
How to allocate the family budget - allocate the family budget

  • How to allocate the family budget - allocate the family budget

    It is commonly believed that it is life that becomes a problem that can destroy the happy life of the family. But life( the way of everyday life) is just the tip of the iceberg. But its underwater part - the family budget - in most cases and is the cause of all the negative moments in life.

    But how to allocate the family budget, so that the matrimonial ship does not sink even in the first years of life together?


    By itself

    While there are no children in the young family, the family budget can consist of three completely independent "wallet": a common, separate husband and a separate wife. In a common "purse", each spouse invests a certain( pre-agreed) amount each month, which is spent on joint household purchases( products, household chemicals, a new TV, etc.).But the expenditure on personal things, as well as the costs of their friends, each of the spouses is already doing from his own "purse".

    Of course, this option is not suitable if one of the spouses was temporarily out of work. In this case, it is better to put all the available money in a "common pot".

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    Host or hostess

    Master and hostess

    It's been said that most of the money for a family is usually obtained by a man. But the woman spends it. After all, it is she who leads the household, creates coziness and looks after the children. The husband usually does not know about such small household matters and therefore can not adequately assess the upcoming costs.

    In families where there is trust, the wife usually does not report to her husband for the purchases made. But even in this situation, major acquisitions( for example, the purchase of a refrigerator) must necessarily be coordinated with their second half.

    If the husband issues money to the wife "under report", there can not be any planning of the family budget( how can the wife know when her husband runs out of money this month?).


    Maintaining the budget

    Since it is not always easy to distribute the family budget, it is possible to "call" for help special computer programs( also called "home accounting") that are easily downloaded from the Internet for free.

    In such a program, you, as a true accountant, will have to keep a record of all your family incomes and expenses on a daily basis( do not forget to take checks with you now in stores).You can also record the upcoming purchases and payments there. By the end of the month, quarter or year, you can only analyze your costs, be horrified by the family "black holes" and adjust the upcoming purchases. Do not forget to make a discount on the seasonality of these or other expenses, and also necessarily put aside a part of the earned money "in a pod"( for large purchases, a trip to leave and other pleasant "trifles").


    Cash that you plan to spend for certain purposes can be decomposed into envelopes. For example, one envelope will store money to buy clothes. Did not keep within the allotted amount? Do not try to "borrow" from another envelope! Better delay the purchase of a new dress until the next paycheck.

    We spend or copy?

    Credit card

    The introduction in our life of plastic bank cards has led to the fact that the expenses of almost all families have increased dramatically. And this is due to the loss of the sense of reality of the money in your charge. In addition, banks are constantly trying to persuade us to spend more than we can afford, offering us various credit cards( even with interest-free first 30-50 days of their use).

    And since you distribute your family budget, when you have a virtual wallet instead of a real wallet, it becomes more and more difficult, you should take several tips:

    • connect to itself the service "Mobile Bank" and SMS-notification - so you can constantly monitor the balance of your funds on the card;
    • specify if there is a bank in which you have a card, the ability to transfer money from it to a deposit( this is like a deposit in a bank - you get a percentage for not using your money for a certain period of time);
    • every month transfer part of your salary( at least 10 percent) to a deposit - so you can save the necessary amount, because you can not withdraw money from the deposit ahead of schedule;
    • going to the store, withdraw money in cash from the ATM and make purchases strictly on the list( otherwise it is very difficult to avoid buying unnecessary things);
    • if your husband and wife have different bank cards, get yourself another third - transfer money to her for the whole family( so they will be easier to control);
    • do not carry bank cards with you, keep them at home "in the farthest corner" so as not to tempt yourself to use them at the appropriate mood;
    • better borrow money from friends, and not at the bank by credit card( so you will take not only a smaller amount, but also avoid paying the accrued interest if you can not return the money to the bank on time after the free date).