  • Clay masks

    Most often, white, blue and green clay are on sale. Less often on the shelves of shops and pharmacies you can see red, yellow and gray-black clay.

    Cosmetic clay is available in the form of a powder in bags from the calculation of a sachet for one face mask. Currently, clays with additives, for example, echinacea, green tea, ginseng, are also quite popular, which enhances the therapeutic effect of clay. Sometimes the clay powder is also added crushed pine nut shell, which enhances the cleansing effect of the mask. Such clay can be sold under the name "mask-scrub".And now briefly about what distinguish different types of clays: White clay( kaolin) - the most common, is rich in silica, zinc, magnesium. Masks made of white clay reduce itching, irritation of the skin, improve blood circulation. In the masks mainly use white clay. Kaolin is suitable for thin, fading skin.

    Blue clay contains all the mineral salts and trace elements our body needs, and the blue clay contains all the fruits and vegetables in terms of

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    minerals. Blue clay is most often used in medicine, it is used to activate blood circulation, enhance the process of metabolism in skin cells, as an anti-inflammatory, purifying and disinfectant. The popularity of blue clay is so high that it was mined in tsarist Russia and sold quite expensive abroad. Blue clay tones up the skin, increases its elasticity, helps to retain moisture in the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles. Blue clay is suitable for all skin types.

    The so-called blue "Cambrian clay" deserves special attention. Its name is due to the fact that it is extracted from a depth of more than 40 meters from the surface of the soil, and this layer corresponds to the Cambrian era in the history of our planet.

    Cambrian clay has a rich mineral composition( high content of coalinite, hydromica, chlorite, etc.);this is very important, because it is proved that clay, which contains a complex of trace elements, is more effective than the same minerals taken separately.

    Green clay contains iron oxide, magnesium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, silver, copper, gold. In cosmetology is used to treat hair and scalp. Green clay possesses high antibacterial properties, tones up the skin, stimulates the regeneration of its cells. After applying drugs from green clay, the skin becomes more fit, elastic, young. Green clay removes the puffiness of the skin, smooths wrinkles, helps to narrow the pores. This kind of clay is ideal for deep cleansing of the skin.

    Red clay contains admixtures of the hematite mineral, alumium-magnesium, iron, potassium, copper. Red gaina removes allergy, and therefore is most suitable for sensitive, prone to frequent reddening of the skin.

    Yellow clay is rich in iron, potassium, in its composition has sodium and sulfur compounds. Yellow clay can excrete toxins and saturate the skin with oxygen. Most suitable for fading skin.

    Gray-black clay has such a color because of the content of carbonaceous substances and iron in it. Gray-black clay has toning and moisturizing properties, so it is most suitable for dehydrated dry skin. This type of clay is used to rejuvenate the skin.

    Warning! Do not use clay for thyroid disorders. With varicose veins and hypertension, mud anti-cellulite wraps can not be performed.

    Clay mask

    During clay mask preparation, contact of metal and clay is undesirable. Therefore, it is better to use a bowl not metal but ceramic, glass or plastic, and a spoon - plastic or wooden. For ease of use, a small bowl should be chosen, and a spoon, on the contrary, should be larger to make it easier to knead the lumps.

    The clay mask is made as follows:

    1. Clay should be applied to clean, moist, steamed skin. Therefore, before applying the mask, you should wash with the gel for washing.

    2. Make a short-term steam bath.

    3. Wet the skin with a towel.

    4. Before applying the mask, the skin around the eyes and lips, as well as especially dry areas of the skin, should be lubricated with a cream.

    5. Prepare the mixture. For this 2-3 tbsp.l.clay powder pour into a non-metallic container. If you have dry skin, then in addition to dry clay, you can add a few drops of olive oil - this will help you avoid drying the skin. Dilute clay warm, but not hot water. Water to pour a thin

    trickle, gradually, gently stirring the clay. Such care is needed not to pour too much water and to avoid the formation of lumps. If the lumps are still there, mash them with a spoon. The finished clay mask should be homogeneous and have a consistency of thick sour cream.

    6. Apply the mask to the skin using a brush or cotton pads. To sustain 10-15 minutes.

    7. During the action of the mask, skin areas that dry out before others, wet with a wet cotton disc.

    8. When the duration of the mask is over, rinse the mask with warm water, using a cellulose sponge or cotton pad.

    9. Rinse your face with cool water, get soaked with a towel.

    10. Apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

    Clay masks can be applied not more often 1-2 times a week in order to avoid excessive dehydration of the skin.