  • Thirst quenching

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    1. Water or other beverages( lemonade1, tea, kvass, beer, etc.) should never be drunk immediately, at a glance;they should be drunk on sips. Doctors of France, for example, are advised to drink even water through a straw. They believe that this way you can completely quench your thirst on the most hot day with one glass of water.

    2. Water, and other nalitkov with ice is best avoided. Experiments have shown that drinking, especially water, at 10 ° C completely quenches thirst.

    3. It is best to drink acidified drinks, since they best quench your thirst.

    4. Do not burden your body with excessive amounts of fluid.

    Experts note that with water loss of 3-5% of body weight, thirst becomes a complete master of the psyche, and 10% loss of water by the body leads to irreversible changes in the human body. Defending yourself from thirst, it is important to know that the main thing is not just how much to drink water, but how to keep it in the body.

    The human body needs fluid. It is necessary for the work of the stomach and life support. Use water should be moderate. Useful for quenching thirst in the bath infusions of medicinal herbs, kvass, lemonades, fruit drinks, julepas, therapeutic teas.

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    Iy & lt;( : The sauna has long been used by residents of Russia with therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. For many centuries, Russians went to the bath for manifestations of colds, radiculitis, skin diseases, etc. And only in the 40s of the XIX century the first reports of Russians appeareddoctors about the therapeutic value of bath procedures, Russian baths are recognized as useful for diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs, gout, rheumatism, eye and ear diseases, obesity, neuroses, arterial hypertension and other diseases

    The bath increases the resistance

    VM Bogolyubov writes: "A Russian bath and a sauna should be considered as a therapeutic and therapeutic exercise.means of nonspecific therapy. The Russian bath is shown primarily in chronic nonspecific lung diseases, including bronchial asthma, with chronic rheumatic diseasesabolevaniya without exacerbation, violations of peripheral blood circulation, arterial hypertension and hypotension.

    Russian bath improves bronchial patency and bronchial drainage, which is beneficial in treating patients with chronic bronchitis and chronic pneumonia. However, the use of baths for these diseases can only be done in the period of remission in the absence of purulent complications. A good therapeutic effect is provided by bath procedures with bronchial asthma with easily flowing

    suffocation. The best action is noted in children. Under the influence of the bath, attacks of bronchial asthma either disappear or become much less frequent. .. Vegetative restructuring and stimulation of adrenal cortex function contribute to the elimination of not only asthma attacks but also rheumatic diseases. Such violations of peripheral circulation, such as varicose veins, obliterating endarteritis, are an indication for treatment in a Russian bath. Hyperthermia with subsequent cooling promotes vegetative restructuring and normalization of peripheral circulation. "

    Based on centuries of national experience and as a result of scientific research, common indications and contraindications to the use of baths, saunas and other similar establishments have been determined. Fans of the bath, who have any of the diseases, must undergo a medical examination before visiting the sauna or sauna. The doctor examines and assesses the mental and physical condition of the ill person, determines the nature and stage of the disease, the degree of risk of unwanted reactions in the case of visiting the sauna( sauna).After taking into account all the circumstances, the doctor will give recommendations on the procedure for taking bath procedures or determine that at the moment the patient can not use these procedures. The doctor will also determine what beverages can be used in the bath, the degree of physical activity that the patient can afford while in the bath;duration of rest, load, will appoint other medical procedures, and so on. The list of indications and contraindications for the use of bath procedures is quite detailed..

    General indications for prevention: restoration of functions, relaxation effect, strengthening of anti-stress mechanisms, training of thermoregulatory mechanisms, improvement of psychoemotional and social adaptation, strengthening of immunity and protective abilities of the organism, prenatal preparation during normal pregnancy.

    General indications for medicinal purposes: a tendency to chronic colds, chronic nonspecific diseases of the respiratory tract, vegetative and psychosomatic dysfunctions, autonomic disorders of the cardiovascular system, hypotension and transitory stage of hypertension, chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders of fat metabolism,chronic skin diseases, chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, chronic inflammationsalitelnye disease urinary organs, ovarian dysfunction and sterility in women, menopausal syndrome( if portability hyperthermic treatments).

    Relative contraindications: age over 60 years( if the patient has not visited the bath before), chronic inflammatory diseases with the danger of their exacerbation and frequent relapses, chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation, hypertension with systolic blood pressure over 220 mm Hg. Art.and diastolic pressure exceeding 120 mm Hg. Art.without organic changes on the part of the heart, urolithiasis and urolithic diathesis.

    Absolute contraindications: fear and negative attitude towards visiting the sauna( sauna), all acute

    and accompanied by fever, chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation, general atherosclerosis with organic damage to somatic organs, persistent arterial hypertension with arterial pressure over 200 mm Hg. Art.and organic changes on the part of internal organs, infections and contagious diseases, bacilli and parasitic diseases, active tuberculosis, propensity to develop profuse bleeding, postthrombophlebitic syndrome lasting not less than 3 months, danger of embolism;labile form of diabetes mellitus with periodic and persistent acidosis, cachexia and severe syndrome of impaired absorption, severe chronic alcoholism with impaired social adaptation, chronic kidney disease with significant urinary sediment, hyperthyroidism and hypertoxicosis with organ damage, secondary glaucoma and ocular hypotension, psychoses and psychopathy, epilepsy, severe vegetative disorders with frequent decompensation, age over 70 years and some others, particularly oncological diseases, ischemicdisease with angina, myocardial infarction, mitral stenosis, pulmonary heart.

    To make a bath, it should be visited only in the absence of contraindications and with the observance of a gentle bath regime. For example, you can not bathe at high body temperature, colds( pronounced), high blood pressure, with pain in the heart, during all illnesses in the acute period.

    With the correct use of the bath, the body is shaken, rejuvenated, it has a strong sense of urgency, and there are several elementary rules of behavior in it: it can only be in the steam room in a horizontalposition and operate with a broom should be moderately, no more than 5-7 minutes. Advant to the bath procedures the core should be cautious, gradually

    Indications for visiting the bath with diseases of the cardiovascular system: vegetative-vascular dystonia, myocarditis andOther organic heart diseases without signs of inflammatory process activity, ischemic heart disease without angina pectoris with compensated blood flow, conditions after myocardial infarction in stage III of rehabilitation

    Relative contraindications: stage I - II hypertensive disease according to WHO classification with systolic blood pressure over 140 mm Hg(categorically forbidden cooling in cold water), compensated hyperthyroidism, unstable angina.

    Absolute contraindications: acute myocardial infarction in stage I-II of rehabilitation( up to 6 months), stage III hypertensive disease and malignant hypertension with systolic pressure over 200 mm Hg.cardiomyopathy with increased resistance in the small circle of blood circulation, acute inflammatory lesions of the cardiovascular system, general atherosclerosis with organ damage, acute thrombophlebitis with venous insufficiency, ischemic pathology of the lower extremities of the third stage, a sharp decrease in body weight, a tendency to bleeding,heart disease in the stage of decompensation.

    - It should be noted that taking steam bath procedures with the use of hyperthermia and douches with cold water has a great influence on the restructuring of the circulatory system. Particularly significant changes in the heart and blood vessels are found in people first visiting the Russian bath. Repeated visits have a training effect on the cardiovascular system and respiratory function.