  • Sun Treatment

    When a person understands that the sun maintains healthy eyes in good condition and strengthens the weak, increasing the metabolism in them, thus cleansing them of toxins, it can hardly overestimate the utility for the eyes of sunlight.

    Remember that the eyes are an organ designed to perceive light. The eyes need light to see, and they see best in good light. In this case, the weaker the eye, the more light it needs. But weak eyes, despite the fact that they need bright lighting, often can not use it.

    Strengthening the nerves of the retina with the help of sunlight will allow them to work in both weak and strong light. The positive effect of sunlight on the eyes is also manifested in the fact that it significantly enhances the blood circulation in this body saturated with blood vessels. So use every opportunity to turn your eyes to the sun.

    Doctors have always been impressed by the excellent healthy pinkness of a well-solarized retina, in contrast to the usual pallor of the eyes, suffering from lack of sunlight. Sun rays give the eyes a unique beauty, the eyes become shiny, lively, attractive. Nothing else can replace the light of the sun. But the sun will give your eyes, besides beauty, also strength.

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    Well solarized eyes not only shine and shine, but they never water, are not covered by blood vessels, their belly shell is clean.

    People wearing bifocals often tell that they can read the paper in the sunshine, while reading even a large font under artificial lighting is an impossible task for them. As the eyes grow stronger, the need for bright illumination decreases, but even healthy eyes, who have to do work at close range under low light, gradually become tired, and tension builds up in them. Therefore, whichever visual work you have, take care of the eyes, provide them with strong, directional light during the execution of hard work, and not scattered, reflected or painted. If, as it often happens, you do not have the opportunity to adjust lighting in the way you want, then ask for forgiveness from your eyes and compensate for their tension, giving them as much health-improving, soothing, relaxing sunlight as you can.

    Accustom yourself to the bright sunshine, allowing its rays to fall on your closed eyelids. To exclude the possibility of the appearance of tension, it would be nice to slightly turn your head from side to side. When you get used to the bright light, raise the upper eyelid of one eye and look down so that the sun shone on the sclera. Blink if there is such a desire or when you feel that the degree of relaxation decreases. No matter how many eyes are treated with the sun, he will never receive it too much.

    If your eyes experience light hunger and you wear sunglasses, as it is often advised to do to people with poor eyesight, you need to be extremely careful, re-accustoming your eyes to the brightness of light. Eyes that are too sensitive to sunlight are similar to greenhouse plants. They are not exposed to the sun or air, especially when a person wears sunglasses. Such eyes should be accustomed to the bright light gradually. When the eyes in horror recoil from the unexpected and bright, unusual sunlight, the cause of the pain in such cases is not the brightness of the light itself, but something like the shock that a person experiences when suddenly changing the intensity of light. In this situation, you need to calm and relax your eyes in the light.

    Remember: sunglasses are harmful because they starve their eyes, which is why there is not enough light, whereas they should get it in order to function well. Therefore, feed your eyes with sunlight, and they will learn to feel good in any light.

    At first, do solarization, taking sunlight only at the closed eyelids. If you do this every day, at every opportunity, then it will not take long for your eyes to simply demand the brightest sunlight, enjoying it.

    Immediately after each solarization, do padding( immersion in black), which you should take twice as long as solarization. Stop solarization as soon as you feel any unpleasant sensation. Remember the rule: little by little, but often;it is the key to much in yoga.

    Some people, when they first take glasses, have a "spectacle look".But as the eyes improve and eyes develop, the eyeballs return to their place in the orbit, moving forward from the orbit.

    The sun normalizes lachrymation and gives shine to the squirrel eyes and their cornea, while also making the coloring of the iris brighter. Well solarized eyes are beautiful. Persuade your friends to do these exercises.

    Sometimes they ask: can I do solarization through a window glass? Why not? Brightness is what gives rest and strengthens your eyes. Glass does not serve in this case as an obstacle to success.

    German ophthalmologist G. Mayer-Schwickert pointed out that patients with serious eye diseases managed to help by the fact that they began to look with their eyes open in the sun during its sunset. For many years Bates's method has been protecting the need to use sunlight to strengthen any eyes, regardless of whether they are healthy or sick. The practical implementation of his theory produced remarkable results. For our part, we will say that looking at the sun at its rising and dusking is a favorite yogic device that serves to maintain eye health. This will be further discussed.

    Recommendations on the use of the sun as a healing agent for the eye can be found in many ancient Indian treatises. There are references to the healing properties of sun rays and in religious writings. So, in Cakshu Devata the sun is called the god of the eyes. By the way, there are the following words in the Bible: "Light is sweet, and it's nice for the eyes to see the sun".