The importance of a bath for hardening an organism
Bath is of great importance for tempering the body, in this it is of great practical importance. With the help of a bath, it is possible to achieve adequate responses of blood vessels to the effects of the external environment. This improves the adaptability of the organism to the surrounding often changing conditions, including high and low temperatures. Athletes and athletes( as well as other people) visiting the bath, the probability of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, paranasal sinuses and lung tissue decreases.
Bath is one of the preventive methods that increase body hardiness. The main importance of a bath as a means of maintaining a good physical form is its effect on the cardiovascular system, the load on which( with a constant visit to the bath) contributes to its strengthening. The temperature and duration of stay in the steam room, the way and degree of cooling, the number of visits to the steam room, the total duration of the procedure, the frequency of visits to the bath - all this hardens primarily the cardiovascular system. The bath gives a load and has a training character. It is believed that the effect of the bath( sauna) on the cardiovascular system can be compared with the influence of running on it at a distance of 3000 m. The bath has the same specific effects on the body as running: the change in the level of metabolism, muscle activity, etc. Of course, running in comparison with the sauna is more complex.
Sauna( bath) has a tonic effect on the human psyche, and therefore bathing very
is useful for athletes, athletes, people engaged in manual labor, it brings relief for pain in the muscles and joints that arise after stress, causes emotional relaxation, deepens sleep, improves appetite, which leads to a good mood and well-being.
Sauna( sauna) is also used to relieve fatigue, especially among athletes, which they often combine with high emotional stress. In this case, it is better to visit the sauna soon after heavy loads, but the regime in the bath should then be moderate.
Sports, physical work, and sometimes even simple physical activity often lead to injuries. Comprehensive studies show that the bath helps to heal injuries more quickly, in particular, such as joint stretching, various kinds of muscle ruptures, ligaments, inflammation of the periosteum, etc. The bath quickly exudes exhausted muscles from the state of stupor;bath heat has a profound effect on muscle tissue, stimulating them, improving the supply of blood, speeding up metabolic processes, quickly cleansing them from the end products of metabolism. In muscles, the level of lactic and uric acids is significantly reduced.
The bath helps to get back to normal and with overtraining, with heavy physical exertion and emotional overload. The bath is useful even to such sportsmen who do not subject themselves to physical overloads, for example engaged in shooting sports. It is established that bath procedures positively influence the functional properties of visual analyzers - after the bath, visual acuity is increased, the light sensor
increases by almost one third. Bath helps to concentrate attention and relieves excessive muscle tension when shooting. Bath procedures help to get rid of muscle shaking.
Often after training or physical work, a breakdown is felt. In this case, the expert in bathing procedures F. Teleshov gives the following recommendations: "Three visits to the steam room. Each for 5-7 minutes. And always under a cold shower( temperature 13-15 ° C).But the cold procedure should be short-term - 20-40 seconds, no more. And then for 1.5-2 minutes shower or bath( temperature 37-39 °).And finally, 5-7 minutes to rest in the locker room, it is best to lie down, or calmly swim in the pool( temperature 26-27 °). "
From the methodological point of view, it should be remembered that the bath is a certain load, the degree of which depends on the intensity of heating and cooling, their duration, the number of repetitions of these procedures, the frequency of visiting the sauna, etc. In addition, one should take into account the tolerance of the bath to individual people and their abilityaddictive to the bath. The length of stay in the bath and the volume of procedures used are always strictly individual.
To take a bath is most useful in the evening hours, so that soon after that you could go to bed. If the bath is visited during the day, it is useful after the bath to have a 2-3-hour rest lying down, which can be accompanied by a short sleep *
There are restrictions to visiting the sauna boxers. They can visit the bathhouse not earlier than 24 hours after the competition. This is due to the possibility of internal hemorrhages during the battle of
( including the brain), and the bath can prove dangerous to life. Such a risk can be in other sports, especially if the classes are accompanied by various kinds of hemorrhages, bruises, especially the head.
You should not abuse staying in a sauna for athletes who do not want weight loss. You should carefully visit the bath after the loads, accompanied by heavy sweating. It is undesirable to visit the bath after taking a large amount of food, it is better to do it 1,5-2 hours after eating. And the food should be easily digested. But you should not visit the bath on an empty stomach.
One of the main purposes of the sauna( namely Russian) is its use for hardening. The Spanish physician Ribero Sanchez, mentioned earlier, wrote in the 18th century: "My sincere desire extends only to the testimony of the superiority of the Russian baths before the ancient Greeks and Romans and before the Turks now in use, both for the preservation of health and for the cure of many diseases".V. Ivanchenko believes that the Russian bath of an overseas physician was struck with its individual hardening effect.
From the point of view of the quenching effect with the Russian bath, the now very fashionable and widespread Finnish sauna can not be compared. Compared to the Russian sauna, the Finnish sauna has several disadvantages, the main one of which is high temperature and low humidity, which leads to overdrying of the upper respiratory tract: dryness of the mucous membranes of the throat, bronchi and even deeper airways, as well as dry skin.
Russian sauna gives the possibility of uniform warm-up, which is very important for hardening. It does not overdry the mucous, after the Russian bath( if it is properly taken) does not hurt the head, breathing normalizes, a deep healthy sleep sets in. Its merit is that it can almost achieve the desired temperature and humidity of air with the accuracy of pharmacy.
The essence of the hardening effect of the Russian bath is the strict observance of the contrast cycle: heating - cooling - rest. The first cycle is heating. The orientation of finding the optimal time of stay in the steam room is well-being. As soon as the steamer feels uncomfortable and sees profuse sweating, he must leave the steam room and start cooling( with the help of the shower, in the pool, in the air, in the snow, etc.).After cooling, rest is necessary. This cycle can be repeated 2 to 5 times, depending on the individual characteristics of the person: the habit of bath, health, age, the presence of diseases, etc.
According to V. Ivanchenko, the optimal quenching effect can be achieved by staying in the steam room for 10-15 minutes, following the same cooling and a 20-30-minute rest. You need to visit the steam room 2-3 times, and trained steamers - 4-5 times.
For a long time under hardening we understood the training of the organism when changing different temperatures;even easier is to accustom yourself to the cold. But now the problem of hardening is seen much wider and deeper.
In the modern understanding, hardening is the adaptation of the organism to such highly delicate
factors as different humidity of air, fluctuations in oxygen content in the atmosphere, etc.
These factors cause changes in the system of respiration, circulation, skin, skeletal and other muscles, in the digestive, endocrine, urogenital and other systems.
Russian bath helps to adapt to a variety of environmental conditions, training the nerve receptors that perceive the irritation of the environment.
Bath increases the general tone of the body, strengthens its immunity in the fight against negative influences of the environment, with certain diseases, including infection. Bath is considered, first of all, as an effective method of heat treatment.
A great deal of attention was paid to the questions of "the diversity of various regulations and their integration" in the human organism in the works of the Russian scientist AS Zalmanov. He wrote: "For thousands of years, the human and animal organism has been able to adapt to huge temperature changes. The northernmost peoples living beyond the Arctic Circle, like their deer and dogs, spend their lives and work at temperatures that reach -60 ° C.Bedouins, Indians and other inhabitants of the tropical and equatorial regions live and work at temperatures pax exceeding +40 ° C, while maintaining their body temperature of 36.6-37 ° C.This means that in the central nervous system there is a center of thermoregulation, which is placed in the medulla oblongata. "
It is this center that undergoes active training in bath procedures and then, under usual conditions, reacts more efficiently to temperature changes from
, contributing to faster adaptation of the organism to changes.
It has been established that the air quality has an enormous influence on the body, especially the oxygen content in it, which varies depending on the temperature and humidity of the air. With increasing temperature and humidity, the amount of oxygen decreases, and vice versa. With a significant increase in air humidity, the human body is deprived of a huge amount of oxygen and its pulmonary alveoli are filled with water vapor.
Poorly adapted to such conditions, the body suffers, and in some cases this condition can lead to tragic consequences. Regulation of adaptation processes is carried out by the respiratory center located in the medulla oblongata. It is this regulation that makes it possible to survive "in dangerous conditions" of oxygen starvation when it is heavily reduced in the air.
People who regularly visit the bath and use the steam room are much less likely to experience difficulty breathing with high humidity and high temperatures, especially if both of these factors act simultaneously on the body.
Strangely enough, but a regular visit to the sauna trains and other regulatory centers that ensure the normal operation of the digestive, circulatory, lymphatic and other systems.
And "if all regulatory centers function normally, then all microbes and viruses become harmless. Remember the history of all the epidemics and specifically the history of the plague, cholera, Spanish flu epidemic in 1918, and you will see a strange statistic of the
tic that never attracted the attention of researchers. During the epidemics of cholera and plague, the number of dead and diseased never exceeded one-third of the population. Historians of medicine and microbiologists call this phenomenon innate immunity. .. ".Zalmanov gives another explanation to this phenomenon: "... this stability was a consequence of the long-lasting stability of the structures and functions of the regulatory centers," which means that such stability is practicable, including with the help of bath procedures.
Zalmanov believes that the numerous centers of various regulations depend on the normal amount, the normal composition of the liquids that irrigate these centers;blood, lymph, extra- and intracellular fluid media. In the blood, for example, there are alkaline reserves, "like a tampon, protecting blood from acid disorders that can cause death. Without a vigilant, vigilant regulation of the alkaline reserve, a person's life is unthinkable. Sweating, regulating body temperature, which prevents significant temperature deviations, would be impossible without central regulation. "
So, the normal vital activity of the body depends on the centers of regulation, which are trained, including with the help of bath procedures, provided, of course, the correct use of them. In particular, as a result of bath procedures, these fluids in the body change their composition, are actively involved in the purification process to remove harmful substances and final products of metabolism from the body.
It is established that the important factor of occurrence of various forms of diseases are the times of
personal forms of fatigue;muscular, nervous, acoustic, optical, thermal, digestive, intellectual, emotional, sexual. To remove fatigue, overwork, even physical, does not always succeed in rest. The bathing procedures practically remove all kinds of fatigue, especially nervous, muscular, emotional.
The words "Healthy spirit - in a healthy body" have a direct relationship to hardening, or vice versa - feeding has a direct bearing on this truth.
For the formation of a healthy hardy person, the main condition is perhaps an early tempering of the body. S. Kneip, the famous German scientist, the author of the book "My Hydrotherapy", which has withstood hundreds of reprints in Germany and practically all countries of Europe, including in Russia, wrote: "Oh, if all mothers are possible earlier and deeper imbued with their task, understood the responsibility that fell on them, and did not miss the opportunity to use any kind advice on the early tempering of the bodies of their pets! "
The main means of hardening Kneipp considered water. In the book mentioned above, he listed the simplest, but in his opinion, effective means of hardening: walking barefoot, walking on wet grass, on wet stones, but freshly fallen snow, walking in cold water, cold washing hands and feet, washingknees( with a general dousing of the body or without it).
Of course, before exposing yourself to extreme water procedures, you need to consult a doctor, especially those who are prone to colds. Many such extreme procedures are contraindicated, they can lead to exacerbation of diseases.
What is useful for walrus? Scientists say that by applying this procedure, the body's oxygen demand is increased 6 times( !).In people taking water treatments for a long time, the body temperature after bathing is reduced to 34 ° C and restored only after 30 minutes. The heart rate decreases by 10-15%, the thermoregulation of the body increases and becomes more economical.
But to get used to extreme water procedures in our time in the city is very difficult. The fact is that the addiction to the cold is even genetically conditioned, transmitted from generation to generation. Interesting information in his book leads Yu Gusho. In 1959, an American expedition recorded that Australian Aborigines sleep naked at an air temperature of 0 ° C on bare ground. Scientists of the expedition argue that such insensitivity to cold aborigines reached due to forced malnutrition or simply starvation in a cold climate and in the absence of clothing. This resistance of the aborigines to the cold is "a vivid example of almost limitless possibilities of human adaptation to external conditions," including extreme ones.
In order to carry extreme cold procedures to a modern person living in comfortable conditions, you need at least the will( desire), good health and the gradualness of Accustoming. It is good to observe the normal food regime. Scientists say that the cold is easier to tolerate and people who eat mostly vegetarian food get used to it more quickly.