  • Oladonizing

    eye. The elbow is a little bit to the left, the fingers of the hand lie on the forehead and are turned slightly to the right. Place your right hand now with your little finger across the base of the four elongated fingers of your left hand. The hands form something similar to the inverted Latin letter "V".The palms of the hands as a result turn out to be folded crosswise in such a way that the joints of the first phalanx of little fingers are superimposed on each other. Take care that your hands do not touch the closed eyelids and do not exert any pressure on the eyeballs, which would cause eye strain. For this palm should be folded cup.

    To check if the palms are pressed against your eyes, open and close your eyes several times under the palms of your hands. This should be free, without any interference. The intersection of the bases of the little fingers forms, as it were, the eyelet of the spectacles and should, accordingly, be located where the eyebrow is usually located on the bridge of the nose. The cavities of the palms with this themselves will settle just above the eyes.

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    Make sure that this bow gets on the hard part of the bridge of the nose, and not on the cartilaginous, so as not to interfere with breathing, as oxygen supply, as you know, plays an important role in improving vision.

    Comment. Keep the eyes closed during padding, paddling is a rest time, and the eyes are best resting when they are gently covered. The less light you will make to the eyes, the more relaxation you can achieve. Usually people, trying to exclude light from falling under the palms, strongly press them to the face. Remember: no tension in your hands! Hands should be relaxed. Eliminate any tension in the fingers, relax your wrists, elbows. To do this, place your elbows on your knees or on the table so that your neck forms a straight line with your spine. You can also put a pillow on your knees, and the elbows on your pillow. If you need to lean forward, bend at the waist, but keep straight in the spine and neck. Do not hold your head at the expense of neck tension. If you are making a paddling while sitting at a table, in any case, do not bend your neck, do not break it in, do not slouch and hump your back, as is usually the case with improper performance of the exercise. In this situation, you not only quickly get tired, but also squeeze the blood vessels that pass through the neck and supply the blood to the brain and eyes. The effect in this case will be rather negative. The correct approach is this: you need to bend in the lower back, pushing a little stool from the table so that the spine and neck are on the same straight line. Thus, you maintain a correct posture and avoid unnecessary strain.

    Now turn your face, without taking your hands off your eyes, towards some bright light source. The eyes under the palms are open, and now you can see where the light comes from under the palm of your hand. Correct the flaws in the position of the palms, sliding them relative to each other. Close your eyes under your palms and make sure there is no tension in your eyelids and eyebrows. In the course of time, remembering this optimal position of hands for you, you will learn how to correctly make paddles without light sources. Experience shows that the position of the palms of each person will be individual: try to find their position, which is acceptable for you.

    If you prefer to do padding lying on your back, then without a pillow under your elbows you will very soon feel a tension in your hands that will destroy the purpose of your training - get rid of just the tension. Then you better turn over on your stomach and lie face down. The rest of the paddling is done just as if you were lying on your back. Such a situation - with a face and closing your eyes with your hands - can be found among the exercises of yoga for relaxation.

    Next. When starting padding, it would be useful to pre-warm your palms. This is necessary, firstly, because the warm palms are more pleasing to the skin

    faces than the cold ones. You have already learned that any inconvenience, any unpleasant sensation is tension, and any tension is an obstacle on your way to improving your vision. Therefore, such obstacles should be avoided if possible. Secondly, warmed palms strengthen blood circulation in the eye area.

    To warm your palms, you will just have to hold them for a while under hot( but not too) water. Even better, if you apply your skills to increase blood circulation in certain parts of the body( in this case in the palms of your hands).Then, vigorously rub one hand on the other or for some time with a strong grip your fingers. The inflow of heat to the hands is also facilitated by their short-term massage.

    However, in the hot season it is better to rinse the hands with cold water beforehand, keeping them in such a damp condition and during padding. You can, using this exercise, use two pieces of damp cotton fabric, using it as a padding between the palms and the face.

    In order to understand and assimilate a number of fundamental principles of the psyche's activity during the debugging, you will have to carefully read what we will say next.

    The most difficult activity in your entire workout is brain activity. By itself, the exclusion of light is often sufficient to achieve a significant degree of relaxation. And yet, even with the eyes closed, when the light is completely excluded, the visual centers of the brain can still remain excited, and the eyes can still strain in the false effort of looking. And then, instead of relaxing, the tension can still increase.

    Instead of seeing the visual field so black that you can not see, remember, imagine anything blacker than it( and this is exactly the kind of vision that the optic nerve is not exposed to light), a person will constantly see changing illusionslight and color - from not quite black to kaleidoscopic flashes of different colors. At the same time they are so bright that it seems that the eye actually sees them. All these kaleidoscopic flashes are the result of mental stress. The basic rule here is this: the worse the state of vision, the more vivid and numerous are these manifestations. Nevertheless, for some people with very poor eyesight, it is almost perfect to do palsy from the very beginning, and through this very quickly heal.

    Your goal is to see a completely black field. The degree of blackness that you can achieve shows the depth of your relaxation.

    Many people during the pilling process concentrate their thoughts on their eyes, on their muscles and somehow work with them. This is mistake. Do not try to understand or feel your eyes. Do not pay attention to the eyes as physical, material bodies, because they almost do not yield to strong-willed management. If you sit, looking mentally inside your eyes, then you will destroy the purpose of your studies.

    Any deviation in the activity of the psyche or body, such as despondency, depression, fatigue, hunger, excitement or anger, makes it difficult to see the black field during paddling. People who can perfectly see black under normal conditions are often unable to do this without help, when they are sick or are experiencing some kind of pain.

    What you think about during debugging is very important for achieving your goal - relaxation of the psyche. As a rule, successful puncturing involves the knowledge of other ways of relaxation. Simply covering the palms of closed eyes is useless, if this does not achieve a state of rest of the psyche.

    When you can ideally make a peg, you will see the field of view so black that it will be impossible to remember, imagine or see anything blacker. When you achieve this, your vision will become normal.

    It is not possible to see absolutely black if you are freezing, if the vision is not perfect, since this is possible only when the psyche is at rest. However, some people can easily approach the blackness of a degree that is sufficient to improve their vision. Those who can not see even something close to black during the punctuation can usually see instead of it floating gray spots, some flashes of light - red, violet, blue, green, yellow. Sometimes, instead of a stationary black field, only black clouds are seen moving along the field of view. Often blackness is visible only a few seconds, and then it is replaced by some other color.

    In such cases, the recall of a black object can help. It is necessary to look at this object from a distance from which its color is best seen. Try to remember and absorb this color in yourself. Then you need to close your eyes and remember this color. Repeat this until the imaginary becomes equal to what you saw. Then, still holding the black memory, it is necessary to cover the closed eyes with the palms of the hands described above. If the memory for black is ideal, then the entire background will be black. If this fails and the background does not become so after a few seconds, you should open your eyes and look again at that black object. Many people can almost perfectly see black in this way for a short time. But most of them, even those who have vision are not very bad, have trouble seeing black for a long time.

    In such cases, it is impossible to remember clearly the black, if it was not clearly seen before. If a person saw black indistinctly, the best thing that he can achieve, it's just as indistinct to remember it.

    Blind people usually have great difficulties in seeing black, rather than people seeing. But they can be helped by the memory of some black object that they know before losing sight, and a mental representation of it. Dr. Bates tells of a blind artist who at first, trying to do pamping, saw all the time only gray. But, remembering the black paint, he later could see black. He had absolutely no perception of the light, which caused him terrible suffering. But

    when he achieved success in the vision of black, the pain subsided and, opening his eyes, he saw the light. This is the power of this method.

    Even a not very clear recollection of black turns out to be useful, because with its help it will be possible to imagine, and therefore, to see the shade even more black, which, in turn, will lead to further progress. Then you can imagine the blackness of even greater strength in your mind, and this blacker, in turn, is even more black. Continuing this process, sometimes it is very easy to achieve a perfect perception of black and, therefore, perfect vision. The deeper the shade of the mentally imagined black, the easier it is to remember it when examining, for example, the letters on the checklist, knowing that they are black.

    It's easy to see that some types of black objects are remembered and presented better and easier than others. For many people, black fur, black velvet, cloth or black thread, in the case of tailors, or black paint, if a person is an artist, a typographer and so on, will be such an optimum in comparison with black ink, letters of the checklist and other pessimumsAll these optima are no more black than the pessimums, but it is easier to recall and represent them for the simple reason that any well-known black object is recalled with greater ease than the less familiar, especially in cases where its perception is not sopIt was accompanied by a state of mental stress, as when looking at the letters of the test table.

    Through the memory of black, you can accurately measure the degree of your own relaxation. If this color is remembered in perfection, then the person is completely relaxed. If blackness is remembered almost perfectly, then the relaxation is almost perfect. If the color is not remembered at all, then the person either relaxed a little or is not at all relaxed. Therefore, having checked his ability to recall black, a person can always determine whether he is straining or not. So, he thus gets the opportunity to eliminate the conditions leading to stress. Remember that the state of the psyche, conducive to the recollection of black, can not be achieved by any kind of effort. Not remembrance is the cause of relaxation, but, on the contrary, relaxation should precede remembrance. Recollection is achieved only in the moment of relaxation and remains exactly as long as the causes of stress are eliminated.

    But at the same time, in order to eliminate the causes of tension, one should call to mind a mental representation. And people who, when making punctuation, see brightly colored or colorless spots, sparkles and dots, we will say: instead of thinking about them, try to remember something pleasant-beautiful landscapes, interesting cases that happened to you and brought you joy, or frames of some entertaining film. Or try to imagine such a situation: she( he) strolls along wet sand along the sea coast, splashes waves, seagulls scream, the sun illuminates a pine forest. You will find that such an occupation during the paddling is quite interesting and evokes in memory once experienced, but long-forgotten events. Pleasant, joyful memories and presentations will bring mental and emotional relief. And when you take your hands off your eyes, the world will have to appear brighter to you. You now fully appreciate the truth: how beautifully nothing to do, and then also rest after that!

    Properly performed puncture is one of the best ways to relax all senses, including the visual. When this method achieves perfect relaxation, which is marked by the ability to see an ideally black field, then this relaxation is completely preserved even after opening the eyes. Vision is improved for a long time. However, there are also pain in the eyes,

    headaches and even pain in other parts of the body. Such cases are not uncommon, because relaxation and maintenance of the eyes in a relaxed state is an essential aid not only to the well-being of the eyes, but also to the restoration of the correct operation of the entire system of the human body.

    With a lesser degree of relaxation, a large part of it, when eyes are opened, is lost, and the one that is preserved is kept for a short time. In other words, the greater the degree of relaxation achieved by puncturing, the greater the relaxation is maintained after the eyes are opened, and the more time it lasts. If the maladication was done poorly, you will retain only a part of what has been achieved, and then only for a few moments. Nevertheless, even such an insignificant degree of relaxation is useful, because by means of it one can achieve even greater degrees. The one who from the very beginning was able to make a punctuation correctly, we can only congratulate: either he is okay with vision, or he can very quickly heal it.

    Doctors often scare short-sighted people, saying that they will be blinded if they walk without glasses. All this, we repeat, is not true. If this concerns you personally, then just gently experiment with your vision. At home in your room, take off your glasses, make a peg, then walk around the room looking at familiar things without any effort. Again make a peg. Did your eyes feel relieved? A look without glasses with relaxation is completely different from an arbitrary or forced look without glasses with tension. This method can help those who have real senile vision, because, we repeat, age does not matter. So, Ms. Corbett reports that her youngest patient was 18 months old, and the oldest one was 97 years old. And it's not some tricks, it's just naked facts, like the fact that twice two equals four. You can help anyone who can learn to relax.

    Doing a peg is necessary because it gives the eyes a rest. Rest promotes relaxation of the eye muscles and simultaneously activates the nerve cells of the eyes. In this case, there is a relaxation of those strained muscles that pull their eyes in one direction or another, violating their alignment, so the squint is treated. At the same time, you pour new forces into the optic nerve and the nerves of the retina, and the bloodstream at the same time flushes and removes from the blood vessels all kinds of blockages and slags. Remember: if you do a puncture immediately after loading the eyes with sunlight, then you seem to lock it in them until the retinal nerves absorb it. This gives them strength and health, contributing in many cases to the recovery of sight of the poorly seeing eyes.

    We would not like our readers to get the impression that pancake is a panacea from of all diseases;but we say that if our readers think that it is the universal counteraction of to many diseases, then they will not be so far from the truth.

    On the question of how much time and when to do puncturing, there can be only one answer: little by little, but often. Even if you cover your eyes with your hands for about ten seconds, you will return to them during the busy day a sense of relaxation. You want your eyes to remember the feeling they experienced during this exercise. In doing so, you help ensure that a sense of relaxation will be your need for the rest of your life. In fact, it often turns out that a person who once experienced the amazing sensations that give pals and solarization to the entire nervous system, makes these procedures throughout his later life. It happens as naturally as a person eats when hungry, and sits down when his legs are tired. After all, he does not believe that his legs are becoming somewhat flawed because of the fact that they are tired.

    The use of the eyes in a relaxed state, once they achieve this feeling, will take no more time from you than using them with tension to strengthen your vision. Yes, and you and your eyes in this condition will last much longer. The pancake shows you the way to achieve this state, gives you a feeling that you need to study hard. You do not need to change your personality, you just need to get rid of tension. Then, at full speed, strive forward, with redoubled energy and less fatigue. You have to learn one extremely important thing - the ability to look. The ability to watch is also the ability to see. Hence the power of thought and the power of memory.