launched against infection and viruses. Thus, you can avoid sinusitis, which is not easy to treat.

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