
Inflammation of the urinary bladder in women: symptoms, treatment, causes

  • Inflammation of the urinary bladder in women: symptoms, treatment, causes

    The most common urological disease, affecting mainly women, is cystitis.

    This is quite an unpleasant affliction, manifested by inflammation of the bladder.

    Because of its acute onset and similar course, strongly disturbing symptoms, cystitis causes many difficulties in patients.

    There is a sharp disruption of the habitual way of life, activity and working mood decrease, and also inflammation of the bladder does not allow normal visits to universities and workplaces.

    Among the existing urological diseases, cystitis takes a leading position. Women suffer from cystitis most often because of the characteristic structure of the internal organs. The female bladder is close to the anus and vagina, from where harmful microorganisms spread.

    With any diseases of the female genitalia, there are some changes in the urinary and excretory system. The inflammatory process of the genitals can provoke a urinary tract disease. Often the etiology of the disease is associated with colpitis or vaginosis. Provocators of female cystitis consider the loss of innocence, active sex life, menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, etc.
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    Concerning cystitis in men, usually the disease does not appear independently, but under the influence of another urological ailment. The disease affects up to 0.5% of the male population. Men suffer from cystitis with prolonged starvation, kidney stones.

    So that the disease does not spread further and does not bring unpleasant consequences, if you find the first signs of cystitis, immediately contact a specialist!

    Causes of inflammation of the bladder

    The disease is most often disturbed in the winter season, at the time of hypothermia. Call it can be various provocateurs, the disease is multifarious. Let's name the main ones.

    The main cause of inflammation of the bladder is called infection. Fungi candida, E. coli, staphylococcus, which are opportunistic microorganisms, can cause this ailment. Infectious infection can be both external and internal. Depending on your lifestyle, infection occurs.

    To be infected can be urogenital or ascending, descending - from the kidneys and ureters, through the urea wall and lymphogenous way. Note that the protective capacity of the bladder is sufficient to combat the causative agent alone.

    This body is protected by phagocytic activity, high urine osmolarity, urine nighttime concentration and other factors. Therefore, bacterial infection is often accompanied by other causes.

    Additional factors of disease occurrence may be:

    • deterioration of the body's protective functions.
    • subcooling.
    • the state of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.
    • presence of kidney stones.
    • non-compliance with hygiene regulations.
    • problems with urine outflow.
    • hormonal dysfunction.
    • rare urinary emptying, which provokes stagnation.
    • prolonged constipation.
    • Inflammation of the kidneys( see symptoms of glomerulonephritis).
    • manipulations of various nature - endourethral and others.
    • continued use of antibacterial drugs and cytostatics.
    • chronic stress and lack of sleep, diet.
    To determine the exact cause of the disease and further treatment tactics will be able to your doctor.

    Read also, signs of cystitis in women.

    Symptoms of bladder inflammation

    In women, inflammation of the bladder can be easily identified by characteristic symptoms. And so, for cystitis are characterized by such signs:

    1. 1) You have frequent urge to go to the toilet. In this case, there is no complete emptying of the bladder. Small portions of urine, along with soreness and urge, is the first sign of a malaise.
    2. 2) There is a pain when urinating, a person may not leave the toilet at all.
    3. 3) In the analysis of urine, a high content of leukocytes is found, which indicates an inflammatory process.
    4. 4) The shade of urine changes, it becomes cloudy.
    5. 5) There is an unpleasant smell, sometimes blood.
    6. 6) There are desires reaching incontinence.
    Quite often, with inflammation of the bladder, symptoms such as fever, nausea, weakness, headache, aches and pain in the muscles do not appear. But when it comes to necrotic or ulcerative form of the disease, then these symptoms are possible.

    See also, treatment of cystitis at home.

    How to treat inflammation of the bladder in women?

    Inflammation of the bladder, the effectiveness of treatment in women largely depends on the form of the disease, and should have a systemic and individual approach. For the beginning, foci of infection are excluded and removed, antibiotics( cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones) and other antibacterial drugs are used to effectively control the pathogens of the disease.

    Also the doctor will eliminate the causes of frequent repetition of the disease, and will write out preparations to stimulate the natural protective properties of the bladder. Vegetable collections are used, for example, for a month at a rate of 1 month.

    Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating medications, as well as antispasmodics are used in treatment. If the patient is concerned about pain, anesthetics are prescribed. It is also important to eliminate the various disorders that have occurred during the outflow of urine. It is recommended to correct your hygiene conditions. Regarding sexual life, doctors advise to refrain from sexual intercourse until a week or two.

    Other recommendations will require abundant drinking, vitamin therapy and the treatment of other diseases. Since cystitis can cause hormonal failure or pyelonephritis, attention should be paid to secondary diseases.

    First of all, the recovery is indicated by the elimination of problems with urination, the elimination of elevated white blood cells in urine and bacteriuria, as well as a return to the habitual way of life.

    To improve your condition with cystitis, you can use folk remedies:

    1. 1) Mint must be collected during its flowering. Approximately a little more than a tablespoon of grass pour a half liters of boiling water. Boil the collection for 10 minutes. Then cool and take a glass three times a day. Treatment - 1 month.
    2. 2) Take a half cup of boiling water and a tablespoon of dill with seeds. Insist collection for half an hour. Drink 1/3 cup three times a day for 2 weeks minimum. Drink the collection better half an hour before eating.
    3. 3) Healing of cystitis will help brewing herb horsetail grass. Collection can be bought at the pharmacy. Pour 250 ml of boiling water two to three tablespoons of herbs. Use the broth three times a day for 3-4 tablespoons inside.
    4. 4) When inflammation helps sporish. Take a little more than a tablespoon of herbs, pour it with a glass of boiling water. Insist, wrapped a saucepan with a warm towel for 2 hours. Drink three times a day on a tablespoon.

    Complications of

    The main complication of acute cystitis is the chronic form of the disease.

    In addition, the complication may be the transition of the infection to any other organs located above or below the bladder. With this complication, increased body temperature and other symptoms are added.


    In preventive measures for inflammation of the urinary bladder, a variety of methods are used. Excellent helps to eliminate stagnant phenomena in the pelvic organs, improve defecation.

    It is necessary to exclude from your diet products that irritate the urinary tract. These include pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, canned goods, chocolate, cheese, nuts, vinegar, alcohol, pepper. Salt is also desirable to reduce in your diet.

    It is necessary to practice regular jogging or physical training, as well as to treat illnesses of the body in time. For the prevention of cystitis, it is recommended that women wash the vagina.

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