  • Allergic rhinitis: symptoms and treatment, prevention

    What is it - allergic rhinitis or in a different rhinitis, "hay fever" is a disease that results in a mucous nasal infection.

    Allergic reaction occurs - the response of immunity to the effect of an allergen or irritant. According to statistics, more than 20% of the country's population suffers from this ailment. With this problem you need to contact a doctor-allergist.

    Allergic rhinitis is manifested with abundant discharge of mucus from the nose, sneezing, troubled nasal breathing and itching in the nose. Rhinitis of an allergic nature can be both year-round and seasonal. Usually, the seasonal type of rhinitis occurs due to plant pollen or fungal spores.

    The reaction of our immune system to the stimulus is as follows: the immunity is struggling, because of this and the symptoms of a common cold appear. In the body through the digestive tract get allergens, then the antigenic components penetrate into the blood. The number of CEC-circulating immune complexes in the blood reaches a high level, after which an allergic reaction occurs.
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    Particles from the external environment, provoked by an allergic rhinitis, are called allergens. Allergens such as pollen of plants, dust, insects, microspores of yeast and mold fungi, small mites, medicinal preparations can provoke an allergic rhinitis. To stimulate an exacerbation of an illness can be a supercooling or a sharp smell.

    In addition, the provocation of the disease is a genetic predisposition.

    Symptoms of an allergic rhinitis

    Let's name the main symptoms by which you can suspect an allergic rhinitis:

    1. 1) Clearance from a nose of a transparent nature. When additional infection is added, mucus acquires a mucopurulent structure.
    2. 2) Constant sneezing. Usually sneezing has the nature of an attack. Sometimes sick patients with such a diagnosis arbitrarily begin to rub the tip of the nose. This feature is called "allergic salute."
    3. 3) Swelling and itching in the nose.
    4. 4) Complication of breathing. It is observed rarely, the symptom is characteristic for later terms of the disease. In this case, nasal obstruction is usually observed at night. Patients breathe through the mouth.
    5. 5) Lacrimation and redness of the eyes are possible.
    6. 6) Puffing and changing the sound of the voice.
    7. 7) A rare symptom - circles under the eyes.
    The disease usually manifests itself in the early childhood and adolescence. Depending on the severity of the common cold, light, medium and heavy forms are now recognized. If sleep is normal and daytime activity does not worsen, doctors talk about the mild form of rhinitis. When there are some difficulties with daytime activity and during sleep, ascertain the presence of an average degree. If the patient can not sleep and work normally, this is the most serious form of the disease.

    Sometimes the factors that provoked the disease, it is really difficult to track. It can be a walk with a pet, going to a barbecue or cleaning the house. When a patient with this form of rhinitis starts taking antihistamines, relief comes, but not for long. Sometimes allergic rhinitis occurs in conjunction with allergic conjunctivitis.

    There is besides allergic also psychogenic, professional, medicamentous, hormonal, atrophic rhinitis and others. Since almost all types of cold have similar symptoms, it is still worthwhile to entrust the treatment to a specialist. Due to improper treatment, patients develop even greater sensitivity to the environment. Disturb mucous sharp smells, smoke from cigarettes, household chemicals.

    Allergic rhinitis in children

    This disease in childhood usually occurs after three years, but other options are possible. Often, the disease worries children who have suffered from allergic dermatitis in the past."Atopic march" refers to the change in symptoms of allergy, from atopic dermatitis to rhinitis, and then to bronchial asthma.

    Symptomatic in children of this disease is almost indistinguishable from manifestations in adulthood. However, the disease is characterized by a slightly higher prevalence of allergies to food components. Also for children are characterized by morning bouts of the disease. Often children are worried about worsening of nasal breathing and tinnitus.

    Therapy for allergic rhinitis in childhood is most relevant because it gives good results. Treatment is carried out using the safest antihistamines, having the least amount of contraindications.

    To prevent the development of the disease, use the agents with cromoglycic acid in the form of a spray in the nose and in the form of drops. This is lomudal, kromoglin, kromosol. Such local preparations as vibrocil are quite effective. Systemic antiallergic agents, for example, claritin or ketotifen, remove the effect of substances that appear during an allergic reaction.

    Many small patients are diagnosed in addition to rhinitis and intestinal dysbacteriosis. Correct therapy to eliminate this disease allows you to achieve a significant remission of allergic rhinitis.


    If you suspect that you have allergic rhinitis, then it's time to visit Laura and an allergist-immunologist. These two specialists will make an accurate picture of the disease: the allergist will be able to confirm the allergic nature of the disease, while the otolaryngologist will reveal other pathologies of the nose, if any.

    It is necessary to exclude sinusitis and pollen noses in the first place. If you start to treat yourself, antihistamines will not only not give the desired effect, but can also make the disease worse.

    To confirm the diagnosis, a swab is given from the nose to eosinophils or a blood test for IgE immunoglobulin is common. If the tests confirm more than 5% of eosinophils in the smear and more than 100 IU of immunoglobulin, then the diagnosis of "rhinitis allergic" will be confirmed.

    In order to identify the main cause of the disease, the following types of diagnostics are performed:

    1. 1) Setting of skin tests. Makes several small incisions on the skin, causing there certain certain allergens. The reaction will be available in 30 minutes. This is a fairly effective method of assessing allergies, but it is contraindicated in nursing, pregnant women, as well as all patients in the acute period of the disease. One week prior to the manipulation, antihistamines are canceled. Also in about 6 days should be noted anti-allergic drugs.
    2. 2) Blood test for specific IgE immunoglobulins. Using this method, blood allergens are detected. This method of diagnosis does not have prohibitions to use, but it is not always able to provide the correct result. In addition, the price of this analysis is high. If your health allows you, it is advisable, after all, to agree to a method of skin tests. Blood for the reaction of leukolysis is a completely unnecessary analysis, the results of which will not give you anything. Therefore, if your doctor offered to take such an analysis, you should think about his professionalism.
    Clinical and general blood count, anterior rhinomanometry, smears from the nose to the microflora and fungi, X-ray - these tests are not recommended often, conducted as needed.

    Treatment of an allergic rhinitis

    Therapy of an allergic rhinitis is not complete without the use of antihistamines. It is necessary to use various antihistamines - klaritin, zodak, erius, zirtek according to the doctor's prescription. The duration of treatment is usually not less than two weeks.

    Since drugs with antihistamine effect may have side effects in the form of an effect on the brain and heart, their use is advisable only after consultation with the doctor.

    The doctor also prescribes local antihistamines, for example, kromosol, kromoglin. Such sprays effectively affect the child's body, as well as with mild illness. Sprays are usually used year-round for prevention. Unique in its characteristics, the spray Nasaval, which creates a special film on the nasal mucosa, keeps it from contact with the allergen.

    Nasal corticosteroids such as fliksonase, aldecin, benorine and nazonex are suitable for patients with a complex form of the disease. With allergic rhinitis, do not overuse drops with vasoconstrictor properties.

    Allergen-specific immunotherapy is appropriate when conventional treatment does not give results or is contraindicated. Surgical intervention is recommended in rare cases, when there are other problems with ENT organs.

    Regarding folk recipes, fasting, a balanced diet, washing the nose with saline, use of activated charcoal( in the acute period of the disease) is recommended.

    Prevention of an allergic rhinitis

    If you have found seasonal rhinitis, it is recommended:

    • to avoid country trips.
    • limit the time spent on the street in the hottest weather, and also from 17 to 19 hours, when the highest intensity of spraying of plants is observed.
    • avoid summer work on mowing grass and lawns.
    • to go on vacation to the sea, there is less pollen.
    • after a stay on the street wash, take a shower, put on your home clothes.
    • sit on a diet that excludes provoking allergen and allergenic foods.
    If diagnosed year-round rhinitis, should:

    • get rid of bad habits - smoking in particular.
    • constantly carry out a wet house cleaning.
    • knock out carpets and pillows, keep your eyes clean.
    • does not wash the nose itself.
    • do not use vasoconstrictor.
    • does not purchase synthetic bedding.
    • remove all things that are the main distributors of dust in the house.
    • in the morning to air a bed and bedding.
    • clean your nose of mucus.
    Undoubtedly, the main prevention is avoiding contacts with allergens. Be healthy!

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