  • How to become rich - we become rich

    Do you have a habit of spending the bulk of the money immediately after you received a salary? Well, it will never be possible to become rich. We need to fight this, and stop being a squander. It's easy to say, but how to do it?

    One billionaire once said that modern man has one mistake: since childhood, purchases for him are associated with pleasure, and savings with troubles. It is this kind of thinking that leads to the fact that there are absolutely useless wastes, and life is always short of money. We will learn to save, but this is a direct answer to how to become rich.

    Find the Goal

    The Purpose of Wealth

    Why do you want to learn how to manage money correctly? Just becoming a wealthy person is not a goal. The goal should be quite weighty, otherwise it will be very difficult to save. Remember that the necessary habits can not arise from nowhere. Must be a motivation, a goal - a huge and beautiful. The pleasure to achieve such a goal should be much higher than what you experience, making unnecessary waste.

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    Forget the credit card

    Forget about the credit card

    Try to use the credit card as little as possible, use cash. Even at a psychological level to spend a certain amount, just giving it away from your own hands is much more difficult than pulling a piece of plastic out of your purse. But he even does not look like money at all with his appearance.

    Try not to buy anything on the day you received a salary or simply a large amount of money. Yes, the head will be spinning simply because there is a sense of permissiveness, because you have a normal amount, and you can buy yourself something significant. Only here it is not necessary to do this 6 +, otherwise you will very much regret it.

    Write a list of what you just need to buy. And promise yourself that something outside of this list, you can afford only after you buy all the elements of the list. Usually by that time, salary euphoria is passing, and some money can even be put off.

    Professional goal of

    You have to set yourself some goal related to your profession and purposefully allocate specific amounts of money in order to achieve it. Only, of course, the goal should be such that it leads you to a guaranteed professional growth.

    Here, as you know, everything is simple: the more efficiently you conduct your work, the higher your income will be. It is worth noting that, unfortunately, it does not always happen, but in most cases. When you reach certain heights in the profession, you can talk about one more rule of the rich: do not be afraid of big expenses, you must be afraid of small incomes.

    Do not be a miser


    We are here discussing how to become rich and how to learn how to save, but it's very important not to overdo it and not become too frugal. When a person temporarily restrains himself in everything, then at one point he is not perfect, he simply breaks down and buys himself something completely unnecessary.

    With each of your wages or other income, you have to save a certain amount of money just for nothing, for anything specific. This will allow from time to time to encourage your economy with pleasant purchases.

    Accounting for revenues and expenses

    This advice can be called one of the most important. Most likely, not to find in the world such a millionaire, who would not have kept a detailed account of cash receipts and their spending. There are several options for keeping records: a separate notebook in which you draw a table with graphs, programs for the computer.

    The latter are very convenient, because you do not have to write anything down, count it manually and so on. It is necessary only once from the very beginning to make in the directories all the expenses that can happen to you, and all and sources of income that are available. And then just carry the daily amount for these costs.

    When you end your month at the end of the month, you will be surprised at how much money you spend on completely unnecessary things. In addition, strict accounting helps not to scatter money.

    Strictly in the list

    List compilation

    All products and goods should be purchased only strictly following the list. So you do not buy completely unnecessary trifles, which in their entirety are quite expensive. You should not succumb to such tempting inscriptions like "70% Discount" in case if the product to which it is distributed, you absolutely do not need.

    How to increase money?

    Augmentation of money

    This question excites every person who wants to be rich. Do not know how to increase money? We will have to think seriously about this. And do not think so: when there will be money, then I will think up. This is fundamentally the wrong approach. As statistics show, people who have sharply received large sums of money also lose them dramatically. All because they do not understand how to dispose of them.

    Have you ever tried to do business? Let even simply at the level of life? For example, it's easy to sell some thing you created with your own hands. The fact is that how an entrepreneur thinks is completely different about how a simple man thinks, especially who likes to rub with money.